306 research outputs found

    Plyades: A Python Library for Space Mission Design

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    Plyades: A Python Library for Space Mission Design Designing a space mission is a computation-heavy task. Software tools that conduct the necessary numerical simulations and optimizations are therefore indispensable. The usability of existing software, written in Fortran and MATLAB, suffers because of high complexity, low levels of abstraction and out-dated programming practices. We propose Python as a viable alternative for astrodynamics tools and demonstrate the proof-of-concept library Plyades which combines powerful features with Pythonic ease of use

    CSCI 6990

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    There are a number of different aspects of software engineering and software development. Software engineering is not entirely about source code. Like any industrial product, a software product is also developed undergoing a disciplined process and engineering techniques. This course emphasizes on software process, in particular the agile development process, which has drawn tremendous interests and adoption in the industry over the last decade

    No Work Like Rework: Issues In The Design Of A Math Test Sign-Up Application

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    This paper introduces a test sign-up application developed for a math department at a university. The requirements, design, and final software product are presented, along with one very important unexpected problem that arose after completion of the work - the system to be implemented and maintained by the client was not compatible with the platform supported by the client. In spite of the ensuing frustration and challenges, the end result was a success in many ways. In addition, it was a great educational experience for both the students and faculty involved in this project

    Совершенствование цифровой системы прогноза напряженно-деформированного состояния породного массива

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    В статье приведены исследования по совершенствованию апробированной и хорошо зарекомендовавшей себя на практике информационной системы для расчета напряженно-деформированного состояния горных пород и оценки устойчивости выработок.У статті наведено дослідження щодо вдосконалення інформаційної системи для розрахунку напружено-деформованого стану гірських порід і оцінки стійкості виробок, яка апробована і добре зарекомендувала себе на практиці.In the article, the author presents his findings on improving the tested and well-proven in practice information system used for calculating stress-strain state of rocks and assessing stability of workings

    Creación de una guía para la utilización de la arquitectura “clean architecture” en aplicaciones Android con lenguaje de programación Java, utilizando como modelo la implementación de un prototipo de monitoreo deportivo para un equipo de ultimate

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    En este documento se examinan los fallos que presentan las prácticas de desarrollo actual a la hora de escribir aplicaciones que sean sostenibles en un mundo de constante cambio, así como la importancia de esto. Se analizan los distintos patrones de diseño utilizados para la implementación de la arquitectura, además de los principios fundamentales necesarios generar código sostenible. Se definen los principios SOLID, así como la explicación, justificación y uso de cada una de sus partes. Se presenta cómo estos principios son utilizados para promover la mantenibilidad y la adaptabilidad del código a lo largo del tiempo. Se estudian los antecedentes del desarrollo móvil y su progresión con el paso del tiempo, así como las plataformas más comerciales y las tendencias que existen para estas plataformas. Se describen los antecedentes de la arquitectura CLEAN Architecture y cómo se implementa esta arquitectura en el proceso de desarrollo de una aplicación en Android utilizando el lenguaje de programación Java. Se realiza un análisis de los componentes del framework de Android, el uso de cada uno de estos componentes, como son integrados dentro de la aplicación y cuáles son las mejores prácticas de desarrollo en cuanto al uso de estos componentes. El resultado de esta implementación es un prototipo funcional que puede ser utilizado como base para la confección de otras aplicaciones de cualquier índol

    ISICSoo: a class for the calculation of ionization cross sections from ECPSSR and PWBA theory

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    ISICS, originally a C language program for calculating K-, L- and M-shell ionization and X-ray production cross sections from ECPSSR and PWBA theory, has been reengineered into a C++ language class, named ISICSoo. The new software design enables the use of ISICS functionality in other software systems. The code, originally developed for Microsoft Windows operating systems, has been ported to Linux and Mac OS platforms to facilitate its use in a wider scientific environment. The reengineered software also includes some fixes to the original implementation, which ensure more robust computational results and a review of some physics parameters used in the computation. The paper describes the software design and the modifications to the implementation with respect to the previous version; it also documents the test process and provides some indications about the software performance.Comment: Preprint submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Using neural network for simulations to improve the quality of disease diagnosis: Technical aspects

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    Mathematical models are important for the processes of cognition and decision-making. They provide a concise representation of significant relationships in the description of objects and situations. Adding new relationships leads to narrowing the scope of applicability of the model. The formula is an example of a compressed description of a potentially infinite set of objects and situations. Knowledge processing is based on the use of mathematical methods. In this case, it is the most thorough, at least from the point of view of strict logic and consistent formalization. To process knowledge, we must present it in some form that is convenient for analysis. Thus, when analyzing data and knowledge, we do not use them directly, but their representations. Mathematical models of objects and phenomena are an effective way of representation. This is now the most powerful method of cognition of processes, objects and phenomena. Modeling is a special way of scientific research. A mathematical model of an object is a mathematical structure interpreted within a given domain. © 2020, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved