3,687 research outputs found

    Evaluation of changes somatic features and motor skills of high school students from Kruszwica.

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    Introduction. The study of the physical development of children and youth have quite a rich tradition. Conducted observations show that standard of living is very different in different regions of the country. The purpose of physical education is not only to improve the body of a young man, but also providing it with the knowledge and skills related to physical education. The aim of this study was to assess the state of development of somatic children aged 13 - 14 years of high school in Kruszwica, determine the level of their motor skills and evaluation of somatic sexual dimorphism. And the answer: if holiday break contributed to changes somatic features and motor skills of subjects. Materials and methods. The study was conducted twice: before the summer (June) and after the summer break, and have them included 72 students (39 boys and 33 girls) aged 13 - 14 years. Physical development determined on the somatic features: height and weight, efficiency of the motor, in turn, on the basis of level of skills and mobility. Habit of body students characterized using the Rohrer index. To determine the motor of subjects used trials of the International Physical Fitness Test. Results and conclusions. Analysis of the results allows to draw the following conclusions: •After holiday break students are higher and heavier than before the holidays. •After holiday break increased motor skills of both sexes in the strength of the abdominal muscles, but only in boys increase the explosive power in the legs and improve their speed. •Boys achieved better results after holiday break than girls in testing the speed and explosive power tests of legs. •According to Mollison Index compared characteristics of somatic and motor skills before summer the most varied of agility course and body height, after holidays: the explosive power of the legs and body height. •The impact of the summer break has not affected to changes in somatic and motor skills of the young peopl

    Zabawa jako medium dziecięcej codzienności: etnografia w przedszkolu

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    The main thesis of this article is that the teacher is the most competent person to carry out ethnographic research in the kindergarten. After all, it is the teacher who plays a natural part in the children’s everyday lives, where the role of play is predominant. By creating, performing and transforming the social elements of play in a collective manner, children work out procedures which give meaning to various social situations and thereby construct an individual vision of the world. This all happens in the presence of the teacher who observes children’s behaviour and by listening to what they say, and can view reflexively the social practices involved in the creation of children’s reality. A significant element in this is play, which one can describe as a medium between the child’s inner world – his knowledge, emotions, fears, fascinations – and the outer world, in which every child is an active participant and a careful observer. The second part of the article consists of an extension of this thesis, supported by excerpts of ethnographic observations recorded in a kindergarten. The observations made refer to play as a medium and state that it is 1) a mirror of ordinary children’s concerns, 2) training preparing them to participate in their future, everyday adult lives, 3) their authentic everyday life, where they succeed, fail and confront each other, 4) prediction of the types of future social interactions they will be involved in, and 5) a source of self knowledge, preferences and biases

    School adolescents’ knowledge concerning hepatitis C virus (HCV)

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    Introduction. Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a serious clinical, epidemiological and social problem inPoland.   Objective. The objective of the study was recognition of knowledge concerning HCV infection among adolescents attending post-secondary schools.Material and method. The study was conducted in 2016, among 106 school adolescents attending two post-secondary schools inRadom, by means of a questionnaire designed by the author and a standardized questionnaire according to the Polish Group of HCV Experts. Statistical analysis was performed using the software Statistica 10.0.Results. The majority of adolescents (84.5%) knew that HCV causes hepatitis C.  Boys more frequently than girls knew that the disease spreads by contact with infected blood (72.0% and 50.6%, respectively). Girls significantly more often than boys knew that approximately 700,000 people inPoland are infected with HCV (54.3% and 24.0%, respectively). According to 84.1% of respondents everyone is exposed to this infection.  Boys more often than girls (72.0% and 55.6%) correctly provided examples of situations in which the infection may occur. The majority of adolescents (88.5%) knew that the hepatitis C antibody (anti-HCV) blood test indicates whether the person has an infection. A half of the examined adolescents (50.9%) knew that there is currently no vaccine available to protect against hepatitis C, and that it is possible to cure the person infected with HCV.Conclusions. The level of adolescents’ knowledge concerning HCV infection varied according to the demographic and social factors. School adolescents should be provided incentives for prophylaxis of infection and participation in prophylactic programmes, in order to limit the risk of contracting hepatitis C.

    Zbilansowana dieta i zdrowa żywność w opiniach uczniów wczesnej edukacji

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    The text covers the issue of a balanced diet and healthy food from the perspective of a child in early education. Sweets, overweight, the lack of knowledge about a balanced diet, and many other factors affect abnormal development of children. Healthy food has become a kind of a trend. More and more people are trying to play sports, avoid unhealthy food and follow a balanced diet. Adults, i. e. parents, but also teachers and other representatives of educational institutions, are trying to ensure that children know the principles of healthy lifestyle, which includes the knowledge of healthy eating. Nowadays, school children in early education are taught about the dangers of eating unhealthy foods more frequently than they were in the past. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to get their opinion about what healthy food is and to what extent they follow a balanced diet when choosing food products. The researchers were looking for the answers to questions concerning the knowledge of 3rd grade students about a balanced diet and about possible threats that may result from eating unhealthy food. The analysis of the research results has revealed that students have adequate knowledge about a balanced diet, which they usually get from school or from the Internet. However, the children do not always follow this diet. Also, the research has confirmed the fact that students often use their knowledge of a balanced diet and they talk about healthy food with their family and friends.Tekst obejmuje problematykę zbilansowanej diety oraz zdrowej żyw- ności w perspektywie dziecka w młodszym wieku szkolnym. Słodycze, nadwaga, brak wiedzy na temat zbilansowanej diety i wiele innych czynników wpływa na nieprawidłowy rozwój. Zdrowa żywność stała się pewnego rodzaju trendem. Coraz więcej osób stara się uprawiać sport, unikać niezdrowej żywności oraz przestrzegać zbilansowanej diety. Dorośli – rodzice, ale również szkoły i nauczyciele – starają się, by dzieci również posiadały wiedzę na temat zdrowego trybu życia i wiedziały, jak ważne jest to, co spożywamy. Młodsze dzieci szkolne coraz częściej uczone są o zagrożeniach wynikających ze spożywania niezdrowej żywności. W związku z powyższym celem przeprowadzonych badań było uzyskanie opinii uczniów we wczesnej edukacji na temat tego, czym jest zdrowa żywność i na ile badani uczniowie przestrzegają zbilansowanej diety podczas wyboru produktów żywnościowych. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania jaką wiedzę posiadają uczniowie klas III na temat zbilansowanej diety oraz jakie zagrożenia według nich wynikają ze spożywania niezdrowej żywności. Analiza wyników badań ujawniła, iż uczniowie posiadają odpowiednią wiedzę na temat zbilansowanej diety, którą czerpią najczęściej ze szkoły lub z Internetu, mimo to nie zawsze jej przestrzegają, a także fakt, że uczniowie często korzystają z posiadanej wiedzy na temat zbilansowanej diety, rozmawiają o zdrowej żywności z rodziną i znajomymi

    Chłopcy malowani (piórem Andrzeja Struga i Miroslava Krležy). Etiuda komparatystyczna

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    The main subject of the article is a diverse image of the generation of World War I in Polish and Balkan literature. The two works which have been a subject of the comparative study are Badge of Loyal Service by Andrzej Strug and the novel Domobran Jambrek by Miroslaw Krleža (a part of Croatian God Mars). The author explains the principles and functions of pompous poetics of the description of war in the prose by Strug and in a completely different, ironic poetics of the stories by Krleža. Despite many similarities, the two works transmit different artistic and political ideologies. In the last part of the article, another point of reference to the subject of war is a novel by Serbian writer Miloš Crnjanski: Records of Czarnojevic. In the conclusion of her considerations, the author points to the diversity of contexts of tradition and draws attention to the importance of formative function of Polish Romanticism.Głównym tematem artykułu jest zróżnicowanie obrazu pokolenia I wojny światowej w literaturze polskiej i bałkańskiej. Przedmiotem przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej stały się dwa utwory: Odznaka za wierną służbę Andrzeja Struga oraz opowiadanie Ambrożek domobrońca (Domobran Jambrek) Miroslava Krležy z tomu Chorwacki bóg Mars. Autorka objaśnia zasady i funkcję patetycznej poetyki opisu wojny w prozie Struga oraz zupełnie odmiennej, ironicznej poetyki opowiadania Krležy. Mimo wielu podobieństw, oba utwory emitują odmienne ideologie artystyczne i polityczne. W zakończeniu artykułu kolejnym odniesieniem dla tematu wojennego jest powieść serbskiego pisarza, Miloša Crnjanskiego pt. Zapiski o Czarnojeviciu. W konkluzji rozważań autorka wskazuje na odmienność kontekstów tradycji i zwraca uwagę na formacyjne znaczenie polskiego romantyzmu.

    Nutritional Behaviours Of Adolescents Living In Rural Areas. Part 1. Characteristics Of Health Behaviours Regarding Regular Consumption Of Meals And Level Of Acceptance Of Own Body Weight

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    Introduction. Proper nutrition consists in supplying the body with nutrients which are adequate from the aspect of their amount and quality, provide normal growth and maturation for an individual, as well as physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Eating habits are shaped as early as in childhood and constitute an important element of life style. It is very difficult to change bad dietary habits in children and adolescents, and these habits often continue into adulthood, and into own families. This is translated into the level of health in further periods of life in the form of serious consequences of chronic diseases, mainly on the metabolic background. Many studies confirmed that there occur clear differences in the observance of the principles of correct nutrition between adolescents living in large cities, and those from rural areas. Objective. The objective of the study was recognition and assessment of the types of nutritional behaviours among junior high school adolescents living in rural areas.Materials and Method.The study was conducted in June 2015, and covered a group of 115 adolescents attending a rural junior high school, randomly selected in the Sanok province. The method of a diagnostic survey and the Likert scale was applied. The research instrument was an author-constructed Questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using chi-square test and Cramer’s V test. The p values p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results. The majority of the examined school adolescents declared a normal body weight (80.9%). Boys reported correct nutrition more often than girls (67.6% vs. 30.8%). Slightly more than a half of the adolescents (52.2%) consumed breakfast every day. The largest number of the respondents (67.0%) admitted snacking between meals. Boys preferred grilled and fried meals (40.5%), whereas girls chose boiled food (66.7%); 42.6% of respondents indicated rational nutrition, and the same percentage tried to observe regular consumption of meals; only 30.4% of the total number of adolescents in the study consumed five meals daily.Conclusions. Despite the fact that more than a half of the respondents living in rural areas observe the principles of rational nutrition, this percentage is too low to state that their eating behaviours are correct. Rural children and adolescents require an early permanent health education in the area of nutrition and physical activity

    Rozwój fizyczny i motoryczny 14 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną = Physical development and motor 14 - year old boys trainees football

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    Klimczyk Mariusz, Rydlewski Gniewomir Rafał. Rozwój fizyczny i motoryczny 14 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną = Physical development and motor 14 - year old boys trainees football. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(7):266-276. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.57626http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3693   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.06.2016. Revised 09.07.2016. Accepted: 09.07.2016.  Rozwój fizyczny i motoryczny 14 – letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożnąPhysical development and motor 14 - year old boys trainees football Mariusz Klimczyk, Gniewomir Rafał Rydlewski Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w BydgoszczyE-mail: [email protected] Streszczenie Celem badań jest porównanie rozwoju fizycznego i motorycznego 14 letnich chłopców trenujących piłkę nożną z nietrenującymi rówieśnikami. W badaniach uczestniczyli chłopcy klas II gimnazjum. Próby zostały przeprowadzone w klasach uczonych przez jednego nauczyciela. W badaniach wzięło udział 33 uczniów uczęszczających do Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Barcinie. Wszyscy badani byli w momencie badania w jednym wieku kalendarzowym (14 lat) i uznani przez pielęgniarkę szkolną za zdrowych. Zastosowano następujące metody badań: metody pomiarowej Martina. Badania obejmowały pomiar wysokości i masy ciała, wskaźnik BMI, badania sprawności fizycznej. Przy pomocy Międzynarodowego Testu Sprawności Fizycznej. Posłużono się następującymi statystycznymi: t-Studenta różnicy statystycznej dla grup zależnych, średnią arytmetyczną Rozwój fizyczny uczniów nie różni się według badań istotnie ani w miesiącu maju ani w październiku. Grupa badanych nietrenujących w okresie wakacyjnym osiąga wzrosty BMI istotne statystycznie. Uczniowie trenujący w okresie wakacyjnym osiągają mniejsze wzrosty wyników sprawdzianów motorycznych aniżeli nietrenujący rówieśnicy. Zarówno w przypadku siły ramion i skoku w dal wyniki członków obu grup w miesiącu maju i październiku były istotnie różne statystycznie, choć badani nietrenujący osiągnęli wyniki o istotności różnic na poziomie 1%. Największej zmianie uległy zdolności siłowe chłopców.  Słowa kluczowe: rozwój fizyczny ,motoryczny, piłka nożna, trening, badania. Summary The aim of the study is to compare the physical and motor development 14 year old boys trainees football with no trainees peers. The study was attended by the boys Class II school. Trials were conducted in classrooms scholars by one teacher. The study involved 33 students attending School No. 1 for them. Henryk Sienkiewicz in Barcin. All subjects were in the time of the study in one calendar age (14 years) and recognized by the school nurse healthy. The following test methods: measuring method Martin. The research included measurement of height and weight, BMI, physical fitness tests. With the help of the International Physical Fitness Test. Was used with the following statistics: t-Student statistical difference for dependent groups, the arithmetic mean of physical development of students did not differ significantly according to the study or in the month of May or in October. Group surveyed untrained in the holiday season reaches a BMI increases statistically significant. Students who train during the holiday season to a smaller increase than the results of tests of motor no trainees peers. For both the arm strength and the long jump results of the members of both groups in the month of May and October they were significantly different statistically, although the subjects no trainees achieved results of the significance of differences at the level of 1%. The largest have changed the ability of the force boys. Keywords: physical development, motor, football, training, research

    Healthy behaviors among teenagers studying in schools in the urban and rural areas of Western Poland

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    Introduction: Unhealthy behaviors are related to the increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Reduction of the risk is possible, although it requires modification of the unhealthy behaviors. This change is possible in all stages of life, however it is most effective in its early phases. A well documented correlation between health-related behaviors and morbidity and mortality makes them an important aspect of public health. Aim: The aim of this study was the recognition  of health-related behaviors among boys and girls studying in the schools of the urban and rural areas of Western Poland and also pointing out a group of youth that should be targeted with specialized health education programmes.Method: This study was conducted on a group of 845 middle school students (14-16 yrs), attending randomly selected middle schools in urban and rural areas located in the Western Poland. An anonymous auditory survey was conducted. The survey consisted of 31 close-ended questions about the demographic and socioeconomic status, and health-related behaviors. In this paper in the statistical evaluation of the accumulated data concerned relationships between health-related behaviors and gender and place of study.Results: A widespread occurrence of unhealthy behaviors was observed. Many participants admitted to unhealthy nutritional habits, and, although less frequently, tobacco use, drinking alcohol and low physical activity. The area in which the students were located played an important part in the nutritional behaviors of boys and with the use of tobacco and the physical activity of girls. The group at the most risk of unhealthy behaviors were the girls studying in the urban middle schools and the boys studying in the rural middle schools.Conclusion: The unhealthy behaviors are a reason for maintaining a regular health education of the middle school students. This education should consider specific educational needs related to the sex and students` place of study

    Niepełnoletni rodzice i ich rodziny jako podmiot wsparcia. Badania własne

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    Underage parenting is an experience that can be defined as difficult, even critical. It is the same both for teenagers and their families. Adopting the role of a father and mother in adolescence, and so prematurely, generates a number of difficulties that occur in almost every sphere of functioning of these young people. It is therefore necessary to take steps supporting not only underage parents, but also their families. In this article, the issue of supporting teen parents and their families have been described. The sources of information are the empirical studies of underage mothers carried out in 2008 and underage fathers in 2012-2013. They enabled not only to recognize the difficulties that usually involve teen parents, but also the scope and type of support they receive

    Poszukajmy szczęśliwego kwiatu paproci

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    Sobótka – najkrótsza noc w roku. To czas magii i czarów. Spotykamy też określenie noc kupały, kupalnocka. Tak nazywano i tak nazywa się tę noc na Rusi. Noc świętojańska noc wyjątkowa pełna śmiechów, zabaw, wróżb. Dzisiaj trudno jednoznacznie określić, czy słowo Kupała było imieniem bogini płodności, zaśpiewam, zawołaniem, czy oznaczało kąpiel w rzekach i stawach której do sobótki nie wolno było zaczynać. Wierzono, że kiedy „Wlał do wód Święty Jan święconej wody dzban” wszelkie demony ją opuszczają i już można się bezpiecznie kąpać. Wywodzą się zwyczaje sobótkowe z dawnych przedchrześcijańskich obrzędów ku czci wody i ognia, które początkowo obchodzone były oddzielnie. Powszechną była wiara, że osobom, które biorą udział w sobótkowych zabawach i zaklęciach nic złego stać się nie może, aż do następnego Świętego Jana