77 research outputs found

    False data injection attack detection in smart grid

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    Smart grid is a distributed and autonomous energy delivery infrastructure that constantly monitors the operational state of its overall network using smart techniques and state estimation. State estimation is a powerful technique that is used to determine the overall operational state of the system based on a limited set of measurements collected through metering systems. Cyber-attacks pose serious risks to a smart grid state estimation that can cause disruptions and power outages resulting in huge economical losses and are therefore a big concern to a reliable national grid operation. False data injection attacks (FDIAs), engineered on the basis of the knowledge of the network configuration, are difficult to detect using the traditional data detection mechanisms. These detection schemes have been found vulnerable and failed to detect these FDIAs. FDIAs specifically target the state data and can manipulate the state measurements in such a way that these false measurements appear real to the main control systems. This research work explores the possibility of FDIA detection using state estimation in a distributed and partitioned smart grid. In order to detect FDIAs we use measurements for residual-based testing which creates an objective function; and the probability of erroneous data is determined from this residual test. In this test, a preset threshold is determined based on the prior history of the state data. FDIA cases are simulated within a smart grid considering that the Chi-square detection state estimator fails in identifying such attacks. We compute the objective function using the standard weighted least problem and then test the objective function against the value in the Chi-square table. The gain matrix and the Jacobian matrix are computed. The state variables are computed in the form of a voltage magnitude. The state variables are computed after the inception of an attack to assess these state magnitude results. Different sizes of partitioning are used to improve the overall sensitivity of the Chi-square results. Our additional estimator is based on a Kalman estimation that consists of the state prediction and state correction steps. In the first step, it obtains the state and matrix covariance prediction, and in the second step, it calculates the Kalman gain and the state and matrix covariance update steps. The set of points is created for the state vector x at a time instant t. The initial vector and covariance matrix are based on a priori knowledge of the historical estimates. A set of sigma points is estimated by the state update function. Sigma points refer to the minimal set of sampling points that are selected and transformed using nonlinear function, and the new mean and the covariance are formed out of these transformed points. The idea behind this is that it is easier to compute a Gaussian distribution than an arbitrary nonlinear function. The filter gain, the mean and the covariance are used to estimate the next state. Our simulation results show that the combination of Kalman estimation and distributed state estimation improves the overall stability index and vulnerability assessment score of the smart grid. We built a stability index table for a smart grid based on the state estimates value after the inception of an FDIA. The vulnerability assessment score of the smart grid is based on common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) and state estimates under the influence of an FDIA. The simulations are conducted in the MATPOWER program and different electrical bus systems such as IEEE 14, 30, 39, 118 and 300 are tested. All the contributions have been published in reputable journals and conferences.Doctor of Philosoph

    Vulnerability modelling and mitigation strategies for hybrid networks

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    Hybrid networks nowadays consist of traditional IT components, Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial control systems (ICS) nodes with varying characteristics, making them genuinely heterogeneous in nature. Historically evolving from traditional internet-enabled IT servers, hybrid networks allow organisations to strengthen cybersecurity, increase flexibility, improve efficiency, enhance reliability, boost remote connectivity and easy management. Though hybrid networks offer significant benefits from business and operational perspectives, this integration has increased the complexity and security challenges to all connected nodes. The IT servers of these hybrid networks are high-budget devices with tremendous processing power and significant storage capacity. In contrast, IoT nodes are low-cost devices with limited processing power and capacity. In addition, the ICS nodes are programmed for dedicated functions with the least interference. The available cybersecurity solutions for hybrid networks are either for specific node types or address particular weaknesses. Due to these distinct characteristics, these solutions may place other nodes in vulnerable positions. This study addresses this gap by proposing a comprehensive vulnerability modelling and mitigation strategy. This proposed solution equally applies to each node type of hybrid network while considering their unique characteristics. For this purpose, the industry-wide adoption of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) has been extended to embed the distinct characteristics of each node type in a hybrid network. To embed IoT features, the ‘attack vectors’ and ‘attack complexity vectors’ are modified and another metric “human safety index”, is integrated in the ‘Base metric group’ of CVSS. In addition, the ICS related characteristics are included in the ‘Environmental metric group’ of CVSS. This metric group is further enhanced to reflect the node resilience capabilities when evaluating the vulnerability score. The resilience of a node is evaluated by analysing the complex relationship of numerous contributing cyber security factors and practices. The evolved CVSSR-IoT-ICS framework proposed in the thesis measures the given vulnerabilities by adopting the unique dynamics of each node. These vulnerability scores are then mapped in the attack tree to reveal the critical nodes and shortest path to the target node. The mitigating strategy framework suggests the most efficient mitigation strategy to counter vulnerabilities by examining the node’s functionality, its locality, centrality, criticality, cascading impacts, available resources, and performance thresholds. Various case studies were conducted to analyse and evaluate our proposed vulnerability modelling and mitigation strategies on realistic supply chain systems. These analyses and evaluations confirm that the proposed solutions are highly effective for modelling the vulnerabilities while the mitigation strategies reduce the risks in dynamic and resource-constrained environments. The unified vulnerability modelling of hybrid networks minimises ambiguities, reduces complexities and identifies hidden deficiencies. It also improves system reliability and performance of heterogeneous networks while at the same time gaining acceptance for a universal vulnerability modelling framework across the cyber industry. The contributions have been published in reputable journals and conferences.Doctor of Philosoph

    Critical Services continuity, Resilience and Security: Proceedings of the 56th ESReDA Seminar

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    Critical Infrastructures (CIs) remain among the most important and vital service providers to modern societies. Severe CIs’ disruptions may endanger security of the citizen, availability of strategic assets and even the governance stability. Not surprisingly, CIs are often targets of intentional attacks, either of physical or cyber nature. Newly emerging hybrid threats primarily target CIs as part of the warfare. ESReDA as one of the most active EU networks in the field has initiated a project group (CI-PR/MS&A-Data) on the “Critical Infrastructure/Modelling, Simulation and Analysis – Data”. The main focus of the project group is to report on the state of progress in MS&A of the CIs preparedness & resilience with a specific focus on the corresponding data availability and relevance. In order to report on the most recent developments in the field of the CIs preparedness & resilience MS&A and the availability of the relevant data, ESReDA held its 48th, 52nd and 56th Seminars. The 56th ESReDA Seminar on “Critical Services continuity, Resilience and Security” attracted about 30 participants from industry, authorities, operators, research centres and academia. The seminar programme consisted of 18 technical papers, two plenary speeches and an interactive session on Climate & CI protection.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet

    Protecting the infrastructure: 3rd Australian information warfare & security conference 2002

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    The conference is hosted by the We-B Centre (working with a-business) in the School of Management Information System, the School of Computer & Information Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This year\u27s conference is being held at the Sheraton Perth Hotel in Adelaide Terrace, Perth. Papers for this conference have been written by a wide range of academics and industry specialists. We have attracted participation from both national and international authors and organisations. The papers cover many topics, all within the field of information warfare and its applications, now and into the future. The papers have been grouped into six streams: • Networks • IWAR Strategy • Security • Risk Management • Social/Education • Infrastructur

    Air Power’s Cyber Risk: How Operational Causes will have Strategic Consequences

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    This thesis argues that air power's cyber risk which has emerged from operational causes will create profound strategic consequences. Through a comprehensive examination of existing literature, it challenges prevailing perspectives by highlighting a critical gap in knowledge: a failure to map the link between operational causes and strategic consequences of air power’s cyber risk which, when realised, will threaten the roles and, in extremis, survival of states. While acknowledging the risks emergent nature and situational specificity with not all states reliant on air power and size inverse to severity, the thesis asserts that the realisation of these strategic consequences is a matter of 'when', not 'if'. Developed within a risk management framework, supported by literature reviews and case studies, and leading to observations and recommendations, the thesis responds by offering a pathway for further research which can mitigate air power’s cyber risk. If embraced, an opportunity exists for academia and practitioners to act in synergy, fill the identified gap in knowledge and address the risk proactively. Conversely, if ignored and the pathway is not followed, the implications will, the thesis predicts, result in the unmitigated strategic consequences of air power’s cyber risk reshaping the geopolitical landscape of the 21st century

    Security design analysis

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Risk Management for the Future

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    A large part of academic literature, business literature as well as practices in real life are resting on the assumption that uncertainty and risk does not exist. We all know that this is not true, yet, a whole variety of methods, tools and practices are not attuned to the fact that the future is uncertain and that risks are all around us. However, despite risk management entering the agenda some decades ago, it has introduced risks on its own as illustrated by the financial crisis. Here is a book that goes beyond risk management as it is today and tries to discuss what needs to be improved further. The book also offers some cases

    A novel multi-level and community-based agent ecosystem to support customers dynamic decision-making in smart grids

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    Electrical systems have evolved at a fast pace over the past years, particularly in response to the current environmental and climate challenges. Consequently, the European Union and the United Nations have encouraged the development of a more sustainable energy strategy. This strategy triggered a paradigm shift in energy consumption and production, which becoming increasingly distributed, resulted in the development and emergence of smart energy grids. Multi-agent systems are one of the most widely used artificial intelligence concepts in smart grids. Both multi-agent systems and smart grids are distributed, so there is correspondence between the used technology and the network's complex reality. Due to the wide variety of multi-agent systems applied to smart grids, which typically have very specific goals, the ability to model the network as a whole may be compromised, as communication between systems is typically non-existent. This dissertation, therefore, proposes an agent-based ecosystem to model smart grids in which different agent-based systems can coexist. This dissertation aims to conceive, implement, test, and validate a new agent-based ecosystem, entitled A4SG (agent-based ecosystem for smart grids modelling), which combines the concepts of multi-agent systems and agent communities to enable the modelling and representation of smart grids and the entities that compose them. The proposed ecosystem employs an innovative methodology for managing static or dynamic interactions present in smart grids. The creation of a solution that allows the integration of existing systems into an ecosystem, enables the representation of smart grids in a realistic and comprehensive manner. A4SG integrates several functionalities that support the ecosystem's management, also conceived, implemented, tested, and validated in this dissertation. Two mobility functionalities are proposed: one that allows agents to move between physical machines and another that allows "virtual" mobility, where agents move between agent communities to improve the context for the achievement of their objectives. In order to prevent an agent from becoming overloaded, a novel functionality is proposed to enable the creation of agents that function as extensions of the main agent (i.e., branch agents), allowing the distribution of objectives among the various extensions of the main agent. Several case studies, which test the proposed services and functionalities individually and the ecosystem as a whole, were used to test and validate the proposed solution. These case studies were conducted in realistic contexts using data from multiple sources, including energy communities. The results indicate that the used methodologies can increase participation in demand response events, increasing the fitting between consumers and aggregators from 12 % to 69 %, and improve the strategies used in energy transaction markets, allowing an energy community of 50 customers to save 77.0 EUR per week.Os últimos anos têm sido de mudança nos sistemas elétricos, especialmente devido aos atuais desafios ambientais e climáticos. A procura por uma estratégia mais sustentável para o domínio da energia tem sido promovida pela União Europeia e pela Organização das Nações Unidas. A mudança de paradigma no que toca ao consumo e produção de energia, que acontece, cada vez mais, de forma distribuída, tem levado à emergência das redes elétricas inteligentes. Os sistemas multi-agente são um dos conceitos, no domínio da inteligência artificial, mais aplicados em redes inteligentes. Tanto os sistemas multi-agente como as redes inteligentes têm uma natureza distribuída, existindo por isso um alinhamento entre a tecnologia usada e a realidade complexa da rede. Devido a existir uma vasta oferta de sistemas multi-agente aplicados a redes inteligentes, normalmente com objetivos bastante específicos, a capacidade de modelar a rede como um todo pode ficar comprometida, porque a comunicação entre sistemas é, geralmente, inexistente. Por isso, esta dissertação propõe um ecossistema baseado em agentes para modelar as redes inteligentes, onde vários sistemas de agentes coexistem. Esta dissertação pretende conceber, implementar, testar, e validar um novo ecossistema multiagente, intitulado A4SG (agent-based ecosystem for smart grids modelling), que combina os conceitos de sistemas multi-agente e comunidades de agentes, permitindo a modelação e representação de redes inteligentes e das suas entidades. O ecossistema proposto utiliza uma metodologia inovadora para gerir as interações presentes nas redes inteligentes, sejam elas estáticas ou dinâmicas. A criação de um ecossistema que permite a integração de sistemas já existentes, cria a possibilidade de uma representação realista e detalhada das redes de energia. O A4SG integra diversas funcionalidades, também estas concebidas, implementadas, testadas, e validadas nesta dissertação, que suportam a gestão do próprio ecossistema. São propostas duas funcionalidades de mobilidade, uma que permite aos agentes mover-se entre máquinas físicas, e uma que permite uma mobilidade “virtual”, onde os agentes se movem entre comunidades de agentes, de forma a melhorar o contexto para a execução dos seus objetivos. É também proposta uma nova funcionalidade que permite a criação de agentes que funcionam como uma extensão de um agente principal, com o objetivo de evitar a sobrecarga de um agente, permitindo a distribuição de objetivos entre as várias extensões do agente principal. A solução proposta foi testada e validada por vários casos de estudo, que testam os serviços e funcionalidades propostas individualmente, e o ecossistema como um todo. Estes casos de estudo foram executados em contextos realistas, usando dados provenientes de diversas fontes, tais como comunidades de energia. Os resultados demonstram que as metodologias utilizadas podem melhorar a participação em eventos de demand response, subindo a adequação entre consumidores e agregadores de 12 % para 69 %, e melhorar as estratégias utilizadas em mercados de transações de energia, permitindo a uma comunidade de energia com 50 consumidores poupar 77,0 EUR por semana

    The occurrence and origin of salinity in non-coastal groundwater in the Waikato region

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    Aims The aims of this project are to describe the occurrence, and determine the origin of non-coastal saline groundwater in the Waikato region. High salinity limits the use of the water for supply and agricultural use. Understanding the origin and distribution of non-coastal salinity will assist with development and management of groundwater resources in the Waikato. Method The occurrence of non-coastal groundwater salinity was investigated by examining driller’s records and regional council groundwater quality information. Selected wells were sampled for water quality analyses and temperatures were profiled where possible. Water quality analyses include halogens such as chloride, fluoride, iodide and bromide. Ratios of these ions are useful to differentiate between geothermal and seawater origins of salinity (Hem, 1992). Other ionic ratio approaches for differentiating sources and influences on salinity such as those developed by Alcala and Emilio (2008) and Sanchez-Martos et al., (2002), may also be applied. Potential sources of salinity include seawater, connate water, geothermal and anthropogenic influences. The hydrogeologic settings of saline occurrence were also investigated, to explore the potential to predict further occurrence. Results Numerous occurrences of non-coastal saline groundwater have been observed in the Waikato region. Where possible, wells with relatively high total dissolved solids (TDS) were selected for further investigation. Several groundwater samples are moderately saline and exceed the TDS drinking water aesthetic guideline of 1,000 g m-3 (Ministry of Health, 2008). Selected ion ratios (predominantly halogens) were used to assist in differentiating between influences on salinity such as seawater and geothermal. Bromide to iodide ratios, in particular, infer a greater geothermal influence on salinity, although other ratios are not definitive. The anomalously elevated salinity observed appears natural but nevertheless has constrained localised groundwater resource development for dairy factory, industrial and prison water supply use. Further work may show some relationship with geology or tectonics, which could assist prediction of inland saline groundwater occurrence