47 research outputs found

    Coherent Optical OFDM Modem Employing Artificial Neural Networks for Dispersion and Nonlinearity Compensation in a Long-Haul Transmission System

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    In order to satisfy the ever increasing demand for the bandwidth requirement in broadband services the optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) scheme is being considered as a promising technique for future high-capacity optical networks. The aim of this thesis is to investigate, theoretically, the feasibility of implementing the coherent optical OFDM (CO-OOFDM) technique in long haul transmission networks. For CO-OOFDM and Fast-OFDM systems a set of modulation formats dependent analogue to digital converter (ADC) clipping ratio and the quantization bit have been identified, moreover, CO-OOFDM is more resilient to the chromatic dispersion (CD) when compared to the bandwidth efficient Fast-OFDM scheme. For CO-OOFDM systems numerical simulations are undertaken to investigate the effect of the number of sub-carriers, the cyclic prefix (CP), and ADC associated parameters such as the sampling speed, the clipping ratio, and the quantisation bit on the system performance over single mode fibre (SMF) links for data rates up to 80 Gb/s. The use of a large number of sub-carriers is more effective in combating the fibre CD compared to employing a long CP. Moreover, in the presence of fibre non-linearities identifying the optimum number of sub-carriers is a crucial factor in determining the modem performance. For a range of signal data rates up to 40 Gb/s, a set of data rate and transmission distance-dependent optimum ADC parameters are identified in this work. These parameters give rise to a negligible clipping and quantisation noise, moreover, ADC sampling speed can increase the dispersion tolerance while transmitting over SMF links. In addition, simulation results show that the use of adaptive modulation schemes improves the spectrum usage efficiency, thus resulting in higher tolerance to the CD when compared to the case where identical modulation formats are adopted across all sub-carriers. For a given transmission distance utilizing an artificial neural networks (ANN) equalizer improves the system bit error rate (BER) performance by a factor of 50% and 70%, respectively when considering SMF firstly CD and secondly nonlinear effects with CD. Moreover, for a fixed BER of 10-3 utilizing ANN increases the transmission distance by 1.87 times and 2 times, respectively while considering SMF CD and nonlinear effects. The proposed ANN equalizer performs more efficiently in combating SMF non-linearities than the previously published Kerr nonlinearity electrical compensation technique by a factor of 7

    Identifying the Severity of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis During Gait by Using Machine Learning

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    La scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent (SIA) est une dĂ©formation de la colonne vertĂ©brale dans les trois plans de l’espace objectivĂ©e par un angle de Cobb ≄ 10°. Celle-ci affecte les adolescents ĂągĂ©s entre 10 et 16 ans. L’étiologie de la scoliose demeure Ă  ce jour inconnue malgrĂ© des recherches approfondies. DiffĂ©rentes hypothĂšses telles que l’implication de facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques, hormonaux, biomĂ©caniques, neuromusculaires ou encore des anomalies de croissance ont Ă©tĂ© avancĂ©es. Chez ces adolescents, l'ampleur de la dĂ©formation de la colonne vertĂ©brale est objectivĂ©e par mesure manuelle de l’angle de Cobb sur radiographies antĂ©ropostĂ©rieures. Cependant, l’imprĂ©cision inter / intra observateur de cette mesure, ainsi que de l’exposition frĂ©quente (biannuelle) aux rayons X que celle-ci nĂ©cessite pour un suivi adĂ©quat, sont un domaine qui prĂ©occupe la communautĂ© scientifique et clinique. Les solutions proposĂ©es Ă  cet effet concernent pour beaucoup l'utilisation de mĂ©thodes assistĂ©es par ordinateur, telles que des mĂ©thodes d'apprentissage machine utilisant des images radiographiques ou des images du dos du corps humain. Ces images sont utilisĂ©es pour classer la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la dĂ©formation vertĂ©brale ou pour identifier l'angle de Cobb. Cependant, aucune de ces mĂ©thodes ne s’est avĂ©rĂ©e suffisamment prĂ©cise pour se substituer l’utilisation des radiographies. ParallĂšlement, les recherches ont dĂ©montrĂ© que la scoliose modifie le schĂ©ma de marche des personnes qui en souffrent et par consĂ©quent Ă©galement les efforts intervertĂ©braux. C’est pourquoi, l'objectif de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle non invasif d’identification de la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la scoliose grĂące aux mesures des efforts intervertĂ©braux mesurĂ©s durant la marche. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons d'abord comparĂ© les efforts intervertĂ©braux calculĂ©s par un modĂšle dynamique multicorps, en utilisant la dynamique inverse, chez 15 adolescents atteints de SIA avec diffĂ©rents types de courbes et de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ©s et chez 12 adolescents asymptomatiques (Ă  titre comparatif). Par cette comparaison, nous avons pu objectiver que les efforts intervertĂ©braux les plus discriminants pour prĂ©dire la dĂ©formation vertĂ©brale Ă©taient la force et le couple antĂ©ro-postĂ©rieur et la force mĂ©dio-latĂ©rale. Par la suite, nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s sur la classification de la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la dĂ©formation vertĂ©brale de 30 AIS ayant une courbure thoraco-lombaire / lombaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons testĂ© diffĂ©rents modĂšles de classification. L'angle de Cobb a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© en exĂ©cutant diffĂ©rents modĂšles de rĂ©gression. Les caractĂ©ristiques (features) servant Ă  alimenter les algorithmes d'entraĂźnement ont Ă©tĂ© choisies en fonction des efforts intervertĂ©braux les plus pertinents Ă  la dĂ©formation vertĂ©brale au niveau de la charniĂšre lombo-sacrĂ©e (vertĂšbres allantes de L5-S1). Les prĂ©cisions les plus Ă©levĂ©es pour la classification exĂ©cutant diffĂ©rents algorithmes ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues par un algorithme de classification d'ensemble comprenant les “K-nearest neighbors”, “Support vector machine”, “Random forest”, “multilayer perceptron”, et un modĂšle de “neural networks” avec une prĂ©cision de 91.4% et 93.6%, respectivement. De mĂȘme, le modĂšle de rĂ©gression par “Decision tree” parmi les autres modĂšles a obtenu le meilleur rĂ©sultat avec une erreur absolue moyenne Ă©gale Ă  4.6° de moyenne de validation croisĂ©e de 10 fois. En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre une relation entre la dĂ©formation de la colonne vertĂ©brale et les efforts intervertĂ©braux mesurĂ©s lors de la marche. L'angle de Cobb a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© Ă  l'aide d'une mĂ©thode sans rayonnement avec une prĂ©cision prometteuse Ă©gale Ă  4.6°. Il s’agit d’une amĂ©lioration majeure par rapport aux mĂ©thodes prĂ©cĂ©demment proposĂ©es ainsi que par rapport Ă  la mesure classique rĂ©alisĂ©e par des spĂ©cialistes prĂ©sentant une erreur entre 5° et 10° (ceci en raison de la variation intra/inter observateur). L’algorithme que nous vous prĂ©sentons peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme un outil d'Ă©valuation pour suivre la progression de la scoliose. Il peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une alternative Ă  la radiographie. Des travaux futurs devraient tester l'algorithme et l’adapter pour d’autres formes de SIA, telles que les scolioses lombaire ou thoracolombaire.----------ABSTRACT Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a 3D deformation of the spine and rib cage greater than 10° that affects adolescents between the ages of 10 and 16 years old. The true etiology is unknown despite extensive research and investigation. However, different theories such as genetic and hormonal factors, growth abnormalities or biomechanical and neuromuscular reasons have been proposed as possible causes. The magnitude of spinal deformity in AIS is measured by the Cobb angle in degrees as the gold standard through the X-rays by specialists. The inter/intra observer error and the cumulative exposure to radiation, however, are sources of increasing concern among researchers with regards to the accuracy of manual measurement. Proposed solutions have therefore, focused on using computer-assisted methods such as Machine Learning using X-ray images, and/or trunk images to classify the severity of spinal deformity or to identify the Cobb angle. However, none of the proposed methods have shown the level of accuracy required for use as an alternative to X-rays. Meanwhile, scoliosis has been recognized as a pathology that modifies the gait pattern, subsequently impinging upon intervertebral efforts. The present thesis aims to develop a radiation-free model to identify the severity of idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents based on the intervertebral efforts during gait. To accomplish this objective, we compared the intervertebral efforts computed using a multibody dynamics model, by way of inverse dynamics, among 15 adolescents with AIS having different curve types and severities, as well as 12 typically developed adolescents. This resulted in the identification of the most relevant intervertebral efforts influenced by spinal deformity: mediolateral (ML) force; anteroposterior (AP) force; and torque. Additionally, we focused on the classification of the severity of spinal deformity among 30 AIS with thoracolumbar/lumbar curvature, testing different classification models. Lastly, the Cobb angle was identified running regression models. The features to feed training algorithms were chosen based on the most relevant intervertebral efforts to the spinal deformity on the lumbosacral (L5-S1) joint. The highest accuracies for the classification were obtained by the ensemble classifier algorithm, including “K-nearest neighbors”, “support vector machine”, “random forest”, and “multilayer perceptron”, as well as a neural network model with an accuracy of 91.4% and 93.6%, respectively. Likewise, the “decision tree regression” model achieved the best result with a mean absolute error equal to 4.6 degrees of an averaged 10-fold cross-validation. This study shows a relation between spinal deformity and the produced intervertebral efforts during gait. The Cobb angle was identified using a radiation-free method with a promising accuracy, providing a mean absolute error of 4.6°. Compared to measurement variations, ranging between 5° and 10° in the manual Cobb angle measurements by specialists, the proposed model provided reliable accuracy. This algorithm can be used as an assessment tool, alternative to the X-ray radiography, to follow up the progression of scoliosis. As future work, the algorithm should be tested and modified on AIS with other types of spine curvature than lumbar/thoracolumbar

    Neural Networks: Training and Application to Nonlinear System Identification and Control

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    This dissertation investigates training neural networks for system identification and classification. The research contains two main contributions as follow:1. Reducing number of hidden layer nodes using a feedforward componentThis research reduces the number of hidden layer nodes and training time of neural networks to make them more suited to online identification and control applications by adding a parallel feedforward component. Implementing the feedforward component with a wavelet neural network and an echo state network provides good models for nonlinear systems.The wavelet neural network with feedforward component along with model predictive controller can reliably identify and control a seismically isolated structure during earthquake. The network model provides the predictions for model predictive control. Simulations of a 5-story seismically isolated structure with conventional lead-rubber bearings showed significant reductions of all response amplitudes for both near-field (pulse) and far-field ground motions, including reduced deformations along with corresponding reduction in acceleration response. The controller effectively regulated the apparent stiffness at the isolation level. The approach is also applied to the online identification and control of an unmanned vehicle. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the wavelet neural network and the model predictive controller. 2. Training neural networks using trajectory based optimization approachesTraining neural networks is a nonlinear non-convex optimization problem to determine the weights of the neural network. Traditional training algorithms can be inefficient and can get trapped in local minima. Two global optimization approaches are adapted to train neural networks and avoid the local minima problem. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the proposed methodology and its convergence in the presence of measurement errors. The first approach transforms the constraint satisfaction problem into unconstrained optimization. The constraints define a quotient gradient system (QGS) whose stable equilibrium points are local minima of the unconstrained optimization. The QGS is integrated to determine local minima and the local minimum with the best generalization performance is chosen as the optimal solution. The second approach uses the QGS together with a projected gradient system (PGS). The PGS is a nonlinear dynamical system, defined based on the optimization problem that searches the components of the feasible region for solutions. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of PGS and QGS and their stability under presence of measurement noise

    Experimental investigation and modelling of the heating value and elemental composition of biomass through artificial intelligence

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    Abstract: Knowledge advancement in artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies provides new potential predictive reliability for biomass energy value chain. However, for the prediction approach against experimental methodology, the prediction accuracy is expected to be high in order to develop a high fidelity and robust software which can serve as a tool in the decision making process. The global standards related to classification methods and energetic properties of biomass are still evolving given different observation and results which have been reported in the literature. Apart from these, there is a need for a holistic understanding of the effect of particle sizes and geospatial factors on the physicochemical properties of biomass to increase the uptake of bioenergy. Therefore, this research carried out an experimental investigation of some selected bioresources and also develops high-fidelity models built on artificial intelligence capability to accurately classify the biomass feedstocks, predict the main elemental composition (Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen) on dry basis and the Heating value in (MJ/kg) of biomass...Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering Science

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    Neural network-based design of freeform off-axis three-mirror telescopes for space applications

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    openThis work explores the development of an innovative Neural Network-based framework to automate the design of freeform off-axis three-mirror imaging systems. These optical systems, consisting of three freeform optical components arranged in a non-collinear manner, have enormous potential in fields such as space exploration and astronomy, due to their compactness and superior imaging capabilities. Starting with a comprehensive overview of freeform optics, this thesis provides an in-depth explanation of the mathematical representations, fabrication, and metrology of freeform surfaces. The challenges of realizing complex optical systems are highlighted, emphasizing the need for efficient designs. Furthermore, we analyze the advantages of freeform off-axis three-mirror imaging systems in space exploration when compared to conventional designs, providing valuable context for the developed framework. In this thesis, we propose a methodology based on Neural Networks to generate effective starting points in the design process. The framework comprises several significant phases. To begin with, we identify the key parameters of the representative system which include the Field of View, F-number, and Entrance Pupil Diameter. Next, we establish the System Parameter Space (SPS) by taking into account the design requirements and the parameters involved in the system. Then, we create a dataset through systematic sampling within the SPS, using a system evolution approach to derive the corresponding surface parameters that can fully describe the location and shape of the surfaces. The Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is trained rigorously with the given dataset. Once it is validated and proven effective, the trained FFNN can quickly produce the corresponding surface parameters when specific system parameter combinations are provided. As a result, it serves as an optimal starting point for subsequent optimizations, significantly reducing the amount of manual effort required during the design process. This novel framework represents a step forward in the fusion of advanced machine learning techniques with optical design principles. By automating and streamlining the design process, this framework sets the stage for a new era in the creation of high-performance optical systems, paving the way for future advancements in space exploration, astronomy, and various other domains.This work explores the development of an innovative Neural Network-based framework to automate the design of freeform off-axis three-mirror imaging systems. These optical systems, consisting of three freeform optical components arranged in a non-collinear manner, have enormous potential in fields such as space exploration and astronomy, due to their compactness and superior imaging capabilities. Starting with a comprehensive overview of freeform optics, this thesis provides an in-depth explanation of the mathematical representations, fabrication, and metrology of freeform surfaces. The challenges of realizing complex optical systems are highlighted, emphasizing the need for efficient designs. Furthermore, we analyze the advantages of freeform off-axis three-mirror imaging systems in space exploration when compared to conventional designs, providing valuable context for the developed framework. In this thesis, we propose a methodology based on Neural Networks to generate effective starting points in the design process. The framework comprises several significant phases. To begin with, we identify the key parameters of the representative system which include the Field of View, F-number, and Entrance Pupil Diameter. Next, we establish the System Parameter Space (SPS) by taking into account the design requirements and the parameters involved in the system. Then, we create a dataset through systematic sampling within the SPS, using a system evolution approach to derive the corresponding surface parameters that can fully describe the location and shape of the surfaces. The Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is trained rigorously with the given dataset. Once it is validated and proven effective, the trained FFNN can quickly produce the corresponding surface parameters when specific system parameter combinations are provided. As a result, it serves as an optimal starting point for subsequent optimizations, significantly reducing the amount of manual effort required during the design process. This novel framework represents a step forward in the fusion of advanced machine learning techniques with optical design principles. By automating and streamlining the design process, this framework sets the stage for a new era in the creation of high-performance optical systems, paving the way for future advancements in space exploration, astronomy, and various other domains

    Haari lainikute meetod omavĂ”nkumiste analĂŒĂŒsiks ja parameetrite mÀÀramiseks

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    Tala on konstruktsioonielement, mille ĂŒlesandeks on vastu pidada erinevatele koormustele. Projekteerimisel alahinnatud koormused, ebatĂ€psused tootmisel, söövitav keskkond, konstruktsiooni vananemine ekspluatatsiooni kĂ€igus vĂ”ivad talasid kahjustada ning pĂ”hjustada kogu konstruktsiooni purunemist. SeetĂ”ttu talade dĂŒnaamilise kĂ€itumise modelleerimine ja ekspluatatsiooni jĂ€lgimine on jĂ€tkuvalt aktuaalne teema konstruktsioonide mehaanikas. KĂ€esolev vĂ€itekiri on suunatud sĂŒstemaatilisele lĂ€henemisele vĂ”nkumiste analĂŒĂŒsimiseks ja purunemise parameetrite mÀÀramiseks Euler-Bernoulli tĂŒĂŒpi talades. Töös pakutakse vĂ€lja Haari lainikute meetod sageduste arvutamiseks ja andmete töötlemiseks. Nimelt, vĂ€itekirja esimeses osas on Haari lainikuid ja nende integreerimist rakendatud vabavĂ”nkumise ĂŒlesannete korral, kus lahendatavaks vĂ”rrandiks on muutuvate kordajatega diferentsiaalvĂ”rrand, millel puudub analĂŒĂŒtiline lahend (nĂ€iteks ebaĂŒhtlase ristlĂ”ikega tala, materjali funktsionaalse gradientjaotusega tala). Arvutused kinnitasid, et pakutud lĂ€henemisviis on kiire ja tĂ€pne vabavĂ”nkumiste sageduste arvutamisel. VĂ€itekirja teine osa kĂ€sitleb vabavĂ”nkumisega seotud pöördĂŒlesandeid: pragude, delaminatsioonide, elastsete tugede jĂ€ikuse, massipunktide parameetrite mÀÀramist modaalsete omaduste kaudu. Kuna purunemise asukoha ja ulatuse arvutamine vĂ”nkumise diferentsiaalvĂ”rrandist ei ole analĂŒĂŒtiliselt vĂ”imalik, kasutatakse antud töös tehisnĂ€rvivĂ”rke ja juhumetsi. Andmekogumite genereerimiseks lahendati vĂ”nkumise vĂ”rrand ning tulemusi töödeldi Haari lainikute abil. Arvutused nĂ€itasid, et Haari lainikute abil genereeritud andmekogumite arvutamiseks kuluv aeg oli ĂŒle kĂŒmne korra vĂ€iksem kui vabavĂ”nkumiste sagedustele pĂ”hinevate andmekogumite arvutusaeg; Haari lainikute abil genereeritud andmekogumid ennustasid paremini purunemise asukohta, samas vabavĂ”nkumiste sagedused olid tundlikumad purunemise ulatuse suhtes; enamikel juhtudel andsid tehisnĂ€rvivĂ”rgud sama tĂ€pseid ennustusi kui juhumetsad. Töös pakutud meetodeid ja mudeleid saab kasutada teistes teoreetilistes ĂŒlesannetes vabavĂ”nkumiste ja purunemiste uurimiseks vĂ”i rakendada talade purunemise diagnostikas.A beam is a common structural element designed to resist loading. Underestimated loads during the design stage, looseness during the manufacturing stage, corrosive environment, collisions, fatigue may introduce some damage to beams. If no action is taken, the damage can turn into a fault or a breakdown of the whole system. Hereof, the entirety of beams is a crucial issue. This dissertation proposes a systematic approach to vibration analysis and damage quantification in the Euler-Bernoulli type beams. The solution is sought on the modal properties such as natural frequencies and mode shapes. The forward problem of the vibration analysis is solved using the Haar wavelets and their integration since the corresponding differential equations do not have an analytical solution. Multiple numerical examples indicate that the proposed approach is fast and accurate. Damage quantification (location and severity) of a crack, a delamination, a point mass or changes in the stiffness coefficients of elastic supports on the bases of the modal properties is an inverse problem. Since it is not analytically possible to calculate the damage parameters from the vibration differential equation, the task is solved with the aid of artificial neural networks or random forests. The datasets are generated solving the vibration equations and decomposing the mode shapes into the Haar wavelet coefficients. Multiple numerical examples indicate that the Haar wavelet based dataset is calculated more than ten times faster than the frequency based dataset; the Haar wavelets are more sensitive to the damage location, while the frequencies are more sensitive to the damage severity; in most cases, the neural networks produce as precise predictions as the random forests. The results presented in this dissertation can help in understanding the behaviour of more complex structures under similar conditions, provide apparent influence on the design concepts of structures as well as enable new possibilities for operational and maintenance concepts.https://www.ester.ee/record=b539883