16 research outputs found

    Virtual and Remote Laboratories for E-Learning Using EDA Tools

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    Virtual and Remote Laboratories for E-Learning Using EDA Tool

    A Discussion of Thin Client Technology for Computer Labs

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    Computer literacy is not negotiable for any professional in an increasingly computerised environment. Educational institutions should be equipped to provide this new basic training for modern life. Accordingly, computer labs are an essential medium for education in almost any field. Computer labs are one of the most popular IT infrastructures for technical training in primary and secondary schools, universities and other educational institutions all over the world. Unfortunately, a computer lab is expensive, in terms of both initial purchase and annual maintenance costs, and especially when we want to run the latest software. Hence, research efforts addressing computer lab efficiency, performance or cost reduction would have a worldwide repercussion. In response to this concern, this paper presents a survey on thin client technology for computer labs in educational environments. Besides setting out the advantages and drawbacks of this technology, we aim to refute false prejudices against thin clients, identifying a set of educational scenarios where thin clients are a better choice and others requiring traditional solutions

    Web-Based Laboratory Using Multitier Architecture

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    Design and Implementation Issues in a Contemporary Remote Laboratory Architecture

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    MIT has been developing the iLab Shared Architecture (ISA) for remote laboratories since 1998. It has been based around concepts and implementation issues that were in vogue at the time. Recent developments in network architectures and implementation techniques offer opportunities to re-examine the original assumptions, and to contemplate expanded objectives. This paper explores one possible future being explored at The University of Queensland for a remote laboratory architecture based upon the original ideals of MIT’s ISA

    New Architecture of Remote Laboratories Multiuser based on Embedded Web Server

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    Abstract—This paper presents a new architecture for multiuser remote laboratory based on an embedded web server used for experiment with the MCS-51 microcontroller system. The design for the remote lab uses a green computing approach, with the aim of reducing energy consumption, lowering the cost of procurement systems, improving performance and use, and also saving space. The remote lab system uses multi user and multi device architecture to support collaborative work and improve scalability. The design of the remote lab has n modules experiment, and each module can be accessed by a single user or a group which consists of several user. The prototype of a remote lab that has been realized consists of an embedded web server based on Raspberry Pi as the remote lab gateway and 2 experiment modules that are controlled by an embedded web server based on MCS-51 microcontroller. Development of the system is expected to contribute to creating an efficient remote lab that is able to facilitate collaborative work and support green computing. Index Terms—Remote Laboratories, Embedded Web Server, Microcontroller, Multiuser, Collaborative Work, Green Computin

    Integrated Process Control Automation Laboratory with Application of Internet Based Distance Learning

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    This report presents the development of Final Year Project II titled Integrated Process Control Automation Laboratory with Application of Internet Based. Distance Learning. The main objective of this project is to create a system that able to integrate the process control laboratory with internet for distance learning purposes. Considering the fact that cost, time and space are the 3 main issues faced by educators. Thus, a comprehensive web-based learning system is essential to provide students with adequate laboratory experience that will better prepare them for a corporate world where the need for engineers in the quality, service, and information technology industries. The webbased learning system must have the ability to control and monitor the conveyor: system in the laboratory which can easily perform anytime anywhere. This report will explain how the web-based learning benefits the educators and students. Besides, the basic doncept of computer networking has been briefly explained as well. The project work .'had been further broken down into 4 main parts. Communicating the system by using computer via RS232 serial port, controlling the conveyer by using OMRON PLC CQMI H, ;,yhich the users can control the movement of the conveyor, sensing the presence of the obJect on the belt, design a page for students to access this system and lastly testing out the s;Ystem and document a simple manual for maintenance and enhancement purposes. A prdject Gantt chart is attached at the Appendix I to illustrate the work flow and anticipatedi progress. The main page of user interface has been designed. The communication betwe~n PC and PLC has been created and the interface is designed. However, the function~ of these interfaces will be added from time to time for users' benefit. Besides, the flowichart and source code are attached in the Appendix II and Appendix III

    Integrated Process Control Automation Laboratory with Application of Internet Based Distance Learning

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    This report presents the development of Final Year Project II titled Integrated Process Control Automation Laboratory with Application of Internet Based. Distance Learning. The main objective of this project is to create a system that able to integrate the process control laboratory with internet for distance learning purposes. Considering the fact that cost, time and space are the 3 main issues faced by educators. Thus, a comprehensive web-based learning system is essential to provide students with adequate laboratory experience that will better prepare them for a corporate world where the need for engineers in the quality, service, and information technology industries. The webbased learning system must have the ability to control and monitor the conveyor: system in the laboratory which can easily perform anytime anywhere. This report will explain how the web-based learning benefits the educators and students. Besides, the basic doncept of computer networking has been briefly explained as well. The project work .'had been further broken down into 4 main parts. Communicating the system by using computer via RS232 serial port, controlling the conveyer by using OMRON PLC CQMI H, ;,yhich the users can control the movement of the conveyor, sensing the presence of the obJect on the belt, design a page for students to access this system and lastly testing out the s;Ystem and document a simple manual for maintenance and enhancement purposes. A prdject Gantt chart is attached at the Appendix I to illustrate the work flow and anticipatedi progress. The main page of user interface has been designed. The communication betwe~n PC and PLC has been created and the interface is designed. However, the function~ of these interfaces will be added from time to time for users' benefit. Besides, the flowichart and source code are attached in the Appendix II and Appendix III

    Análisis de requerimiento para la implementación de Laboratorios Remotos

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    Los Laboratorios Remotos (LR) como sistemas que utilizan elementos de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) enfocados hacia la educación, están llamados a ser parte integral de aquellas herramientas tecnológicas usadas en la actualidad en el ámbito de la enseñanza. Los avances acelerados de la tecnología han influenciado la manera y forma en cómo se educa, la forma de transmitir la información; en fin, la manera de como el estudiante descubre el conocimiento. La evolución de la tecnología va más rápido que la evolución de la educación. Actualmente debido a los avances tecnológicos la información se encuentra disponible en “todas partes”, en cualquier momento y lugar, caso contrario en algunos entornos de educación donde el estudiante de hoy, el nativo digital convive con teorías y costumbres educativas del siglo pasado o en algunas ocasiones no tiene el tiempo suficiente por limitaciones y disponibilidad de espacios para desarrollar todas las actividades educativas; es aquí donde la implementación de sistemas que utilizan la tecnología para la educación como son los Laboratorios Remotos equilibran la relación educación-tecnología

    Análisis de requerimiento para la implementación de Laboratorios Remotos

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    El componente práctico es realmente importante en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje debido a que este permite que los fundamentos teóricos se afiancen logrando así la aprehensión de los conocimientos en cualquier área del saber. Uno de los elementos de la educación que más aporta al mencionado componente práctico son los laboratorios, el cual visto desde la óptica de la literatura de los años anteriores a los 90’s y del sentido común, se define como un espacio o lugar físico el cual está equipado de dispositivos, instrumentos y elementos de medición donde se desarrollan actividades académicas y/o de investigación, pudiéndose o no acondicionar características de un entorno real de acuerdo al tipo de experimentación. Este tipo de laboratorio en la actualidad es llamado Laboratorios Tradicionales (LT). Hoy en día, en la era digital en que la información es casi ubicua, donde los escenarios formativos que hacen uso de las TIC1 han ido en aumento y las IES2 que las han incorporados en sus proyectos, políticas, metas y estrategias institucionales, se hace importante la implementación de laboratorios remotos favoreciendo el establecimiento de horarios flexibles e ingresos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento para la realización de prácticas