8 research outputs found

    Classification of glomerular hypercellularity using convolutional features and support vector machine

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    Glomeruli are histological structures of the kidney cortex formed by interwoven blood capillaries, and are responsible for blood filtration. Glomerular lesions impair kidney filtration capability, leading to protein loss and metabolic waste retention. An example of lesion is the glomerular hypercellularity, which is characterized by an increase in the number of cell nuclei in different areas of the glomeruli. Glomerular hypercellularity is a frequent lesion present in different kidney diseases. Automatic detection of glomerular hypercellularity would accelerate the screening of scanned histological slides for the lesion, enhancing clinical diagnosis. Having this in mind, we propose a new approach for classification of hypercellularity in human kidney images. Our proposed method introduces a novel architecture of a convolutional neural network (CNN) along with a support vector machine, achieving near perfect average results with the FIOCRUZ data set in a binary classification (lesion or normal). Our deep-based classifier outperformed the state-of-the-art results on the same data set. Additionally, classification of hypercellularity sub-lesions was also performed, considering mesangial, endocapilar and both lesions; in this multi-classification task, our proposed method just failed in 4\% of the cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on deep learning over a data set of glomerular hypercellularity images of human kidney.Comment: 26 page

    Machine learning, unsupervised learning and stain normalization in digital nephropathology

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    Chronic kidney disease is a serious health challenge and still, the field of study lacks awareness and funding. Improving the efficiency of diagnosing chronic disease is important. Machine learning can be used for various tasks in order to make CKD diagnosis more efficient. If the disease is discovered quickly it can be possible to reverse changes. In this project, we explore techniques that can improve clustering of glomeruli images. The current thesis evaluates the effects of applying stain normalization to nephropathological data in order to improve unsupervised learning cluster- ing. A unsupervised learning pipeline was implemented in order to evaluate the effects of using stain normalization techniques with different reference images. The stain normalization techniques that were implemented are: Reinhard stain normalization, Macenko stain normalization and Structure preserving color normalization. The evaluation of these methods was done by measuring clustering results from the unsupervised learning pipeline, using the Adjusted Rand Index metric. The results indicate that using these techniques will increase the cluster agreement between results and true labels for the data. Six reference images were used for each stain nor- malization technique. The average Adjusted Rand Index score for all ref- erence images was increased using all three stain normalization techniques. The best performing method overall was the Reinhard stain normalization technique. This method gave both the highest single experiment and aver- age score. The other normalization methods both have one score close to zero (unsuccessful clustering), and structure preserving color normalization would outperform the Reinhard method if this single clustering was more successful.Chronic kidney disease is a serious health challenge and still, the field of study lacks awareness and funding. Improving the efficiency of diagnosing chronic disease is important. Machine learning can be used for various tasks in order to make CKD diagnosis more efficient. If the disease is discovered quickly it can be possible to reverse changes. In this project, we explore techniques that can improve clustering of glomeruli images. The current thesis evaluates the effects of applying stain normalization to nephropathological data in order to improve unsupervised learning cluster- ing. A unsupervised learning pipeline was implemented in order to evaluate the effects of using stain normalization techniques with different reference images. The stain normalization techniques that were implemented are: Reinhard stain normalization, Macenko stain normalization and Structure preserving color normalization. The evaluation of these methods was done by measuring clustering results from the unsupervised learning pipeline, using the Adjusted Rand Index metric. The results indicate that using these techniques will increase the cluster agreement between results and true labels for the data. Six reference images were used for each stain nor- malization technique. The average Adjusted Rand Index score for all ref- erence images was increased using all three stain normalization techniques. The best performing method overall was the Reinhard stain normalization technique. This method gave both the highest single experiment and aver- age score. The other normalization methods both have one score close to zero (unsuccessful clustering), and structure preserving color normalization would outperform the Reinhard method if this single clustering was more successful

    A hybrid of deep and textural features to differentiate glomerulosclerosis and minimal change disease from glomerulus biopsy images

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    The minimal change disease (MCD) and glomerulosclerosis (GS) are two common kidney diseases. Unless adequately treated, these diseases leads to chronic kidney diseases. Accurate differentiation of these two diseases is of paramount importance as their methods of treatment and prognoses are different. Thus, this article propose a method capable of differentiating MCD from GS in glomerulus biopsies images based on a new hybrid deep and texture feature space. We conducted an extensive study to determine the best set of features for image representation. Our feature extraction methodology, which includes Haraliks and geostatistics texture descriptors and pre-trained CNNs, resulted in 13,476 characteristics. We then used mutual information to order the elements by importance and select the best set for differentiating MCD from GS using the random forest classifier. The proposed method achieved an accuracy of 90.3% and a Kappa index of 80.5%. Representation of glomerulus biopsy images with a hybrid of deep and textural features facilitates the accurate differentiation of GS and MCD

    Deep-learning-driven quantification of interstitial fibrosis in digitized kidney biopsies

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    Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) on a renal biopsy are strong indicators of disease chronicity and prognosis. Techniques that are typically used for IFTA grading remain manual, leading to variability among pathologists. Accurate IFTA estimation using computational techniques can reduce this variability and provide quantitative assessment. Using trichrome-stained whole-slide images (WSIs) processed from human renal biopsies, we developed a deep-learning framework that captured finer pathologic structures at high resolution and overall context at the WSI level to predict IFTA grade. WSIs (n = 67) were obtained from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Five nephropathologists independently reviewed them and provided fibrosis scores that were converted to IFTA grades: ≤10% (none or minimal), 11% to 25% (mild), 26% to 50% (moderate), and >50% (severe). The model was developed by associating the WSIs with the IFTA grade determined by majority voting (reference estimate). Model performance was evaluated on WSIs (n = 28) obtained from the Kidney Precision Medicine Project. There was good agreement on the IFTA grading between the pathologists and the reference estimate (κ = 0.622 ± 0.071). The accuracy of the deep-learning model was 71.8% ± 5.3% on The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and 65.0% ± 4.2% on Kidney Precision Medicine Project data sets. Our approach to analyzing microscopic- and WSI-level changes in renal biopsies attempts to mimic the pathologist and provides a regional and contextual estimation of IFTA. Such methods can assist clinicopathologic diagnosis.U01 DK085660 - NIDDK NIH HHS; RF1 AG062109 - NIA NIH HHS; R21 CA253498 - NCI NIH HHS; R21 DK119751 - NIDDK NIH HHS; R01 HL132325 - NHLBI NIH HHS; UL1 TR001430 - NCATS NIH HHS; R56 AG062109 - NIA NIH HHS; R21 DK119740 - NIDDK NIH HHShttps://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.03.21249179v1.full.pd

    Smoking and Second Hand Smoking in Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Cohort Study

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    The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of smoking and second hand smoking [SHS] in adolescents with CKD and their relationship to baseline parameters at enrollment in the CKiD, observational cohort study of 600 children (aged 1-16 yrs) with Schwartz estimated GFR of 30-90 ml/min/1.73m2. 239 adolescents had self-report survey data on smoking and SHS exposure: 21 [9%] subjects had “ever” smoked a cigarette. Among them, 4 were current and 17 were former smokers. Hypertension was more prevalent in those that had “ever” smoked a cigarette (42%) compared to non-smokers (9%), p\u3c0.01. Among 218 non-smokers, 130 (59%) were male, 142 (65%) were Caucasian; 60 (28%) reported SHS exposure compared to 158 (72%) with no exposure. Non-smoker adolescents with SHS exposure were compared to those without SHS exposure. There was no racial, age, or gender differences between both groups. Baseline creatinine, diastolic hypertension, C reactive protein, lipid profile, GFR and hemoglobin were not statistically different. Significantly higher protein to creatinine ratio (0.90 vs. 0.53, p\u3c0.01) was observed in those exposed to SHS compared to those not exposed. Exposed adolescents were heavier than non-exposed adolescents (85th percentile vs. 55th percentile for BMI, p\u3c 0.01). Uncontrolled casual systolic hypertension was twice as prevalent among those exposed to SHS (16%) compared to those not exposed to SHS (7%), though the difference was not statistically significant (p= 0.07). Adjusted multivariate regression analysis [OR (95% CI)] showed that increased protein to creatinine ratio [1.34 (1.03, 1.75)] and higher BMI [1.14 (1.02, 1.29)] were independently associated with exposure to SHS among non-smoker adolescents. These results reveal that among adolescents with CKD, cigarette use is low and SHS is highly prevalent. The association of smoking with hypertension and SHS with increased proteinuria suggests a possible role of these factors in CKD progression and cardiovascular outcomes

    Evaluation of PD-L1 expression in various formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tumour tissue samples using SP263, SP142 and QR1 antibody clones

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    Background & objectives: Cancer cells can avoid immune destruction through the inhibitory ligand PD-L1. PD-1 is a surface cell receptor, part of the immunoglobulin family. Its ligand PD-L1 is expressed by tumour cells and stromal tumour infltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Methods: Forty-four cancer cases were included in this study (24 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), 10 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 10 malignant melanoma cases). Three clones of monoclonal primary antibodies were compared: QR1 (Quartett), SP 142 and SP263 (Ventana). For visualization, ultraView Universal DAB Detection Kit from Ventana was used on an automated platform for immunohistochemical staining Ventana BenchMark GX. Results: Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from TNBC, we found that the QR1 clone gave higher percentage of positive cells than clone SP142, but there was no statistically significant difference. Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from malignant melanoma, the SP263 clone gave higher percentage of positive cells than the QR1 clone, but again the difference was not statistically significant. Comparing the sensitivity of two different clones on same tissue samples from NSCLC, we found higher percentage of positive cells using the QR1 clone in comparison with the SP142 clone, but once again, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The three different antibody clones from two manufacturers Ventana and Quartett, gave comparable results with no statistically significant difference in staining intensity/ percentage of positive tumour and/or immune cells. Therefore, different PD-L1 clones from different manufacturers can potentially be used to evaluate the PD- L1 status in different tumour tissues. Due to the serious implications of the PD-L1 analysis in further treatment decisions for cancer patients, every antibody clone, staining protocol and evaluation process should be carefully and meticulously validated