751 research outputs found


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    Hierbas acuáticas sumergidas, sin raíces, fijadas al sustrato mediante rizoides, monoicas. Tallos delgados, flexuosos. Hojas en verticilos de a 3-10 por nudo, sin estípulas; pecíolo breve, inconspicuo o ausente; lámina simple o bifurcada 2-4 veces, rematadas en 2-6 segmentos linear-aplanados, enteras o con uno o ambos bordes con dientes notorios. Inflorescencias 1-floras, raro de a 2 ó más por nudo. Flores pequeñas, inconspicuas, imperfectas, sésiles o brevemente pedunculadas, actinomorfas, rodeadas por un involucro de 8-12 brácteas foliáceas, de polinización hidrófila, pistiladas y estaminadas naciendo alternas sobre distintos nudos. Flores estaminadas con 3-∞ estambres espiralados, de maduración centrípeta; anteras bitécicas de dehiscencia longitudinal extrorsa, con apéndice conectival y 2 ó más dientes o aguijones pequeños. Flor pistilada con gineceo de ovario súpero, 1-carpelar, 1-locular, estilo simple, terminal; óvulo solitario, péndulo, ortótropo, 1-tegumentado, de placentación apical-parietal. Fruto aquenio elíptico, monospermo, con cubierta lisa, generalmente con 3 espinas : una apical, estilar, y 2 basales que a veces desarrollan una estructura aliforme; dichas espinas pueden faltar. Semillas elípticas, monospermas, con endosperma mucilaginoso o exalbuminadas; embrión grande con cotiledones carnosos y sin radícula. Un solo género con 6 especies cosmopolitas que faltan solamente en las regiones polares, norte de Canadá y Siberia

    Placing the Monocots: Conflicting Signal from Trigenomic Analyses

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    Despite recent significant advances in understanding angiosperm phylogeny, the position of monocots remains uncertain. We present here a phylogeny inferred from four genes that unambiguously unite monocots with eumagnoliids. A well-supported position for the monocots was obtained only after we replaced the available nuclear 18S rDNA sequence data with data from phytochrome C in a matrix that also included plastid rbcL and ndhF and mitochondrial atp1. Over 5000 base pairs of sequence data from 42 taxa were analyzed using Bayesian inference. The results of these analyses united monocots with the eumagnoliids in a well-supported clade. Although the substitution of phytochrome C for 18S data led to a highly supported position for the monocots, comparison with more densely sampled single-gene studies revealed conflict among data sets. This indicates that larger data sets from each genome should be explored explicitly to evaluate the position of the monocots, and that each of these larger data sets also should be investigated for insight into potential sources of conflict

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    Spread of \u3ci\u3eAcentria Ephemerella\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Central North America

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    The aquatic moth, Acentria ephemerella, was first reported from North America in 1927. Recent records from widespread localities in central North America indicate that the range of this European introduction continues to expand. The moth is well established in the western Great Lakes region and is recorded west to the Missouri River valley in Iowa

    Luzula lactea (Link) E. Mey. (Juncaceae), ¿en Andalucía?

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    Durante los trabajos de edición del género Luzula para el proyecto Flora Iberica ha sido necesario investigar sobre la posible presencia en Andalucía de una especie de distribución ibero-atlántica recientemente citada como novedad regional: L. lactea (Link) E. Mey. (Salazar et al., 2008) e incluida como especie muy rara en el área natural de Cazorla en la flamante Flora Vascular de Andalucía Oriental (Blanca et al., 2009). Como quiera que se trata de una especie de fácil identificación, las pesquisas se han centrado en la escasa documentación del testimonio de la cita: “Jaén: Fuenfría. 26.06.1943. Leg. Desconocido. Rev. C. Salazar (GDA31707)”, localidad que los autores de la noticia interpretan como un lugar de la Sierra de Segura situado entre Génave y Torres de Albánchez (Jaén). Sin embargo el topónimo “Fuenfría” admite otras interpretaciones. Tomando como referencia de búsqueda la fecha del pliego, se han encontrado citas de otros materiales que pueden esclarecer la procedencia del citado. Como fuente se ha utilizado el portal de datos de GBIF en España y cada pliego se cita con el nombre más antiguo que se le asignó

    Baseline Studies of Aquatic Plants and Water Quality in Selected State Park Lakes

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    This project was undertaken as a baseline study of aquatic plant species and water quality in a set of six state parks lakes selected by the Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks. Inventories were conducted at these lakes during the field season of 2014. Water quality parameters were measured in these lakes by staff from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Clean Lakes Program between 2007 and 2015. Specimens of all species observed were collected and deposited in the herbarium at the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. For various reasons cited in this report, the value of conducting detailed aquatic plant species/water quality analyses at these lakes was very limited. Nonetheless, this project accomplished its main goal of serving as a plant diversity baseline against which future studies can be compared


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    The advance of the agricultural frontier in the north of Río Negro led to the land on the plateau being used for dryland livestock production. Livestock practices such as these result in an ecological imbalance that involves the spontaneous plant species in the scrublands. In this study, the species that grow spontaneously in this area were identified, as well as their specific richness and distribution. The native species were related to cattle consumption and the exotic species to toxic potential. The Sörensen similarity index was calculated to express the degree of similarity between the sites. The study area included 59 families, 197 genera and 300 species of vascular plants. The most representative families being the Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae and Chenopodiaceae. The highest percentage of species consumed were native and 66% of the exotic species are potentially toxic to cattle. The Riparian Zone presented a greater number of exotic species. The highest similarity was between the Plateau Plain and the Foot of Escarpment. The information provided is a basis for evaluative studies between dryland cattle production and plant conservation in the Middle Valley of Río Negro.El avance de la frontera agropecuaria en el norte de Río Negro impulsó a que los campos de meseta se destinaran a la producción ganadera de secano. Dichas prácticas ganaderas generan un desequilibrio ecológico que involucra a las especies vegetales espontáneas del monte. En este trabajo se identificó las especies que crecen en forma espontánea en estos campos, su distribución y su riqueza específica; se relacionó las especies nativas con el consumo por parte del ganado y las especies exóticas con el potencial tóxico y se calculó el índice de similitud de Sörensen para expresar el grado de semejanza entre los sitios. El área estudiada cuenta con 59 familias, 197 géneros y 300 especies de plantas vasculares. Las familias más representativas son Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae y Chenopodiaceae. El mayor porcentaje de especies consumidas son nativas y el 66% de las especies exóticas son potencialmente tóxicas para el ganado. La Zona Riparia presenta mayor número de especies exóticas. La similitud más elevada se da entre la Planicie de Meseta y el Pie de Barda. Los aportes brindados son la base para estudios evaluativos entre la ganadería de secano y la conservación vegetal en el Valle Medio de Río Negro

    Utilisation agricole de plantes aquatiques, notamment en tant qu'amendement des sols, dans la province de Thua Thien Hue, Centre Vietnam. 1. Inventaire, abondance et caractérisation chimique des plantes aquatiques disponibles localement

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    Agricultura Use of Aquatic Plants, mainly as Soil Amendment, in the Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam. 1. Inventory, Abundance and Chemical Characterization of Collected Plants. The use of aquatic plants for various purposes, and notably as organic amendment for sandy soils with low inherent fertility is a frequent empirical practice in Central Vietnam. In the Thua Thien Hue Province, the Tam Giang lagoon covering 22,000 ha represents a source of exogenous biomass potentially important for agriculture. The present study makes an inventory of the submerged macrophytes and the algae occurring in the lagoon during the period of February-April 2005. Twelve species of macrophytes (belonging to the Potamogetonaceae, Najadaceae, Cymodoceaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, and Haloragaceae families) and five of algae (belonging to the Ulvaceae, Cladophoraceae, Characeae, and Gracilariaceae families) were identified. Their abundance varies significantly following species and location in the lagoon. Indeed, the salt concentration, the water depth and the type of sediments in which the macrophytes are anchored are submitted to large variations depending on position in the lagoon. The highest values of fresh biomass measured for monospecific vegetal mats were observed for Vallisneria spiralis (3.1 kg.m-2), Najas indica (2.9 kg.m-2), Halodule tridentata (2.5 kg.m-2) and Cymodoceae rotundata (2.3 kg.m-2). The concentrations of main elements were determined in samples of all plant species. In the macrophytes, the following ranges of element concentrations (in % of dry matter) were found: N 1.0 to 3.5; P 0.08 to 0.45; K 1.0 to 4.2; Mg 0.3 to 1.4; Ca 0.7 to 2.8; Na 0.7 to 7.6. These variations indicate that the fertilization capacity of aquatic plants when they are used as soil amendment can vary to a large extent according to the species. Even more contrasted element concentrations were found for the algae. The Na concentrations in the collected plants can be partly explained by the salinity level met in the sampling areas


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    A taxonomic study of Ceratophylaceae species found at the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, revealed that there is one genus and one species: Ceratophyllum demersum L. Species description, geographic distribution, comments on the species and illustrations are presented.Flórula do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba e arredores, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Ceratophyllaceae - O presente trabalho consiste no estudo taxonômico da família Ceratophyllaceae no Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, onde está representada por um gênero e uma espécie: Ceratophyllum demersum L. Os autores apresentam descrição, distribuição geográfica, comentários da espécie e ilustrações


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    Проанализирован видовой состав озер расположенных, в окрестностях Калининской АЭС (озера-охладители Песьво, Удомля и озера Кезадра, Наволок). Выяснены особенности распространения редких видов и инвазионных адвентивных растений