11,972 research outputs found

    Clique-critical graphs: Maximum size and recognition

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    The clique graph of G, K (G), is the intersection graph of the family of cliques (maximal complete sets) of G. Clique-critical graphs were defined as those whose clique graph changes whenever a vertex is removed. We prove that if G has m edges then any clique-critical graph in K-1 (G) has at most 2m vertices, which solves a question posed by Escalante and Toft [On clique-critical graphs, J. Combin. Theory B 17 (1974) 170-182]. The proof is based on a restatement of their characterization of clique-critical graphs. Moreover, the bound is sharp. We also show that the problem of recognizing clique-critical graphs is NP-complete.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Small clique number graphs with three trivial critical ideals

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    The critical ideals of a graph are the determinantal ideals of the generalized Laplacian matrix associated to a graph. In this article we provide a set of minimal forbidden graphs for the set of graphs with at most three trivial critical ideals. Then we use these forbidden graphs to characterize the graphs with at most three trivial critical ideals and clique number equal to 2 and 3.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    Clique Minors in Double-critical Graphs

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    A connected tt-chromatic graph GG is \dfn{double-critical} if G\{u,v}G \backslash\{u, v\} is (t2)(t-2)-colorable for each edge uvE(G)uv\in E(G). A long standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s and Lov\'asz that the complete graphs are the only double-critical tt-chromatic graphs remains open for all t6t\ge6. Given the difficulty in settling Erd\H{o}s and Lov\'asz's conjecture and motivated by the well-known Hadwiger's conjecture, Kawarabayashi, Pedersen and Toft proposed a weaker conjecture that every double-critical tt-chromatic graph contains a KtK_t minor and verified their conjecture for t7t\le7. Albar and Gon\c{c}alves recently proved that every double-critical 88-chromatic graph contains a K8K_8 minor, and their proof is computer-assisted. In this paper we prove that every double-critical tt-chromatic graph contains a KtK_t minor for all t9t\le9. Our proof for t8t\le8 is shorter and computer-free.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in J. Graph Theor

    Weighted network modules

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    The inclusion of link weights into the analysis of network properties allows a deeper insight into the (often overlapping) modular structure of real-world webs. We introduce a clustering algorithm (CPMw, Clique Percolation Method with weights) for weighted networks based on the concept of percolating k-cliques with high enough intensity. The algorithm allows overlaps between the modules. First, we give detailed analytical and numerical results about the critical point of weighted k-clique percolation on (weighted) Erdos-Renyi graphs. Then, for a scientist collaboration web and a stock correlation graph we compute three-link weight correlations and with the CPMw the weighted modules. After reshuffling link weights in both networks and computing the same quantities for the randomised control graphs as well, we show that groups of 3 or more strong links prefer to cluster together in both original graphs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Between clique-width and linear clique-width of bipartite graphs

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    We consider hereditary classes of bipartite graphs where clique-width is bounded, but linear clique-width is not. Our goal is identifying classes that are critical with respect to linear clique-width. We discover four such classes and conjecture that this list is complete, i.e. a hereditary class of bipartite graphs of bounded clique-width that excludes a graph from each of the four critical classes has bounded linear clique-width

    Homogeneous sets, clique-separators, critical graphs, and optimal χ\chi-binding functions

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    Given a set H\mathcal{H} of graphs, let fH ⁣:N>0N>0f_\mathcal{H}^\star\colon \mathbb{N}_{>0}\to \mathbb{N}_{>0} be the optimal χ\chi-binding function of the class of H\mathcal{H}-free graphs, that is, fH(ω)=max{χ(G):G is H-free, ω(G)=ω}.f_\mathcal{H}^\star(\omega)=\max\{\chi(G): G\text{ is } \mathcal{H}\text{-free, } \omega(G)=\omega\}. In this paper, we combine the two decomposition methods by homogeneous sets and clique-separators in order to determine optimal χ\chi-binding functions for subclasses of P5P_5-free graphs and of (C5,C7,)(C_5,C_7,\ldots)-free graphs. In particular, we prove the following for each ω1\omega\geq 1: (i)  f{P5,banner}(ω)=f3K1(ω)Θ(ω2/log(ω)),\ f_{\{P_5,banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f_{3K_1}^\star(\omega)\in \Theta(\omega^2/\log(\omega)), (ii) $\ f_{\{P_5,co-banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f^\star_{\{2K_2\}}(\omega)\in\mathcal{O}(\omega^2),(iii) (iii) \ f_{\{C_5,C_7,\ldots,banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f^\star_{\{C_5,3K_1\}}(\omega)\notin \mathcal{O}(\omega),and(iv) and (iv) \ f_{\{P_5,C_4\}}^\star(\omega)=\lceil(5\omega-1)/4\rceil.Wealsocharacterise,foreachofourconsideredgraphclasses,allgraphs We also characterise, for each of our considered graph classes, all graphs Gwith with \chi(G)>\chi(G-u)foreach for each u\in V(G).Fromthesestructuralresults,wecanproveReedsconjecturerelatingchromaticnumber,cliquenumber,andmaximumdegreeofagraphfor. From these structural results, we can prove Reed's conjecture -- relating chromatic number, clique number, and maximum degree of a graph -- for (P_5,banner)$-free graphs

    On the Existence of Critical Clique-Helly Graphs

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    A graph is clique-Helly if any family of mutually intersecting cliques has non-empty intersection. Dourado, Protti and Szwarcfiter conjectured that every clique-Helly graph contains a vertex whose removal maintains it a clique-Helly graph. We will present a counterexample to this conjecture.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta