10 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Iterators from Abstraction Functions

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    A technique for synthesizing iterators from declarative abstraction functions written in a relational logic specification language is described. The logic includes a transitive closure operator that makes it convenient for expressing reachability queries on linked data structures. Some optimizations, including tuple elimination, iterator flattening, and traversal state reduction, are used to improve performance of the generated iterators. A case study demonstrates that most of the iterators in the widely used JDK Collections classes can be replaced with code synthesized from declarative abstraction functions. These synthesized iterators perform competitively with the hand-written originals. In a user study the synthesized iterators always passed more test cases than the hand-written ones, were almost always as efficient, usually took less programmer effort, and were the qualitative preference of all participants who provided free-form comments

    Incremental Confined Types Analysis

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    Research related to alias protection and related concepts, such as, confined types and ownership types has a long tradition and is a promising concept for the design and implementation of more reliable and secure software. Unfortunately, the use of these concepts is not widespread as most implementations are proofs of concept and fall short with respect to the integration with standard software development tools and processes. In this paper, we discuss an implementation of confined types based on Java 5 annotations. The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we discuss the incrementalization of the confined types analysis and second, we present the integration of the analysis into Eclipse using the static analysis platform Magellan

    Heaps don't lie : countering unsoundness with heap snapshots

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    Static analyses aspire to explore all possible executions in order to achieve soundness. Yet, in practice, they fail to capture common dynamic behavior. Enhancing static analyses with dynamic information is a common pattern, with tools such as Tamiflex. Past approaches, however, miss significant portions of dynamic behavior, due to native code, unsupported features (e.g., invokedynamic or lambdas in Java), and more. We present techniques that substantially counteract the unsoundness of a static analysis, with virtually no intrusion to the analysis logic. Our approach is reified in the HeapDL toolchain and consists in taking whole-heap snapshots during program execution, that are further enriched to capture significant aspects of dynamic behavior, regardless of the causes of such behavior. The snapshots are then used as extra inputs to the static analysis. The approach exhibits both portability and significantly increased coverage. Heap information under one set of dynamic inputs allows a static analysis to cover many more behaviors under other inputs. A HeapDL-enhanced static analysis of the DaCapo benchmarks computes 99.5% (median) of the call-graph edges of unseen dynamic executions (vs. 76.9% for the Tamiflex tool).peer-reviewe

    Apparatuses and Methods for Producing Runtime Architectures of Computer Program Modules

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    Apparatuses and methods for producing run-time architectures of computer program modules. One embodiment includes creating an abstract graph from the computer program module and from containment information corresponding to the computer program module, wherein the abstract graph has nodes including types and objects, and wherein the abstract graph relates an object to a type, and wherein for a specific object the abstract graph relates the specific object to a type containing the specific object; and creating a runtime graph from the abstract graph, wherein the runtime graph is a representation of the true runtime object graph, wherein the runtime graph represents containment information such that, for a specific object, the runtime graph relates the specific object to another object that contains the specific object

    Empirical studies of structural phenomena using a curated corpus of Java code

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    Contrary to 50 years\u27 worth of advice in the instructional literature on software design, long cyclic dependencies are found to be widespread in sizeable, curated corpus of real Java software. Among their causes may be overuse of static members, underuse of dependency injection and poor tool support for avoiding them.<br /

    Checking Ownership and Confinement

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    A number of proposals to manage aliasing in Java-like programming languages have been advanced over the last five years. It is not clear how practical these proposals are, that is, how well they relate to the kinds of programs currently written in Java-like languages. To address this problem, we analysed heap snapshots from a corpus of Java programs. Our results indicate that object-oriented programs do in fact exhibit symptoms of encapsulation in practice, and that proposed models of uniqueness, ownership, and confinement can usefully describe the aliasing structures of object-oriented programs. Understanding the kinds of aliasing present in programs should help us to design formalisms to make explicit the kinds of aliasing implicit in object-oriented programs

    Checking ownership and confinement

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