1,466 research outputs found

    Replicating Web Applications On-Demand

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    Many Web-based commercial services deliver their content using Web applications that generate pages dynamically based on user profiles, request parameters etc. The workload of these applications are often characterized by a large number of unique requests and a significant fraction of data updates. Hosting these applications drives the need for systems that replicates both the application code and its underlying data. We propose the design of such a system that is based on on-demand replication, where data units are replicated only to servers that access them often. This reduces the consistency overhead as updates are sent to a reduced number of servers. The proposed system allows complete replication transparency to the application, thereby allowing developers to build applications unaware of the underlying data replication. We show that the proposed techniques can reduce the client response time by a factor of 5 in comparison to existing techniques for a realworld e-commerce application used in the TPC-W benchmark. Furthermore, we evaluate our strategies for a wide range of workloads and show that on-demand replication performs better than centralized and fully replicated systems by reducing the average latency of read/write data accesses as well as the amount of bandwidth utilized to maintain data consistency. 1

    Object Replication Algorithms for World Wide Web

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    Object replication is a well-known technique to improve the accessibility of the Web sites. It generally offers reduced client latencies and increases a site's availability. However, applying replication techniques is not trivial and a large number of heuristics have been proposed to decide the number of replicas of an object and their placement in a distributed web server system. This paper presents three object placement and replication algorithms. The first two heuristics are centralized in the sense that a central site determines the number of replicas and their placement. Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet traffic and the rapid change in the access pattern of the World-Wide Web, we also propose a distributed algorithm where each site relies on some locally collected information to decide what objects should be replicated at that site. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated through a simulation study. Also, the performance of the proposed algorithms has been compared with that of three other well-known algorithms and the results are presented. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithms

    Optimal Replica Placement in Tree Networks with QoS and Bandwidth Constraints and the Closest Allocation Policy

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    This paper deals with the replica placement problem on fully homogeneous tree networks known as the Replica Placement optimization problem. The client requests are known beforehand, while the number and location of the servers are to be determined. We investigate the latter problem using the Closest access policy when adding QoS and bandwidth constraints. We propose an optimal algorithm in two passes using dynamic programming

    Trends in the Solution of Distributed Data Placement Problem

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    Data placement for optimal performance is an old problem. For example the problem dealt with the placement of relational data in distributed databases, to achieve optimal query processing time. Heterogeneous distributed systems with commodity processors evolved in response to requirement of storage and processing capacity of enormous scale. Reliability and availability are accomplished by appropriate level of data replication, and efficiency is achieved by suitable placement and processing techniques. Where to place which data, how many copies to keep, how to propagate updates so as to maximize the reliability, availability and performance are the issues addressed. In addition to processing costs, the network parameters of bandwidth limitation, speed and reliability have to be considered. This paper surveys the state of the art of published literature on these topics. We are confident that the placement problem will continue to be a research problem in the future also, with the parameters changing. Such situations will arise for example with the advance of mobile smart phones both in terms of the capability and applications

    Web Replica Hosting Systems

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    Content-aware resource allocation model for IPTV delivery networks

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    Nowadays, with the evolution of digital video broadcasting, as well as, the advent of high speed broadband networks, a new era of TV services has emerged known as IPTV. IPTV is a system that employs the high speed broadband networks to deliver TV services to the subscribers. From the service provider viewpoint, the challenge in IPTV systems is how to build delivery networks that exploits the resources efficiently and reduces the service cost, as well. However, designing such delivery networks affected by many factors including choosing the suitable network architecture, load balancing, resources waste, and cost reduction. Furthermore, IPTV contents characteristics, particularly; size, popularity, and interactivity play an important role in balancing the load and avoiding the resources waste for delivery networks. In this paper, we investigate the problem of resource allocation for IPTV delivery networks over the recent architecture, peer-service area architecture. The Genetic Algorithm as an optimization tool has been used to find the optimal provisioning parameters including storage, bandwidth, and CPU consumption. The experiments have been conducted on two data sets with different popularity distributions. The experiments have been conducted on two popularity distributions. The experimental results showed the impact of content status on the resource allocation process
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