2,176 research outputs found

    A survey of sequences of KT-HAK-KUP transporters in green algae and basal land plants

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    In this data article, information is provided on sequences of KT-HAK-KUP transporters from green algae and basal land plants. A data set is offered containing sequences corresponding to the chlorophyte algae Chlamydomonas eustigma, Gonium pectorale and Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, the charophyte algae Coleochaete orbicularis and Klebsormidium flaccidum, the bryophyte Sphagnum fallax, the marchantophyte Marchantia polymorpha and the gymnosperm Pinus taeda, which have been not formerly analyzed. In addition, an analysis of similarity scores among representatives of the clusters recognized in photosynthetic green organisms (namely, chlorophyte algae, charophyte algae, basal embryophytes and higher embryophytes) is performed as well as an analysis of membrane topology for them.Fil: Santa Maria, Guillermo Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs). Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n; ArgentinaFil: Oliferuk, Sonia. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs). Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs); ArgentinaFil: Moriconi, Jorge Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs). Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas "Dr. RaĂșl AlfonsĂ­n" (sede ChascomĂșs); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n; Argentin

    Consumption of submerged aquatic macrophytes by rudd (scardinius erythrophthalmus L.) in New Zealand

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    In experiments in New Zealand, rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.) of 108–277mm fork length (FL) ate a wide range of native and introduced submerged aquatic macrophytes in captivity and in the field. Rudd consumed the native charophytes Chara globularis Thuill., Chara fibrosa Ag. ex Bruz., and Nitella spp., the native macrophytes Potamogeton ochreatus Raoul. and Myriophyllum propinquum A. Cunn., and the introduced macrophytes Elodea canadensis Michx., Egeria densa Planch., Lagarosiphon major L., and Ceratophyllum demersum L. Rudd consistently consumed the Nitella spp. and Potamogeton ochreatus before Ceratophyllum demersum. From the results of experiments in tanks and in the field, we found the order of highest to lowest palatability was: Nitella spp. > Potamogeton ochreatus > Elodea canadensis> Chara globularis = Chara fibrosa> Egeria densa = Lagarosiphon major > Myriophyllum propinquum > Ceratophyllum demersum. The order of consumption was subject to some variation with season, especially for Egeria densa, Lagarosiphon major, and Myriophyllum propinquum. Rudd consumed up to 20% of their body weight per day of Egeria densa in spring, and 22% of their body weight per day of Nitella spp. in summer. Consumption rates were considerably lower in winter than in summer. The results of our field trial suggested that the order of consumption also applies in the field and that rudd are having a profound impact on vulnerable native aquatic plant communities in New Zealand. Nitella spp. and Potamogeton ochreatus are likely to be selectively eaten, and herbivory by rudd might prevent the re-establishment of these species in restoration efforts

    Indigenous vegetation types of Hamilton Ecological District

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    The following descriptions of indigenous vegetation types and lists of the most characteristic species have been compiled for the major landform units of the Hamilton Ecological District, which lies within the Waikato Ecological Region (McEwen 1987). The boundaries of the Hamilton Ecological District correspond approximately to those of the Hamilton basin, with the addition of parts of hills and foothills at the margins of the basin. The vegetation descriptions and species lists are based on knowledge of the flora of vegetation remnants in the ecological district, historical records (e.g., Gudex 1954), and extrapolation of data from other North Island sites with similar environmental profiles

    The expansion and decline of charophyte communities in lakes within the Sejny Lake District (north-eastern Poland) and changes in water chemistry

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    AbstractOver the last 25 years, considerable changes have been observed in the littoral vegetation of 11 lakes within the Sejny Lake District. In eight lakes (DowcieƄ, Jurkowo, Kunis, MiaƂkie, Pilwie, PƂaskie, WiƂkokuk, Zelwa) where Chara species dominated, their communities declined or disappeared completely. In four of these lakes (DowcieƄ, Jurkowo, Kunis and MiaƂkie), charophytes were replaced by communities of the class Potametea (mainly Nupharo-Nymphaeetum albae and Ceratophylletum demersi). In three other lakes (Pilwie, PƂaskie and WiƂkokuk), the area covered by charophyte communities decreased. In Lake Zelwa, Charetum rudis and Charetum jubatae disappeared while Charetum tomentosae and Charetum fragilis expanded. A total area of charophyte communities remained approximately the same. A considerable increase in the water total hardness and PO43- concentration was noted in each of the eight lakes. In most of them increased levels of dissolved organic matter (measured as COD-KMnO4) and pH were detected as well. However, the increase in the PO43- concentration was smaller in Lakes WiƂkokuk and Zelwa in which only slight changes in the vegetation were observed. In the above two lakes, the concentration of dissolved organic matter decreased and low water colour values are now noted. In three lakes (DƂugie, Dmitrowo and Gajlik), the charophyte communities tended to expand under the condition of moderate or high (Lake DƂugie) PO43- concentration, while dissolved organic matter concentrations were low. These lakes are also characterized by low values of colour. Charophyte communities may persist in lakes for a long period of time even when there is a moderate increase in PO43- concentration until the colour of water distinctly increases (>20mgPtL−1)

    Biozonacion del Paleogeno continental de la zona oriental de la Cuenca del Ebro mediante carofitas: implicacions en la biozonacion general de carofitas de Europa occidental

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    A charophyte biozonation of the Paleogene (Thanetian-Chattian) sequences of the Eastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain) is proposed. This biozonation has been based on an intensive sampling carried out on well correlated sections which included, in some cases, fossil mammal localities. Bothfacts haveresultedin agood chronostratigraphic control of the biozonation. One of the most noticeable contributions from this local point of view is the characterization of the Ilerdian in the continental Ebro Basin sequences by the Maedleriella lavocati biozone. Although in afirst approach this biozonation is intended to be local the new data in the Eastern Ebro Basin have enlarged the ranges of some widespread charophyte index species. These changes in the charophyte sp&ies ranges has led to suggest some remarkable modifications of the preexistin~ Riveline' s (1986) charophyte biozonationfor western Europe: 1) TheN. (T. ) thaleri biozone siaried in the Ilerdian and not in the Cuisian. 2) The definition of new Late Eocene (S. labellata) and Late Oligocene (H. lagenalis) biozones. 3) The enlargement of the range of severa1 species which has resulted in suppressionof the Chara notata biozone and in redefinition of Chara microcera, St. pinguis, St. vectensis and Sr. berdotensis biozones. From apaleogeographic point of view the global percentages of pluricontinental, european and iberian species of the Paleogene Eastern Ebro Basin charophyte record suggest some kind of isolation of the charophyte populations in NE Iberia. This isolation could be enhanced by paleogeographic constraints during Bartonian and Latest Priabonian to Stampian transition.Peer Reviewe

    Peat-forming plants in the Maastrichtian coals of the Eastern Pyrenees

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    The Lower Maastrichtian of Fumanya and neighbouring localities of the Vallcebre syncline (Eastern Pyrenees, Catalonia) provide the first taphonomic evidence for the hypothesis that cheirolepidiacean conifers were significant precursors of Maastrichtian Pyrenean coal. Most Frenelopsis-rich lignite beds do not bear rootlet marks, suggesting that the original peat was detrital. Sedimentological and taphonomic evidence indicates deposition in the margins of a lagoon after the transport of the cheirolepidiacean remains by flotation. The same parautochtonous assemblage includes complete impressions Sabalites longirhachis leaves and large impressions of logs attributed to the same palm trees. Other parautochthonous or allochthonous plant megaremains include extremely rare cycadalean and monocot leaves and abundant minute angiosperm seeds. Rootlet marks associated with thin lignite beds occur at the top of some charophyte limestones. The charophyte association, dominated by in situ accumulation of Peckichara and Microchara gyrogonites, suggests that these limestones were deposited in shallow, freshwater lakes and that the corresponding peat mires were limnic rather than paralic in nature. The botanical affinity of plant remains associated with these root-bearing lignites is uncertain. Palynological analysis showed abundant bisaccates, with less abundant fern spores and freshwater algal oospores. Locally, the abundant rootlet marks were associated with large brush-like rooting structures attributed to Sabalites longirhachis palms. Our results show that, at the beginning of the Maasrichtian, cheirolepidiacean conifers were still significant peat-producing plants, although, unlike analogous Lower Cretaceous ones, they shared this role with rare angiosperms, such as palms

    Ostracods from a Marmara Sea lagoon (Turkey) as tsunami indicators

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ Elsevier Ltd.A 352 cm long sediment core from Hersek Lagoon (Gulf of Ä°zmit) was investigated for its ostracod species composition in order to evaluate the potential of ostracods to detect tsunami deposits in coastal environments. The Gulf of Ä°zmit is the eastern bay of the Marmara Sea which is tectonically controlled by the North Anatolian Fault. Ostracod shells are rare in the lower third of the core, which probably represents a coastal wetland environment. According to radiocarbon dating of terrestrial plant remains, this unit was deposited between AD 500 and AD 800. Above, ostracod shells are abundant and dominantly monospecific, composed almost exclusively of the widespread brackish water ostracod Cyprideis torosa. This almost monospecific occurrence indicates the establishment and maintenance of the Hersek Lagoon after AD 800. Three distinct layers of mollusc shells and fragments contain ostracod shells of marine and to a lesser extent non-marine origin in addition to those of C. torosa. The shell layers are further characterized by significant maxima in total ostracod shell numbers. The high concentration of ostracod shells, the higher species numbers and the mixture of marine, lagoonal and non-marine ostracod shells shows that shell layers were formed as high-energy deposits resulting from tsunamis or large storms in the Marmara Sea. The partial occurrence of non-marine ostracod shells in the shell layers possibly indicates that tsunamis with extensive run-ups and significant backwash flows caused the high-energy deposits rather than large storms. The investigated sediments show that lagoonal ostracods can serve as good proxies for tsunamis or large storms through significant variations in total shell numbers, species numbers and the mixing of shells of different origin.Funding was provided by the European Union in the framework of the REL.I.E.F. (RELiable Information on Earthquake Faulting) project (EVG1-CT-2002-00069)

    Upper Eocene-Lowermost Miocene charophyte succession in the Ebro Basin (Spain). Contribution to the charophyte biozonation in Western Europe

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    A charophyte succession has been established in nineteen sections and eight isolated outcrops from the Ebro Basin, ranging from the Priabonian ro the Aquitanian. Most assemblages were recovered fmm continuous sections and their abundance and diversity allow to define a new zonal scheme for the Upper Eocene-Lower Miocene of Europe. The new zonation includes nine subdivisions, based on the distribution of thirty-two species and directly correlated with the mammal standard levels. Changes in diversity, occurring mainly in the Middle and Upper Oligocene, have been related to climatĂ­c variations. A new species, Chara sp. A. is also described and figured

    Revision of the Maastrichtian-Palaeocene charophyte biostratigraphy of the Fontllonga reference section (southern Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)

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    The Fontllonga section is one of the best-known stratigraphic sections wordwide for the study of charophyte biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian and lower Palaeocene. An updated proposal for the charophyte biostratigraphy of this section is presented after summarizing previous knowledge. The zone of Peckichara cancellata allows the upper Campanian-lowermost Maastrichtian to be characterised in the base of the section (La Maçana Formation). The Microchara punctata biozone represents most of the Maastrichtian (Figuerola Formation). Within this biozone, a Clavator ultimus subzone is proposed to improve characterisation of the lower and middle Maastrichtian. Both the upper and lower boundaries of the Microchara punctata biozone proposed in previous studies are modified based on new occurrences of the index species. A charophyte assemblage belonging to the Dughiella bacillaris biozone is reported for the first time from the middle of the section (Perauba Complex) and provides an age for this unit ranging from the upper Danian to lower Thanetian. A foraminifer assemblage found in the basal marine deposits above the non-marine succession of the Fontllonga section provides new biostratigraphic data to locate the upper boundary of the non-marine succession at least within the upper Thanetian

    Revision of the Maastrichtian-Palaeocene charophyte biostratigraphy of the Fontllonga reference section (southern Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)

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    The Fontllonga section is one of the best-known stratigraphic sections wordwide for the study of charophyte biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian and lower Palaeocene. An updated proposal for the charophyte biostratigraphy of this section is presented after summarizing previous knowledge. The zone of Peckichara cancellata allows the upper Campanian–lowermost Maastrichtian to be characterised in the base of the section (La Maçana Formation). The Microchara punctata biozone represents most of the Maastrichtian (Figuerola Formation). Within this biozone, a Clavator ultimus subzone is proposed to improve characterisation of the lower and middle Maastrichtian. Both the upper and lower boundaries of the Microchara punctata biozone proposed in previous studies are modified based on new occurrences of the index species. A charophyte assemblage belonging to the Dughiella bacillaris biozone is reported for the first time from the middle of the section (Perauba Complex) and provides an age for this unit ranging from the upper Danian to lower Thanetian. A foraminifer assemblage found in the basal marine deposits above the non-marine succession of the Fontllonga section provides new biostratigraphic data to locate the upper boundary of the non-marine succession at least within the upper Thanetian
