240 research outputs found

    Two-way automata and transducers with planar behaviours are aperiodic

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    We consider a notion of planarity for two-way finite automata and transducers, inspired by Temperley-Lieb monoids of planar diagrams. We show that this restriction captures star-free languages and first-order transductions.Comment: 18 pages, DMTCS submissio

    Categories of Timed Stochastic Relations

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    AbstractStochastic behavior—the probabilistic evolution of a system in time—is essential to modeling the complexity of real-world systems. It enables realistic performance modeling, quality-of-service guarantees, and especially simulations for biological systems. Languages like the stochastic pi calculus have emerged as effective tools to describe and reason about systems exhibiting stochastic behavior. These languages essentially denote continuous-time stochastic processes, obtained through an operational semantics in a probabilistic transition system. In this paper we seek a more descriptive foundation for the semantics of stochastic behavior using categories and monads. We model a first-order imperative language with stochastic delay by identifying probabilistic choice and delay as separate effects, modeling each with a monad, and combining the monads to build a model for the stochastic language

    Behavioural equivalences for timed systems

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    Timed transition systems are behavioural models that include an explicit treatment of time flow and are used to formalise the semantics of several foundational process calculi and automata. Despite their relevance, a general mathematical characterisation of timed transition systems and their behavioural theory is still missing. We introduce the first uniform framework for timed behavioural models that encompasses known behavioural equivalences such as timed bisimulations, timed language equivalences as well as their weak and time-abstract counterparts. All these notions of equivalences are naturally organised by their discriminating power in a spectrum. We prove that this result does not depend on the type of the systems under scrutiny: it holds for any generalisation of timed transition system. We instantiate our framework to timed transition systems and their quantitative extensions such as timed probabilistic systems

    Functorial Semantics for Petri Nets under the Individual Token Philosophy

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    Although the algebraic semantics of place/transition Petri nets under the collective token philosophy has been fully explained in terms of (strictly) symmetric (strict) monoidal categories, the analogous construction under the individual token philosophy is not completely satisfactory because it lacks universality and also functoriality. We introduce the notion of pre-net to recover these aspects, obtaining a fully satisfactory categorical treatment centered on the notion of adjunction. This allows us to present a purely logical description of net behaviours under the individual token philosophy in terms of theories and theory morphisms in partial membership equational logic, yielding a complete match with the theory developed by the authors for the collective token view of net

    Sound and complete axiomatizations of coalgebraic language equivalence

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    Coalgebras provide a uniform framework to study dynamical systems, including several types of automata. In this paper, we make use of the coalgebraic view on systems to investigate, in a uniform way, under which conditions calculi that are sound and complete with respect to behavioral equivalence can be extended to a coarser coalgebraic language equivalence, which arises from a generalised powerset construction that determinises coalgebras. We show that soundness and completeness are established by proving that expressions modulo axioms of a calculus form the rational fixpoint of the given type functor. Our main result is that the rational fixpoint of the functor FTFT, where TT is a monad describing the branching of the systems (e.g. non-determinism, weights, probability etc.), has as a quotient the rational fixpoint of the "determinised" type functor Fˉ\bar F, a lifting of FF to the category of TT-algebras. We apply our framework to the concrete example of weighted automata, for which we present a new sound and complete calculus for weighted language equivalence. As a special case, we obtain non-deterministic automata, where we recover Rabinovich's sound and complete calculus for language equivalence.Comment: Corrected version of published journal articl

    GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects

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    Recently, some general frameworks have been proposed as unifying theories for processes combining non-determinism with quantitative aspects (such as probabilistic or stochastically timed executions), aiming to provide general results and tools. This paper provides two contributions in this respect. First, we present a general GSOS specification format (and a corresponding notion of bisimulation) for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects. These specifications define labelled transition systems according to the ULTraS model, an extension of the usual LTSs where the transition relation associates any source state and transition label with state reachability weight functions (like, e.g., probability distributions). This format, hence called Weight Function SOS (WFSOS), covers many known systems and their bisimulations (e.g. PEPA, TIPP, PCSP) and GSOS formats (e.g. GSOS, Weighted GSOS, Segala-GSOS, among others). The second contribution is a characterization of these systems as coalgebras of a class of functors, parametric on the weight structure. This result allows us to prove soundness of the WFSOS specification format, and that bisimilarities induced by these specifications are always congruences.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156