49,765 research outputs found

    Multi-project scheduling with 2-stage decomposition

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    A non-preemptive, zero time lag multi-project scheduling problem with multiple modes and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources is considered. A 2-stage decomposition approach is adopted to formulate the problem as a hierarchy of 0-1 mathematical programming models. At stage one, each project is reduced to a macro-activity with macro-modes resulting in a single project network where the objective is the maximization of the net present value and the cash flows are positive. For setting the time horizon three different methods are developed and tested. A genetic algorithm approach is designed for this problem, which is also employed to generate a starting solution for the exact solution procedure. Using the starting times and the resource profiles obtained in stage one each project is scheduled at stage two for minimum makespan. The result of the first stage is subjected to a post-processing procedure to distribute the remaining resource capacities. Three new test problem sets are generated with 81, 84 and 27 problems each and three different configurations of solution procedures are tested

    Client-contractor bargaining on net present value in project scheduling with limited resources

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    The client-contractor bargaining problem addressed here is in the context of a multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows, which is formulated as a progress payments model. In this model, the contractor receives payments from the client at predetermined regular time intervals. The last payment is paid at the first predetermined payment point right after project completion. The second payment model considered in this paper is the one with payments at activity completions. The project is represented on an Activity-on-Node (AON) project network. Activity durations are assumed to be deterministic. The project duration is bounded from above by a deadline imposed by the client, which constitutes a hard constraint. The bargaining objective is to maximize the bargaining objective function comprised of the objectives of both the client and the contractor. The bargaining objective function is expected to reflect the two-party nature of the problem environment and seeks a compromise between the client and the contractor. The bargaining power concept is introduced into the problem by the bargaining power weights used in the bargaining objective function. Simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm approaches are proposed as solution procedures. The proposed solution methods are tested with respect to solution quality and solution times. Sensitivity analyses are conducted among different parameters used in the model, namely the profit margin, the discount rate, and the bargaining power weights

    Client-contractor bargaining on net present value in project scheduling with limited resources

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    The client-contractor bargaining problem addressed here is in the context of a multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows, which is formulated as a progress payments model. In this model, the contractor receives payments from the client at predetermined regular time intervals. The last payment is paid at the first predetermined payment point right after project completion. The second payment model considered in this paper is the one with payments at activity completions. The project is represented on an Activity-on-Node (AON) project network. Activity durations are assumed to be deterministic. The project duration is bounded from above by a deadline imposed by the client, which constitutes a hard constraint. The bargaining objective is to maximize the bargaining objective function comprised of the objectives of both the client and the contractor. The bargaining objective function is expected to reflect the two-party nature of the problem environment and seeks a compromise between the client and the contractor. The bargaining power concept is introduced into the problem by the bargaining power weights used in the bargaining objective function. Simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm approaches are proposed as solution procedures. The proposed solution methods are tested with respect to solution quality and solution times. Sensitivity analyses are conducted among different parameters used in the model, namely the profit margin, the discount rate, and the bargaining power weights

    A variable neighborhood search simheuristic for project portfolio selection under uncertainty

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    With limited nancial resources, decision-makers in rms and governments face the task of selecting the best portfolio of projects to invest in. As the pool of project proposals increases and more realistic constraints are considered, the problem becomes NP-hard. Thus, metaheuristics have been employed for solving large instances of the project portfolio selection problem (PPSP). However, most of the existing works do not account for uncertainty. This paper contributes to close this gap by analyzing a stochastic version of the PPSP: the goal is to maximize the expected net present value of the inversion, while considering random cash ows and discount rates in future periods, as well as a rich set of constraints including the maximum risk allowed. To solve this stochastic PPSP, a simulation-optimization algorithm is introduced. Our approach integrates a variable neighborhood search metaheuristic with Monte Carlo simulation. A series of computational experiments contribute to validate our approach and illustrate how the solutions vary as the level of uncertainty increases

    Agent-based simulation of a financial market

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    This paper introduces an agent-based artificial financial market in which heterogeneous agents trade one single asset through a realistic trading mechanism for price formation. Agents are initially endowed with a finite amount of cash and a given finite portfolio of assets. There is no money-creation process; the total available cash is conserved in time. In each period, agents make random buy and sell decisions that are constrained by available resources, subject to clustering, and dependent on the volatility of previous periods. The model herein proposed is able to reproduce the leptokurtic shape of the probability density of log price returns and the clustering of volatility. Implemented using extreme programming and object-oriented technology, the simulator is a flexible computational experimental facility that can find applications in both academic and industrial research projects.Comment: 11 pages, 3 EPS figures, LaTEX. To be published in Physica A (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Application of Physics in Economic Modelling, Prague 8-10 February 2001

    Demand and Supply of Currencies of Small Denominations: A Theoretical Framework

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    The paper presents theoretical framework of demand and supply of currencies of small denominations. In our framework both demand and supply equations emerge out of an optimization framework. Demand functions for small denominations are obtained from a linear expenditure system. Our main contention is that economic agents would like to hold a fixed number of small changes, independent of their respective total cash holdings. However, in our model the fixed quantity is influenced by the probability that in a currency transaction, the counterparty would be able to provide the small change if needed. The supply function is derived from an optimization problem where the central bank balances its operational cost with the probability that an individual would be able to carry out “small” transactions independently, without the help of counterparty. In this demand-supply framework, the probability that a randomly chosen individual in an economy would hold certain currency combinations is interpreted as “price”. We attempt to show that in a dynamic environment, such interaction could be understood by specifying a cob-web type model where expectations are formed based on previous period’s experience. As an operational rule, it is proposed that the central bank should increase the supply of small denominations at a rate marginally above the growth rate of economically active population and stop minting as soon as some of the small denominations start return in the currency chest. We also suggest how demand for “small change” could be estimated from the “lifetime” of the “smallest” denomination.Small Change, Denomination, Currency Management, Poisson Distribution


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    The costs of living with wildlife are assessed using Namibian subsistence farmers willingness to pay (WTP) for deterrents to attacks on crops and livestock as a measure of damage costs. A utility-theoretic approach jointly estimates household WTP for deterrent programs in two currencies, maize and cash. This has a double payoff. Use of a noncash staple increases respondent comprehension and provides more information about preferences, improving the accuracy of results. The household shadow value of maize is also identified. Significant costs from living with elephants and other types of wildlife are demonstrated. Compensation for farmers may be warranted on equity and efficiency grounds. Uncontrolled domestic cattle generate even higher costs to farmers than wildlife, highlighting the need to clarify property rights among these farmers.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A glance of modern logistics. Demand planning process

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    The world keeps on quickly changing and we will probably have to change the laws of the economy. In recent past years the production has dominated the consumptions: today, the consumer is always more, the true judge of the market and the firms of production have to redraw their strategies. The demand planning process becomes essential to face the world-wide competition: in fact, the border between innovative goods and functional goods becomes more and more transitory.planetization, globalization, functional goods, innovative goods, demand planning, commoditisation.

    What's Advertising Content Worth? Evidence from a Consumer Credit Marketing Field Experiment

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    Firms spend billions of dollars each year advertising consumer products in order to influence demand. Much of these outlays are on the creative design of advertising content. Creative content often uses nuances of presentation and framing that have large effects on consumer decision making in laboratory studies. But there is little field evidence on the effect of advertising content as it compares in magnitude to the effect of price. We analyze a direct mail field experiment in South Africa implemented by a consumer lender that randomized creative content and loan price simultaneously. We find that content has significant effects on demand. There is also some evidence that the magnitude of content sensitivity is large relative to price sensitivity. However, it was difficult to predict which particular types of content would significantly impact demand. This fits with a central premise of psychology— context matters— and highlights the importance of testing the robustness of laboratory findings in the field.economics of advertising, economics & psychology, behavioral, economics, cues, microfinance

    Improving the Use of Experimental Auctions in Africa: Theory and Evidence

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    Experimental auctions have not been widely used in Africa. However, auctions are important tools for evaluating new products and technologies. To increase the quality of these experiments, we explore an alternative first-price bidding mechanism that is more similar to African market exchanges and we analyze factors likely to affect bidding. Experiments with African consumers show that the proposed first-price mechanism has no advantage over conventional second-price mechanisms. Results show high and significant cash-in-hand, experimenter, and time of day effects in main rounds, and significant ordering effects in test rounds. These effects need to be carefully considered when applying the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak mechanism in Africa.Africa, BDM mechanism, experimenter effect, first-price auction, income effect, order effect, time of day effect, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,