104 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Problems on HH-graphs

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    Bir\'{o}, Hujter, and Tuza introduced the concept of HH-graphs (1992), intersection graphs of connected subgraphs of a subdivision of a graph HH. They naturally generalize many important classes of graphs, e.g., interval graphs and circular-arc graphs. We continue the study of these graph classes by considering coloring, clique, and isomorphism problems on HH-graphs. We show that for any fixed HH containing a certain 3-node, 6-edge multigraph as a minor that the clique problem is APX-hard on HH-graphs and the isomorphism problem is isomorphism-complete. We also provide positive results on HH-graphs. Namely, when HH is a cactus the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Also, when a graph GG has a Helly HH-representation, the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Finally, we observe that one can use treewidth techniques to show that both the kk-clique and list kk-coloring problems are FPT on HH-graphs. These FPT results apply more generally to treewidth-bounded graph classes where treewidth is bounded by a function of the clique number

    Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs

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    A graph is balanced if its clique-vertex incidence matrix contains no square submatrix of odd order with exactly two ones per row and per column. There is a characterization of balanced graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs, but no characterization by mininal forbidden induced subgraphs is known, not even for the case of circular-arc graphs. A circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of a family of arcs on a circle. In this work, we characterize when a given graph G is balanced in terms of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs, by restricting the analysis to the case where G belongs to certain classes of circular-arc graphs, including Helly circular-arc graphs, claw-free circular-arc graphs, and gem-free circular-arc graphs. In the case of gem-free circular-arc graphs, analogous characterizations are derived for two superclasses of balanced graphs: clique-perfect graphs and coordinated graphs.Fil: Bonomo, Flavia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Guillermo Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; Argentina. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Safe, Martin Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Ciencias; ArgentinaFil: Wagler, Annegret Katrin. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Franci

    Subclasses of Normal Helly Circular-Arc Graphs

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    A Helly circular-arc model M = (C,A) is a circle C together with a Helly family \A of arcs of C. If no arc is contained in any other, then M is a proper Helly circular-arc model, if every arc has the same length, then M is a unit Helly circular-arc model, and if there are no two arcs covering the circle, then M is a normal Helly circular-arc model. A Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of the arcs of a Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc model. In this article we study these subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs. We show natural generalizations of several properties of (proper) interval graphs that hold for some of these Helly circular-arc subclasses. Next, we describe characterizations for the subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs, including forbidden induced subgraphs characterizations. These characterizations lead to efficient algorithms for recognizing graphs within these classes. Finally, we show how do these classes of graphs relate with straight and round digraphs.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures. A previous version of the paper (entitled Proper Helly Circular-Arc Graphs) appeared at WG'0

    On edge-sets of bicliques in graphs

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    A biclique is a maximal induced complete bipartite subgraph of a graph. We investigate the intersection structure of edge-sets of bicliques in a graph. Specifically, we study the associated edge-biclique hypergraph whose hyperedges are precisely the edge-sets of all bicliques. We characterize graphs whose edge-biclique hypergraph is conformal (i.e., it is the clique hypergraph of its 2-section) by means of a single forbidden induced obstruction, the triangular prism. Using this result, we characterize graphs whose edge-biclique hypergraph is Helly and provide a polynomial time recognition algorithm. We further study a hereditary version of this property and show that it also admits polynomial time recognition, and, in fact, is characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. We conclude by describing some interesting properties of the 2-section graph of the edge-biclique hypergraph.Comment: This version corrects an error in Theorem 11 found after the paper went into prin

    Proper circular arc graphs as intersection graphs of paths on a grid

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    In this paper we present a characterisation, by an infinite family of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs, of proper circular arc graphs which are intersection graphs of paths on a grid, where each path has at most one bend (turn)

    Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Given a graph~GG and integers k1k_1, k2k_2, and~k3k_3, the unit interval editing problem asks whether GG can be transformed into a unit interval graph by at most k1k_1 vertex deletions, k2k_2 edge deletions, and k3k_3 edge additions. We give an algorithm solving this problem in time 2O(klogk)(n+m)2^{O(k\log k)}\cdot (n+m), where k:=k1+k2+k3k := k_1 + k_2 + k_3, and n,mn, m denote respectively the numbers of vertices and edges of GG. Therefore, it is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the total number of allowed operations. Our algorithm implies the fixed-parameter tractability of the unit interval edge deletion problem, for which we also present a more efficient algorithm running in time O(4k(n+m))O(4^k \cdot (n + m)). Another result is an O(6k(n+m))O(6^k \cdot (n + m))-time algorithm for the unit interval vertex deletion problem, significantly improving the algorithm of van 't Hof and Villanger, which runs in time O(6kn6)O(6^k \cdot n^6).Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in the proceedings of ICALP 2015. Update: The proof of Lemma 4.2 has been completely rewritten; an appendix is provided for a brief overview of related graph classe

    An approximation result for a periodic allocation problem

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    AbstractIn this paper we study a periodic allocation problem which is a generalization of the dynamic storage allocation problem to the case in which the arrival and departure time of each item is periodically repeated. These problems are equivalent to the interval coloring problem on weighted graphs in which each feasible solution corresponds to an acyclic orientation, and the solution value is equal to the length of the longest weighted path of the oriented graph. Optimal solutions correspond to acyclic orientations having the length of longest weighted path as small as possible. We prove that for the interval coloring problem on a class of circular arc graphs, and hence for a periodic allocation problem, there exists an approximation algorithm that finds a feasible solution whose value is at most two times the optimal

    Recognizing H-Graphs - Beyond Circular-Arc Graphs

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    Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E), a \emph{perfect dominating set} is a subset of vertices VV(G)V' \subseteq V(G) such that each vertex vV(G)Vv \in V(G)\setminus V' is dominated by exactly one vertex vVv' \in V'. An \emph{efficient dominating set} is a perfect dominating set VV' where VV' is also an independent set. These problems are usually posed in terms of edges instead of vertices. Both problems, either for the vertex or edge variant, remains NP-Hard, even when restricted to certain graphs families. We study both variants of the problems for the circular-arc graphs, and show efficient algorithms for all of them