423 research outputs found

    Constant-Weight Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation

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    We consider the local rank-modulation scheme in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The local rank-modulation, as a generalization of the rank-modulation scheme, has been recently suggested as a way of storing information in flash memory. We study constant-weight Gray codes for the local rank-modulation scheme in order to simulate conventional multi-level flash cells while retaining the benefits of rank modulation. We provide necessary conditions for the existence of cyclic and cyclic optimal Gray codes. We then specifically study codes of weight 2 and upper bound their efficiency, thus proving that there are no such asymptotically-optimal cyclic codes. In contrast, we study codes of weight 3 and efficiently construct codes which are asymptotically-optimal

    Constant-Weight Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation

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    We consider the local rank-modulation scheme in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. Local rank- modulation is a generalization of the rank-modulation scheme, which has been recently suggested as a way of storing information in flash memory. We study constant-weight Gray codes for the local rank- modulation scheme in order to simulate conventional multi-level flash cells while retaining the benefits of rank modulation. We provide necessary conditions for the existence of cyclic and cyclic optimal Gray codes. We then specifically study codes of weight 2 and upper bound their efficiency, thus proving that there are no such asymptotically-optimal cyclic codes. In contrast, we study codes of weight 3 and efficiently construct codes which are asymptotically-optimal. We conclude with a construction of codes with asymptotically-optimal rate and weight asymptotically half the length, thus having an asymptotically-optimal charge difference between adjacent cells

    On the Complexity of Square-CeH Configurations

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    The procedure is proposed for obtaining the complexity numbers of square-cell configurations. It is based on the concept of the canonical square-cell configuration. The complexity number of a square-cell configuration is then simply the minimal of edge-cuts by which this structure can be reduced to constituting canonical configurations

    Elucidation of molecular kinetic schemes from macroscopic traces using system identification

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    Overall cellular responses to biologically-relevant stimuli are mediated by networks of simpler lower-level processes. Although information about some of these processes can now be obtained by visualizing and recording events at the molecular level, this is still possible only in especially favorable cases. Therefore the development of methods to extract the dynamics and relationships between the different lower-level (microscopic) processes from the overall (macroscopic) response remains a crucial challenge in the understanding of many aspects of physiology. Here we have devised a hybrid computational-analytical method to accomplish this task, the SYStems-based MOLecular kinetic scheme Extractor (SYSMOLE). SYSMOLE utilizes system-identification input-output analysis to obtain a transfer function between the stimulus and the overall cellular response in the Laplace-transformed domain. It then derives a Markov-chain state molecular kinetic scheme uniquely associated with the transfer function by means of a classification procedure and an analytical step that imposes general biological constraints. We first tested SYSMOLE with synthetic data and evaluated its performance in terms of its rate of convergence to the correct molecular kinetic scheme and its robustness to noise. We then examined its performance on real experimental traces by analyzing macroscopic calcium-current traces elicited by membrane depolarization. SYSMOLE derived the correct, previously known molecular kinetic scheme describing the activation and inactivation of the underlying calcium channels and correctly identified the accepted mechanism of action of nifedipine, a calcium-channel blocker clinically used in patients with cardiovascular disease. Finally, we applied SYSMOLE to study the pharmacology of a new class of glutamate antipsychotic drugs and their crosstalk mechanism through a heteromeric complex of G protein-coupled receptors. Our results indicate that our methodology can be successfully applied to accurately derive molecular kinetic schemes from experimental macroscopic traces, and we anticipate that it may be useful in the study of a wide variety of biological systems

    Modeling seismic wave propagation and amplification in 1D/2D/3D linear and nonlinear unbounded media

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    To analyze seismic wave propagation in geological structures, it is possible to consider various numerical approaches: the finite difference method, the spectral element method, the boundary element method, the finite element method, the finite volume method, etc. All these methods have various advantages and drawbacks. The amplification of seismic waves in surface soil layers is mainly due to the velocity contrast between these layers and, possibly, to topographic effects around crests and hills. The influence of the geometry of alluvial basins on the amplification process is also know to be large. Nevertheless, strong heterogeneities and complex geometries are not easy to take into account with all numerical methods. 2D/3D models are needed in many situations and the efficiency/accuracy of the numerical methods in such cases is in question. Furthermore, the radiation conditions at infinity are not easy to handle with finite differences or finite/spectral elements whereas it is explicitely accounted in the Boundary Element Method. Various absorbing layer methods (e.g. F-PML, M-PML) were recently proposed to attenuate the spurious wave reflections especially in some difficult cases such as shallow numerical models or grazing incidences. Finally, strong earthquakes involve nonlinear effects in surficial soil layers. To model strong ground motion, it is thus necessary to consider the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of soils and simultaneously investigate seismic wave propagation in complex 2D/3D geological structures! Recent advances in numerical formulations and constitutive models in such complex situations are presented and discussed in this paper. A crucial issue is the availability of the field/laboratory data to feed and validate such models.Comment: of International Journal Geomechanics (2010) 1-1

    Canonical sectors of five-dimensional Chern-Simons theories

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    The dynamics of five-dimensional Chern-Simons theories is analyzed. These theories are characterized by intricate self couplings which give rise to dynamical features not present in standard theories. As a consequence, Dirac's canonical formalism cannot be directly applied due to the presence of degeneracies of the symplectic form and irregularities of the constraints on some surfaces of phase space, obscuring the dynamical content of these theories. Here we identify conditions that define sectors where the canonical formalism can be applied for a class of non-Abelian Chern-Simons theories, including supergravity. A family of solutions satisfying the canonical requirements is explicitly found. The splitting between first and second class constraints is performed around these backgrounds, allowing the construction of the charge algebra, including its central extension.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    A New, Efficient Stellar Evolution Code for Calculating Complete Evolutionary Tracks

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    We present a new stellar evolution code and a set of results, demonstrating its capability at calculating full evolutionary tracks for a wide range of masses and metallicities. The code is fast and efficient, and is capable of following through all evolutionary phases, without interruption or human intervention. It is meant to be used also in the context of modeling the evolution of dense stellar systems, for performing live calculations for both normal star models and merger-products. The code is based on a fully implicit, adaptive-grid numerical scheme that solves simultaneously for structure, mesh and chemical composition. Full details are given for the treatment of convection, equation of state, opacity, nuclear reactions and mass loss. Results of evolutionary calculations are shown for a solar model that matches the characteristics of the present sun to an accuracy of better than 1%; a 1 Msun model for a wide range of metallicities; a series of models of stellar populations I and II, for the mass range 0.25 to 64 Msun, followed from pre-main-sequence to a cool white dwarf or core collapse. An initial final-mass relationship is derived and compared with previous studies. Finally, we briefly address the evolution of non-canonical configurations, merger-products of low-mass main-sequence parents.Comment: MNRAS, in press; several sections and figures revise