11 research outputs found

    Random Sequential Generation of Intervals for the Cascade Model of Food Webs

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    The cascade model generates a food web at random. In it the species are labeled from 0 to mm, and arcs are given at random between pairs of the species. For an arc with endpoints ii and jj (i<ji<j), the species ii is eaten by the species labeled jj. The chain length (height), generated at random, models the length of food chain in ecological data. The aim of this note is to introduce the random sequential generation of intervals as a Poisson model which gives naturally an analogous behavior to the cascade model

    Continuum Cascade Model of Directed Random Graphs: Traveling Wave Analysis

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    We study a class of directed random graphs. In these graphs, the interval [0,x] is the vertex set, and from each y\in [0,x], directed links are drawn to points in the interval (y,x] which are chosen uniformly with density one. We analyze the length of the longest directed path starting from the origin. In the large x limit, we employ traveling wave techniques to extract the asymptotic behavior of this quantity. We also study the size of a cascade tree composed of vertices which can be reached via directed paths starting at the origin.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; figure adde

    Convergence to the Tracy-Widom distribution for longest paths in a directed random graph

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    We consider a directed graph on the 2-dimensional integer lattice, placing a directed edge from vertex (i1,i2)(i_1,i_2) to (j1,j2)(j_1,j_2), whenever i1j1i_1 \le j_1, i2j2i_2 \le j_2, with probability pp, independently for each such pair of vertices. Let Ln,mL_{n,m} denote the maximum length of all paths contained in an n×mn \times m rectangle. We show that there is a positive exponent aa, such that, if m/na1m/n^a \to 1, as nn \to \infty, then a properly centered/rescaled version of Ln,mL_{n,m} converges weakly to the Tracy-Widom distribution. A generalization to graphs with non-constant probabilities is also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Limit theorems for a random directed slab graph

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    We consider a stochastic directed graph on the integers whereby a directed edge between ii and a larger integer jj exists with probability pjip_{j-i} depending solely on the distance between the two integers. Under broad conditions, we identify a regenerative structure that enables us to prove limit theorems for the maximal path length in a long chunk of the graph. The model is an extension of a special case of graphs studied by Foss and Konstantopoulos, Markov Process and Related Fields, 9, 413-468. We then consider a similar type of graph but on the `slab' Z×I\Z \times I, where II is a finite partially ordered set. We extend the techniques introduced in the in the first part of the paper to obtain a central limit theorem for the longest path. When II is linearly ordered, the limiting distribution can be seen to be that of the largest eigenvalue of a I×I|I| \times |I| random matrix in the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE).Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Long-range last-passage percolation on the line

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    We consider directed last-passage percolation on the random graph G = (V,E) where V = Z and each edge (i,j), for i < j, is present in E independently with some probability 0 < p <= 1. To every present edge (i,j) we attach i.i.d. random weights v_{i,j} > 0. We are interested in the behaviour of w_{0,n}, which is the maximum weight of all directed paths from 0 to n, as n tends to infinity. We see two very different types of behaviour, depending on whether E[v_{i,j}^2] is finite or infinite. In the case where E[v_{i,j}^2] is finite we show that the process has a certain regenerative structure, and prove a strong law of large numbers and, under an extra assumption, a functional central limit theorem. In the situation where E[v_{i,j}^2] is infinite we obtain scaling laws and asymptotic distributions expressed in terms of a "continuous last-passage percolation" model on [0,1]; these are related to corresponding results for two-dimensional last-passage percolation with heavy-tailed weights obtained by Hambly and Martin.Comment: 38 pages. Accepted by Annals of Applied Probabilit

    Limiting Properties of Random Graph Models with Vertex and Edge Weights

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    This paper provides an overview of results, concerning longest or heaviest paths, in the area of random directed graphs on the integers along with some extensions. We study first-order asymptotics of heaviest paths allowing weights both on edges and vertices and assuming that weights on edges are signed. We aim at an exposition that summarizes, simplifies, and extends proof ideas. We also study sparse graph asymptotics, showing convergence of the weighted random graphs to a certain weighted graph that can be constructed in terms of Poisson processes. We are motivated by numerous applications, ranging from ecology to parallel computing model. It is the latter set of applications that necessitates the introduction of vertex weights. Finally, we discuss some open problems and research directions

    Limit theorems for the maximal path weight in a directed graph on the line with random weights of edges

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    We consider the infinite directed graph with vertices the set of integers ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,... . Let v be a random variable taking either finite values or value "minus infinity". Consider random weights v(j,k), indexed by pairs (j,k) of integers with j<k, and assume that they are i.i.d. copies of v. The set of edges of the graph is the set (j,k), j<k. A path in the graph from vertex j to vertex k, j<k, is a finite sequence of edges (j(0), j(1)), (j(1), j(2)), ..., (j(m-1), j(m)) with j(0)=j and j(m)=j; the weight of this path is taken to be the sum v(j(0),j(1))+v(j(1),j(2))+...+v(j(m-1),j(m)) of the weights of its edges. Let w(0,n) be the maximal weight of all paths from 0 to n. We study the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence w(0,n), n=1, 2, ..., as n tends to infinity, under the assumptions that P(v>0)>0, the conditional distribution of v, given v>0, is not degenerate, and that E exp(Cv) is finite, for some C>0. We derive local limit theorems in the normal and moderate large deviations regimes in the case where v has an arithmetic distribution. We also derive an integro-local theorem in the case where v has a non-lattice distribution.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Estimation of the last passage percolation constant in a charged complete directed acyclic graph via perfect simulation

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    Our object of study is the asymptotic growth of heaviest paths in a charged (weighted with signed weights) complete directed acyclic graph. Edge charges are i.i.d. random variables with common distribution FF supported on [,1][-\infty,1] with essential supremum equal to 11 (a charge of -\infty is understood as the absence of an edge). The asymptotic growth rate is a constant that we denote by C(F)C(F). Even in the simplest case where F=pδ1+(1p)δF=p\delta_1 + (1-p)\delta_{-\infty}, corresponding to the longest path in the Barak-Erd\H{o}s random graph, there is no closed-form expression for this function, but good bounds do exist. In this paper we construct a Markovian particle system that we call "Max Growth System" (MGS), and show how it is related to the charged random graph. The MGS is a generalization of the Infinite Bin Model that has been the object of study of a number of papers. We then identify a random functional of the process that admits a stationary version and whose expectation equals the unknown constant C(F)C(F). Furthermore, we construct an effective perfect simulation algorithm for this functional which produces samples from the random functional

    Probabilistic and analytical properties of the last passage percolation constant in a weighted random directed graph

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    To each edge (i,j), i<j of the complete directed graph on the integers we assign unit weight with probability p or weight x with probability 1-p, independently from edge to edge, and give to each path weight equal to the sum of its edge weights. If W^x_{0,n} is the maximum weight of all paths from 0 to n then W^x_{0,n}/n \to C_p(x),as n\to\infty, almost surely, where C_p(x) is positive and deterministic. We study C_p(x) as a function of x, for fixed 0<p<1 and show that it is a strictly increasing convex function that is not differentiable if and only if x is a nonpositive rational or a positive integer except 1 or the reciprocal of it. We allow x to be any real number, even negative, or, possibly, -\infty. The case x=-\infty corresponds to the well-studied directed version of the Erd"os-R'enyi random graph (known as Barak-Erd"os graph) for which C_p(-\infty) = lim_{x\to -\infty} C_p(x) has been studied as a function of p in a number of papers.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure