305 research outputs found

    Resting state EEG biomarkers in translational neuroscience

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    Brain clocks capture diversity and disparities in aging and dementia across geographically diverse populations

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    My thesis focuses on describing novel functional connectivity properties of the sensorimotor system that are of potential interest in the field of brain-machine interface. In particular, I have investigated how the connectivity changes as a consequence of either pathologic conditions or spontaneous fluctuations of the brain's internal state. An ad-hoc electronic device has been developed to implement the appropriate experimental settings. First, the functional communication among sensorimotor primary nodes was investigated in multiple sclerosis patients afflicted by persistent fatigue. I selected this condition, for which there is no effective pharmacological treatment, since existing literature links this type of fatigue to the motor control system. In this study, electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) traces were acquired together with the pressure exerted on a bulb during an isometric hand grip. The results showed a higher frequency connection between central and peripheral nervous systems (CMC) and an overcorrection of the exerted movement in fatigued multiple sclerosis patients. In fact, even though any fatigue-dependent brain and muscular oscillatory activity alterations were absent, their connectivity worked at higher frequencies as fatigue increased, explaining 67% of the fatigue scale (MFIS) variance (p=.002). In other terms, the functional communication within the central-peripheral nervous systems, namely involving primary sensorimotor areas, was sensitive to tiny alterations in neural connectivity leading to fatigue, well before the appearance of impairments in single nodes of the network. The second study was about connectivity intended as propagation of information and studied in dependence on spontaneous fluctuations of the sensorimotor system triggered by an external stimulus. Knowledge of the propagation mechanisms and of their changes is essential to extract significant information from single trials. The EEG traces were acquired during transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to yield to a deeper knowledge about the response to an external stimulation while the cortico-spinal system passes through different states. The results showed that spontaneous increases of the excitation of the node originating the transmission within the hand control network gave rise to dynamic recruitment patterns with opposite behaviors, weaker in homotopic and parietal circuits, stronger in frontal ones. As probed by TMS, this behavior indicates that the effective connectivity within bilateral circuits orchestrating hand control are dynamically modulated in time even in resting state. The third investigation assessed the plastic changes in the sensorimotor system after stroke induced by 3 months of robotic rehabilitation in chronic phase. A functional source extraction procedure was applied on the acquired EEG data, enabling the investigation of the functional connectivity between homologous areas in the resting state. The most significant result was that the clinical ameliorations were associated to a ‘normalization’ of the functional connectivity between homologous areas. In fact, the brain connectivity did not necessarily increase or decrease, but it settled within a ‘physiological’ range of connectivity. These studies strengthen our knowledge about the behavioral role of the functional connectivity among neuronal networks’ nodes, which will be essential in future developments of enhanced rehabilitative interventions, including brain-machine interfaces. The presented research also moves the definition of new indices of clinical state evaluation relevant for compensating interventions, a step forward

    Relationship of Intelligence to Cortical Arousal During Verbal and Spatial Tasks

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    Spectral and coherence estimates on electroencephalogram recordings during arithmetical tasks

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de CiĂȘncias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia BiomĂ©dic

    Analysis of consciousness for complete locked-in syndrome patients

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    This thesis presents methods for detecting consciousness in patients with complete locked-in syndrome (CLIS). CLIS patients are unable to speak and have lost all muscle movement. Externally, the internal brain activity of such patients cannot be easily perceived, but CLIS patients are considered to be still conscious and cognitively active. Detecting the current state of consciousness of CLIS patients is non-trivial, and it is difficult to ascertain whether CLIS patients are conscious or not. Thus, it is vital to develop alternative ways to re-establish communication with these patients during periods of awareness, and a possible platform is through brain–computer interface (BCI). Since consciousness is required to use BCI correctly, this study proposes a modus operandi to analyze not only in intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) signals with greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and higher signal amplitude, but also in non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) signals. By applying three different time-domain analysis approaches sample entropy, permutation entropy, and PoincarĂ© plot as feature extraction to prevent disease-related reductions of brainwave frequency bands in CLIS patients, and cross-validated to improve the probability of correctly detecting the conscious states of CLIS patients. Due to the lack a of 'ground truth' that could be used as teaching input to correct the outcomes, k-Means and DBSCAN these unsupervised learning methods were used to reveal the presence of different levels of consciousness for individual participation in the experiment first in locked-in state (LIS) patients with ALSFRS-R score of 0. The results of these different methods converge on the specific periods of consciousness of CLIS/LIS patients, coinciding with the period during which CLIS/LIS patients recorded communication with an experimenter. To determine methodological feasibility, the methods were also applied to patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). The results indicate that the use of sample entropy might be helpful to detect awareness not only in CLIS/LIS patients but also in minimally conscious state (MCS)/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) patients, and showed good resolution for both ECoG signals up to 24 hours a day and EEG signals focused on one or two hours at the time of the experiment. This thesis focus on consistent results across multiple channels to avoid compensatory effects of brain injury. Unlike most techniques designed to help clinicians diagnose and understand patients' long-term disease progression or distinguish between different disease types on the clinical scales of consciousness. The aim of this investigation is to develop a reliable brain-computer interface-based communication aid eventually to provide family members with a method for short-term communication with CLIS patients in daily life, and at the same time, this will keep patients' brains active to increase patients' willingness to live and improve their quality of life (QOL)
