21 research outputs found

    Risk Mitigation Techniques in Agile Development Processes

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    The main purpose of agile development methods is to reduce risks leading to a more successful and effective information system. In fact, analysing priorities, finding and identifying risks are important activities in all development approaches, including Agile development. However, some studies seek to assess risk management based on agile global software development (GSD) and provide mitigation measures to address specific risks. The risk mitigation technique for good development for sustainable development is expected to be designed to achieve time efficiency improvements to obtain greater resources at lower cost and thereby gain and maintain a competitive advantage

    Risk Mitigation Techniques in Agile Development Processes

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    The main purpose of agile development methods is to reduce risks leading to a more successful and effective information system. In fact, analysing priorities, finding and identifying risks are important activities in all development approaches, including Agile development. However, some studies seek to assess risk management based on agile global software development (GSD) and provide mitigation measures to address specific risks. The risk mitigation technique for good development for sustainable development is expected to be designed to achieve time efficiency improvements to obtain greater resources at lower cost and thereby gain and maintain a competitive advantage

    PORM: Predictive Optimization of Risk Management to control Uncertainty Problems in Software Engineering

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    Irrespective of different research-based approaches toward risk management, developing a precise model towards risk management is found to be a computationally challenging task owing to critical and vague definition of the origination of the problems. This research work introduces a model called as PROM i.e. Predictive Optimization of Risk Management with the perspective of software engineering. The significant contribution of PORM is to offer a reliable computation of risk analysis by considering generalized practical scenario of software development practices in Information Technology (IT) industry. The proposed PORM system is also designed and equipped with better risk factor assessment with an aid of machine learning approach without having more involvement of iteration. The study outcome shows that PORM system offers computationally cost effective analysis of risk factor as assessed with respect to different quality standards of object oriented system involved in every software projects

    Management of software development projects in Brazil using agile methods

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze how agile management practices are being adopted by specialists from software development technology companies in Brazil, identifying actions that contribute to the success of software implementation, aiming to ensure the survival of organizations in the market. The study counted with a literature review to support the field research with software development specialists who use the agile methodology and work in Brazil in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The results were analyzed through a descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research identified that the companies that adopt agile software management methodology in Brazil prefer the Scrum method and the development teams may be geographically distributed. The main positive points identified when adopting agile methods were the process speed, team involvement, maximization of results, involvement with the client, and simplicity. Most experts identified problems in the implementation of the agile methodology and as points of attention: management of distributed teams, scope estimation and communication. It was possible to identify the existence of a positive financial result by adopting the agile method for software development projects, as well as actions that contribute to the success of these projects, such as controlling quality using different testing techniques, project management, time, stakeholders, scope, and have agile communication, with feedback and good leadership. On the other hand, it was observed in the statistics that, although efficient, this method is still not being widely used. This research can contribute to the managers of software development companies in the use of agile methods as well as improving management decision-making

    Exploring the critical success factors of virtual-agile IT projects: a grounded theory study

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    Business dynamics and competition have necessitated IT organizations to use virtual style of working depending on the principles of agile methods. Virtual-agile IT projects are most relevant in the context of software and web development, new product development and information system projects. Organizations where fulfilling the demands of clients, face several complexities during projects; mainly obstructed by differences in location, time, culture and working dynamics etc. This paper aims to explore some useful practices undertaken in IT industry to deal with such criticalities. The research uses qualitative methods and grounded theory methodology to generate emerging themes recognized as codes or concepts; which were further transformed into categories based on their properties and dimensions. Categories or sub-categories identified were arranged using coding paradigm which helped to identify a core-category. Consequently, the relationships were refined, arranged in a unique way in selective coding phase and a storyline was generated elaborating the relationships between various categories, sub-categories and concepts. Finally, a conclusion is made and recommendations are proposed for future research

    Influence of Communication on Client Satisfaction in Information System Projects – A Quantitative Field Study

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    Divergences between perception and measurement of information system (IS) project success are phenomena known as successful failures or failed successes. Such projects either satisfy stakeholder expectations or are completed according to their plans, but do not succeed in both terms. Based on expectation-confirmation theory, we advance the understanding of project success by observing the role of client-vendor communication regarding the interaction of client expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction. By means of a quantitative field study with managers of IS projects on the client side, we show that perceptions of product performance are more relevant than perceptions of process performance for meeting client expectations in IS projects. Expectations towards the process (i.e., budget and schedule) are revealed to be considerably less relevant, which is a likely consequence of many projects failing to meet such expectations. An avenue for future research resulting from our study is the investigation of differences concerning communication mediums by contrasting agile and non-agile development projects

    Present knowledge and future direction for risk management in offshore oil and gas project

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    Oil and gas offshore projects generally characterized as very high risk. The activities are well known exposed to a high level of risk that can't be ignored, but it still can be able to manage. In the past two decades since the 1980s, there are many studies in various aspects of managing risk in oil and gas projects have been conducted. The studies conducted includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and risk monitoring, and control. Although the number of studies conducted has been increasingly focused on risk management in offshore oil and gas projects, there are still limited number of published studies that summarise the literature. Hence, this paper aims to examine the present published studies on managing risk in oil and gas projects from a holistic outlook which may be used as a future guideline. To fulfil this paper aims, a systematic literature review was carried out by giving the areas focused on areas fields in oil and gas projects, studied approaches used by others researchers, by showing the pattern in research through the previous years. These paper also discussed the research gap found which might be used for future prospective studies

    The Relationship between Business Model and Project Management

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma análise bibliométrica entre a relação dos temas Modelo de negócios (MN) e Gerenciamento de Projetos (GP). MN é um conceito que tem se popularizado entre as áreas de gestão e negócios, mas considerando a área de GP, percebe-se que a literatura apresenta um número restrito de estudos que relacionam estes assuntos. A abordagem metodológica baseou-se na busca de conteúdo e análise bibliométrica na base Web of Science e considerou o período entre 2010 e 2014 para seleção dos artigos. A seleção apresentou um número inicial de 104 documentos, os quais após serem analisados e passarem por critérios seletivos, foram reduzidos para 22 documentos, sendo todos artigos de periódicos. O período analisado demonstrou um interesse crescente no estudo da temática, alcançando ápice de publicações em 2014. Os periódicos com mais publicações neste período, foram aqueles que abordam assuntos sobre energia (Energy Policy) e sobre gestão de projetos (International Journal of Project Management), ambos com 3 publicações. As áreas de pesquisa mais abordadas foram Negócios e Economia, Ciência da Computação, Engenharia, Ciências Ambientais e Combustíveis e Energia. Os estudos demonstram que existe uma grande oportunidade de estudo para o tema proposto e que não há domínio do assunto nos periódicos identificados na pesquisa. Por ser um tema relativamente novo, os estudos carecem de análises aprofundadas do tema e caracterizam-se por estar em uma fase exploratória.This study aims to perform a bibliometric analysis between the relationship of the Business Model (MN) and Project Management (GP) topics. MN is a concept that has become popular among the areas of management and business, but considering the area of GP, it is noticed that the literature presents a restricted number of studies that relate these subjects. The methodological approach was based on the search for content and bibliometric analysis in the Web of Science database and considered the period between 2010 and 2014 for articles selection. The selection presented an initial number of 104 documents, which after being analyzed and passed through selective criteria, were reduced to 22 documents, all of them from periodicals. The period analyzed showed an increasing interest in the study of the theme, reaching a summit of publications in 2014. The periodicals with the most publications in this period were those that deal with energy issues and project management (International Journal of Project Management), both with 3 publications. The most researched areas were Business and Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Fuel and Energy. The studies demonstrate that there is a great opportunity to study the proposed theme and that there is no dominance of the subject in the journals identified in the research. Because it is a relatively new topic, the studies lack in-depth analysis of the topic and are characterized by being in an exploratory phase