70 research outputs found

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Eureka: a distributed shared memory system based on the Lazy Data Merging consistency model

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    Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) provides an abstraction of shared memory on a network of workstations. Problems with existing DSM systems are lack of portability due to compiler and/or operating system modification requirements, and reduced performance due to significant synchronization and communication costs when compared to their message passing counterparts (e.g., PVM and MPI). Our approach was to introduce a new DSM consistency model, Lazy Data Merging (LDM), which extends Data Merging (DM). LDM is optimized for software runtime implementations and differs from DM by 'lazily' placing data updates across the communication network only when they are required. It is our belief that LDM can significantly reduce communication costs, particularly for applications that make extensive use of locks. We have completed the design of "Eureka", a prototype DSM system that provides a software implementation of the LDM consistency model. To ensure portability and efficiency we use only standard UniXTM system calls and a publicly available software thread package, Cthreads, from the University of Utah. Furthermore, we have implemented and tested some of Eureka's core components, specifically, the set of communication and hybrid (Invalidate/Update) coherence primitives, which are essential for follow on work in building the complete DSM system. The question of efficiency is still an open problem, because we did not compare Eureka with other DSM implementations.http://archive.org/details/eurekadistribute1094535209NANABrazilian Navy author

    Fast Simulation of Programmable Network Forwarding Plane Devices

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    With the evolution of the Internet, the processing of packets at the routers while providing flexibility in deploying new protocols and services at the same time has become a major concern. Programmable forwarding elements with high processing capability have emerged as a solution. But the main challenge is to find the optimal hardware architecture while taking into account constraints such as different packet processing functions, task scheduling options, electrical power consumption and providing quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. Therefore, it is essential to investigate methods that help in identifying limitations and bottlenecks before physical fabrication. Having an appropriate model provides designers a progressive path to narrow the design space and establish credible and feasible alternatives before deciding on an implementation. In this thesis, we propose a flexible and fast instruction accurate host-compiled simulator to make it possible to explore wide ranges of architectures and application scenarios to find the optimal configuration that meets given performance, throughput and latency for programmable forwarding elements. Application developers can use the simulator as a virtual prototype to simulate and debug their applications before hardware availability. Moreover, forwarding device architects can use simulator to evaluate the trade-offs between different hardware/software design decisions

    Tiled microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-258).Current-day microprocessors have reached the point of diminishing returns due to inherent scalability limitations. This thesis examines the tiled microprocessor, a class of microprocessor which is physically scalable but inherits many of the desirable properties of conventional microprocessors. Tiled microprocessors are composed of an array of replicated tiles connected by a special class of network, the Scalar Operand Network (SON), which is optimized for low-latency, low-occupancy communication between remote ALUs on different tiles. Tiled microprocessors can be constructed to scale to 100's or 1000's of functional units. This thesis identifies seven key criteria for achieving physical scalability in tiled microprocessors. It employs an archetypal tiled microprocessor to examine the challenges in achieving these criteria and to explore the properties of Scalar Operand Networks. The thesis develops the field of SONs in three major ways: it introduces the 5-tuple performance metric, it describes a complete, high-frequency SON implementation, and it proposes a taxonomy, called AsTrO, for categorizing them.(cont.) To develop these ideas, the thesis details the design, implementation and analysis of a tiled microprocessor prototype, the Raw Microprocessor, which was implemented at MIT in 180 nm technology. Overall, compared to Raw, recent commercial processors with half the transistors required 30x as many lines of code, occupied 100x as many designers, contained 50x as many pre-tapeout bugs, and resulted in 33x as many post-tapeout bugs. At the same time, the Raw microprocessor proves to be more versatile in exploiting ILP, stream, and server-farm workloads with modest to large amounts of parallelism.by Michael Bedford Taylor.Ph.D

    Transparent management of scratchpad memories in shared memory programming models

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    Cache-coherent shared memory has traditionally been the favorite memory organization for chip multiprocessors thanks to its high programmability. In this organization the cache hierarchy is in charge of moving the data and keeping it coherent between all the caches, enabling the usage of shared memory programming models where the programmer does not need to carry out any data management operation. Unfortunately, performing all the data management operations in hardware causes severe problems, being the primary concerns the power consumption originated in the caches and the amount of coherence traffic in the interconnection network. A good solution is to introduce ScratchPad Memories (SPMs) alongside the cache hierarchy, forming a hybrid memory hierarchy. SPMs are more power-efficient than caches and do not generate coherence traffic, but they degrade programmability. In particular, SPMs require the programmer to partition the data, to program data transfers, and to keep coherence between different copies of the data. A promising solution to exploit the benefits of the SPMs without harming programmability is to allow programmers to use shared memory programming models and to automatically generate code that manages the SPMs. Unfortunately, current compilers and runtime systems encounter serious limitations to automatically generate code for hybrid memory hierarchies from shared memory programming models. This thesis proposes to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in shared memory programming models. In order to achieve this goal this thesis proposes a combination of hardware and compiler techniques to manage the SPMs in fork-join programming models and a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs in task programming models. The proposed techniques allow to program hybrid memory hierarchies with these two well-known and easy-to-use forms of shared memory programming models, capitalizing on the benefits of hybrid memory hierarchies in power consumption and network traffic without harming programmability. The first contribution of this thesis is a hardware/software co-designed coherence protocol to transparently manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in fork-join programming models. The solution allows the compiler to always generate code to manage the SPMs with tiling software caches, even in the presence of unknown memory aliasing hazards between memory references to the SPMs and to the cache hierarchy. On the software side, the compiler generates a special form of memory instruction for memory references with possible aliasing hazards. On the hardware side, the special memory instructions are diverted to the correct copy of the data using a set of directories that track what data is mapped to the SPMs. The second contribution of this thesis is a set of runtime system techniques to manage the SPMs of hybrid memory hierarchies in task programming models. The proposed runtime system techniques exploit the characteristics of these programming models to map the data specified in the task dependences to the SPMs. Different policies are proposed to mitigate the communication costs of the data transfers, overlapping them with other execution phases such as the task scheduling phase or the execution of the previous task. The runtime system can also reduce the number of data transfers by using a task scheduler that exploits data locality in the SPMs. In addition, the proposed techniques are combined with mechanisms that reduce the impact of fine-grained tasks, such as hardware runtime systems or large SPM sizes. The accomplishment of this thesis is that hybrid memory hierarchies can be programmed with fork-join and task programming models. Consequently, architectures with hybrid memory hierarchies can be exposed to the programmer as a shared memory multiprocessor, taking advantage of the benefits of the SPMs while maintaining the programming simplicity of shared memory programming models.La memoria compartida con coherencia de caches es la jerarquía de memoria más utilizada en multiprocesadores gracias a su programabilidad. En esta solución la jerarquía de caches se encarga de mover los datos y mantener la coherencia entre las caches, habilitando el uso de modelos de programación de memoria compartida donde el programador no tiene que realizar ninguna operación para gestionar las memorias. Desafortunadamente, realizar estas operaciones en la arquitectura causa problemas severos, siendo especialmente relevantes el consumo de energía de las caches y la cantidad de tráfico de coherencia en la red de interconexión. Una buena solución es añadir Memorias ScratchPad (SPMs) acompañando la jerarquía de caches, formando una jerarquía de memoria híbrida. Las SPMs son más eficientes en energía y tráfico de coherencia, pero dificultan la programabilidad ya que requieren que el programador particione los datos, programe transferencias de datos y mantenga la coherencia entre diferentes copias de datos. Una solución prometedora para beneficiarse de las ventajas de las SPMs sin dificultar la programabilidad es permitir que el programador use modelos de programación de memoria compartida y generar código para gestionar las SPMs automáticamente. El problema es que los compiladores y los entornos de ejecución actuales sufren graves limitaciones al gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Esta tesis propone gestionar automáticamente una jerarquía de memoria híbrida en modelos de programación de memoria compartida. Para conseguir este objetivo esta tesis propone una combinación de técnicas hardware y de compilador para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join, y técnicas en entornos de ejecución para gestionar las SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas propuestas hacen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas puedan programarse con estos dos modelos de programación de memoria compartida, de tal forma que las ventajas en energía y tráfico de coherencia se puedan explotar sin dificultar la programabilidad. La primera contribución de esta tesis en un protocolo de coherencia hardware/software para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación fork-join. La propuesta consigue que el compilador siempre pueda generar código para gestionar las SPMs, incluso cuando hay posibles alias de memoria entre referencias a memoria a las SPMs y a la jerarquía de caches. En la solución el compilador genera instrucciones especiales para las referencias a memoria con posibles alias, y el hardware sirve las instrucciones especiales con la copia válida de los datos usando directorios que guardan información sobre qué datos están mapeados en las SPMs. La segunda contribución de esta tesis son una serie de técnicas para gestionar SPMs en modelos de programación basados en tareas. Las técnicas aprovechan las características de estos modelos de programación para mapear las dependencias de las tareas en las SPMs y se complementan con políticas para minimizar los costes de las transferencias de datos, como solaparlas con fases del entorno de ejecución o la ejecución de tareas anteriores. El número de transferencias también se puede reducir utilizando un planificador que tenga en cuenta la localidad de datos y, además, las técnicas se pueden combinar con mecanismos para reducir los efectos negativos de tener tareas pequeñas, como entornos de ejecución en hardware o SPMs de más capacidad. Las propuestas de esta tesis consiguen que las jerarquías de memoria híbridas se puedan programar con modelos de programación fork-join y basados en tareas. En consecuencia, las arquitecturas con jerarquías de memoria híbridas se pueden exponer al programador como multiprocesadores de memoria compartida, beneficiándose de las ventajas de las SPMs en energía y tráfico de coherencia y manteniendo la simplicidad de uso de los modelos de programación de memoria compartida

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the explosion of chip transistor counts, the semiconductor industry has struggled with ways to continue scaling computing performance in line with historical trends. In recent years, the de facto solution to utilize excess transistors has been to increase the size of the on-chip data cache, allowing fast access to an increased portion of main memory. These large caches allowed the continued scaling of single thread performance, which had not yet reached the limit of instruction level parallelism (ILP). As we approach the potential limits of parallelism within a single threaded application, new approaches such as chip multiprocessors (CMP) have become popular for scaling performance utilizing thread level parallelism (TLP). This dissertation identifies the operating system as a ubiquitous area where single threaded performance and multithreaded performance have often been ignored by computer architects. We propose that novel hardware and OS co-design has the potential to significantly improve current chip multiprocessor designs, enabling increased performance and improved power efficiency. We show that the operating system contributes a nontrivial overhead to even the most computationally intense workloads and that this OS contribution grows to a significant fraction of total instructions when executing several common applications found in the datacenter. We demonstrate that architectural improvements have had little to no effect on the performance of the OS over the last 15 years, leaving ample room for improvements. We specifically consider three potential solutions to improve OS execution on modern processors. First, we consider the potential of a separate operating system processor (OSP) operating concurrently with general purpose processors (GPP) in a chip multiprocessor organization, with several specialized structures acting as efficient conduits between these processors. Second, we consider the potential of segregating existing caching structures to decrease cache interference between the OS and application. Third, we propose that there are components within the OS itself that should be refactored to be both multithreaded and cache topology aware, which in turn, improves the performance and scalability of many-threaded applications

    Aspects of event-driven cloud-native application development

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    Managing and configuring servers have been challenging burdens. Therefore, serverless computing has been introduced to overcome the complexities of managing servers, get rid of operations and handle different terms such as scalability and high availability. Codes or binaries in serverless computing are executed upon direct invocation or as a response to events in a highly scalable manner, which makes it most appropriate for building event-driven applications.An example of such serverless computing services provider, is OpenWhisk the open-sourced project by IBM. To receive events and react to them by invoking or running OpenWhisk actions (codes or Docker containers), OpenWhisk provides an ecosystem of packages of services to enable, facilitate, ease the usage of the services and subscribe to their events. While OpenWhisk provides different powerful means and tools to interact with events, it lacks a number of important services (event sources) packages within the OpenWhisk ecosystem which are necessary to ease and facilitate subscribing to receive their events and using the different functionalities of the services. This thesis enriches the OpenWhisk ecosystem by integrating and enabling more services. A use-case-based approach is chosen to select services to be integrated and enabled. The proposed use-case is an Early Warning System (EWS) used to warn the public for disasters, possible incidents and helping rescue survivors. In this approach, diversity of the integrated services in terms of domains and vendors are guaranteed to avoid vendor lock-in and provide flexibility in the available services. The integrated services were then categorized based on taxonomic categories using the domain of services to ease out finding and organizing packages

    Analysis and architectural support for parallel stateful packet processing

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    The evolution of network services is closely related to the network technology trend. Originally network nodes forwarded packets from a source to a destination in the network by executing lightweight packet processing, or even negligible workloads. As links provide more complex services, packet processing demands the execution of more computational intensive applications. Complex network applications deal with both packet header and payload (i.e. packet contents) to provide upper layer network services, such as enhanced security, system utilization policies, and video on demand management.Applications that provide complex network services arise two key capabilities that differ from the low layer network applications: a) deep packet inspection examines the packet payload tipically searching for a matching string or regular expression, and b) stateful processing keeps track information of previous packet processing, unlike other applications that don't keep any data about other packet processing. In most cases, deep packet inspection also integrates stateful processing.Computer architecture researches aim to maximize the system throughput to sustain the required network processing performance as well as other demands, such as memory and I/O bandwidth. In fact, there are different processor architectures depending on the sharing degree of hardware resources among streams (i.e. hardware context). Multicore architectures present multiple processing engines within a single chip that share cache levels of memory hierarchy and interconnection network. Multithreaded architectures integrates multiple streams in a single processing engine sharing functional units, register file, fecth unit, and inner levels of cache hierarchy. Scalable multicore multithreaded architectures emerge as a solution to overcome the requirements of high throughput systems. We call massively multithreaded architectures to the architectures that comprise tens to hundreds of streams distributed across multiple cores on a chip. Nevertheless, the efficient utilization of these architectures depends on the application characteristics. On one hand, emerging network applications show large computational workloads with significant variations in the packet processing behavior. Then, it is important to analyze the behavior of each packet processing to optimally assign packets to threads (i.e. software context) for reducing any negative interaction among them. On the other hand, network applications present Packet Level Parallelism (PLP) in which several packets can be processed in parallel. As in other paradigms, dependencies among packets limit the amount of PLP. Lower network layer applications show negligible packet dependencies. In contrast, complex upper network applications show dependencies among packets leading to reduce the amount of PLP.In this thesis, we address the limitations of parallelism in stateful network applications to maximize the throughput of advanced network devices. This dissertation comprises three complementary sets of contributions focused on: network analysis, workload characterization and architectural proposal.The network analysis evaluates the impact of network traffic on stateful network applications. We specially study the impact of network traffic aggregation on memory hierarchy performance. We categorize and characterize network applications according to their data management. The results point out that stateful processing presents reduced instruction level parallelism and high rate of long latency memory accesses. Our analysis reveal that stateful applications expose a variety of levels of parallelism related to stateful data categories. Thus, we propose the MultiLayer Processing (MLP) as an execution model to exploit multiple levels of parallelism. The MLP is a thread migration based mechanism that increases the sinergy among streams in the memory hierarchy and alleviates the contention in critical sections of parallel stateful workloads