146 research outputs found

    A Simplified Secure Programming Platform for Internet of Things Devices

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    The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has introduced many useful applications that are utilized in our daily lives. Users can program these devices in order to develop their own IoT applications; however, the platforms and languages that are used during development are abounding, complicated, and time-consuming. The software solution provided in this thesis, PROVIZ+, is a secure sensor application development software suite that helps users create sophisticated and secure IoT applications with little software and hardware experience. Moreover, a simple and efficient domain-specific programming language, namely Panther language, was designed for IoT application development to unify existing programming languages. In addition to these contributions, PROVIZ+ supports a novel secure over-the-air programming framework, namely SOTA, using Bluetooth and WiFi as well as serial programming. In this thesis, we explain the features of PROVIZ+’s components, how these tools can help develop IoT applications, and SOTA. We also present the performance evaluations of PROVIZ+ and SOTA

    The Android Platform Security Model

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    Android is the most widely deployed end-user focused operating system. With its growing set of use cases encompassing communication, navigation, media consumption, entertainment, finance, health, and access to sensors, actuators, cameras, or microphones, its underlying security model needs to address a host of practical threats in a wide variety of scenarios while being useful to non-security experts. The model needs to strike a difficult balance between security, privacy, and usability for end users, assurances for app developers, and system performance under tight hardware constraints. While many of the underlying design principles have implicitly informed the overall system architecture, access control mechanisms, and mitigation techniques, the Android security model has previously not been formally published. This paper aims to both document the abstract model and discuss its implications. Based on a definition of the threat model and Android ecosystem context in which it operates, we analyze how the different security measures in past and current Android implementations work together to mitigate these threats. There are some special cases in applying the security model, and we discuss such deliberate deviations from the abstract model

    TechNews digests: Jan - Nov 2009

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    TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at anyone in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues. TechNews focuses on emerging technologies and other technology news. TechNews service : digests september 2004 till May 2010 Analysis pieces and News combined publish every 2 to 3 month

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Android Security, Pitfalls, Lessons Learned and BYOD

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    Over the last two years Android became the most popular mobile operating system. But Android is also targeted by an over-proportional share of malware. In this paper we systematize the knowledge about the Android security mechanisms and formulate how the pitfalls can be avoided when building a mobile operating system. As smartphones enter the corporate domain, a new scheme called bring your own device (BYOD) became popular. One solution is to logically partition the device such that personal and business information are isolated from one another. We systematize the solutions for partitioning in Android

    Mitigating security and privacy threats from untrusted application components on Android

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    Aufgrund von Androids datenzentrierter und Open-Source Natur sowie von fehlerhaften/bösartigen Apps durch das lockere Marktzulassungsverfahren, ist die Privatsphäre von Benutzern besonders gefährdet. Diese Dissertation präsentiert eine Reihe von Forschungsarbeiten, die die Bedrohung der Sicherheit/Privatsphäre durch nicht vertrauenswürdige Appkomponenten mindern. Die erste Arbeit stellt eine Compiler-basierte Kompartmentalisierungslösung vor, die Privilegientrennung nutzt, um eine starke Barriere zwischen der Host-App und Bibliothekskomponenten zu etablieren, und somit sensible Daten vor der Kompromittierung durch neugierige/bösartige Werbe-Bibliotheken schützt. Für fehleranfällige Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern implementieren wir in der zweiten Arbeit ein auf API-Kompatibilität basierendes Bibliothek-Update-Framework, das veraltete Bibliotheken durch Drop-Ins aktualisiert, um das durch Bibliotheken verursachte Zeitfenster der Verwundbarkeit zu minimieren. Die neueste Arbeit untersucht die missbräuchliche Nutzung von privilegierten Accessibility(a11y)-Funktionen in bösartigen Apps. Wir zeigen ein datenschutzfreundliches a11y-Framework, das die a11y-Logik wie eine Pipeline behandelt, die aus mehreren Modulen besteht, die in verschiedenen Sandboxen laufen. Weiterhin erzwingen wir eine Flusskontrolle über die Kommunikation zwischen den Modulen, wodurch die Angriffsfläche für den Missbrauch von a11y-APIs verringert wird, während die Vorteile von a11y erhalten bleiben.While Android’s data-intensive and open-source nature, combined with its less-than-strict market approval process, has allowed the installation of flawed and even malicious apps, its coarse-grained security model and update bottleneck in the app ecosystem make the platform’s privacy and security situation more worrying. This dissertation introduces a line of works that mitigate privacy and security threats from untrusted app components. The first work presents a compiler-based library compartmentalization solution that utilizes privilege separation to establish a strong trustworthy boundary between the host app and untrusted lib components, thus protecting sensitive user data from being compromised by curious or malicious ad libraries. While for vulnerable third-party libraries, we then build the second work that implements an API-compatibility-based library update framework using drop-in replacements of outdated libraries to minimize the open vulnerability window caused by libraries and we perform multiple dynamic tests and case studies to investigate its feasibility. Our latest work focuses on the misusing of powerful accessibility (a11y) features in untrusted apps. We present a privacy-enhanced a11y framework that treats the a11y logic as a pipeline composed of multiple modules running in different sandboxes. We further enforce flow control over the communication between modules, thus reducing the attack surface from abusing a11y APIs while preserving the a11y benefits

    Generation of Application Specific Hardware Extensions for Hybrid Architectures: The Development of PIRANHA - A GCC Plugin for High-Level-Synthesis

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    Architectures combining a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a general-purpose processor on a single chip became increasingly popular in recent years. On the one hand, such hybrid architectures facilitate the use of application specific hardware accelerators that improve the performance of the software on the host processor. On the other hand, it obliges system designers to handle the whole process of hardware/software co-design. The complexity of this process is still one of the main reasons, that hinders the widespread use of hybrid architectures. Thus, an automated process that aids programmers with the hardware/software partitioning and the generation of application specific accelerators is an important issue. The method presented in this thesis neither requires restrictions of the used high-level-language nor special source code annotations. Usually, this is an entry barrier for programmers without deeper understanding of the underlying hardware platform. This thesis introduces a seamless programming flow that allows generating hardware accelerators for unrestricted, legacy C code. The implementation consists of a GCC plugin that automatically identifies application hot-spots and generates hardware accelerators accordingly. Apart from the accelerator implementation in a hardware description language, the compiler plugin provides the generation of a host processor interfaces and, if necessary, a prototypical integration with the host operating system. An evaluation with typical embedded applications shows general benefits of the approach, but also reveals limiting factors that hamper possible performance improvements

    Defense in Depth of Resource-Constrained Devices

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    The emergent next generation of computing, the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), presents significant challenges to security, privacy, and trust. The devices commonly used in IoT scenarios are often resource-constrained with reduced computational strength, limited power consumption, and stringent availability requirements. Additionally, at least in the consumer arena, time-to-market is often prioritized at the expense of quality assurance and security. An initial lack of standards has compounded the problems arising from this rapid development. However, the explosive growth in the number and types of IoT devices has now created a multitude of competing standards and technology silos resulting in a highly fragmented threat model. Tens of billions of these devices have been deployed in consumers\u27 homes and industrial settings. From smart toasters and personal health monitors to industrial controls in energy delivery networks, these devices wield significant influence on our daily lives. They are privy to highly sensitive, often personal data and responsible for real-world, security-critical, physical processes. As such, these internet-connected things are highly valuable and vulnerable targets for exploitation. Current security measures, such as reactionary policies and ad hoc patching, are not adequate at this scale. This thesis presents a multi-layered, defense in depth, approach to preventing and mitigating a myriad of vulnerabilities associated with the above challenges. To secure the pre-boot environment, we demonstrate a hardware-based secure boot process for devices lacking secure memory. We introduce a novel implementation of remote attestation backed by blockchain technologies to address hardware and software integrity concerns for the long-running, unsupervised, and rarely patched systems found in industrial IoT settings. Moving into the software layer, we present a unique method of intraprocess memory isolation as a barrier to several prevalent classes of software vulnerabilities. Finally, we exhibit work on network analysis and intrusion detection for the low-power, low-latency, and low-bandwidth wireless networks common to IoT applications. By targeting these areas of the hardware-software stack, we seek to establish a trustworthy system that extends from power-on through application runtime

    Self-Reliance for the Internet of Things: Blockchains and Deep Learning on Low-Power IoT Devices

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    The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed common embedded devices from isolated objects to interconnected devices, allowing multiple applications for smart cities, smart logistics, and digital health, to name but a few. These Internet-enabled embedded devices have sensors and actuators interacting in the real world. The IoT interactions produce an enormous amount of data typically stored on cloud services due to the resource limitations of IoT devices. These limitations have made IoT applications highly dependent on cloud services. However, cloud services face several challenges, especially in terms of communication, energy, scalability, and transparency regarding their information storage. In this thesis, we study how to enable the next generation of IoT systems with transaction automation and machine learning capabilities with a reduced reliance on cloud communication. To achieve this, we look into architectures and algorithms for data provenance, automation, and machine learning that are conventionally running on powerful high-end devices. We redesign and tailor these architectures and algorithms to low-power IoT, balancing the computational, energy, and memory requirements.The thesis is divided into three parts:Part I presents an overview of the thesis and states four research questions addressed in later chapters.Part II investigates and demonstrates the feasibility of data provenance and transaction automation with blockchains and smart contracts on IoT devices.Part III investigates and demonstrates the feasibility of deep learning on low-power IoT devices.We provide experimental results for all high-level proposed architectures and methods. Our results show that algorithms of high-end cloud nodes can be tailored to IoT devices, and we quantify the main trade-offs in terms of memory, computation, and energy consumption
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