301 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Lattices and Their Continuum Limits

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    We consider finite approximations of a topological space MM by noncommutative lattices of points. These lattices are structure spaces of noncommutative C∗C^*-algebras which in turn approximate the algebra \cc(M) of continuous functions on MM. We show how to recover the space MM and the algebra \cc(M) from a projective system of noncommutative lattices and an inductive system of noncommutative C∗C^*-algebras, respectively.Comment: 22 pages, 8 Figures included in the LaTeX Source New version, minor modifications (typos corrected) and a correction in the list of author

    Noncommutative Riemann integration and and Novikov-Shubin invariants for open manifolds

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    Given a C*-algebra A with a semicontinuous semifinite trace tau acting on the Hilbert space H, we define the family R of bounded Riemann measurable elements w.r.t. tau as a suitable closure, a la Dedekind, of A, in analogy with one of the classical characterizations of Riemann measurable functions, and show that R is a C*-algebra, and tau extends to a semicontinuous semifinite trace on R. Then, unbounded Riemann measurable operators are defined as the closed operators on H which are affiliated to A'' and can be approximated in measure by operators in R, in analogy with unbounded Riemann integration. Unbounded Riemann measurable operators form a tau-a.e. bimodule on R, denoted by R^, and such bimodule contains the functional calculi of selfadjoint elements of R under unbounded Riemann measurable functions. Besides, tau extends to a bimodule trace on R^. Type II_1 singular traces for C*-algebras can be defined on the bimodule of unbounded Riemann-measurable operators. Noncommutative Riemann integration, and singular traces for C*-algebras, are then used to define Novikov-Shubin numbers for amenable open manifolds, show their invariance under quasi-isometries, and prove that they are (noncommutative) asymptotic dimensions.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, a new section has been added, concerning an application to Novikov-Shubin invariants, the title changed accordingl

    From Frazier-Jawerth characterizations of Besov spaces to Wavelets and Decomposition spaces

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    This article describes how the ideas promoted by the fundamental papers published by M. Frazier and B. Jawerth in the eighties have influenced subsequent developments related to the theory of atomic decompositions and Banach frames for function spaces such as the modulation spaces and Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Both of these classes of spaces arise as special cases of two different, general constructions of function spaces: coorbit spaces and decomposition spaces. Coorbit spaces are defined by imposing certain decay conditions on the so-called voice transform of the function/distribution under consideration. As a concrete example, one might think of the wavelet transform, leading to the theory of Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Decomposition spaces, on the other hand, are defined using certain decompositions in the Fourier domain. For Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, one uses a dyadic decomposition, while a uniform decomposition yields modulation spaces. Only recently, the second author has established a fruitful connection between modern variants of wavelet theory with respect to general dilation groups (which can be treated in the context of coorbit theory) and a particular family of decomposition spaces. In this way, optimal inclusion results and invariance properties for a variety of smoothness spaces can be established. We will present an outline of these connections and comment on the basic results arising in this context

    Conference Program

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    Document provides a list of the sessions, speakers, workshops, and committees of the 32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications

    Continuous selections of multivalued mappings

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    This survey covers in our opinion the most important results in the theory of continuous selections of multivalued mappings (approximately) from 2002 through 2012. It extends and continues our previous such survey which appeared in Recent Progress in General Topology, II, which was published in 2002. In comparison, our present survey considers more restricted and specific areas of mathematics. Note that we do not consider the theory of selectors (i.e. continuous choices of elements from subsets of topological spaces) since this topics is covered by another survey in this volume

    Topological and algebraic characterization of coverings sets obtained in rough sets discretization and attribute reduction algorithms

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    Abstract. A systematic study on approximation operators in covering based rough sets and some relations with relation based rough sets are presented. Two different frameworks of approximation operators in covering based rough sets were unified in a general framework of dual pairs. This work establishes some relationships between the most important generalization of rough set theory: Covering based and relation based rough sets. A structured genetic algorithm to discretize, to find reducts and to select approximation operators for classification problems is presented.Se presenta un estudio sistemático de los diferentes operadores de aproximación en conjuntos aproximados basados en cubrimientos y operadores de aproximación basados en relaciones binarias. Se unifican dos marcos de referencia sobre operadores de aproximación basados en cubrimientos en un único marco de referencia con pares duales. Se establecen algunas relaciones entre operadores de aproximación de dos de las más importantes generalizaciones de la teoría de conjuntos aproximados. Finalmente, se presenta un algoritmo genético estructurado, para discretizar, reducir atributos y seleccionar operadores de aproximación, en problemas de clasificación.Doctorad

    A semantical and computational approach to covering-based rough sets

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