13,879 research outputs found

    Verifying service continuity in a satellite reconfiguration procedure: application to a satellite

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    The paper discusses the use of the TURTLE UML profile to model and verify service continuity during dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software, and space-based telecommunication software in particular. TURTLE extends UML class diagrams with composition operators, and activity diagrams with temporal operators. Translating TURTLE to the formal description technique RT-LOTOS gives the profile a formal semantics and makes it possible to reuse verification techniques implemented by the RTL, the RT-LOTOS toolkit developed at LAAS-CNRS. The paper proposes a modeling and formal validation methodology based on TURTLE and RTL, and discusses its application to a payload software application in charge of an embedded packet switch. The paper demonstrates the benefits of using TURTLE to prove service continuity for dynamic reconfiguration of embedded software

    Iso-energy-efficiency: An approach to power-constrained parallel computation

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    Future large scale high performance supercomputer systems require high energy efficiency to achieve exaflops computational power and beyond. Despite the need to understand energy efficiency in high-performance systems, there are few techniques to evaluate energy efficiency at scale. In this paper, we propose a system-level iso-energy-efficiency model to analyze, evaluate and predict energy-performance of data intensive parallel applications with various execution patterns running on large scale power-aware clusters. Our analytical model can help users explore the effects of machine and application dependent characteristics on system energy efficiency and isolate efficient ways to scale system parameters (e.g. processor count, CPU power/frequency, workload size and network bandwidth) to balance energy use and performance. We derive our iso-energy-efficiency model and apply it to the NAS Parallel Benchmarks on two power-aware clusters. Our results indicate that the model accurately predicts total system energy consumption within 5% error on average for parallel applications with various execution and communication patterns. We demonstrate effective use of the model for various application contexts and in scalability decision-making

    Increased Response Variability and Attentional Lapses After Chronic Cocaine Self-Administration

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    In humans, cocaine use has long been associated with poor attentional control and decreased efficiency in goal-oriented behavior. Animal models of these stereotypic drug effects, however, have thus far failed to produce quantifiable data sets in part because of a lack of species differences and analysis techniques. Recent work (Hervey et al. 2006) has successfully quantified attentional lapses in disorders such as ADHD through the analysis of response time variations in simple tasks, but this analysis has yet to be applied to the drug abuse scenario. To determine the effects of chronic cocaine administration on response time variability, 14 rhesus macaque monkeys (8 cocaine administering and 6 performance-matched controls) were subjected to a 50 trial simple attention task. This task was performed W-F prior to cocaine self-administration sessions in the test group. Treatment groups were compared to both each other and to baseline task sessions recorded prior to beginning the administration paradigm. In addition to typical measures of variability, an ex-Gaussian response time analysis was performed to quantify the contribution of attentional lapses to overall variability. The cocaine-administering group had a significantly higher response time standard deviation than their pre-administration sessions (p<0.05). No difference was observed between pre- and post-administration sessions for the control group. When ex-Gaussian methods were applied to the response time datasets, no differences were observed between groups in the normal mean (mu), suggesting that the variability increase in the cocaine group was due to an increased skew in the right tail of the response time distribution. Indeed, the cocaine group showed a significant increase in the value of tau(exponential value representing the distribution tail magnitude) post-administration versus tau pre-administration (p<0.05). These data suggest that cocaine administration leads to increased behavioral variability in simple response time tasks, and that this variability increase is primarily due to the prevalence of abnormally long responses. Similar results have been demonstrated in clinical disorders such as ADHD, suggesting both the relevance of the primate model in studies of attentional processing and the possible similarity in affected brain regions or transmitter systems

    Integrated source and channel encoded digital communication system design study

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    The analysis of the forward link signal structure for the shuttle orbiter Ku-band communication system was carried out, based on the assumptions of a 3.03 Mcps PN code. It is shown that acquisition requirements for the forward link can be met at the acquisition threshold C/N0 sub 0 value of about 60 dB-Hz, which corresponds to a bit error rate (BER) of about 0.001. It is also shown that the tracking threshold for the forward link is at about 57 dB-Hz. The analysis of the bent pipe concept for the orbiter was carried out, along with the comparative analysis of the empirical data. The complexity of the analytical approach warrants further investigation to reconcile the empirical and theoretical results. Techniques for incorporating a text and graphics capability into the forward link data stream are considered and a baseline configuration is described

    Enhancing Energy Production with Exascale HPC Methods

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) resources have become the key actor for achieving more ambitious challenges in many disciplines. In this step beyond, an explosion on the available parallelism and the use of special purpose processors are crucial. With such a goal, the HPC4E project applies new exascale HPC techniques to energy industry simulations, customizing them if necessary, and going beyond the state-of-the-art in the required HPC exascale simulations for different energy sources. In this paper, a general overview of these methods is presented as well as some specific preliminary results.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement n° 689772, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CODEC2 project (TIN2015-63562-R), and from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP). Computer time on Endeavour cluster is provided by the Intel Corporation, which enabled us to obtain the presented experimental results in uncertainty quantification in seismic imagingPostprint (author's final draft