11,350 research outputs found

    Opportunities for Dutch Biorefineries

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    Deze Roadmap Bioraffinage beschrijft een aantal mogelijke routes naar de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een bioraffinage-gerelateerde Bio-based Economy in Nederland. De Roadmap combineert korte- en middellange termijn mogelijkheden (commerciële implementatie, demonstratie plants, pilot plants en gerelateerd toegepast onderzoek) met strategisch onderzoek voor de langere termijn. Tevens zijn vier z.g. Moonshots uitgewerkt, als voorziene bioraffinagestrategieën met een grote potentie voor de Nederlandse economi

    Biomass resources and biofuels potential for the production of transportation fuels in Nigeria

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    Solid biomass and waste are major sources of energy. They account for about 80% of total primary energy consumed in Nigeria. This paper assesses the biomass resources (agricultural, forest, urban, and other wastes) available in Nigeria and the potential for biofuel production from first, second, third and fourth generation biomass feedstocks. It reviews the scope of biomass conversion technologies tested within the country and the reports on the technology readiness level of each. Currently, most of the emerging biofuels projects in Nigeria utilize first generation biomass feedstock for biofuel production and are typically located many miles away from the petroleum refineries infrastructures. These feedstocks are predominantly food crops and thus in competition with food production. With significant availability of non-food biomass resources, particularly in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, and the petroleum refineries located in the same area, it is pertinent to consider expanding use of the petroleum refinery׳s infrastructure to co-process non-food biomass into bio-intermediate oil for blending with petroleum. This not only addresses the potential food versus fuel conflict challenging biofuel production in Nigeria, but also reduces the cost of setting up new bio-refineries thus eliminating the transportation of ethanol to existing petroleum refineries for blending. In view of this, it is recommended that further research be carried out to assess the feasibility of upgrading existing refineries in Nigeria to co-process bio-based fuels and petroleum products thus achieving the targets set by the Nigeria Energy Commission for biofuel production in the country

    Recovery of Agricultural Nutrients from Biorefineries

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    This review lays the foundation for why nutrient recovery must be a key consideration in design and operation of biorefineries and comprehensively reviews technologies that can be used to recover an array of nitrogen, phosphorus, and/or potassium-rich products of relevance to agricultural applications. Recovery of these products using combinations of physical, chemical, and biological operations will promote sustainability at biorefineries by converting low-value biomass (particularly waste material) into a portfolio of higher-value products. These products can include a natural partnering of traditional biorefinery outputs such as biofuels and chemicals together with nutrient-rich fertilizers. Nutrient recovery not only adds an additional marketable biorefinery product, but also avoids the negative consequences of eutrophication, and helps to close anthropogenic nutrient cycles, thereby providing an alternative to current unsustainable approaches to fertilizer production, which are energy-intensive and reliant on nonrenewable natural resource extraction

    Can process intensification change the future of biodiesel?

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    A Review on Biodiesel and Effect of Oxygenize

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    Biodiesel is a renewable like solar energy, coal, oil and natural gases. It is eco-friendly and energy-accomplice fuel that is becoming a more prominent alternative to Petro-diesel. However, biodiesel's limitations can be overcome by optimizing its quality and properties. Oxygenize supplements have been shown to play an important role in this optimization. In this research work, biodiesel was produced from cow dung, which is a readily available and abundant resource in villages and farms. The competency of the produced biodiesel was studied and compared to various criterion. Oxygenates additives, including methanol (CH3OH), ethanol (C2H5OH), and diethyl ether (C2H5OC2H5), were added to this biodiesel at various ratios (10%, 20%, and 30%) to study their effects on the merits of the biodiesel produced. The efficiency of the biodiesel was also evaluated

    Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel through Biomass:Experimental and Simulation approach

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    In this thesis, special attention is given to the influence of biomass characteristics and their uncertainties on the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). As SAF mandates are being introduced to reach net-zero carbon emissions in the aviation sector, reliance on biomass feedstocks is growing; however, it comes with challenges and obstacles. Many pathways and configurations are being developed and scaled up to reach their full commercial potential. Resolving the challenges associated with biomass characterization will pave the way to the successful use of biomass in SAF production. Therefore, this thesis has two phases: an experimental and a simulation phase.Firstly, the experimental phase aims to improve the measurements of the biomass characteristics in the laboratory by performing a key comparison of the measurement techniques between different metrological institutes in the EU. The overarching goal of this phase was to lower the measurement uncertainty by improving repeatability and reproducibility. Eventually, new modifications to the ISO standards will be proposed. The improvement in the measurement accuracy directly impacts the values of purchasing and taxing biomass, as aspects like the energy and moisture content play a significant role in setting these values. Moreover, these improvements are expected to enhance biorefinery processes' design, performance, and yield.The second phase focuses on the impact of different types of biomass, their heterogeneity, and uncertainty on the production of SAF. Therefore, the various pathways of SAF production were comprehensively analyzed while considering technical and non-technical aspects to determine the most promising routes for producing SAF from biomass. Moreover, the analysis assessed the EU's biomass potential for SAF, focusing on its ability to meet proposed EU mandates for SAF uptake in the short and long term. After this analysis, several steady-state models for the Fischer Tropsch and Methanol to Jet were simulated in Aspen Plus commercial software. These models aimed to determine the influence of the experimentally determined biomass characteristics and their uncertainties on SAF production. Moreover, the models were used to determine the optimal and cost-effective pathway for SAF production through biomass. Different approaches, configurations, and tools were employed to achieve this objective, such as process simulation, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, and techno-economic analysis

    Production of Bio-Based Chemicals and Polymers from Renewable Feedstocks: Bioprocesses Development

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El aprovechamiento de subproductos para producir biocombustibles, energía y compuestos químicos básicos es cada vez más necesario en la situación actual de escasez de petróleo y preocupación por el medioambiente. Muchos compuestos que tradicionalmente han sido producidos a partir del petróleo pueden sintetizarse hoy día de forma biotecnológica empleando recursos renovables. En este contexto, los microorganismos pueden aprovecharse eficazmente como biocatalizadores para llevar a cabo estas transformaciones. Con este tipo de procesos se pueden aprovechar residuos o materias primas renovables para la obtención de productos de interés como bioplásticos de origen microbiano o productos químicos que pueden servir como monómeros para la síntesis de plásticos biodegradables u otro tipo de aplicaciones. La contaminación ambiental causada por los residuos de polímeros sintéticos no biodegradables es un problema en aumento debido a la estabilidad de los compuestos derivados de los combustibles fósiles. En contraste, los bioplásticos pueden obtenerse de fuentes renovables, lo que posibilita el desarrollo de procesos de producción sostenible. En este trabajo de investigación se han estudiado y desarrollado bioprocesos para la producción de polihidroxialkanoatos, 2,3-butanodiol y ácido D-láctico de forma sostenible empleando materias primas renovables como el suero lácteo de quesería, aceite de camelina, glicerina, fracción orgánica de residuos urbanos y residuos de naranja. La caracterización de las materias primas de partida se realizó mediante técnicas de análisis composicional, análisis en HPLC, cromatografía de gases y técnicas espectrofotométricas. Con estos resultados se hizo una selección de cepas bacterianas capaces de sintetizar los productos de interés a partir de los sustratos seleccionados. Una vez seleccionadas las cepas, el trabajo se centró en el desarrollo de los procesos para conseguir buenos rendimientos de fermentación y su escalado. Por lo tanto, este trabajo de investigación aporta conocimientos sobre la identificación y selección de biocatalizadores industriales para el uso de materias primas renovables y residuos industriales para la producción de productos químicos y polímeros de base biológica. Estos estudios allanan el camino para el futuro desarrollo de procesos biotecnológicos sostenibles en el marco de las biorrefinerías y de la bioeconomía circular.[CA] L'aprofitament de bioproductes per produir biocombustibles, energia i compostos químics bàsics és cada vegada més necessari en la situació actual d'escassetat de petroli i preocupació pel medi ambient. Molts compostos que tradicionalment s'han produït a partir de petroli es poden sintetitzar hui en dia biotecnològicament utilitzant recursos renovables. En aquest context, els microorganismes es poden utilitzar eficaçment com a biocatalitzadors per dur a terme aquestes transformacions. Amb aquest tipus de processos es poden utilitzar residus o matèries primeres renovables per obtenir productes d'interès com bioplàstics d'origen microbià o químics que puguen servir de monòmers per a la síntesi de plàstics biodegradables o altres aplicacions. La contaminació ambiental causada per residus de polímers sintètics no biodegradables és un problema creixent a causa de l'estabilitat dels compostos de combustibles fòssils. Per contra, els bioplàstics es poden obtenir a partir de fonts renovables, permetent el desenvolupament de processos productius sostenibles. En aquest treball de recerca s'han estudiat i desenvolupat bioprocessos per a la producció de polihidroxialcanoats, 2,3-butanodiol i àcid D-làctic de manera sostenible utilitzant matèries primeres renovables com sèrum de llet, oli de camelina, glicerina, fracció orgànica de residus urbans i residus de taronges. La caracterització de matèries primeres inicials es realitza mitjançant tècniques d'anàlisi composicional, anàlisi HPLC, cromatografia de gasos i tècniques espectrofotomètriques. Amb aquests resultats es crea una selecció de soques bacterianes capaç de sintetitzar els productes d'interès dels substrats seleccionats. Una vegada seleccionades les soques, el treball es va centrar en el desenvolupament dels processos per aconseguir uns bons rendiments de fermentació i el seu escalat. Per tant, aquest treball de recerca aporta coneixements sobre la identificació i selecció de biocatalitzadors industrials per a l'ús de matèries primeres renovables i residus industrials per a la producció de productes químics i polímers de base biològica. Aquests estudis amplien el coneixement per al futur desenvolupament de processos biotecnològics sostenibles en el marc de la biorefineria i la bioeconomia circular.[EN] The use of by-products to produce biofuels, energy and basic chemicals is increasingly necessary in the current situation of oil shortages and environmental concern. Many compounds that have traditionally been produced from oil can now be synthesised in a biotechnological way using renewable resources. In this context, microorganisms can be effectively used as biocatalysts to carry out these transformations. With this type of process, waste streams or renewable raw materials can be used to obtain products of interest such as bioplastics of microbial origin or chemical products that can serve as monomers for the synthesis of biodegradable plastics or other types of applications. Environmental pollution caused by non-biodegradable synthetic polymer waste is a growing problem due to the stability of compounds derived from fossil fuels. In contrast, bioplastics can be obtained from renewable sources, which enables the development of sustainable production processes. In this research work, bioprocesses for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, 2,3-butanediol and D-lactic acid using renewable raw materials such as cheese whey, camelina oil, glycerine, organic waste and orange waste were studied and developed. The characterisation of the raw materials was carried out using compositional analysis, HPLC analysis, gas chromatography and spectrophotometric techniques, among others. With these results, a selection of bacterial strains capable of synthesising the products of interest from the selected substrates was made. Once the strains were selected, the work was focused on process development in order to optimize fermentation yields and scale-up. Therefore, this research work provides knowledge on the identification and selection of industrial biocatalysts for the use of renewable feedstocks and industrial wastes for the production of bio-based chemicals and polymers. These studies pave the way for further development of sustainable biotechnological processes in the framework of biorefineries and circular bioeconomy.Bustamante Jaramillo, DA. (2021). Production of Bio-Based Chemicals and Polymers from Renewable Feedstocks: Bioprocesses Development [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/175819TESISCompendi

    Emulsifaction of waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates as diesel engine fuel

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    The scope of this paper is to analyze the possibilities and feasibilities, as well as the main experimental results reported about the emulsification method applied to waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates as diesel engine fuels, compared with other commonly used methods. These waste products are obtained in the refining oil industry, food industry and service sector from the frying process, mainly. However, they are a little used as feedstocks to produce biofuels and constitute a potential source of contamination. From the review of the state of arts, significant decreases in exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxides, cylinder pressure, as well as increases of the ignition delay, brake specific fuel consumption, hydrocarbon, smoke opacity, carbon monoxide, particulate matters to emulsified waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates compared with diesel fuel are reported. In some experiments the emulsified waste cooking oils achieved better performance than neat fatty acid distillates, neat waste cooking oils and their derivates methyl esters