10 research outputs found

    Critical Information Infrastructures Security Modeling

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    The paper discusses the modeling of various aspects of the security of critical information infrastructures (CII) in the assumption of creating a reference model of CII security in the future. The features of CII in terms of goals and safety criteria based on the analysis of various regulatory and methodically established definitions and descriptions of CII are established. The contradictions arising in the attempts to use the traditional methodology of information security in relation to CII are shown. The problems of using the methods and models of classical risk analysis are discussed, in particular, the impossibility of applying the concept of residual risk to the formation of CII safety objectives. The conclusion is made about the expediency of basing these goals on the exhaustion of possible protective measures (controls and activities), the concept of asymptotic safety management of CII , which guarantees the trend of security growth without its current assessment. Changes in the role and place of the threat model in ensuring the security of CII related to the lack of evidence of the completeness of this model are considered. The attractiveness of using the SDL technique for forming elements of the threat model in the conditions of a specific CII is indicated. The structure of the future reference model of safety of the CII including definition of the purposes and criteria of safety (including functional), multilevel static model of functioning of the CII (including security factors), a dynamic model of the spread of security incidents within the CII, the typology of the result of aggressive manifestations of the CII functioning environment (threat model) and the model (methodology) of the spread of protective activities within the information infrastructure

    Detecting Violations of Access Control and Information Flow Policies in Data Flow Diagrams

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    The security of software-intensive systems is frequently attacked. High fines or loss in reputation are potential consequences of not maintaining confidentiality, which is an important security objective. Detecting confidentiality issues in early software designs enables cost-efficient fixes. A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a modeling notation, which focuses on essential, functional aspects of such early software designs. Existing confidentiality analyses on DFDs support either information flow control or access control, which are the most common confidentiality mechanisms. Combining both mechanisms can be beneficial but existing DFD analyses do not support this. This lack of expressiveness requires designers to switch modeling languages to consider both mechanisms, which can lead to inconsistencies. In this article, we present an extended DFD syntax that supports modeling both, information flow and access control, in the same language. This improves expressiveness compared to related work and avoids inconsistencies. We define the semantics of extended DFDs by clauses in first-order logic. A logic program made of these clauses enables the automated detection of confidentiality violations by querying it. We evaluate the expressiveness of the syntax in a case study. We attempt to model nine information flow cases and six access control cases. We successfully modeled fourteen out of these fifteen cases, which indicates good expressiveness. We evaluate the reusability of models when switching confidentiality mechanisms by comparing the cases that share the same system design, which are three pairs of cases. We successfully show improved reusability compared to the state of the art. We evaluated the accuracy of confidentiality analyses by executing them for the fourteen cases that we could model. We experienced good accuracy

    Evolution of security engineering artifacts: a state of the art survey

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    Security is an important quality aspect of modern open software systems. However, it is challenging to keep such systems secure because of evolution. Security evolution can only be managed adequately if it is considered for all artifacts throughout the software development lifecycle. This article provides state of the art on the evolution of security engineering artifacts. The article covers the state of the art on evolution of security requirements, security architectures, secure code, security tests, security models, and security risks as well as security monitoring. For each of these artifacts the authors give an overview of evolution and security aspects and discuss the state of the art on its security evolution in detail. Based on this comprehensive survey, they summarize key issues and discuss directions of future research

    Detecting Violations of Access Control and Information Flow Policies in Data Flow Diagrams

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    The security of software-intensive systems is frequently attacked. High fines or loss in reputation are potential consequences of not maintaining confidentiality, which is an important security objective. Detecting confidentiality issues in early software designs enables cost-efficient fixes. A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a modeling notation, which focuses on essential, functional aspects of such early software designs. Existing confidentiality analyses on DFDs support either information flow control or access control, which are the most common confidentiality mechanisms. Combining both mechanisms can be beneficial but existing DFD analyses do not support this. This lack of expressiveness requires designers to switch modeling languages to consider both mechanisms, which can lead to inconsistencies. In this article, we present an extended DFD syntax that supports modeling both, information flow and access control, in the same language. This improves expressiveness compared to related work and avoids inconsistencies. We define the semantics of extended DFDs by clauses in first-order logic. A logic program made of these clauses enables the automated detection of confidentiality violations by querying it. We evaluate the expressiveness of the syntax in a case study. We attempt to model nine information flow cases and six access control cases. We successfully modeled fourteen out of these fifteen cases, which indicates good expressiveness. We evaluate the reusability of models when switching confidentiality mechanisms by comparing the cases that share the same system design, which are three pairs of cases. We successfully show improved reusability compared to the state of the art. We evaluated the accuracy of confidentiality analyses by executing them for the fourteen cases that we could model. We experienced good accuracy

    Security risk assessment in cloud computing domains

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    Cyber security is one of the primary concerns persistent across any computing platform. While addressing the apprehensions about security risks, an infinite amount of resources cannot be invested in mitigation measures since organizations operate under budgetary constraints. Therefore the task of performing security risk assessment is imperative to designing optimal mitigation measures, as it provides insight about the strengths and weaknesses of different assets affiliated to a computing platform. The objective of the research presented in this dissertation is to improve upon existing risk assessment frameworks and guidelines associated to different key assets of Cloud computing domains - infrastructure, applications, and users. The dissertation presents various informal approaches of performing security risk assessment which will help to identify the security risks confronted by the aforementioned assets, and utilize the results to carry out the required cost-benefit tradeoff analyses. This will be beneficial to organizations by aiding them in better comprehending the security risks their assets are exposed to and thereafter secure them by designing cost-optimal mitigation measures --Abstract, page iv

    Conceptualization and implementation of a prototype for realistic simulation of vehicles

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    Daimler FleetBoard offers telematic services by means of a special hardware installed in customers' vehicles to collect and send data to the FleetBoard's Service Centre (FBSC) platform. FBSC is in charge of receiving, processing and storing data generated by vehicles. The quality assurance and testing department guarantees that the telematic services meet their purpose, and no failures exist in the system. In that way, software to simulate vehicles' behaviour is required to test the functionalities of FBSC. However, the problem rises since this software uses simulated data instead of real data. In addition, the process of creating routes for simulations is manual. Based on the mentioned problems, the objective of this thesis is to design, implement and evaluate a prototype as mechanism of importing routes generated by real vehicles to the simulator’s database, to emphasise on using real data for simulations. Additionally, the process of creating routes is optimized using Web Map Services to automate this process. Consequently, an evaluation of the prototypical implementation is considered to guarantee the proper operation of the prototype's layers: WEB GUI (supported by Java Server Faces), business logic and the persistence layer (fostered by Java Persistence API)

    ABSTRACT Checking Threat Modeling Data Flow Diagrams for Implementation Conformance and Security

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    Threat modeling is a lightweight approach to reason about application security and uses Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) with security annotations. We extended Reflexion Models to check the conformance of an as-designed DFD with an approximation of the as-built DFD obtained from the implementation. We also designed a set of properties and an analysis to help novice designers think about security threats such as spoofing, tampering and information disclosure

    Model-driven Security Engineering for FPGAs

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    Tato práce obsahuje analýzu a adaptaci vhodných metod zabezpečení, pocházejících ze softwarové domény, do světa FPGA. Metoda formalizace bezpečnostní výzvy FPGA je prezentována jazykem FPGASECML, specifickým pro danou doménu, vhodným pro modelování hrozeb zaměřených na systém a pro formální definování bezpečnostní politiky. Vytvoření vhodných obranných mechanismů vyžaduje inteligenci o agentech ohrožení, zejména o jejich motivaci a schopnostech. Konstrukce založené na FPGA jsou, stejně jako jakýkoli jiný IT systém, vystaveny různým agentům hrozeb po celou dobu jejich životnosti, což naléhavě vyžaduje potřebu vhodné a přizpůsobitelné bezpečnostní strategie. Systematická analýza návrhu založená na konceptu STRIDE poskytuje cenné informace o hrozbách a požadovaných mechanismech protiopatření. Minimalizace povrchu útoku je jedním z nezbytných kroků k vytvoření odolného designu. Konvenční paradigmata řízení přístupu mohou modelovat pravidla řízení přístupu v návrzích FPGA. Výběr vhodného závisí na složitosti a bezpečnostních požadavcích návrhu. Formální popis architektury FPGA a bezpečnostní politiky podporuje přesnou definici aktiv a jejich možných, povolených a zakázaných interakcí. Odstraňuje nejednoznačnost z modelu hrozby a zároveň poskytuje plán implementace. Kontrola modelu může být použita k ověření, zda a do jaké míry, je návrh v souladu s uvedenou bezpečnostní politikou. Přenesení architektury do vhodného modelu a bezpečnostní politiky do ověřitelných logických vlastností může být, jak je uvedeno v této práci, automatizované, zjednodušující proces a zmírňující jeden zdroj chyb. Posílení učení může identifikovat potenciální slabiny a kroky, které může útočník podniknout, aby je využil. Některé metody zde uvedené mohou být použitelné také v jiných doménách.ObhájenoThe thesis provides an analysis and adaptation of appropriate security methods from the software domain into the FPGA world and combines them with formal verification methods and machine learning techniques. The deployment of appropriate defense mechanisms requires intelligence about the threat agents, especially their motivation and capabilities. FPGA based designs are, like any other IT system, exposed to different threat agents throughout the systems lifetime, urging the need for a suitable and adaptable security strategy. The systematic analysis of the design, based on the STRIDE concept, provides valuable insight into the threats and the mandated counter mechanisms. Minimizing the attack surface is one essential step to create a resilient design. Conventional access control paradigms can model access control rules in FPGA designs and thereby restrict the exposure of sensitive elements to untrustworthy ones. A method to formalize the FPGA security challenge is presented. FPGASECML is a domain-specific language, suitable for dataflow-centric threat modeling as well as the formal definition of an enforceable security policy. The formal description of the FPGA architecture and the security policy promotes a precise definition of the assets and their possible, allowed, and prohibited interactions. Formalization removes ambiguity from the threat model while providing a blueprint for the implementation. Model transformations allow the application of dedicated and proven tools to answer specific questions while minimizing the workload for the user. Model-checking can be applied to verify if, and to a certain degree when, a design complies with the stated security policy. Transferring the architecture into a suitable model and the security policy into verifiable logic properties can be, as demonstrated in the thesis, automated, simplifying the process and mitigating one source of error. Reinforcement learning, a machine learning method, can identify potential weaknesses and the steps an attacker may take to exploit them. The approach presented uses a Markov Decision Process in combination with a Qlearning algorithm

    Efficiency and Automation in Threat Analysis of Software Systems

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    Context: Security is a growing concern in many organizations. Industries developing software systems plan for security early-on to minimize expensive code refactorings after deployment. In the design phase, teams of experts routinely analyze the system architecture and design to find potential security threats and flaws. After the system is implemented, the source code is often inspected to determine its compliance with the intended functionalities. Objective: The goal of this thesis is to improve on the performance of security design analysis techniques (in the design and implementation phases) and support practitioners with automation and tool support.Method: We conducted empirical studies for building an in-depth understanding of existing threat analysis techniques (Systematic Literature Review, controlled experiments). We also conducted empirical case studies with industrial participants to validate our attempt at improving the performance of one technique. Further, we validated our proposal for automating the inspection of security design flaws by organizing workshops with participants (under controlled conditions) and subsequent performance analysis. Finally, we relied on a series of experimental evaluations for assessing the quality of the proposed approach for automating security compliance checks. Findings: We found that the eSTRIDE approach can help focus the analysis and produce twice as many high-priority threats in the same time frame. We also found that reasoning about security in an automated fashion requires extending the existing notations with more precise security information. In a formal setting, minimal model extensions for doing so include security contracts for system nodes handling sensitive information. The formally-based analysis can to some extent provide completeness guarantees. For a graph-based detection of flaws, minimal required model extensions include data types and security solutions. In such a setting, the automated analysis can help in reducing the number of overlooked security flaws. Finally, we suggested to define a correspondence mapping between the design model elements and implemented constructs. We found that such a mapping is a key enabler for automatically checking the security compliance of the implemented system with the intended design. The key for achieving this is two-fold. First, a heuristics-based search is paramount to limit the manual effort that is required to define the mapping. Second, it is important to analyze implemented data flows and compare them to the data flows stipulated by the design