27,416 research outputs found

    Optimized complex power quality classifier using one vs. rest support vector machine

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    Nowadays, power quality issues are becoming a significant research topic because of the increasing inclusion of very sensitive devices and considerable renewable energy sources. In general, most of the previous power quality classification techniques focused on single power quality events and did not include an optimal feature selection process. This paper presents a classification system that employs Wavelet Transform and the RMS profile to extract the main features of the measured waveforms containing either single or complex disturbances. A data mining process is designed to select the optimal set of features that better describes each disturbance present in the waveform. Support Vector Machine binary classifiers organized in a ?One Vs Rest? architecture are individually optimized to classify single and complex disturbances. The parameters that rule the performance of each binary classifier are also individually adjusted using a grid search algorithm that helps them achieve optimal performance. This specialized process significantly improves the total classification accuracy. Several single and complex disturbances were simulated in order to train and test the algorithm. The results show that the classifier is capable of identifying >99% of single disturbances and >97% of complex disturbances.Fil: de Yong, David Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Bhowmik, Sudipto. Nexant Inc; Estados UnidosFil: Magnago, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Unbalanced load flow with hybrid wavelet transform and support vector machine based Error-Correcting Output Codes for power quality disturbances classification including wind energy

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    Purpose. The most common methods to designa multiclass classification consist to determine a set of binary classifiers and to combine them. In this paper support vector machine with Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC-SVM) classifier is proposed to classify and characterize the power qualitydisturbances such as harmonic distortion,voltage sag, and voltage swell include wind farms generator in power transmission systems. Firstly three phases unbalanced load flow analysis is executed to calculate difference electric network characteristics, levels of voltage, active and reactive power. After, discrete wavelet transform is combined with the probabilistic ECOC-SVM model to construct the classifier. Finally, the ECOC-SVM classifies and identifies the disturbance type according tothe energy deviation of the discrete wavelet transform. The proposedmethod gives satisfactory accuracy with 99.2% compared with well known methods and shows that each power quality disturbances has specific deviations from the pure sinusoidal waveform,this is good at recognizing and specifies the type of disturbance generated from the wind power generator.Наиболее распространенные методы построения мультиклассовой классификации заключаются в определении набора двоичных классификаторов и их объединении. В данной статье предложена машина опорных векторов с классификатором выходных кодов исправления ошибок(ECOC-SVM) с целью классифицировать и характеризовать такие нарушения качества электроэнергии, как гармонические искажения, падение напряжения и скачок напряжения, включая генератор ветровых электростанций в системах передачи электроэнергии. Сначала выполняется анализ потока несимметричной нагрузки трех фаз для расчета разностных характеристик электрической сети, уровней напряжения, активной и реактивной мощности. После этого дискретное вейвлет-преобразование объединяется с вероятностной моделью ECOC-SVM для построения классификатора. Наконец, ECOC-SVM классифицирует и идентифицирует тип возмущения в соответствии с отклонением энергии дискретного вейвлет-преобразования. Предложенный метод дает удовлетворительную точность 99,2% по сравнению с хорошо известными методами и показывает, что каждое нарушение качества электроэнергии имеет определенные отклонения от чисто синусоидальной формы волны, что способствует распознаванию и определению типа возмущения, генерируемого ветровым генератором

    A Decision Tree and S-Transform Based Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Classification

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    In this paper, it is presented an automated classification based on S-transform as feature extraction tool and Decision Tree as algorithm classifier. The signals generated according to mathematical models, including complex disturbances, have been used to design and test this approach, where noise is added to the signals from 40dB to 20dB. Finally, several disturbances, simple and complex, have been considered to test the implemented system. Evaluation results verifying the accuracy of the proposed method are presented.IEE

    A Precise Electrical Disturbance Generator for Neural Network Training with Real Level Output

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    Power Quality is defined as the study of the quality of electric power lines. The detection and classification of the different disturbances which cause power quality problems is a difficult task which requires a high level of engineering expertise. Thus, neural networks are usually a good choice for the detection and classification of these disturbances. This paper describes a powerful tool, developed by the Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology at the Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the Electronic Technology Department at the University of Seville, which generates electrical patterns of disturbances for the training of neural networks for PQ tasks. This system has been expanded to other applications (as comparative test between PQ meters, or test of effects of power-line disturbances on equipment) through the addition of a specifically developed high fidelity power amplifier, which allows the generation of disturbed signals at real levels.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-0

    Image Embedding of PMU Data for Deep Learning towards Transient Disturbance Classification

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    This paper presents a study on power grid disturbance classification by Deep Learning (DL). A real synchrophasor set composing of three different types of disturbance events from the Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) is used. An image embedding technique called Gramian Angular Field is applied to transform each time series of event data to a two-dimensional image for learning. Two main DL algorithms, i.e. CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) are tested and compared with two widely used data mining tools, the Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree. The test results demonstrate the superiority of the both DL algorithms over other methods in the application of power system transient disturbance classification.Comment: An updated version of this manuscript has been accepted by the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI), Beijing, Chin

    Random Generation of Arbitrary Waveforms for Emulating Three-Phase Systems

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    This paper describes an apparatus for generating a signal representative of steady-state and transient disturbances in three-phase waveforms of an ac electrical system as described in IEEE Std 1159-09. It can be configured as a synthesizer of randomly distorted signals for different applications: for testing the effects of disturbed grid on equipment and to generate patterns of electrical disturbances for the training of artificial neural networks, which are used for measuring power quality tasks. For the first purpose, voltage and current amplifiers are added in the output stage, which allows the generation of disturbed signals at grid level.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-01Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-0

    Support Vector Regression Based S-transform for Prediction of Single and Multiple Power Quality Disturbances

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    This paper presents a novel approach using Support Vector Regression (SVR) based S-transform to predict the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances in a three-phase industrial power system. Most of the power quality disturbances recorded in an industrial power system are non-stationary and comprise of multiple power quality disturbances that coexist together for only a short duration in time due to the contribution of the network impedances and types of customers’ connected loads. The ability to detect and predict all the types of power quality disturbances encrypted in a voltage signal is vital in the analyses on the causes of the power quality disturbances and in the identification of incipient fault in the networks. In this paper, the performances of two types of SVR based S-transform, the non-linear radial basis function (RBF) SVR based S-transform and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) SVR based S-transform, were compared for their abilities in making prediction for the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances. The results for the analyses of 651 numbers of single and multiple voltage disturbances gave prediction accuracies of 86.1% (MLP SVR) and 93.9% (RBF SVR) respectively. Keywords: Power Quality, Power Quality Prediction, S-transform, SVM, SV