7,611 research outputs found

    GEANT4 : a simulation toolkit

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    Abstract Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics. PACS: 07.05.Tp; 13; 2

    MITT writer and MITT writer advanced development: Developing authoring and training systems for complex technical domains

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    MITT Writer is a software system for developing computer based training for complex technical domains. A training system produced by MITT Writer allows a student to learn and practice troubleshooting and diagnostic skills. The MITT (Microcomputer Intelligence for Technical Training) architecture is a reasonable approach to simulation based diagnostic training. MITT delivers training on available computing equipment, delivers challenging training and simulation scenarios, and has economical development and maintenance costs. A 15 month effort was undertaken in which the MITT Writer system was developed. A workshop was also conducted to train instructors in how to use MITT Writer. Earlier versions were used to develop an Intelligent Tutoring System for troubleshooting the Minuteman Missile Message Processing System

    ImageJ2: ImageJ for the next generation of scientific image data

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    ImageJ is an image analysis program extensively used in the biological sciences and beyond. Due to its ease of use, recordable macro language, and extensible plug-in architecture, ImageJ enjoys contributions from non-programmers, amateur programmers, and professional developers alike. Enabling such a diversity of contributors has resulted in a large community that spans the biological and physical sciences. However, a rapidly growing user base, diverging plugin suites, and technical limitations have revealed a clear need for a concerted software engineering effort to support emerging imaging paradigms, to ensure the software's ability to handle the requirements of modern science. Due to these new and emerging challenges in scientific imaging, ImageJ is at a critical development crossroads. We present ImageJ2, a total redesign of ImageJ offering a host of new functionality. It separates concerns, fully decoupling the data model from the user interface. It emphasizes integration with external applications to maximize interoperability. Its robust new plugin framework allows everything from image formats, to scripting languages, to visualization to be extended by the community. The redesigned data model supports arbitrarily large, N-dimensional datasets, which are increasingly common in modern image acquisition. Despite the scope of these changes, backwards compatibility is maintained such that this new functionality can be seamlessly integrated with the classic ImageJ interface, allowing users and developers to migrate to these new methods at their own pace. ImageJ2 provides a framework engineered for flexibility, intended to support these requirements as well as accommodate future needs

    Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: a survey and outlook

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    Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This approach raises several problems due to the tight coupling between network and data access points, as well as the paradigm shift towards data-oriented services, heterogeneous deployments and network densification. A logical separation between control and data planes is seen as a promising solution that could overcome these issues, by providing data services under the umbrella of a coverage layer. This article presents a holistic survey of existing literature on the control-data separation architecture (CDSA) for cellular radio access networks. As a starting point, we discuss the fundamentals, concepts, and general structure of the CDSA. Then, we point out limitations of the conventional architecture in futuristic deployment scenarios. In addition, we present and critically discuss the work that has been done to investigate potential benefits of the CDSA, as well as its technical challenges and enabling technologies. Finally, an overview of standardisation proposals related to this research vision is provided

    An Introduction to Programming for Bioscientists: A Python-based Primer

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    Computing has revolutionized the biological sciences over the past several decades, such that virtually all contemporary research in the biosciences utilizes computer programs. The computational advances have come on many fronts, spurred by fundamental developments in hardware, software, and algorithms. These advances have influenced, and even engendered, a phenomenal array of bioscience fields, including molecular evolution and bioinformatics; genome-, proteome-, transcriptome- and metabolome-wide experimental studies; structural genomics; and atomistic simulations of cellular-scale molecular assemblies as large as ribosomes and intact viruses. In short, much of post-genomic biology is increasingly becoming a form of computational biology. The ability to design and write computer programs is among the most indispensable skills that a modern researcher can cultivate. Python has become a popular programming language in the biosciences, largely because (i) its straightforward semantics and clean syntax make it a readily accessible first language; (ii) it is expressive and well-suited to object-oriented programming, as well as other modern paradigms; and (iii) the many available libraries and third-party toolkits extend the functionality of the core language into virtually every biological domain (sequence and structure analyses, phylogenomics, workflow management systems, etc.). This primer offers a basic introduction to coding, via Python, and it includes concrete examples and exercises to illustrate the language's usage and capabilities; the main text culminates with a final project in structural bioinformatics. A suite of Supplemental Chapters is also provided. Starting with basic concepts, such as that of a 'variable', the Chapters methodically advance the reader to the point of writing a graphical user interface to compute the Hamming distance between two DNA sequences.Comment: 65 pages total, including 45 pages text, 3 figures, 4 tables, numerous exercises, and 19 pages of Supporting Information; currently in press at PLOS Computational Biolog

    An introduction to InP-based generic integration technology

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    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are considered as the way to make photonic systems or subsystems cheap and ubiquitous. PICs still are several orders of magnitude more expensive than their microelectronic counterparts, which has restricted their application to a few niche markets. Recently, a novel approach in photonic integration is emerging which will reduce the R&D and prototyping costs and the throughput time of PICs by more than an order of magnitude. It will bring the application of PICs that integrate complex and advanced photonic functionality on a single chip within reach for a large number of small and larger companies and initiate a breakthrough in the application of Photonic ICs. The paper explains the concept of generic photonic integration technology using the technology developed by the COBRA research institute of TU Eindhoven as an example, and it describes the current status and prospects of generic InP-based integration technology

    Design Automation and Application for Emerging Reconfigurable Nanotechnologies

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    In the last few decades, two major phenomena have revolutionized the electronic industry – the ever-increasing dependence on electronic circuits and the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) downscaling. These two phenomena have been complementing each other in a way that while electronics, in general, have demanded more computations per functional unit, CMOS downscaling has aptly supported such needs. However, while the computational demand is still rising exponentially, CMOS downscaling is reaching its physical limits. Hence, the need to explore viable emerging nanotechnologies is more imperative than ever. This thesis focuses on streamlining the existing design automation techniques for a class of emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies. Transistors based on this technology exhibit duality in conduction, i.e. they can be configured dynamically either as a p-type or an n-type device on the application of an external bias. Owing to this dynamic reconfiguration, these transistors are also referred to as Reconfigurable Field-Effect Transistors (RFETs). Exploring and developing new technologies just like CMOS, require tackling two main challenges – first, design automation flow has to be modified to enable tailor- made circuit designs. Second, possible application opportunities should be explored where such technologies can outsmart the existing CMOS technologies. This thesis targets the above two objectives for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies by proposing approaches for enabling an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) flow for circuits based on RFETs and exploring hardware security as an application that exploits the transistor-level dynamic reconfiguration offered by this technology. This thesis explains the bottom-up approach adopted to propose a logic synthesis flow by identifying new logic gates and circuit design paradigms that can particularly exploit the dynamic reconfiguration offered by these novel nanotechnologies. This led to the subsequent need of finding natural Boolean logic abstraction for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies as it is shown that the existing abstraction of negative unate logic for CMOS technologies is sub-optimal for RFETs-based circuits. In this direction, it has been shown that duality in Boolean logic is a natural abstraction for this technology and can truly represent the duality in conduction offered by individual transistors. Finding this abstraction paved the way for defining suitable primitives and proposing various algorithms for logic synthesis and technology mapping. The following step is to explore compatible physical synthesis flow for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies. Using silicon nanowire-based RFETs, .lef and .lib files have been provided which can provide an end-to-end flow to generate .GDSII file for circuits exclusively based on RFETs. Additionally, new approaches have been explored to improve placement and routing for circuits based on reconfigurable nanotechnologies. It has been demonstrated how these approaches led to superior results as compared to the native flow meant for CMOS. Lastly, the unique property of transistor-level reconfiguration offered by RFETs is utilized to implement efficient Intellectual Property (IP) protection schemes against adversarial attacks. The ability to control the conduction of individual transistors can be argued as one of the impactful features of this technology and suitably fits into the paradigm of security measures. Prior security schemes based on CMOS technology often come with large overheads in terms of area, power, and delay. In contrast, RFETs-based hardware security measures such as logic locking, split manufacturing, etc. proposed in this thesis, demonstrate affordable security solutions with low overheads. Overall, this thesis lays a strong foundation for the two main objectives – design automation, and hardware security as an application, to push emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies for commercial integration. Additionally, contributions done in this thesis are made available under open-source licenses so as to foster new research directions and collaborations.:Abstract List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 What are emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies? 1.2 Why does this technology look so promising? 1.3 Electronics Design Automation 1.4 The game of see-saw: key challenges vs benefits for emerging reconfigurable nanotechnologies 1.4.1 Abstracting ambipolarity in logic gate designs 1.4.2 Enabling electronic design automation for RFETs 1.4.3 Enhanced functionality: a suitable fit for hardware security applications 1.5 Research questions 1.6 Entire RFET-centric EDA Flow 1.7 Key Contributions and Thesis Organization 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Reconfigurable Nanotechnology 2.1.1 1D devices 2.1.2 2D devices 2.1.3 Factors favoring circuit-flexibility 2.2 Feasibility aspects of RFET technology 2.3 Logic Synthesis Preliminaries 2.3.1 Circuit Model 2.3.2 Boolean Algebra 2.3.3 Monotone Function and the property of Unateness 2.3.4 Logic Representations 3 Exploring Circuit Design Topologies for RFETs 3.1 Contributions 3.2 Organization 3.3 Related Works 3.4 Exploring design topologies for combinational circuits: functionality-enhanced logic gates 3.4.1 List of Combinational Functionality-Enhanced Logic Gates based on RFETs 3.4.2 Estimation of gate delay using the logical effort theory 3.5 Invariable design of Inverters 3.6 Sequential Circuits 3.6.1 Dual edge-triggered TSPC-based D-flip flop 3.6.2 Exploiting RFET’s ambipolarity for metastability 3.7 Evaluations 3.7.1 Evaluation of combinational logic gates 3.7.2 Novel design of 1-bit ALU 3.7.3 Comparison of the sequential circuit with an equivalent CMOS-based design 3.8 Concluding remarks 4 Standard Cells and Technology Mapping 4.1 Contributions 4.2 Organization 4.3 Related Work 4.4 Standard cells based on RFETs 4.4.1 Interchangeable Pull-Up and Pull-Down Networks 4.4.2 Reconfigurable Truth-Table 4.5 Distilling standard cells 4.6 HOF-based Technology Mapping Flow for RFETs-based circuits 4.6.1 Area adjustments through inverter sharings 4.6.2 Technology Mapping Flow 4.6.3 Realizing Parameters For The Generic Library 4.6.4 Defining RFETs-based Genlib for HOF-based mapping 4.7 Experiments 4.7.1 Experiment 1: Distilling standard-cells from a benchmark suite 4.7.2 Experiment 2A: HOF-based mapping . 4.7.3 Experiment 2B: Using the distilled standard-cells during mapping 4.8 Concluding Remarks 5 Logic Synthesis with XOR-Majority Graphs 5.1 Contributions 5.2 Organization 5.3 Motivation 5.4 Background and Preliminaries 5.4.1 Terminologies 5.4.2 Self-duality in NPN classes 5.4.3 Majority logic synthesis 5.4.4 Earlier work on XMG 5.4.5 Classification of Boolean functions 5.5 Preserving Self-Duality 5.5.1 During logic synthesis 5.5.2 During versatile technology mapping 5.6 Advanced Logic synthesis techniques 5.6.1 XMG resubstitution 5.6.2 Exact XMG rewriting 5.7 Logic representation-agnostic Mapping 5.7.1 Versatile Mapper 5.7.2 Support of supergates 5.8 Creating Self-dual Benchmarks 5.9 Experiments 5.9.1 XMG-based Flow 5.9.2 Experimental Setup 5.9.3 Synthetic self-dual benchmarks 5.9.4 Cryptographic benchmark suite 5.10 Concluding remarks and future research directions 6 Physical synthesis flow and liberty generation 6.1 Contributions 6.2 Organization 6.3 Background and Related Work 6.3.1 Related Works 6.3.2 Motivation 6.4 Silicon Nanowire Reconfigurable Transistors 6.5 Layouts for Logic Gates 6.5.1 Layouts for Static Functional Logic Gates 6.5.2 Layout for Reconfigurable Logic Gate 6.6 Table Model for Silicon Nanowire RFETs 6.7 Exploring Approaches for Physical Synthesis 6.7.1 Using the Standard Place & Route Flow 6.7.2 Open-source Flow 6.7.3 Concept of Driver Cells 6.7.4 Native Approach 6.7.5 Island-based Approach 6.7.6 Utilization Factor 6.7.7 Placement of the Island on the Chip 6.8 Experiments 6.8.1 Preliminary comparison with CMOS technology 6.8.2 Evaluating different physical synthesis approaches 6.9 Results and discussions 6.9.1 Parameters Which Affect The Area 6.9.2 Use of Germanium Nanowires Channels 6.10 Concluding Remarks 7 Polymporphic Primitives for Hardware Security 7.1 Contributions 7.2 Organization 7.3 The Shift To Explore Emerging Technologies For Security 7.4 Background 7.4.1 IP protection schemes 7.4.2 Preliminaries 7.5 Security Promises 7.5.1 RFETs for logic locking (transistor-level locking) 7.5.2 RFETs for split manufacturing 7.6 Security Vulnerabilities 7.6.1 Realization of short-circuit and open-circuit scenarios in an RFET-based inverter 7.6.2 Circuit evaluation on sub-circuits 7.6.3 Reliability concerns: A consequence of short-circuit scenario 7.6.4 Implication of the proposed security vulnerability 7.7 Analytical Evaluation 7.7.1 Investigating the security promises 7.7.2 Investigating the security vulnerabilities 7.8 Concluding remarks and future research directions 8 Conclusion 8.1 Concluding Remarks 8.2 Directions for Future Work Appendices A Distilling standard-cells B RFETs-based Genlib C Layout Extraction File (.lef) for Silicon Nanowire-based RFET D Liberty (.lib) file for Silicon Nanowire-based RFET

    An introduction to InP-based generic integration technology

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    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are considered as the way to make photonic systems or subsystems cheap and ubiquitous. PICs still are several orders of magnitude more expensive than their microelectronic counterparts, which has restricted their application to a few niche markets.Recently, a novel approach in photonic integration is emerging which will reduce the R&D and prototyping costs and the throughput time of PICs by more than an order of magnitude. It will bring the application of PICs that integrate complex and advanced photonic functionality on a single chip within reach for a large number of small and larger companies and initiate a breakthrough in the application of Photonic ICs. The paper explains the concept of generic photonic integration technology using the technology developed by the COBRA research institute of TU Eindhoven as an example, and it describes the current status and prospects of generic InP-based integration technology.Funding is acknowledged by the EU-projects ePIXnet, EuroPIC and PARADIGM and the Dutch projects NRC Photonics, MEMPHIS, IOP Photonic Devices and STW GTIP. Many others have contributed and the authors would like to thank other PARADIGM and EuroPIC partners for their help in discussions, particularly Michael Robertson (CIP).This is the final published version distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. It can also be viewed on the publisher's website at: http://iopscience.iop.org/0268-1242/29/8/08300