89 research outputs found

    Aligning Retail Reverse Logistics Practice with Circular Economy Values: An Exploratory Framework

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    Although there is a growing body of literature concerning Circular Economy (CE), there is little, in terms of frameworks in the literature, which focuses on embedding CE values in consumer Retail Reverse Logistics (RRL) operations. The aim of this paper is to present a conceptual framework that supports the adoption of CE values within RRL operations. The framework is designed to assist both practitioners and academics in better understanding the key management aspects involved. The methodology adopts a mixed methods approach combining a desk-based research with rich empirical data from interviews with senior management practitioners and academics in the fields of CE and RRL. From this research, it was found that embedding CE values within RRL necessitates the adoption of a multi-faceted approach. The adoption of the framework will have an impact on practitioners by assisting them in moving towards a more restorative and less impactful approach to their RRL practices. The work is considered innovative and novel as this is the first time the empirical results that suggest a multi-dimensional approach embedding CE values in RRL operations are presented

    A framework to design reverse logistics operations based on circular economy values

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    Reverse Logistics (RL) is complex to be managed due to the uncertainty involved e.g. the quality range of products, timing of product returns, and volume of returns. A robust RL design can contribute to increase the effectiveness of RL operations. Therefore, an RL design framework needs to be formalised. Circular economy (CE) focuses on supporting the separation of treatments between technical and biological materials in maximising the design for reuse to return to the biosphere and retain value through innovations across fields. The aim of the research is to develop a new framework to design RL operations based on CE values that can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of RL operations. This research has been conducted through the qualitative research involving cases in product recovery (PR) options that are analysed in-depth. Literature review and interview are the main methods of this research. A test was conducted by interviewing expert and respondents to obtain the expert view and test the research result which is a developed framework to design RL based on CE values. The testing engaged five criteria (usability, feasibility, consistency, effectiveness, and utility). The formal RL design framework, 15 CE values, framework to design RL based on CE values specifically PR options (repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and cannibalisation) are main research findings. The research contributes academically to the development of a formal RL design framework and to the identification, reformulation, redefinition, and implementation of CE values. The research can be used as a basis for an effective design of RL that takes into account the economic, environmental, and social impacts. The research can be used as a guideline or an appraisal tool in designing/modifying RL based on CE values that can support the implementation of a single RL operation and also RL based on CE

    Operationalizing the circular city model for naples' city-port: A hybrid development strategy

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    The city-port context involves a decisive reality for the economic development of territories and nations, capable of significantly influencing the conditions of well-being and quality of life, and of making the Circular City Model (CCM) operational, preserving and enhancing seas and marine resources in a sustainable way. This can be achieved through the construction of appropriate production and consumption models, with attention to relations with the urban and territorial system. This paper presents an adaptive decision-making process for Naples (Italy) commercial port's development strategies, aimed at re-establishing a sustainable city-port relationship and making Circular Economy (CE) principles operative. The approach has aimed at implementing a CCM by operationalizing European recommendations provided within both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework-specifically focusing on goals 9, 11 and 12-and the Maritime Spatial Planning European Directive 2014/89, to face conflicts about the overlapping areas of the city-port through multidimensional evaluations' principles and tools. In this perspective, a four-step methodological framework has been structured applying a place-based approach with mixed evaluation methods, eliciting soft and hard knowledge domains, which have been expressed and assessed by a core set of Sustainability Indicators (SI), linked to SDGs. The contribution outcomes have been centred on the assessment of three design alternatives for the East Naples port and the development of a hybrid regeneration scenario consistent with CE and sustainability principles. The structured decision-making process has allowed us to test how an adaptive approach can expand the knowledge base underpinning policy design and decisions to achieve better outcomes and cultivate a broad civic and technical engagement, that can enhance the legitimacy and transparency of policies

    Proses Collect-Resale-Redonate-Recycle dalam Rancangan Circular Fashion Items Donation Platform

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah platform donasi pakaian yang terintegrasi sehingga dapat memfasilitasi proses pengumpulan, penjulan kembali, distribusi donasi, dan daur ulang (collect, resale, re-donate, dan recycle) berbasis teknologi informasi secara melingkar atau circular. Sistem ini dirancang untuk mempermudah proses pengumpulan donasi dan penjualan produk fashion kembali sehingga selain mendapatkan nilai ekonomi dari barang yang dijual kembali, juga dapat memperpanjang usia dari produk fashion tersebut, sebelum pada akhirnya dilakukan proses daur ulang. Juga kemudian hasil donasi (baik berupa dana tunai mapun barang) dapat didistribusikan oleh penerima manfaat seperti yatim dan dhuafa. Selain donasi dalam bentuk produk pakaian juga difasilitasi donasi dalam bentuk dana tunai. Pelaporan jumlah donasi juga disediakan dalam sistem ini untuk meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Sistem ini menjadi mendesak untuk dibangun mengingat masih banyaknya kesulitan untuk melakukan proses donasi (terutama dalam bentuk barang seperti produk fashion) yang mudah, transparan, dan akuntabel dalam satu buah sistem yang terintegrasi seperti yang dibuat pada penelitian ini. Sistem ini dirancang dengan mengikuti tahapan Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model. Proses perancangan divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan beberapa pendekatan seperti literatur review, analisis, perancangan, dan implementasi. Aplikasi yang dibuat diberi nama Berbagi Barang Berkah. Sistem ini mengadopsi konsep circular fashion yang merupakan penggunaan kembali sumber daya yang sudah dimiliki oleh industri fashion untuk digunakan dan diedarkan kembali secara bertanggung jawab dan efektif selama mungkin. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah platform donasi yang terintegrasi, mulai dari proses pengumpulan barang, pelaporan barang donasi, dan pejualan serta pembelian barang donasi

    Filling Competency Gaps through Collaboration for Circularity : Insights from a gap exploiter business model

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    The implementation of circular initiatives requires certain capabilities and knowledge that traditional business models often lack, requiring new perspectives and external collaborations. This paper explores the competency needs and partnership dynamics of established companies collaborating for business model innovation for circularity through a case study of a gap exploiter business model, a company called GIAB, and three of its partners. Through the exploration of partner challenges and translation of such into specific needs, this paper matches GIAB’s competences to its partners’ circularity needs. Partners require key resources such as digital platforms, logistic networks, markets for reused goods, repair knowledge and skills, and collaborative values. These needs are provided through several collaboration mechanisms facilitated through information sharing that include joint planning, contractual practices, resource sharing and joint knowledge creation. GIAB’s value proposition to help partners to implement circular strategies is grounded in its configuration of competences that enables the capabilities needed to develop and facilitate circular solutions. The research provides a framework to identify and structure essential competences and associated capabilities for business model innovation for circularity. The examination of GIAB as a case study shows the value of a gap exploiter business model as a CBM itself, as well as a gap exploiter’s role in creating value by enabling other companies to implement circular initiatives

    Reverse Logistics Performance Indicators for the Construction Sector: A Building Project Case

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    While the performance evaluation of reverse logistics (RL) practices in the construction sector is crucial, it is seemingly limited compared to that in the manufacturing sector. As the project life cycle in the construction sector is typically long, effective coordination among the stakeholders is needed to integrate RL into each phase of the project life cycle. This paper proposes a new model of RL for the construction industry, incorporating the dimensions, elements, and, most importantly, indicators needed for the evaluation of RL performance. The model was initially derived from the extant literature. It was then refined through (1) focus group discussion, by which suggestions pertinent to the proposed model were collated from academics and practitioners, and (2) judgments by academics and practitioners to validate the model. The validated model includes 21 indicators to measure RL performance, spanned throughout the green initiation, green design, green material management, green construction, and green operation and maintenance phases. The paper offers a new method for how RL can be adopted in the construction industry by proposing an innovative model that will benefit stakeholders in the construction industry

    Desain Jaringan Distribusi Bantuan Sosial Beras Sejahtera (Bansos Rastra) menggunakan Metode Distribution Requirement Planning

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    Desain jaringan distribusi merupakan bagian Supply Chain Management (SCM) untuk mengoptimalkan jaringan distribusi agar terhindar dari kelebihan atau kekurangan inventory. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perum BULOG Divisi Regional Kalimantan Barat dengan mengadopsi konsep Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) yang berfokus kepada inventory dan saluran distribusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain jaringan distribusi Bantuan Sosial Beras Sejahtera (Bansos Rastra) yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman untuk mengoptimalkan sistem distribusi sehingga memberikan layanan terbaik kepada masyarakat. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu pengumpulan data, menganalisis kebutuhan, perancangan dan implementasi. pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi. Analisis dan Perancangan dilakukan dengan pendekatan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang diilustrasikan dalam bentuk Unified Modelling Language (UML) berupa class diagram. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara User Acceptance Testing (UAT) dengan teknik in-depth interview. Hasil pengujian model jaringan distribusi Bansos Rastra dapat diterapkan pada Perum BULOG Divre Kalbar. Secara keseluruhan, desain jaringan distribusi dapat membantu mengoptimalkan jaringan distribusi agar lebih efisien
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