227 research outputs found

    Analyzing Predictive Features of Epileptic Seizures in Human Intracranial EEG Recordings

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    Epilepsiahooge on üritatud ennustada mitmeid aastakümneid, kasutades tipptasemel tunnuseid ja masinõppemeetodeid. Kui õnnestuks välja töötada süsteem, mis reaalajas hoiatab patsiente eelseisvate hoogude eest, parandaks see oluliselt patsientide elukvaliteeti. Epilepsiahoogude ennustamine koosneb kahest etapist: tunnuste ekstraheerimine ning näidiste klassifitseerimine hoogudevaheliseks (tavaline ajaperiood) või hooeelseks. Enamasti kasutatakse EEG andmeid, sest EEG on odav, transporditav ning väljendab muutusi ajudünaamikas kõige täpsemini. Kui enamik uuringuid keskendub uudsete tunnuste ekstraheerimisele või uute klassifitseerimisalgoritmide rakendamisele, siis antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada, missugused kasutatavad tunnused on kõige olulisemad. Kui on teada, missugused tunnused kõige rohkem mõjutavad ennustamistulemusi, aitab see paremini aru saada nii klassifitseerimisalgoritmide tööprotsessist kui ka ajudünaamikast ning vähendada tunnuste hulka, mida masinõppes kasutada, muutes seega klassifitseerimisprotsessi efektiivsemaks. Bakalaureusetöös kasutati kahe patsiendi intrakraniaalseid EEG andmeid ning kolme algoritmi scikit-learn teegist, mida kombineeriti meetoditega, mis hindavad tunnuste mõju. Saadud ennustustäpsused olid mõõdukalt head kuni suurepärased ning võimaldasid seega analüüsida tunnuste mõju usaldusväärselt iga klassifitseerimisalgoritmi kohta.Epilepsy seizure prediction is a challenge that scientists have tried to overcome throughout many decades, using different state-of-the-art features and machine learning methods. If a forecasting system could predict and warn epilepsy patients of impeding seizures in real time, it would greatly improve their quality of life. Seizure prediction consists of two stages: feature extraction from the data and sample classification to interictal (non-seizure) or preictal (preseizure) state. EEG data is commonly used, as it is inexpensive, portable and it most clearly reflects the changes in the brain’s dynamics. While most studies focus on extracting novel features or using new classifiers, this Thesis focuses on ascertaining the most significant features among some that are commonly used in seizure prediction. Knowing which features influence the prediction results the most, helps to understand the inner workings of both the classifiers and the brain activity and to reduce the feature set in future research, making the classification process more effective. Intracranial EEG data of two patients was used in this Thesis with three classifiers from the scikit-learn library, which were combined with methods for evaluating feature importance. Moderately good to excellent prediction accuracies were achieved with these methods, which allowed to reliably analyze the feature importance results of the different classifiers

    Towards developing a reliable medical device for automated epileptic seizure detection in the ICU

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder that affects millions of people globally, and its diagnosis typically involves laborious manual inspection of electroencephalography (EEG) data. Automated detection of epileptic seizures in EEG signals could potentially improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce diagnosis time, but there should be special attention to the number of false alarms to reduce unnecessary treatments and costs. This research presents a study on the use of machine learning techniques for EEG seizure detection with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of different algorithms in terms of high sensitivity and low false alarm rates for feature extraction, selection, pre-processing, classification, and post-processing in designing a medical device for detecting seizure activity in EEG data. The current state-of-the-art methods which are validated clinically using large amounts of data are introduced. The study focuses on finding potential machine learning methods, considering KNN, SVM, decision trees and, Random forests, and compares their performance on the task of seizure detection using features introduced in the literature. Also using ensemble methods namely, bootstrapping and majority voting techniques we achieved a sensitivity of 0.80 and FAR/h of 2.10, accuracy of 97.1% and specificity of 98.2%. Overall, the findings of this study can be useful for developing more accurate and efficient algorithms for EEG seizure detection medical device, which can contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients

    Classification of EEG Signals for Prediction of Epileptic Seizures

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    Epilepsy is a common brain disorder that causes patients to face multiple seizures in a single day. Around 65 million people are affected by epilepsy worldwide. Patients with focal epilepsy can be treated with surgery, whereas generalized epileptic seizures can be managed with medications. It has been noted that in more than 30% of cases, these medications fail to control epileptic seizures, resulting in accidents and limiting the patient’s life. Predicting epileptic seizures in such patients prior to the commencement of an oncoming seizure is critical so that the seizure can be treated with preventive medicines before it occurs. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of patients recorded to observe brain electrical activity during a seizure can be quite helpful in predicting seizures. Researchers have proposed methods that use machine and/or deep learning techniques to predict epileptic seizures using scalp EEG signals; however, prediction of seizures with increased accuracy is still a challenge. Therefore, we propose a three-step approach. It includes preprocessing of scalp EEG signals with PREP pipeline, which is a more sophisticated alternative to basic notch filtering. This method uses a regression-based technique to further enhance the SNR, with a combination of handcrafted, i.e., statistical features such as temporal mean, variance, and skewness, and automated features using CNN, followed by classification of interictal state and preictal state segments using LSTM to predict seizures. We train and validate our proposed technique on the CHB-MIT scalp EEG dataset and achieve accuracy of 94%, sensitivity of 93.8% , and 91.2% specificity. The proposed technique achieves better sensitivity and specificity than existing methods.publishedVersio

    Epileptic seizure prediction using machine learning techniques

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    Epileptic seizures affect about 1% of the world’s population, thus making it the fourth most common neurological disease, this disease is considered a neurological disorder characterized by the abnormal activity of the brain. Part of the population suffering from this disease is unable to avail themselves of any treatment, as this treatment has no beneficial effect on the patient. One of the main concerns associated with this disease is the damage caused by uncontrollable seizures. This damage affects not only the patient himself but also the people around him. With this situation in mind, the goal of this thesis is, through methods of Machine Learning, to create an algorithm that can predict epileptic seizures before they occur. To predict these seizures, the electroencephalogram (EEG) will be employed, since it is the most commonly used method for diagnosing epilepsy. Of the total 23 channels available, only 8 will be used, due to their location. When a seizure occurs, besides the visible changes in the EEG signal, at the moment of the seizure, the alterations before and after the epileptic seizure are also noticeable. These stages have been named in the literature: • Preictal: the moment before the epileptic seizure; • Ictal: the moment of the seizure; • Postictal: the moment after the seizure; • Interictal: space of time between seizures. The goal of the predictive algorithm will be to classify the different classes and study different classification problems by using supervised learning techniques, more precisely a classifier. By performing this classification when indications are detected that a possible epileptic seizure will occur, the patient will then be warned so that he can prepare for the seizure.Crises epiléticas afetam cerca de 1% da população mundial, tornando-a assim a quarta doença neurológica mais comum. Esta é considerada uma doença caracterizada pela atividade anormal do cérebro. Parte da população que sofre desta condição não consegue recorrer a qualquer tratamento, pois este não apresenta qualquer efeito benéfico no paciente. Uma das principais preocupações associadas com este problema são os danos causados pelas convulsões imprevisíveis. Estes danos não afetam somente o próprio paciente, como também as pessoas que o rodeiam. Com esta situação em mente, o objetivo desta dissertação consiste em, através de métodos de Machine Learning, criar um algoritmo capaz de prever as crises epiléticas antes da sua ocorrência. Para proceder à previsão destas convulsões, será utilizado o eletroencefalograma (EEG), uma vez que é o método mais usado para o diagnóstico de epilepsia. Serão utilizados apenas 8 dos 23 canais disponíveis, devido à sua localização. Quando ocorre uma crise, além das alterações visíveis no sinal EEG, não só no momento da crise, são também notáveis alterações antes e após a convulsão. A estas fases a literatura nomeou: • Pre-ictal: momento anterior à crise epilética; • Ictal: momento da convulsão; • Pós-ictal: momento posterior à crise; • Interictal: espaço de tempo entre convulsões. O objetivo do algoritmo preditivo será fazer a classificação das diferentes classes e o estudo de diferentes problemas de classificação, através do uso de técnicas de machine learning, mais precisamente um classificador. Ao realizar esta classificação, quando forem detetados indícios de que uma possível crise epilética irá ocorrer, o paciente será então avisado, podendo assim preparar-se para esta

    Real-Time Localization of Epileptogenic Foci EEG Signals: An FPGA-Based Implementation

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    The epileptogenic focus is a brain area that may be surgically removed to control of epileptic seizures. Locating it is an essential and crucial step prior to the surgical treatment. However, given the difficulty of determining the localization of this brain region responsible of the initial seizure discharge, many works have proposed machine learning methods for the automatic classification of focal and non-focal electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. These works use automatic classification as an analysis tool for helping neurosurgeons to identify focal areas off-line, out of surgery, during the processing of the huge amount of information collected during several days of patient monitoring. In turn, this paper proposes an automatic classification procedure capable of assisting neurosurgeons online, during the resective epilepsy surgery, to refine the localization of the epileptogenic area to be resected, if they have doubts. This goal requires a real-time implementation with as low a computational cost as possible. For that reason, this work proposes both a feature set and a classifier model that minimizes the computational load while preserving the classification accuracy at 95.5%, a level similar to previous works. In addition, the classification procedure has been implemented on a FPGA device to determine its resource needs and throughput. Thus, it can be concluded that such a device can embed the whole classification process, from accepting raw signals to the delivery of the classification results in a cost-effective Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA device. This real-time implementation begins providing results after a 5 s latency, and later, can deliver floating-point classification results at 3.5 Hz rate, using overlapped time-windows