5 research outputs found

    Circus Models for Safety-Critical Java Programs

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    Safety-critical Java (SCJ) is a restriction of the real-time specification for Java to support the development and certification of safety-critical applications. The SCJ technology specification is the result of an international effort from industry and academia. In this paper, we present a formalization of the SCJ Level 1 execution model, formalize a translation strategy from SCJ into a refinement notation and describe a tool that largely automates the generation of the formal models. Our modelling language is part of the Circus family; at the core, we have Z, communicating sequential processes and Morgan’s calculus, but we also use object-oriented and timed constructs from the OhCircus and Circus Time variants. Our work is an essential ingredient for the development of refinement-based reasoning techniques for SCJ

    SCJ-Circus: specification and refinement of Safety-Critical Java programs

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    Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) is a version of Java for real-time, embedded, safety-critical applications. It supports certification via abstractions that enforce a particular program architecture, with controlled concurrency and memory models. SCJ is an Open Group standard, with a reference implementation, but little support for reasoning. Here, we present SCJ-Circus, a refinement notation for specification and verification of low-level models of SCJ programs. SCJ-Circus is part of the Circus family of state-rich process algebras: it includes the Circus constructs for modelling of sequential and concurrent behaviour based on Z and CSP, and the real-time and object-oriented extensions of Circus, in addition to the SCJ abstractions. We present the syntax of SCJ-Circus and its semantics, defined by mapping SCJ-Circus constructs to those of Circus. We also detail a refinement strategy that takes a Circus design that adheres to a multiprocessor cyclic executive pattern and produces an SCJ program design, described in SCJ-Circus. Finally, we show how this refinement strategy can be extended for more complex program architectures

    Laws of mission-based programming

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    Safety-Critical Java Level 2: Applications, Modelling, and Verification

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    Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) introduces a new programming paradigm for applications that must be certified. To aid certification, SCJ is organised into three compliance levels, which increase in complexity from Level 0 to Level 2. The SCJ language specification (JSR 302) is an Open Group Standard, but it does not include verification techniques. Previous work has addressed verification for Level 0 and Level 1 programs. This thesis supports the much more complex SCJ Level 2 programs, which allow for the programming of highly concurrent multi-processor applications with Java threads, and wait and notify mechanisms. The SCJ language specification is clear on what constitutes a Level 2 program but not why it should be used. The utility of Levels 0 and 1 are clear from their features. The scheduling behaviour required by a program is a primary indicator of whether or not Level 0 should be used. However, both Levels 1 and 2 use concurrency and fixed-priority scheduling, so this cannot be used as an indicator to choose between them. This thesis presents the first examination of utility of the unique features of Level 2 and presents use cases that justify the availability of these features. This thesis presents a technique for modelling SCJ Level 2 programs using the state-rich process algebra Circus. The model abstracts away from resources (for example, memory) and scheduling. An SCJ Level 2 program is represented by a combination of a generic model of the SCJ API (the framework model) and an application-specific model (the application model) of that program. The framework model is reused for each modelled program, whereas the application model is generated afresh. This is the first formal semantics of the SCJ Level 2 paradigm and it provides both top-down and bottom-up benefits. Top-down, it is an essential ingredient in the development of refinement-based reasoning techniques for SCJ Level 2 programs. These can be used to develop Level 2 programs that are correct-by-construction. Bottom-up, the technique can be used as a verification tool for Level 2 programs. This is achieved with the Failures Divergences Refinement checker version 3 (FDR3), after translating the model from Circus to the machine readable version of CSP (CSPM). FDR3 allows animation and model checking, which can reveal sources of deadlock, livelock, and divergence. The CSPM version of the model fits the same pattern, with a generic model of the API being combined with an application-specific model of the program. Because the model ignores scheduling, these checks are a worst-case analysis and can give false-negatives