14 research outputs found

    Caracterización multicanal no lineal de señales EMG con la transformada Hilbert-Huang

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    En este documento se presenta una propuesta de caracterización multicanal no lineal y adaptativa de señales electromiográficas de superficie usando la transformada Hilbert-Huang, la cual es una técnica de procesamiento digital reciente basada en la descomposición empírica y la transformada Hilbert propuesta por el Huang et. al [14]. Los resultados obtenidos con esta propuesta (96.6%) mejora los resultados reportados en [10] para 4 movimientos (87.5%) y son muy comparables con la metodología propuesta en [7] para 5 movimientos con la transformada wavelet adaptativa (97.3%).This document present a procedure for non-lineal non-stationary characterization of multichannel EMG signals. Its main key is the novel digital signal processing Hilbert-Huang transform, which is a recent tool for analyzing these kinds of signals based on both the empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert transform

    Caracterización de señales electromiográficas para la discriminación de seis movimientos de la mano

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    En este documento se presenta una metodología efectiva para la caracterización de señales electromiográficas de superficie para la identificación de 6 movimientos de la mano. Se usan diferentes esquemas de la Transformada Wavelet para caracterizar las señales y se emplea el índice de separabilidad entre clases de Davies-Bouldin para la construcción de una Transformada Wavelet óptima. La metodología propuesta logra un acierto promedio superior al 92% sobre la base de datos construida

    Caracterización de señales electromiográficas para la discriminación de seis movimientos de la mano

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    En este documento se presenta una metodología efectiva para la caracterización de señales electromiográficas de superficie para la identificación de 6 movimientos de la mano. Se usan diferentes esquemas de la Transformada Wavelet para caracterizar las señales y se emplea el índice de separabilidad entre clases de Davies-Bouldin para la construcción de una Transformada Wavelet óptima. La metodología propuesta logra un acierto promedio superior al 92% sobre la base de datos construida

    Caracterización de señales electromiográficas para la discriminación de seis movimientos de la mano

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    En este documento se presenta una metodología efectiva para la caracterización de señales electromiográficas de superficie para la identificación de 6 movimientos de la mano. Se usan diferentes esquemas de la Transformada Wavelet para caracterizar las señales y se emplea el índice de separabilidad entre clases de Davies-Bouldin para la construcción de una Transformada Wavelet óptima. La metodología propuesta logra un acierto promedio superior al 92% sobre la base de datos construida

    The Analysis of Surface EMG Signals with the Wavelet-Based Correlation Dimension Method

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    Many attempts have been made to effectively improve a prosthetic system controlled by the classification of surface electromyographic (SEMG) signals. Recently, the development of methodologies to extract the effective features still remains a primary challenge. Previous studies have demonstrated that the SEMG signals have nonlinear characteristics. In this study, by combining the nonlinear time series analysis and the time-frequency domain methods, we proposed the wavelet-based correlation dimension method to extract the effective features of SEMG signals. The SEMG signals were firstly analyzed by the wavelet transform and the correlation dimension was calculated to obtain the features of the SEMG signals. Then, these features were used as the input vectors of a Gustafson-Kessel clustering classifier to discriminate four types of forearm movements. Our results showed that there are four separate clusters corresponding to different forearm movements at the third resolution level and the resulting classification accuracy was 100%, when two channels of SEMG signals were used. This indicates that the proposed approach can provide important insight into the nonlinear characteristics and the time-frequency domain features of SEMG signals and is suitable for classifying different types of forearm movements. By comparing with other existing methods, the proposed method exhibited more robustness and higher classification accuracy

    Evaluation of surface EMG-based recognition algorithms for decoding hand movements

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    Myoelectric pattern recognition (MPR) to decode limb movements is an important advancement regarding the control of powered prostheses. However, this technology is not yet in wide clinical use. Improvements in MPR could potentially increase the functionality of powered prostheses. To this purpose, offline accuracy and processing time were measured over 44 features using six classifiers with the aim of determining new configurations of features and classifiers to improve the accuracy and response time of prosthetics control. An efficient feature set (FS: waveform length, correlation coefficient, Hjorth Parameters) was found to improve the motion recognition accuracy. Using the proposed FS significantly increased the performance of linear discriminant analysis, K-nearest neighbor, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and support vector machine by 5.5%, 5.7%, 6.3%, and 6.2%, respectively, when compared with the Hudgins\u27 set. Using the FS with MLE provided the largest improvement in offline accuracy over the Hudgins feature set, with minimal effect on the processing time. Among the 44 features tested, logarithmic root mean square and normalized logarithmic energy yielded the highest recognition rates (above 95%). We anticipate that this work will contribute to the development of more accurate surface EMG-based motor decoding systems for the control prosthetic hands

    Hemorrhage Detection and Analysis in Traumatic Pelvic Injuries

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    Traumatic pelvic injuries associated with high-energy pelvic fractures are life-threatening injuries. Extensive bleeding is relatively common with pelvic fractures. However, bleeding is especially prevalent with high-energy fractures. Hemorrhage remains the major cause of death that occur within the first 24 hours after a traumatic pelvic injury. Emergent-life saving treatment is required for high-energy pelvic fractures associated with hemorrhage. A thorough understanding of potential sources of bleeding within a short period is essential for diagnosis and treatment planning. Computed Tomography (CT) images have been widely in use in identifying the potential sources of bleeding. A pelvic CT scan contains a large number of images. Analyzing each slice in a scan via simple visual inspection is very time consuming. Time is a crucial factor in emergency medicine. Therefore, a computer-assisted pelvic trauma decision-making system is advantageous for assisting physicians in fast and accurate decision making and treatment planning. The proposed project presents an automated system to detect and segment hemorrhage and combines it with the other extracted features from pelvic images and demographic data to provide recommendations to trauma caregivers for diagnosis and treatment. The first part of the project is to develop automated methods to detect arteries by incorporating bone information. This part of the project merges bone edges and segments bone using a seed growing technique. Later the segmented bone information is utilized along with the best template matching to locate arteries and extract gray level information of the located arteries in the pelvic region. The second part of the project focuses on locating the source of hemorrhage and its segmentation. The hemorrhage is segmented using a novel rule based hemorrhage segmentation approach. This approach segments hemorrhage through hemorrhage matching, rule optimization, and region growing. Later the position of hemorrhage in the image and the volume of the hemorrhage are determined to analyze hemorrhage severity. The third part of the project is to automatically classify the outcome using features extracted from the medical images and patient medical records and demographics. A multi-stage feature selection algorithm is used to select the predominant features among all the features. Finally, boosted logistic model tree is used to classify the outcome. The methods are tested on CT images of traumatic pelvic injury patients. The hemorrhage segmentation and classification results seem promising and demonstrate that the proposed method is not only capable of automatically segmenting hemorrhage and classifying outcome, but also has the potential to be used for clinical applications. Finally, the project is extended to abdominal trauma and a novel knowledge based heuristic technique is used to detect and segment spleen from the abdominal CT images. This technique is tested on a limited number of subjects and the results are promising