198 research outputs found

    Multi-task Self-Supervised Visual Learning

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    We investigate methods for combining multiple self-supervised tasks--i.e., supervised tasks where data can be collected without manual labeling--in order to train a single visual representation. First, we provide an apples-to-apples comparison of four different self-supervised tasks using the very deep ResNet-101 architecture. We then combine tasks to jointly train a network. We also explore lasso regularization to encourage the network to factorize the information in its representation, and methods for "harmonizing" network inputs in order to learn a more unified representation. We evaluate all methods on ImageNet classification, PASCAL VOC detection, and NYU depth prediction. Our results show that deeper networks work better, and that combining tasks--even via a naive multi-head architecture--always improves performance. Our best joint network nearly matches the PASCAL performance of a model pre-trained on ImageNet classification, and matches the ImageNet network on NYU depth prediction.Comment: Published at ICCV 201

    Sim2real transfer learning for 3D human pose estimation: motion to the rescue

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    Synthetic visual data can provide practically infinite diversity and rich labels, while avoiding ethical issues with privacy and bias. However, for many tasks, current models trained on synthetic data generalize poorly to real data. The task of 3D human pose estimation is a particularly interesting example of this sim2real problem, because learning-based approaches perform reasonably well given real training data, yet labeled 3D poses are extremely difficult to obtain in the wild, limiting scalability. In this paper, we show that standard neural-network approaches, which perform poorly when trained on synthetic RGB images, can perform well when the data is pre-processed to extract cues about the person's motion, notably as optical flow and the motion of 2D keypoints. Therefore, our results suggest that motion can be a simple way to bridge a sim2real gap when video is available. We evaluate on the 3D Poses in the Wild dataset, the most challenging modern benchmark for 3D pose estimation, where we show full 3D mesh recovery that is on par with state-of-the-art methods trained on real 3D sequences, despite training only on synthetic humans from the SURREAL dataset.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 201

    Video Action Transformer Network

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    We introduce the Action Transformer model for recognizing and localizing human actions in video clips. We repurpose a Transformer-style architecture to aggregate features from the spatiotemporal context around the person whose actions we are trying to classify. We show that by using high-resolution, person-specific, class-agnostic queries, the model spontaneously learns to track individual people and to pick up on semantic context from the actions of others. Additionally its attention mechanism learns to emphasize hands and faces, which are often crucial to discriminate an action - all without explicit supervision other than boxes and class labels. We train and test our Action Transformer network on the Atomic Visual Actions (AVA) dataset, outperforming the state-of-the-art by a significant margin using only raw RGB frames as input.Comment: CVPR 201
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