356 research outputs found

    Mental distress detection and triage in forum posts: the LT3 CLPsych 2016 shared task system

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    This paper describes the contribution of LT3 for the CLPsych 2016 Shared Task on automatic triage of mental health forum posts. Our systems use multiclass Support Vector Machines (SVM), cascaded binary SVMs and ensembles with a rich feature set. The best systems obtain macro-averaged F-scores of 40% on the full task and 80% on the green versus alarming distinction. Multiclass SVMs with all features score best in terms of F-score, whereas feature filtering with bi-normal separation and classifier ensembling are found to improve recall of alarming posts

    Support Vector Machines (SVM) in Test Extraction

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    Text categorization is the process of grouping documents or words into predefined categories. Each category consists of documents or words having similar attributes. There exist numerous algorithms to address the need of text categorization including Naive Bayes, k-nearest-neighbor classifier, and decision trees. In this project, Support Vector Machines (SVM) is studied and experimented by the implementation ofa textual extractor. This algorithm is used to extract important points from a lengthy document, by which it classifies each word in the document under its relevant category and constructs the structure of the summary with reference to the categorized words. The performance of the extractor is evaluated using a similar corpus against an existing summarizer, which uses a different kind of approach. Summarization is part of text categorization whereby it is considered an essential part of today's information-led society, and it has been a growing area of research for over 40 years. This project's objective is to create a summarizer, or extractor, based on machine learning algorithms, which are namely SVM and K-Means. Each word in the particular document is processed by both algorithms to determine its actual occurrence in the document by which it will first be clustered or grouped into categories based on parts of speech (verb, noun, adjective) which is done by K-Means, then later processed by SVM to determine the actual occurrence of each word in each of the cluster, taking into account whether the words have similar meanings with otherwords in the subsequent cluster. The corpus chosen to evaluate the application is the Reuters-21578 dataset comprising of newspaper articles. Evaluation of the applications are carried out against another accompanying system-generated extract which is already in the market, as a means to observe the amount of sentences overlap with the tested applications, in this case, the Text Extractor and also Microsoft Word AutoSummarizer. Results show that the Text Extractor has optimal results at compression rates of 10 - 20% and 35 - 45

    An ontology enhanced parallel SVM for scalable spam filter training

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Neurocomputing. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Spam, under a variety of shapes and forms, continues to inflict increased damage. Varying approaches including Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques have been proposed for spam filter training and classification. However, SVM training is a computationally intensive process. This paper presents a MapReduce based parallel SVM algorithm for scalable spam filter training. By distributing, processing and optimizing the subsets of the training data across multiple participating computer nodes, the parallel SVM reduces the training time significantly. Ontology semantics are employed to minimize the impact of accuracy degradation when distributing the training data among a number of SVM classifiers. Experimental results show that ontology based augmentation improves the accuracy level of the parallel SVM beyond the original sequential counterpart

    Interpretable Binary and Multiclass Prediction Models for Insolvencies and Credit Ratings

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    Insolvenzprognosen und Ratings sind wichtige Aufgaben der Finanzbranche und dienen der Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung von Unternehmen. Eine Möglichkeit dieses Aufgabenfeld anzugehen, ist maschinelles Lernen. Dabei werden Vorhersagemodelle aufgrund von Beispieldaten aufgestellt. Methoden aus diesem Bereich sind aufgrund Ihrer Automatisierbarkeit vorteilhaft. Dies macht menschliche Expertise in den meisten Fällen überflüssig und bietet dadurch einen höheren Grad an Objektivität. Allerdings sind auch diese Ansätze nicht perfekt und können deshalb menschliche Expertise nicht gänzlich ersetzen. Sie bieten sich aber als Entscheidungshilfen an und können als solche von Experten genutzt werden, weshalb interpretierbare Modelle wünschenswert sind. Leider bieten nur wenige Lernalgorithmen interpretierbare Modelle. Darüber hinaus sind einige Aufgaben wie z.B. Rating häufig Mehrklassenprobleme. Mehrklassenklassifikationen werden häufig durch Meta-Algorithmen erreicht, welche mehrere binäre Algorithmen trainieren. Die meisten der üblicherweise verwendeten Meta-Algorithmen eliminieren jedoch eine gegebenenfalls vorhandene Interpretierbarkeit. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir die Vorhersagegenauigkeit von interpretierbaren Modellen im Vergleich zu nicht interpretierbaren Modellen für Insolvenzprognosen und Ratings. Wir verwenden disjunktive Normalformen und Entscheidungsbäume mit Schwellwerten von Finanzkennzahlen als interpretierbare Modelle. Als nicht interpretierbare Modelle werden Random Forests, künstliche Neuronale Netze und Support Vector Machines verwendet. Darüber hinaus haben wir einen eigenen Lernalgorithmus Thresholder entwickelt, welcher disjunktive Normalformen und interpretierbare Mehrklassenmodelle generiert. Für die Aufgabe der Insolvenzprognose zeigen wir, dass interpretierbare Modelle den nicht interpretierbaren Modellen nicht unterlegen sind. Dazu wird in einer ersten Fallstudie eine in der Praxis verwendete Datenbank mit Jahresabschlüssen von 5152 Unternehmen verwendet, um die Vorhersagegenauigkeit aller oben genannter Modelle zu messen. In einer zweiten Fallstudie zur Vorhersage von Ratings demonstrieren wir, dass interpretierbare Modelle den nicht interpretierbaren Modellen sogar überlegen sind. Die Vorhersagegenauigkeit aller Modelle wird anhand von drei in der Praxis verwendeten Datensätzen bestimmt, welche jeweils drei Ratingklassen aufweisen. In den Fallstudien vergleichen wir verschiedene interpretierbare Ansätze bezüglich deren Modellgrößen und der Form der Interpretierbarkeit. Wir präsentieren exemplarische Modelle, welche auf den entsprechenden Datensätzen basieren und bieten dafür Interpretationsansätze an. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass interpretierbare, schwellwertbasierte Modelle den Klassifikationsproblemen in der Finanzbranche angemessen sind. In diesem Bereich sind sie komplexeren Modellen, wie z.B. den Support Vector Machines, nicht unterlegen. Unser Algorithmus Thresholder erzeugt die kleinsten Modelle während seine Vorhersagegenauigkeit vergleichbar mit den anderen interpretierbaren Modellen bleibt. In unserer Fallstudie zu Rating liefern die interpretierbaren Modelle deutlich bessere Ergebnisse als bei der zur Insolvenzprognose (s. o.). Eine mögliche Erklärung dieser Ergebnisse bietet die Tatsache, dass Ratings im Gegensatz zu Insolvenzen menschengemacht sind. Das bedeutet, dass Ratings auf Entscheidungen von Menschen beruhen, welche in interpretierbaren Regeln, z.B. logischen Verknüpfungen von Schwellwerten, denken. Daher gehen wir davon aus, dass interpretierbare Modelle zu den Problemstellungen passen und diese interpretierbaren Regeln erkennen und abbilden

    svmPRAT: SVM-based Protein Residue Annotation Toolkit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last decade several prediction methods have been developed for determining the structural and functional properties of individual protein residues using sequence and sequence-derived information. Most of these methods are based on support vector machines as they provide accurate and generalizable prediction models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a general purpose protein residue annotation toolkit (<it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace>) to allow biologists to formulate residue-wise prediction problems. <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> formulates the annotation problem as a classification or regression problem using support vector machines. One of the key features of <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> is its ease of use in incorporating any user-provided information in the form of feature matrices. For every residue <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> captures local information around the reside to create fixed length feature vectors. <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> implements accurate and fast kernel functions, and also introduces a flexible window-based encoding scheme that accurately captures signals and pattern for training effective predictive models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this work we evaluate <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> on several classification and regression problems including disorder prediction, residue-wise contact order estimation, DNA-binding site prediction, and local structure alphabet prediction. <it>svm</it><monospace>PRAT</monospace> has also been used for the development of state-of-the-art transmembrane helix prediction method called TOPTMH, and secondary structure prediction method called YASSPP. This toolkit developed provides practitioners an efficient and easy-to-use tool for a wide variety of annotation problems.</p> <p><it>Availability</it>: <url>http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~mlbio/svmprat</url></p

    Support Vector Machines (SVM) in Test Extraction

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    Text categorization is the process of grouping documents or words into predefined categories. Each category consists of documents or words having similar attributes. There exist numerous algorithms to address the need of text categorization including Naive Bayes, k-nearest-neighbor classifier, and decision trees. In this project, Support Vector Machines (SVM) is studied and experimented by the implementation ofa textual extractor. This algorithm is used to extract important points from a lengthy document, by which it classifies each word in the document under its relevant category and constructs the structure of the summary with reference to the categorized words. The performance of the extractor is evaluated using a similar corpus against an existing summarizer, which uses a different kind of approach. Summarization is part of text categorization whereby it is considered an essential part of today's information-led society, and it has been a growing area of research for over 40 years. This project's objective is to create a summarizer, or extractor, based on machine learning algorithms, which are namely SVM and K-Means. Each word in the particular document is processed by both algorithms to determine its actual occurrence in the document by which it will first be clustered or grouped into categories based on parts of speech (verb, noun, adjective) which is done by K-Means, then later processed by SVM to determine the actual occurrence of each word in each of the cluster, taking into account whether the words have similar meanings with otherwords in the subsequent cluster. The corpus chosen to evaluate the application is the Reuters-21578 dataset comprising of newspaper articles. Evaluation of the applications are carried out against another accompanying system-generated extract which is already in the market, as a means to observe the amount of sentences overlap with the tested applications, in this case, the Text Extractor and also Microsoft Word AutoSummarizer. Results show that the Text Extractor has optimal results at compression rates of 10 - 20% and 35 - 45

    Support Vector Machines (SVM) in Test Extraction

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    Text categorization is the process of grouping documents or words into predefined categories. Each category consists of documents or words having similar attributes. There exist numerous algorithms to address the need of text categorization including Naive Bayes, k-nearest-neighbor classifier, and decision trees. In this project, Support Vector Machines (SVM) is studied and experimented by the implementation ofa textual extractor. This algorithm is used to extract important points from a lengthy document, by which it classifies each word in the document under its relevant category and constructs the structure of the summary with reference to the categorized words. The performance of the extractor is evaluated using a similar corpus against an existing summarizer, which uses a different kind of approach. Summarization is part of text categorization whereby it is considered an essential part of today's information-led society, and it has been a growing area of research for over 40 years. This project's objective is to create a summarizer, or extractor, based on machine learning algorithms, which are namely SVM and K-Means. Each word in the particular document is processed by both algorithms to determine its actual occurrence in the document by which it will first be clustered or grouped into categories based on parts of speech (verb, noun, adjective) which is done by K-Means, then later processed by SVM to determine the actual occurrence of each word in each of the cluster, taking into account whether the words have similar meanings with otherwords in the subsequent cluster. The corpus chosen to evaluate the application is the Reuters-21578 dataset comprising of newspaper articles. Evaluation of the applications are carried out against another accompanying system-generated extract which is already in the market, as a means to observe the amount of sentences overlap with the tested applications, in this case, the Text Extractor and also Microsoft Word AutoSummarizer. Results show that the Text Extractor has optimal results at compression rates of 10 - 20% and 35 - 45

    Finding the online cry for help : automatic text classification for suicide prevention

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    Successful prevention of suicide, a serious public health concern worldwide, hinges on the adequate detection of suicide risk. While online platforms are increasingly used for expressing suicidal thoughts, manually monitoring for such signals of distress is practically infeasible, given the information overload suicide prevention workers are confronted with. In this thesis, the automatic detection of suicide-related messages is studied. It presents the first classification-based approach to online suicidality detection, and focuses on Dutch user-generated content. In order to evaluate the viability of such a machine learning approach, we developed a gold standard corpus, consisting of message board and blog posts. These were manually labeled according to a newly developed annotation scheme, grounded in suicide prevention practice. The scheme provides for the annotation of a post's relevance to suicide, and the subject and severity of a suicide threat, if any. This allowed us to derive two tasks: the detection of suicide-related posts, and of severe, high-risk content. In a series of experiments, we sought to determine how well these tasks can be carried out automatically, and which information sources and techniques contribute to classification performance. The experimental results show that both types of messages can be detected with high precision. Therefore, the amount of noise generated by the system is minimal, even on very large datasets, making it usable in a real-world prevention setting. Recall is high for the relevance task, but at around 60%, it is considerably lower for severity. This is mainly attributable to implicit references to suicide, which often go undetected. We found a variety of information sources to be informative for both tasks, including token and character ngram bags-of-words, features based on LSA topic models, polarity lexicons and named entity recognition, and suicide-related terms extracted from a background corpus. To improve classification performance, the models were optimized using feature selection, hyperparameter, or a combination of both. A distributed genetic algorithm approach proved successful in finding good solutions for this complex search problem, and resulted in more robust models. Experiments with cascaded classification of the severity task did not reveal performance benefits over direct classification (in terms of F1-score), but its structure allows the use of slower, memory-based learning algorithms that considerably improved recall. At the end of this thesis, we address a problem typical of user-generated content: noise in the form of misspellings, phonetic transcriptions and other deviations from the linguistic norm. We developed an automatic text normalization system, using a cascaded statistical machine translation approach, and applied it to normalize the data for the suicidality detection tasks. Subsequent experiments revealed that, compared to the original data, normalized data resulted in fewer and more informative features, and improved classification performance. This extrinsic evaluation demonstrates the utility of automatic normalization for suicidality detection, and more generally, text classification on user-generated content

    Object Detection Through Exploration With A Foveated Visual Field

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    We present a foveated object detector (FOD) as a biologically-inspired alternative to the sliding window (SW) approach which is the dominant method of search in computer vision object detection. Similar to the human visual system, the FOD has higher resolution at the fovea and lower resolution at the visual periphery. Consequently, more computational resources are allocated at the fovea and relatively fewer at the periphery. The FOD processes the entire scene, uses retino-specific object detection classifiers to guide eye movements, aligns its fovea with regions of interest in the input image and integrates observations across multiple fixations. Our approach combines modern object detectors from computer vision with a recent model of peripheral pooling regions found at the V1 layer of the human visual system. We assessed various eye movement strategies on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and show that the FOD performs on par with the SW detector while bringing significant computational cost savings.Comment: An extended version of this manuscript was published in PLOS Computational Biology (October 2017) at https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100574