542 research outputs found

    Рублевка как локус московского текста в произведениях современной массовой литературы

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    В статье анализируются произведения С. Минаева “The Телки. Повесть о ненастоящей любви”, О. Робски “Casual-2: Пляска головой и ногами”, “Эта Тета”, В. Пелевина “Зал поющих кариатид”, “Пространство Фридмана” и Д. Липскерова “Демоны в раю”. Представленная в них в качестве локуса московского текста Рублевка рассматривается как специфическое сверхтекстовое единство, обладающее семантической связанностью всех компонентов и общим кодом прочтения. Миф о ней одновременно выстраивается и разрушается тонкой иронией, что характерно для массовой литературы эпохи постмодернизма. Ключевые слова: массовая литература, городской текст, московский текст, Рублевка, локус, топика, код прочтения.У статті аналізуються твори С. Мінаєва “The Телиці. Повість про несправжнє кохання”, О. Робскі “Casual-2: Танець головою й ногами”, “Ця Тета”, В. Пелевіна “Зал співаючих каріатид”, “Простір Фрідмана” і Д. Ліпскерова “Демони в раю”. Представлена в них як локус московського тексту Рубльовка розглядається як специфічна сверхтекстова єдність, яка має семантичну зв’язаність усіх компонентів і загальний код прочитання. Міф про неї одночасно вибудовується та руйнується тонкою іронією, що характерно для масової літератури епохи постмодернізму. Ключові слова: масова література, міський текст, московський текст, Рубльовка, локус, топіка, код прочитання.The article analyzes the works of S. Minayev “The Chicks. A novel about fake love”, “Casual-2: a dance with head and feet” and “This Teta” by O. Robsky, “The hall of singing caryatides” and “Fridman’s Space” by V. Pelevin and “The demons in paradise” by D. Lipskerov. Rubliovka, which is presented in these works as a locus of the Moscow text is viewed as a specific supra-textual unity, that possesses semantic coherence of all components and a common reading code. A myth about it is simultaneously built and destroyed by subtle irony, which is inherent to the mass literature of the postmodernism epoch. Keywords: mass literature, urban text, Moscow text, Rubliovka, locus, topics, reading code

    Ragam Bahasa Presenter Infotainment “KISS” Di Stasiun Televisi Indosiar

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    The article aims to describe the use of different languages​​ by presenter infotainment Indosiar terms of accuracy and suitability choice of words. The research datais an extract speech language diversity in the television presenter infotainment KISS Indosiar, while that will be thesource ofthe data is KISS on television infotainment Indosiar. Data collected by recording technique andrecord engineering. The findings ofthe studyare, (1) variety of languageused by the presenter infotainment KISS in Indosiar are various casual, (2) appropriate selection of words seen by the useof synonyms, words of his own creation, and foreign words, (3) the suitability of the choice of words seen by the use of popular words, words of jargon and slang words

    An updated Checklist of the Marine fishes from Syria with emphasis on alien species

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    An updated checklist of marine ichthyofauna that are recorded to date, from Syrian marine water including 297 species (belonging to 220 genera, 111 families, 36 orders, and 3 classes) is presented. Sparidae is the dominant family (28 species), followed by Blenniidae (15 species), while 55 families are represented by 1 species. The Chondrichthyes present in Syria were cross-checked for the first time. The status, frequency, the main fishing gear targeting common species, in addition to the fishing method by which the rare species were caught, are also provided. Four species are recorded for the first time herein: Stomias boa boa (Risso, 1810), Hymenocephalus italicus Giglioli, 1884, Scarus ghobban Forsskal, 1775, and Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810. In this inventory, 56 Lessepsian migrant species are also included, with 16 of them being considered as very common and of positive economic importance. Alien species have been grouped into three categories namely established (49 species), casual (2 species), and single records (5 species). Twenty-eight species were disregarded from this list, due to lack of solid documentation on their presence

    The potential demand for an HIV/AIDS vaccine in Brazil

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    This study assesses the potential demand by the public sector for a preventive HIV/AIDS vaccine in Brazil and the costs of alternative strategies for a vaccination program. Brazil has a mature AIDS epidemic: the percent of the population living with HIV or AIDS (about 0.6 percent of adults) is not as high as in other severely affected developing countries, but infection rates in specific risk groups in the population are very high and HIV has spread beyond these groups into the general population of low-risk individuals. Preventive HIV/AIDS vaccines are still in the testing stage. The characteristics of the first vaccines developed, in terms of their efficacy, duration of effectiveness, ease of administration, and price, are still unknown. But the potential benefits of such a vaccine in Brazil would be high. The study reviews the cost and impact of HIV/AIDS in Brazil, in terms of disease and economic burden, as a proxy for the benefits of an HIV/AIDS vaccine. The epidemiology of AIDS and Brazil's experience with immunization coverage with other vaccines are used to assess the number of vaccines, delivery strategies, and possible costs of an HIV/AIDS immunization program in Brazil, assuming the availability of a 100 percent effective AIDS vaccine that lasts a lifetime under different pricing and dosing assumptions. A low-cost, highly effective vaccine would likely be affordable to an upper-middle-income country like Brazil and yield large benefits from a policy of universal, publicly subsidized immunization. But if prices are higher and the impact less favorable, the costs and effects would have to be compared with other AIDS prevention programs or other health interventions. Both political and economic considerations will likely figure into public policy on HIV/AIDS vaccination, when such a vaccine is developed.Disease Control&Prevention,Early Child and Children's Health,Health Economics&Finance,Public Health Promotion,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,HIV AIDS,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Adolescent Health,Health Indicators

    The use of Web Ontology Language (OWL) to Combine Extant Controlled Vocabularies in Biodiversity Informatics Appears Redundant

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    Implementation of PESI requires data to be combined from multiple source databases. Some of the shared fields in the source databases used different controlled vocabularies of terms. OWL DL was investigated as a mechanism to build an extensible, shared ontology of species occurrence terms that permitted the source database to continue using and extending their own vocabularies whilst formally mapping to a more generic shared vocabulary. The merits of this approach were explored and it was concluded that the building of such a complex mapping ontology probably wasn't worthwhile. The level of semantic complexity involved outweighed the costs of simply imposing a flat list of well defined terms onto data suppliers. The main problem with exiting vocabularies appear to be the overloading of terms. A candidate list of terms was proposed

    Hawks\u27 Eye -- March 5, 1999

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    Horticultural markets promote alien species invasions : an Estonian case study of herbaceous perennials

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    Gardening is a popular pastime, but commercial horticulture is responsible for the introduction of alien species and contributes to invasions in a variety of ways. Although an extensive international literature is available on plant invasions, it is still important at the national level to examine the influence of local factors. Accordingly, 17 nurseries in Estonia that cultivated and sold perennial alien species were selected, and a list of species and prices was compiled. The relationships between species status, and factors such as their abundance in the wild were examined statistically. A qualitative list of the nationally problematic species among herbaceous perennials was also completed. A total of 880 taxa were recorded, of which 10.3% were native and 89.7% alien. In all, 87.3% of the alien species were still confined to cultivated areas. The ecological and socio-economic characteristics of the taxa were described, and lists of the families of casual, naturalised and invasive aliens were provided. Both native and increasing wild alien species have a very similar profile on the market. Alien species that are less expensive, widely available and have more cultivars per species on the market are also more likely to escape. The invasive status and abundance of escaped aliens in an area increases with residence time. In general, socio-economic factors create new and reflect previous propagule pressures from commercial horticulture, which continuously increase the likelihood of alien species surviving and invading new areas. Our findings suggest that these national socioeconomic market-related factors explain much of the invasiveness of various perennial ornamental species, and therefore regional and national authorities urgently need to regulate and control the ornamental plant trade to diminish the risk of new invasions

    European Guidelines for Obesity Management in Adults

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    Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterised by an increase of body fat stores. It is a gateway to ill health, and it has become one of the leading causes of disability and death, affecting not only adults but also children and adolescents worldwide. In clinical practice, the body fatness is estimated by BMI, and the accumulation of intra-abdominal fat (marker for higher metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk) can be assessed by waist circumference. Complex interactions between biological, behavioural, social and environmental factors are involved in regulation of energy balance and fat stores. A comprehensive history, physical examination and laboratory assessment relevant to the patient's obesity should be obtained. Appropriate goals of weight management emphasise realistic weight loss to achieve a reduction in health risks and should include promotion of weight loss, maintenance and prevention of weight regain. Management of co-morbidities and improving quality of life of obese patients are also included in treatment aims. Balanced hypocaloric diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasise. Aerobic training is the optimal mode of exercise for reducing fat mass while a programme including resistance training is needed for increasing lean mass in middle-aged and overweight/obese individuals. Cognitive behavioural therapy directly addresses behaviours that require change for successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Pharmacotherapy can help patients to maintain compliance and ameliorate obesity-related health risks. Surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity in terms of long-term weight loss. A comprehensive obesity management can only be accomplished by a multidisciplinary obesity management team. We conclude that physicians have a responsibility to recognise obesity as a disease and help obese patients with appropriate prevention and treatment. Treatment should be based on good clinical care, and evidence-based interventions; should focus on realistic goals and lifelong multidisciplinary management. (C) 2015 S. Karger GmbH, Freibur

    Externalities in rural development - evidence for China

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    The author tests for external effects of local economic activity on consumption and income growth at the farm-household level using panel data from four provinces of post-reform rural China. The tests allow for non-stationary fixed effects in the consumption growth process. Evidence is found of geographic externalities, stemming from spillover effects of the level and composition of local economic activity and private returns to local human and physical infrastructure endowments. The results suggest an explanation for rural underdevelopment arising from under-investment in certain externality-generating activities, of which agricultural development emerges as the most important.Labor Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Economic Conditions and Volatility,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Inequality,Achieving Shared Growth,Health Economics&Finance