496 research outputs found

    Joint Estimation and Smoothing of Clinical DT-MRI with a Log-Euclidean Metric

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    Diffusion tensor MRI is an imaging modality that is gaining importance in clinical applications. However, in a clinical environment, data has to be acquired rapidly at the detriment of the image quality. We propose a new variational framework that specifically targets low quality DT-MRI. The hypothesis of an additive Gaussian noise on the images leads us to estimate the tensor field directly on the image intensities. To further reduce the influence of the noise, we optimally exploit the spatial correlation by adding to the estimation an anisotropic regularization term. This criterion is easily optimized thanks to the use of the recently introduced Log-Euclidean metrics. Results on real clinical data show promising improvements of fiber tracking in the brain and we present the first successful attempt, up to our knowledge, to reconstruct the spinal cord

    Structural Adaptive Smoothing in Diffusion Tensor Imaging: The R Package dti

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    Diffusion weighted imaging has become and will certainly continue to be an important tool in medical research and diagnostics. Data obtained with diffusion weighted imaging are characterized by a high noise level. Thus, estimation of quantities like anisotropy indices or the main diffusion direction may be significantly compromised by noise in clinical or neuroscience applications. Here, we present a new package dti for R, which provides functions for the analysis of diffusion weighted data within the diffusion tensor model. This includes smoothing by a recently proposed structural adaptive smoothing procedure based on the propagation-separation approach in the context of the widely used diffusion tensor model. We extend the procedure and show, how a correction for Rician bias can be incorporated. We use a heteroscedastic nonlinear regression model to estimate the diffusion tensor. The smoothing procedure naturally adapts to different structures of different size and thus avoids oversmoothing edges and fine structures. We illustrate the usage and capabilities of the package through some examples.

    Procrustes analysis for diffusion tensor image processing

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    There is an increasing need to develop processing tools for diffusion tensor image data with the consideration of the non-Euclidean nature of the tensor space. In this paper Procrustes analysis, a non-Euclidean shape analysis tool under similarity transformations (rotation, scaling and translation), is proposed to redefine sample statistics of diffusion tensors. A new anisotropy measure Procrustes Anisotropy (PA) is defined with the full ordinary Procrustes analysis. Comparisons are made with other anisotropy measures including Fractional Anisotropy and Geodesic Anisotropy. The partial generalized Procrustes analysis is extended to a weighted generalized Procrustes framework for averaging sample tensors with different fractions of contributions to the mean tensor. Applications of Procrustes methods to diffusion tensor interpolation and smoothing are compared with Euclidean, Log-Euclidean and Riemannian methods

    On the averaging of cardiac diffusion tensor MRI data: the effect of distance function selection

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    Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) allows a unique insight into the microstructure of highly-directional tissues. The selection of the most proper distance function for the space of diffusion tensors is crucial in enhancing the clinical application of this imaging modality. Both linear and nonlinear metrics have been proposed in the literature over the years. The debate on the most appropriate DT-MRI distance function is still ongoing. In this paper, we presented a framework to compare the Euclidean, affine-invariant Riemannian and log-Euclidean metrics using actual high-resolution DT-MRI rat heart data. We employed temporal averaging at the diffusion tensor level of three consecutive and identically-acquired DT-MRI datasets from each of five rat hearts as a means to rectify the background noise-induced loss of myocyte directional regularity. This procedure is applied here for the first time in the context of tensor distance function selection. When compared with previous studies that used a different concrete application to juxtapose the various DT-MRI distance functions, this work is unique in that it combined the following: (i) Metrics were judged by quantitative - rather than qualitative – criteria, (ii) the comparison tools were non-biased, (iii) a longitudinal comparison operation was used on a same-voxel basis. The statistical analyses of the comparison showed that the three DT-MRI distance functions tend to provide equivalent results. Hence, we came to the conclusion that the tensor manifold for cardiac DT-MRI studies is a curved space of almost zero curvature. The signal to noise ratio dependence of the operations was investigated through simulations. Finally, the “swelling effect” occurrence following Euclidean averaging was found to be too unimportant to be worth consideration

    Automated voxel-wise brain DTI analysis of fitness and aging

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    Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has become a widely used MR modality to investigate white matter integrity in the brain. This paper presents the application of an automated method for voxel-wise group comparisons of DTI images in a study of fitness and aging. The automated processing method consists of 3 steps: 1) preprocessing including image format converting, image quality control, eddy-current and motion artifact correction, skull stripping and tensor image estimation, 2) study-specific unbiased DTI atlas computation via diffeomorphic fluid-based and demons deformable registration and 3) voxel-wise statistical analysis via heterogeneous linear regression and a wild bootstrap technique for correcting for multiple comparisons. Our results show that this fully automated method is suitable for voxel-wise group DTI analysis. Furthermore, in older adults, the results suggest a strong link between reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) values, fitness and aging

    A Convex Semi-Definite Positive Framework for DTI Estimation and Regularization

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a novel variational method for joint estimation and regularization of diffusion tensor fields from noisy raw data. To this end, we use the classic quadratic data fidelity term derived from the Stejskal-Tanner equation with a new smoothness term leading to a convex objective function. The regularization term is based on the assumption that the signal can be reconstructed using a weighted average of observations on a local neighborhood. The weights measure the similarity between tensors and are computed directly from the diffusion images. We preserve the positive semi-definiteness constraint using a projected gradient descent. Experimental validation and comparisons with a similar method using synthetic data with known noise model, as well as classification of tensors towards understanding the anatomy of human skeletal muscle demonstrate the potential of our method
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