172 research outputs found

    Closed-loop supply chain models with product remanufacturing

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    Closed-Loop Supply Chain: A bibliometric and visualization analysis

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    Нині підприємства мають бути корисними для суспільства, дбати про навколишнє середовище і водночас отримувати прибуток. І замкнутий ланцюг поставок допомагає їм у цьому. Проте в області «ланцюг постачання замкнутого циклу» бракує бібліометричних та візуалізаційних досліджень. Таким чином, це дослідження представляє бібліометричний аналіз. У результаті аналізу були визначені найбільш продуктивні автори та журнали. Визначено найбільш цитовані дослідження. Були представлені кластери країн та кластери ключових слів. Отримані результати аналізу та їх графічні презентації є актуальними, і вони є основою для кращого розуміння концепції замкнутого ланцюга постачань.В настоящее время предприятия должны быть полезны для общества, заботиться об окружающей среде и одновременно получать прибыль. И замкнутая цепь поставок помогает им в этом. Однако в области «цепь снабжения замкнутого цикла» не хватает библиометрических и визуализационных исследований. Таким образом, это исследование представляет библиометрический анализ. В результате анализа были определены наиболее продуктивные авторы и журналы. Определены наиболее цитируемые исследования. Были представлены кластеры стран и кластеры ключевых слов. Полученные результаты анализа и их графические презентации актуальны и являются основой для лучшего понимания концепции замкнутой цепи поставок.Nowadays, enterprises have to be good for society, to take care of the environment, and to achieve profit at the same time. And the closed-loop supply chain helps them being so. However, there is a lack of bibliometric and visualization research in the area of “Closed-Loop Supply Chain”. Thus, this research aims to present a bibliometric overview to define the current state of scientific production regarding “Closed-Loop Supply Chain”. The review of 807 publications from the Scopus database (1995–2020) was conducted. Two combinations of words with the logical operator (“supply chain” AND “reverse logistics”) were used. The “title, abstract, keywords” field of search in the Scopus database was done. The visualization of the results was made using VOSviewer program to graphically map the material. The study used the co-occurrence of keywords and co-authorship (country) analyses. As a result, the most productive authors and journals were defined. The most cited studies were determined. Country clusters and keywords (co-occurrence) clusters were represented. The obtained results of the analysis and graphical presentations are relevant, and they form the basis for a better understanding of the concept of Closed-Loop Supply Chain

    Coordinating forward and reverse flows of products for a manufacturer-retailer supply chain model

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    In this paper, we formulate and analyze a manufacturer-retailer supply chain model with product remanufacturing. This model takes into account both forward flow of the new product as well as reverse flow of the used product. Specifically, we assume that the manufacturer can control the wholesale price of the new product as well the transfer price of the used product from the retailer while the retailer can control the retail price of the new product and the collecting price of the used product. Under this assumption, we compare and contrast the coordinated scenario vs. the uncoordinated scenario. Managerial insights and a numerical example are illustrated

    Creating a global vision for sustainable fashion

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    Textiles, the fastest growing sector in household waste, have created an exponential rise in the export of second hand clothes (SHC) to overseas markets such as Kenya and Tanzania. Despite the few advantages for the destination markets (eg, enterprise opportunities), this has exasperated a difficult situation for domestic production. Increased cheap imports from Asia have also led to decline in SHC markets, resulting in increased land filling and the associated environmental impacts. Our research proposes remanufacturing fashion from the unwanted SHC, embellishing using local (destination market) craft/design. From literature review conducted, reuse and remanufacture of clothing causes the least impact on energy use and appears to be the most environmentally and socially friendly approach to sustainability efforts. Remanufacture of clothing is currently practiced at niche market levels, for it to have a broader impact; it needs to gain entry into the mass-market retail arena. In the mass market arena, the apparel value chain is organized around several parts with a marketing network at the retail level. Lead firms predominantly construct these value chains, are predominantly located in developed countries, and may be large retailers and brand-name firms, playing a significant role in specifying what is to be produced, how, and by whom. Our goal is to understand how designers, manufacturers and retailers may work together in a remanufacturing process. We present findings from interviews with Tanzanian second hand clothes retailers and artisans, UK fashion remanufacturers and retailers. We discuss the implications on the fashion design process and propose a new product development method for sustainable consumption of fashion. We conclude by reflecting on potential mechanisms of the supply chain integration and how the large multinationals may become engaged. Key words: remanufacturing, design process, supply chain, second hand clothe


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    Dual channel closed loop supply chain (DC-CLSC) is a mathematical model that describes a set of supply chain activities that use two sales channel and used products that have been used by consumers back to manufacturer. In this research, the DC-CLSC model was developed with third-party recycling process and delivery lead time. The model obtained is used to determine the optimal decision variables consisting of wholesale prices, price in the online channel, price from retailers, rewards given to third parties, and the recovery rate. Based on the results of optimal solution and numerical simulation he model obtained is used to determine the optimal decision variables consisting of wholesale prices, prices in the online channel, prices from retailers, rewards given to third parties, and the recovery rate

    Optimal manufacturing-remanufacturing policies in a lean production environment

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    This study analyses a production-management model that considers the possibility of implementing a reverse-logistics system for remanufacturing end-of-life products in a lean production environment (as opposed to models than use EOQ approaches). Decisions variables are identified (including manufacturing and remanufacturing capacities and return rates and use rates for end-of-life products) and optimal policies are determined. Moreover, the structure of these optimal policies is analysed. The conclusion draw is that, in may realistic scenarios, mixed policies (that is, with return rates and use rates strictly between 0 and 1) can be optimal. This conclusion is contrary to results published in earlier studies, which are based on more restrictive assumption


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    The responsbility of protecting the environment rest with all parties, including manufacturers. Therefore, manufacturers reprocess their used products. Mathematically, it can be explained by closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) model. CLSC is a system that is carried out recycling or remanufacturing. In this study, closed-loop supply chain involves manufacturer and two retailers. Manufacturers sell their product directly to consumers and indirectly through retailers. The purpose of this study is to construct an optimal profit function of each actor. With centralized system, the model is a function of price without constraints by notice delivery lead time. The result shows that delivery lead have an impact to profit each actor. The longer delivery lead time decreases the profit

    Reverse Logistics: Overview and Challenges for Supply Chain Management

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    1-7This paper is aimed at introducing the concept of reverse logistics (RL) and its implications for supply chain management (SCM). RL is a research area focused on the management of the recovery of products once they are no longer desired (end-of-use products, EoU) or can no longer be used (end-of-life products) by the consumers, in order to obtain an economic value from the recovered products. This way, RL has become a matter of strategic importance, an element that companies are considering in their decision-making processes related to the design and development of their supply chains. In addition, a description of the implications of RL for SCM will be discussed and, finally, an analysis of some of the opportunities and challenges that RL implies for SCM will be presented.S

    A Pricing Model and Contract Design for Recycling Used Home Appliances in Accordance with the Retailer’s Collecting Method

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    Using the price for recycling used home appliances as a variable in the decision-making process, this paper studies the pricing decision-making process of the home appliances enterprises when a wholesale and retail price for the green home appliances have already been determined in advance. Considering the influences of the effective recycle behavior of the used home appliances to the whole supply chain, a game model about the recycle pricing for the used home appliances is presented in accordance with the retailer’s collecting method. Then a revenue and expense-sharing contract is designed to coordinate the supply chain so as to improve the performance of the green supply chain in terms of the recycle of the used home appliances


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