196 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Public Output

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    Advanced Sensing and Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are a transformative technology that is expected to change and improve the safety and efficiency of mobility. As the main functional components of CAVs, advanced sensing technologies and control algorithms, which gather environmental information, process data, and control vehicle motion, are of great importance. The development of novel sensing technologies for CAVs has become a hotspot in recent years. Thanks to improved sensing technologies, CAVs are able to interpret sensory information to further detect obstacles, localize their positions, navigate themselves, and interact with other surrounding vehicles in the dynamic environment. Furthermore, leveraging computer vision and other sensing methods, in-cabin humans’ body activities, facial emotions, and even mental states can also be recognized. Therefore, the aim of this Special Issue has been to gather contributions that illustrate the interest in the sensing and control of CAVs

    Bibliography on heavy vehicle dynamics

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    http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108243/1/103019.pdfDescription of 103019.pdf : Bibliograph

    New Technologies in Transportation

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    Elektrické vozidlo je lepší náhradou vozidla s vnitřním spalováním, zachovávaje si svůj účel. Elektrické vozidlo nabízí vylepšení výkonu, může vyprodukovat maximální výkon během sekund, bez potřeby převodovky, čímž minimalizuje ztráty na výkonu. Jednoduchý dizajn motoru s jedinou pohybující se částí snižuje náklady na údržbu a celkové opotřebení. Tepelní účinnost vozidla s vnitřním spalováním činí 38 %, v porovnání s 90 % efektivitou proměny elektrické energie na výkon, ukazuje to dominanci elektrického vozidla, v případě že se jedná o výkon a možnosti motoru. Je známo, že vozidla s vnitřním spalováním znečisťují životní prostředí svým procesem spalování, produkcí 67 tun oxidu uhličitého za celý svůj životní cyklus, v porovnání s elektrickým vozidlem, které přímo svým chodem neprodukuje žádné emise, jehož výrobní emise a emise z elektrické výroby, jsou nižší o 50 %. Spolehneme-li na čistší zdroje energie, emise na životní cyklus vozidla mohou být sníženy až o 300 %, nahrazováním znečisťujících tepelných elektráren, čistšími zdroji elektrické energie. Z hlediska bezpečnosti v dopravě, od roku 2001 zaznamenala Evropská unie více než 50% snížení úmrtnosti na cestách s prosazováním pokročilých asistenčních systémů pro řidiče. Má v zájmu tuto úmrtnost dále snižovat testováním a zaváděním nových systémů (eCall, systémy pro předcházení kolizím, …). S pokročilými asistenčními systémy pro řidiče je veřejnost jen pár let od prvních autonomních vozidel, která mohou zlepšit způsob cestování, jak ho nyní známe. Jsou limitovány pouze jejich bezpečností, technologickými chybami a zákonnou odpovědností.Electric vehicle is a better replacement of internal combustion vehicle, while maintaining its purpose. An electric vehicle offers enhancements in power, it can produce maximum power in seconds, without the need for transmission, minimizing losses in power. A simple design of its engine with single movable part reduces maintenance costs and overall wear and tear. Internal combustion vehicle's 38% thermal efficiency, when compared to 90% energy conversion efficiency. showing dominance of electric vehicle in terms of power and engine capabilities. It is known that internal combustion vehicles are polluting environment with their combustion process, producing 67 tons of CO2 emissions per life cycle of the vehicle, in comparison to electric vehicle that does not directly produce any CO2 emissions, its manufacturing and upstream emissions are 50% lower. Depending on cleaner sources of the energy, emissions can be lowered by more than 300% per life cycle of vehicle by replacing polluting heat power plants with cleaner energy generation solutions. In terms of safety in transportation since 2001 European union recorded more than 50% reduction in causalities on the roads with enforcement of advanced driver assistance systems. It tends to further reduce these causalities by testing and implementing new systems (eCall, collision avoidance systems,…). With advanced driver assistance systems society is only few years from first autonomous vehicles that can improve way of transportation we know now. Limited by their own security, technological faults and law liability.

    The ‘frontal lobe’ project: A double-blind, randomized controlled study of the effectiveness of higher level driving skills training to improve frontal lobe (executive) function related driving performance in young drivers

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    The current study was undertaken in order to evaluate the effectiveness of higher level skills training on safe driving behaviour of 36 teenage drivers. The participants, who attended the Driver Training Research camp in Taupo (NZ) over a two week period, were 16 to 17 years old and had a valid restricted driver licence. The study focused on four main aims. Firstly, the behavioural characteristics of the sample and their attitudes to risk taking and driving were examined. Results showed that speeding was the most anticipated driving violation, and high levels of confidence were associated with a higher number of crashes and a greater propensity for risk taking. Many, often male participants, also rated their driving skills as superior to others and thought they would be less likely than others to be involved in an accident. Secondly, the relationship between driving performance and executive functioning, general ability and sustained attention was evaluated. Overall, better driving performance and more accurate self-evaluation of driving performance was related to higher levels of executive functions, in particular, working memory, and cognitive switching. In addition, higher general ability and greater ability to sustain attention were also linked to better performance on the driving related assessments. The third focus of this study was to compare the effects of both, higher level and vehicle handling skills training on driving performance, confidence levels and attitudes to risk. While both types of training improved direction control, speed choice and visual search, along with number of hazards detected and actions in relation to hazards, statistically significant improvement on visual search was seen only after higher level skills training. Vehicle handling skills training significantly improved direction control and speed choice. In addition, confidence levels in their driving skills were significantly lowered and attitudes to speeding, overtaking and close following had improved significantly in the participants after the higher level driving skills training. The final aspect to this study was to examine the effects of the training over the following 6 month period based on self-reported driving behaviour. The response rate of participants however, was not sufficient to reach any meaningful conclusion on any long-term training effects. A pilot study using GPSbased data trackers to assess post-training driving behaviour revealed some promising results for future driver training evaluation studies. The overall implications of the results are discussed in relation to improving the safety of young drivers in New Zealand

    International Cycling Safety Conference - Book of abstracts

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    The present document compiles the abstracts submitted to the International Cycling Safety Conference that took place in Bologna from the 2nd to 4th of November, 2016. The topics of the submissions range from infrastructural and technological, to cognitive and behavioral issues related to cycling safety

    International Cycling Safety Conference - Book of abstracts

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    The present document compiles the abstracts submitted to the International Cycling Safety Conference that took place in Bologna from the 2nd to 4th of November, 2016. The topics of the submissions range from infrastructural and technological, to cognitive and behavioral issues related to cycling safety

    Evaluation of Highway Geometrics Related to Large Trucks

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    One objective of this study was to determine the extent of highway safety and geometric problems associated with larger trucks using Kentucky\u27s highways. The accident analysis involved both a general analysis of all truck accidents statewide as well as the identification of specific high-accident locations. A second objective was to identify criteria which can be used in identifying roadway sections that cannot safely accommodate large trucks. The accident analysis given can be used to investigate locations which have a high number of truck accidents. The general accident statistics related to trucks can be used in the investigation of the high-accident locations to identify factors which may be contributing to the accident problem. The summary of information obtained from the review of literature can be used as a guide when determining the appropriate criteria to use in formalizing truck access criteria. For example, several references gave recommendations concerning lane width and horizontal curvature appropriate for highways that allowed large truck traffic

    A study towards the potentials of robotic technologies to decrease risk to personnel’s safety in Statnett

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    Background of the project Health, safety and the environment (HSE) is Statnett´s nr.1 priority and Statnett has a zero vision towards accidents. Unfortunately, Statnett and their entrepreneurs experience accidents each year. With an increasing activity level towards 2020, it is natural to estimate that the number of accidents will increase in line with the activity. It can therefore be interesting to study new technologies with high potential to reduce risk, if it is rapidly implemented. Goals There were three goals with this thesis. The first was to identify robotic technologies, available now or within a five-year period with potential for use in Statnett. The second goal was to identify dangerous operations performed by Statnett or Statnett´s entrepreneurs. The third goal was to provide a recommendation of which robotic technologies that can both execute the identified operations and reduce the risks of the operations. General information about the thesis This report was made as a master thesis at the end of a five-year study towards a Master's Degree in science at Norwegian University of Life Science(NMBU). The study was performed between January and May 2016, and represent 30 ECTS. The thesis is written under collaboration between Statnett and NMBU. Method This thesis is based on literature study, interviews, observations and data analysis. Results The main outcome was the following: • There are many types of robotic technologies with different abilities and potential for implementation in Statnett and Statnett´s entrepreneurs, all with a high level of technology readiness(TRL) or already in use. There are however limitations with every type of robotic technologies, e.g. many of the line suspended robotic devices have problems crossing suspension towers and there is actually only one that is supposedly able to cross dead-end towers. • There is no doubt that Statnett and their entrepreneurs perform dangerous operations. Many high risk operations are identified, but there are still reasons to believe that even more could be found. All of the identified operations contain different factors of risk. Some of the risk factors have led to tragic accidents ending with death or severe illness. The biggest identified risk factors are working with helicopter and working at height. • There are several robotic technologies with the possibility to both perform and reduce the risk of some of the dangerous operations identified in this thesis. Recommendation for further work Based on the robotic technology with the highest potential to both execute operations and reduce the operations risks, eleven technologies are recommended for further research and development towards permanent implementation in specific operations.Bakgrunn for prosjektet Helse, miljø og sikkerhet (HMS) er Statnetts topp prioritet. Statnett har en visjon om null ulykker, men opplever ulykker hvert år sammen med sine entreprenører. Frem mot 2020 er det planlagt økt aktivitet og det er derfor naturlig å anta at antall ulykker vil øke i takt med aktiviteten. Det kan derfor være interessant å se på ny teknologis mulighet til å redusere risiko, hvis det kan implementeres raskt. Mål: Oppgaven har tre mål. Det første er å identifisere robotteknologi tilgjengelig i dag eller innen en femårs periode med potensial for bruk i Statnett. Mål nummer to er å identifisere farlige operasjoner utført av Statnett eller deres entreprenører. Det siste målet er å gi en anbefaling av hvilken robotteknologi som har størst mulighet til å både utføre operasjonene samtidig som den kan redusere operasjonens risiko. Generell informasjon om oppgaven Oppgaven er skrevet som en masteroppgave i siste semester av et femårig masterstudie på Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU). Oppgaven representerer 30 studiepoeng og er skrevet som et samarbeid mellom Statnett og NMBU. Metode Oppgaven er basert på litteratur, intervjuer, observasjoner og analyse av innsamlet data. Resultat Hovedresultatene var som følger: • Det er identifisert mange typer robotteknologi med forskjellige anvendelser og potensial for implementering hos Statnett og Statnetts entreprenører. Alle teknologiene var langt i utviklingen, høy ”technology readiness level” (TRL), eller var allerede i bruk. Det var like vell utfordringer med alle teknologiene, som f.eks. at få ”line suspended robotic devices” kan krysse bæremaster og at det faktisk bare er en som skal klare å krysse ankermaster. • Det er ingen tvil om at Statnett og deres entreprenører utfører farlige operasjoner. Det er identifisert mange høy risiko operasjoner, men det er fortsatt grunn til å tro at enda flere kan identifiseres ved et grundigere studium. Alle operasjonene inneholder forskjellige risikofaktorer og noen av risikofaktorene har ført til tragiske ulykker som har endt med død eller alvorlige skader. De største risikofaktorene er identifisert som bruk av helikopter og arbeid i høyden. • Det er identifisert flere robotteknologier med potensial for å både kunne utføre og redusere risikoen til noen av de identifiserte operasjonene. Anbefaling for videre arbeid Basert på den robotteknologien med høyest potensial for å bade utføre og redusere risikoen til noen av de identifiserte operasjonene er elleve teknologier anbefalt for videre arbeid.M-M

    Brake Steer Torque Optimized Corner Braking of Motorcycles

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    This thesis deals with the Brake Steer Torque (BST) induced stand-up tendency of Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) and measures to lower the associated risk for running wide on curve accidents with sudden, unforeseen braking. Focus is set on the BST Avoidance Mechanism (BSTAM), a chassis design that eliminates the BST through lateral inclination of the kinematic steering axis. A simple mathematical model is used to identify its main influences on the driving behavior and derive an optimized system layout. Its theoretical potential is evaluated against the standard chassis using different cornering adaptive brake force distributions and riding styles. For the first time ever, a motorcycle with state-of-the-art brake system (Honda CBR 600 RR, C-ABS) is equipped with a BSTAM and tested in corner braking experiments. Compared to the baseline, it is significantly reducing BST related disturbances and improving directional control. The gained insights can be stepping stones to enhance PTW safety by enabling future assistance systems with autonomous corner braking