91 research outputs found

    Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Nigeria Universities

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    Influence of digital technology in our educational system cannot be overemphasized. Hardly can any undergraduate student survive in tertiary institution without basic skills and knowledge of digital technology. The composite skills require for student to fit into digital environment in achieving his/her academic pursuit is digital literacy skill. This prompted the study on the digital literacy skills of undergraduate students of Federal Universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Research design employed for this study was the descriptive survey design. The population for this study was 60,997 undergraduate students of Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Ibadan and University of Lagos. However, multiple stage sampling technique was used to arrive at 595 sampling size for the study. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution tables; percentage, mean scores and standard deviation on Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Finding of the study revealed that majority of the students admitted that they are confident on their level of information Literacy Skills, especially in using other people’s work (found online) without committing plagiarism. The students also indicated confidence in their level of Information and Communication Technology literacy skills, significantly when writing online on a web page for private use. Likewise, a high percentage of respondents were confident on their level of media literacy skill when using media-capture devices, e.g. recording on video. The study concluded that lecturers should encourage students to engage in academic research using electronic information resources on the web without committing plagiarism. Also, undergraduates ICT skills should be enhanced by encouraging them to open and operate online Blog for public access and lastly, lecturers and other academic staff should use electronic media resources in delivering lectures in order to challenge the confident level of undergraduates in using electronic media

    Digital Literacy: A Demand for Nonlinear Thinking Styles

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    This paper makes a case for a direct relationship between digital literacy and nonlinear thinking styles, articulates a demand for nonlinear thinking styles in education and the workplace, and states implications for a connection between nonlinear thinking styles visual literacy, and intuitive artistic practice

    Press Any Key: Repositioning digital literacy as an enabler for self-regulated learning

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    Millennial students are often seen as digital experts. This generalisation implicitly assumes that millennial students are equipped with necessary digital literacy skills to undertake their university learning such as searching curriculum-based information. But are they? And what is digital literacy and how can it be embed in teaching and learning? This paper examines the key characteristics of a contemporary view and multiplicity of digital literacy. An implementation of digital literacies in a first year undergraduate unit is described

    Faktor – Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kompetensi Literasi Digital Mahasiswa di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    This study aims to identify the factors that influence the digital literacy competence of students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University the sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with one hundred students as respondents. The analysis used Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the results of the study show that there are three factors that affect the level of digital literacy competence of students, including: 1) environmental support factors consisting of campus environment and family roles, 2) socio-economic conditions which include individual financial conditions critical of the media, and 3) the intensity of media use which consists of the use of digital media in daily activities and work on academic assignments

    Operationalizing Success in a Digital Learning Environment Designed to Support Vulnerable Adults

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    This study seeks to examine patterns of successful learning identified when economically vulnerable, underserved, and high-need adults engaged in self-access, tutor facilitated learning to acquire digital literacy. In large part, this diverse population of learners has been left behind in the digital revolution, thus compounding their social, economic, and educational disadvantages. These individuals have unique patterns of engagement within educational endeavors, at times dropping in and out of programs as a result of social and economic impediments that permeate their lives. Traditional means of identifying success in their learning endeavors inadequately describe the paths these learners take on the road to acquiring digital literacy. This research explores ways to operationalize the success of adult learners who come to public access computer labs in libraries, adult education, and community organizations for tutor-facilitated support to acquire digital literacy. Findings suggest that adults’ digital literacy learning, and the programs that support this learning, are best explored using aspects of goal directed learning that consider dimensions of the learners’ self-directed goals as a means of learner and program success

    Exploring Digital Literacy: How Do Undergraduate Students Evaluate Digital Video for Inclusion in Assignment Work?

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    This paper investigates how students evaluate online video for use in assignment work, in order to understand digital literacy with online video in practice. Students sourced content for a written assignment using a customised video retrieval system (VRS), and reflected on their choice of videos. The study examines the key areas influencing the use and evaluation of online video for assignments such as digital literacy, the learning value of video, strategies for integrating video, and the key features of VRSs. This paper examines students' experiences using online video for assignment work and pays particular attention to their evolution of video content and their reasons for selecting videos. Findings show that students select video based on its relevance to their existing knowledge, ability to develop their arguments, and on the source and quality of content. Students display key elements of digital literacy when provided with an authentic task, and the appropriate tools and content to accomplish this. The work also presents a series of recommendations and considerations for future work in the area

    The Moderating Role of Quality Improvement in Improving Brand Credibility

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    This research aims to find out what are the new roles that Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid does in increasing consumer confidence in the services provided by Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid. This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of case study research. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews supported by observations of some of the activities in the study subjects. The results of this study found that the role of quality improvement carried out by Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid began with monitoring changes through change management, identification of improvement formulations, fulfillment of completeness of infrastructure improvement facilities, optimization of cooperation performance between teams, in-service training, environmental analysis in evaluation, identification of goals and targets, gap analysis, input, and output identification, monitoring improvements. So it can be concluded that the new role in increasing consumer confidence in Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid shows success in attracting its consumers to continue using the services provided by Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid

    A Reverse Digital Divide: Comparing Information Security Behaviors of Generation Y and Generation Z Adults

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    How individuals conceptualize their accountability related to digital technology. There may also be age-based vulnerabilities resulting from personal perceptions about the importance of engaging in best-practices. However, age may not be as critical as experience when it comes to implementation of these behaviors. Using the Cybersecurity Behaviors subscale of the Online Security Behaviors and Beliefs Questionnaire (OSBBQ), this study compared the self-reported cybersecurity attitudes and behaviors across college-aged individuals from Generation Y and Generation Z. Data were derived from a convenience sample of predominantly African-American and Caucasian respondents (N=593) recruited from two public universities in Virginia, USA. Four of the eight OSBBQ subscale items demonstrated significant differences between Generation Y and Generation Z adults. Generation Y adults reported greater reviewing of privacy policies on social media, maintenance of antivirus updates, watching for unusual computer performance, and acting on malware alerts, but no significant differences on the other items. It is reasonable to assume that the observed elevated scores were accompanied by greater individual knowledge of information security simply because of being older as a cohort, suggesting that the group was also more experienced and less likely to perceive themselves as invulnerable to online victimization

    Exploring the information seeking behavior of Greek graduate students : A case study set in the University of Macedonia

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    This paper describes a survey designed to determine the information seeking behavior of graduate students at the University of Macedonia (UoM). The survey is a continuation of a previous one undertaken in the Faculties of Philosophy and Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). This paper primarily presents results from the UoM survey, but also makes comparisons with the findings from the earlier survey at AUTh. The 254 UoM students responding tend to use the simplest information search techniques with no critical variations between different disciplines. Their information seeking behavior seems to be influenced by their search experience, computer and web experience, perceived ability and frequency of use of e-sources, and not by specific personal characteristics or attendance at library instruction programs. Graduate students of both universities similar information seeking preferences, with the UoM students using more sophisticated techniques, such as Boolean search and truncation, more often than the AUTh students

    A Study on Awareness, Exposure and Attitude towards Digital Citizenship among University Students in Malaysia

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    Digital citizenship has received considerable huge attention from numerous researchers in recent years. Due to the tremendous work put forth by the scholars, the researchers aimed to explore in-depth the relationship between students’ aptitude towards digital citizenship in the Malaysian educational context. This survey gathered 256 responses from 17 public universities from the central region, north region, south region, and the east region as well as East Malaysia. Three independent variables namely students’ awareness, students’ exposure, and students’ attitude and their relationships with digital citizenship (digital security, digital etiquette, and digital rights and responsibilities) as dependent variables were examined. This study relied on Partial Least Square Modeling (PLS-SEM) to probe the relationship between the IV and DV. A higher-order construct was studied with a focus on the reflective model. The internal consistency, factor loading, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the constructs with their indicators were all tested using the measurement model. The structural model was applied to measure the relationship between the constructs. This research reported that there was a substantial relationship between students' awareness, exposure, and attitude toward digital citizenship. In conclusion, public university students in Malaysia were well informed, exposed, and had a meticulous attitude towards digital citizenship; however, proper training and well guidelines have to be emphasized in a certain area, especially from the spectrum of digital security. Further study is encouraged, and further recommendations were also discussed in this paper
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