30 research outputs found

    Hypomorphy of graphs up to complementation

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    Let VV be a set of cardinality vv (possibly infinite). Two graphs GG and GG' with vertex set VV are {\it isomorphic up to complementation} if GG' is isomorphic to GG or to the complement Gˉ\bar G of GG. Let kk be a non-negative integer, GG and GG' are {\it kk-hypomorphic up to complementation} if for every kk-element subset KK of VV, the induced subgraphs G_KG\_{\restriction K} and G_KG'\_{\restriction K} are isomorphic up to complementation. A graph GG is {\it kk-reconstructible up to complementation} if every graph GG' which is kk-hypomorphic to GG up to complementation is in fact isomorphic to GG up to complementation. We give a partial characterisation of the set S\mathcal S of pairs (n,k)(n,k) such that two graphs GG and GG' on the same set of nn vertices are equal up to complementation whenever they are kk-hypomorphic up to complementation. We prove in particular that S\mathcal S contains all pairs (n,k)(n,k) such that 4kn44\leq k\leq n-4. We also prove that 4 is the least integer kk such that every graph GG having a large number nn of vertices is kk-reconstructible up to complementation; this answers a question raised by P. Ill

    A note on the edge-reconstruction of K1,m-free graphs

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    AbstractWe show that there exists an absolute constant c such that any K1,m-free graph with the maximum degree Δ > cm(log m)12 is edge reconstructible

    Topics in Graph Theory: Extremal Intersecting Systems, Perfect Graphs, and Bireflexive Graphs

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    In this thesis we investigate three different aspects of graph theory. Firstly, we consider interesecting systems of independent sets in graphs, and the extension of the classical theorem of Erdos, Ko and Rado to graphs. Our main results are a proof of an Erdos-Ko-Rado type theorem for a class of trees, and a class of trees which form counterexamples to a conjecture of Hurlberg and Kamat, in such a way that extends the previous counterexamples given by Baber. Secondly, we investigate perfect graphs - specifically, edge modification aspects of perfect graphs and their subclasses. We give some alternative characterisations of perfect graphs in terms of edge modification, as well as considering the possible connection of the critically perfect graphs - previously studied by Wagler - to the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem. We prove that the situation where critically perfect graphs arise has no analogue in seven different subclasses of perfect graphs (e.g. chordal, comparability graphs), and consider the connectivity of a bipartite reconfiguration-type graph associated to each of these subclasses. Thirdly, we consider a graph theoretic structure called a bireflexive graph where every vertex is both adjacent and nonadjacent to itself, and use this to characterise modular decompositions as the surjective homomorphisms of these structures. We examine some analogues of some graph theoretic notions and define a “dual” version of the reconstruction conjecture

    Recent results and open problems on CIS Graphs

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    On some problems in reconstruction

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    A graph is {\it reconstructible} if it is determined by its {\it deck} of unlabeled subgraphs obtained by deleting one vertex; a {\it card} is one of these subgraphs. The {\it Reconstruction Conjecture} asserts that all graphs with at least three vertices are reconstructible. In Chapter 22 we consider kk-deck reconstruction of graphs. The {\it kk-deck} of a graph is its multiset of kk-vertex induced subgraphs. We prove a generalization of a result by Bollob\'as concerning the kk-deck reconstruction of almost all graphs, showing that when (1ϵ)n2\ell \le (1-\epsilon)\frac{n}{2}, the probability than an nn-vertex graph is reconstructible from some (+12)\binom{\ell+1}{2} of the graphs in the (n)(n-\ell)-deck tends to 11 as nn tends to \infty. We determine the smallest kk such that all graphs with maximum degree 22 are kk-deck reconstructible. We prove for n26n\ge 26 that whether a graph is connected is determined by its (n3)(n-3)-deck. We prove that if GG is a complete rr-partite graphs, then GG is (r+1)(r+1)-deck reconstructible (the same holds for G\overline{G}). In Chapter 33 we consider degree-associated reconstruction. An (n1)(n-1)-vertex induced subgraph accompanied with the degree of the missing vertex is called a {\it dacard}. The {\it degree-associated reconstruction number} of a graph GG is the fewest number of dacards needed to determine GG. We provide a tool for reconstructing some graphs from two dacards. We prove that certain families of trees and disconnected graphs can be reconstructed from two dacards. We also determine the degree-associated reconstruction number for complete multipartite graphs and their complements. For such graphs, we also determine the least ss such that {\it every} set of ss dacards determine the graph. In Chapter 44 we consider the reconstruction of matrices from principal submatrices. A (n)(n-\ell)-by-(n)(n-\ell) principal submatrix is a submatrix formed by deleting \ell rows and columns symmetrically. The {\it matrix reconstruction threshold} mrt()mrt(\ell) is the minimum integer n0n_0 such that for nn0n\ge n_0 all nn-by-nn matrices are reconstructible from their deck of (n)(n-\ell)-by-(n)(n-\ell) principal submatrices. We prove mrt()2ln22+3mrt(\ell) \leq \frac{2}{\ln 2}\ell^2+3\ell

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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