23 research outputs found

    GREC: Multi-domain Speech Recognition for the Greek Language

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    Μία από τις κορυφαίες προκλήσεις στην Αυτόματη Αναγνώριση Ομιλίας είναι η ανάπτυξη ικανών συστημάτων που μπορούν να έχουν ισχυρή απόδοση μέσα από διαφορετικές συνθήκες ηχογράφησης. Στο παρόν έργο κατασκευάζουμε και αναλύουμε το GREC, μία μεγάλη πολυτομεακή συλλογή δεδομένων για αυτόματη αναγνώριση ομιλίας στην ελληνική γλώσσα. Το GREC αποτελείται από τρεις βάσεις δεδομένων στους θεματικούς τομείς των «εκπομπών ειδήσεων», «ομιλίας από δωρισμένες εγγραφές φωνής», «ηχητικών βιβλίων» και μιας νέας συλλογής δεδομένων στον τομέα των «πολιτικών ομιλιών». Για τη δημιουργία του τελευταίου, συγκεντρώνουμε δεδομένα ομιλίας από ηχογραφήσεις των επίσημων συνεδριάσεων της Βουλής των Ελλήνων, αποδίδοντας ένα σύνολο δεδομένων που αποτελείται από 120 ώρες ομιλίας πολιτικού περιεχομένου. Περιγράφουμε με λεπτομέρεια την καινούρια συλλογή δεδομένων, την προεπεξεργασία και την ευθυγράμμιση ομιλίας, τα οποία βασίζονται στο εργαλείο ανοιχτού λογισμικού Kaldi. Επιπλέον, αξιολογούμε την απόδοση των μοντέλων Gaussian Mixture (GMM) - Hidden Markov (HMM) και Deep Neural Network (DNN) - HMM όταν εφαρμόζονται σε δεδομένα από διαφορετικούς τομείς. Τέλος, προσθέτουμε τη δυνατότητα αυτόματης δεικτοδότησης ομιλητών στο Kaldi-gRPC-Server, ενός εργαλείου γραμμένο σε Python που βασίζεται στο PyKaldi και στο gRPC για βελτιωμένη ανάπτυξη μοντέλων αυτόματης αναγνώρισης ομιλίας.One of the leading challenges in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is the development of robust systems that can perform well under multiple settings. In this work we construct and analyze GREC, a large, multi-domain corpus for automatic speech recognition for the Greek language. GREC is a collection of three available subcorpora over the domains of “news casts”, “crowd-sourced speech”, “audiobooks”, and a new corpus in the domain of “public speeches”. For the creation of the latter, HParl, we collect speech data from recordings of the official proceedings of the Hellenic Parliament, yielding, a dataset which consists of 120 hours of political speech segments. We describe our data collection, pre-processing and alignment setup, which are based on Kaldi toolkit. Furthermore, we perform extensive ablations on the recognition performance of Gaussian Mixture (GMM) - Hidden Markov (HMM) models and Deep Neural Network (DNN) - HMM models over the different domains. Finally, we integrate speaker diarization features to Kaldi-gRPC-Server, a modern, pythonic tool based on PyKaldi and gRPC for streamlined deployment of Kaldi based speech recognition

    Robust learning of acoustic representations from diverse speech data

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    Automatic speech recognition is increasingly applied to new domains. A key challenge is to robustly learn, update and maintain representations to cope with transient acoustic conditions. A typical example is broadcast media, for which speakers and environments may change rapidly, and available supervision may be poor. The concern of this thesis is to build and investigate methods for acoustic modelling that are robust to the characteristics and transient conditions as embodied by such media. The first contribution of the thesis is a technique to make use of inaccurate transcriptions as supervision for acoustic model training. There is an abundance of audio with approximate labels, but training methods can be sensitive to label errors, and their use is therefore not trivial. State-of-the-art semi-supervised training makes effective use of a lattice of supervision, inherently encoding uncertainty in the labels to avoid overfitting to poor supervision, but does not make use of the transcriptions. Existing approaches that do aim to make use of the transcriptions typically employ an algorithm to filter or combine the transcriptions with the recognition output from a seed model, but the final result does not encode uncertainty. We propose a method to combine the lattice output from a biased recognition pass with the transcripts, crucially preserving uncertainty in the lattice where appropriate. This substantially reduces the word error rate on a broadcast task. The second contribution is a method to factorise representations for speakers and environments so that they may be combined in novel combinations. In realistic scenarios, the speaker or environment transform at test time might be unknown, or there may be insufficient data to learn a joint transform. We show that in such cases, factorised, or independent, representations are required to avoid deteriorating performance. Using i-vectors, we factorise speaker or environment information using multi-condition training with neural networks. Specifically, we extract bottleneck features from networks trained to classify either speakers or environments. The resulting factorised representations prove beneficial when one factor is missing at test time, or when all factors are seen, but not in the desired combination. The third contribution is an investigation of model adaptation in a longitudinal setting. In this scenario, we repeatedly adapt a model to new data, with the constraint that previous data becomes unavailable. We first demonstrate the effect of such a constraint, and show that using a cyclical learning rate may help. We then observe that these successive models lend themselves well to ensembling. Finally, we show that the impact of this constraint in an active learning setting may be detrimental to performance, and suggest to combine active learning with semi-supervised training to avoid biasing the model. The fourth contribution is a method to adapt low-level features in a parameter-efficient and interpretable manner. We propose to adapt the filters in a neural feature extractor, known as SincNet. In contrast to traditional techniques that warp the filterbank frequencies in standard feature extraction, adapting SincNet parameters is more flexible and more readily optimised, whilst maintaining interpretability. On a task adapting from adult to child speech, we show that this layer is well suited for adaptation and is very effective with respect to the small number of adapted parameters

    Ensemble learning using multi-objective optimisation for arabic handwritten words

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    Arabic handwriting recognition is a dynamic and stimulating field of study within pattern recognition. This system plays quite a significant part in today's global environment. It is a widespread and computationally costly function due to cursive writing, a massive number of words, and writing style. Based on the literature, the existing features lack data supportive techniques and building geometric features. Most ensemble learning approaches are based on the assumption of linear combination, which is not valid due to differences in data types. Also, the existing approaches of classifier generation do not support decision-making for selecting the most suitable classifier, and it requires enabling multi-objective optimisation to handle these differences in data types. In this thesis, new type of feature for handwriting using Segments Interpolation (SI) to find the best fitting line in each of the windows with a model for finding the best operating point window size for SI features. Multi-Objective Ensemble Oriented (MOEO) formulated to control the classifier topology and provide feedback support for changing the classifiers' topology and weights based on the extension of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). It is designated as the Random Subset based Parents Selection (RSPS-NSGA-II) to handle neurons and accuracy. Evaluation metrics from two perspectives classification and Multiobjective optimization. The experimental design based on two subsets of the IFN/ENIT database. The first one consists of 10 classes (C10) and 22 classes (C22). The features were tested with Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). This work improved due to the SI feature. SI shows a significant result with SVM with 88.53% for C22. RSPS for C10 at k=2 achieved 91% accuracy with fewer neurons than NSGA-II, and for C22 at k=10, accuracy has been increased 81% compared to NSGA-II 78%. Future work may consider introducing more features to the system, applying them to other languages, and integrating it with sequence learning for more accuracy

    Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

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    Indonesian and Malay are underrepresented in the development of natural language processing (NLP) technologies and available resources are difficult to find. A clear picture of existing work can invigorate and inform how researchers conceptualise worthwhile projects. Using an education sector project to motivate the study, we conducted a wide-ranging overview of Indonesian and Malay human language technologies and corpus work. We charted 657 included studies according to Hirschberg and Manning's 2015 description of NLP, concluding that the field was dominated by exploratory corpus work, machine reading of text gathered from the Internet, and sentiment analysis. In this paper, we identify most published authors and research hubs, and make a number of recommendations to encourage future collaboration and efficiency within NLP in Indonesian and Malay

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 : 10-12 December 2018, Torino

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Neural sequence-to-sequence models for low-resource morphology

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