7 research outputs found

    Towards a Taxonomy for Neighborhood Volunteering Management Platforms

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    The management and organization of volunteering in the social sector have been strongly influenced by technological progress over the last two decades. New proposals for IT-based volunteering management platforms that draw on many elements of social media are appearing with increasing frequency. In this article, we analyzed the current state of the art and use a methodological approach to develop a taxonomy for classifying existing and emerging developments in the field. The taxonomy is intended to assist practitioners in selecting appropriate systems for their respective purposes as well as support researchers in identifying research gaps. The resulting research artifact has undergone an initial evaluation and can support maintaining a better overview in a growing subject area


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    This study aims to determine the involvement of the society in maintaining and protecting the sovereignty of the Border region in Temajuk. Camar Bulan Subvillage, Temajuk Village, is an area in West Kalimantan Province that is directly adjacent to Malaysia. Under these conditions, this area was once claimed by the state of Malaysia and had become a concern of the public or government. The claim was made by the Malaysian state by establishing 2 lighthouses in the waters of Camar Bulan Sub village. Fortunately, the case was resolved through peace negotiations between countries. After the claim, the community responded to this problem by voluntarily involving themselves in maintaining the boundaries of state sovereignty. The approach used is qualitative and descriptive method. Data sources of the research consisted of Village Officials (Village heads), border guard volunteers (border stake guard officers and border youth), and the people living in the Temajuk border area of West Kalimantan. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, dan conclusion/verification. The results obtained include: (1) society involvement in the Indonesia-Malaysia border has been actively involved in various social and political activities as a form of defending the country; and (2) supporting factors in maintaining the sovereignty of Indonesia's territory in the border areas, namely public awareness is high enough to maintain the sovereignty of the Indonesian border include the existence of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, society awareness to maintain sovereignty as the highest authority holder, society cooperation with various authorities in maintaining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

    Literasi media, chilling effect, dan partisipasi politik remaja

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    Peningkatan pengguna Internet di Indonesia menjadi petanda baik bahwa akses masyarakat ke Internet semakin baik. Akan tetapi, peningkatan tersebut juga menimbulkan kekhawatiran terkait kesiapan masyarakat dalam berinteraksi di media sosial. Saat ini, media sosial tidak lagi menjadi ruang publik yang netral karena adannya penyalahgunaan oleh kelompok tertentu dengan menyebarkan berita palsu, propaganda, hate spin, dan lain-lain. Situasi ini diperparah dengan tingkat literasi media masyarakat yang rendah. Pemerintah mengeluarkan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) guna mengatur kegaduhan di media sosial. Namun, tindakan ini menuai banyak kritikan dari berbagai kalangan. Salah satunya terkait efek samping (berupa chilling effect) dari UU ITE yang dapat mengancam kebebasan berpendapat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi media pada partisipasi politik di media sosial serta mengetahui apakah pengetahuan terkait UU ITE memoderasi pengaruh tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik sampling purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang kemudian dianalis menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat literasi media yang tinggi terutama pada kategori functional consumption, critical consumption, functional prosumer. Tidak ada perbedaan tingkat literasi media antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Peningkatan keterampilan literasi media tersebut akan diikuti oleh peningkatan partisipasi politik. Akan tetapi, pengetahuan terkait UU ITE tidak berkontribusi pada pengaruh tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian juga menemukan bahwa keterampilan critical consuming dan critical prosumer memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan partisipasi politik di media sosial

    Place and city: merging our affective and social spatial dimension in the (smart) platial city

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsWe are living in (smart) cities that hold social-oriented promises but currently, most of these cities disregard the humans. Although some alternatives are appearing such as smart citizen-centric approaches, there is a lack of how promoting truly appealing perspectives toward a common good or better social synergies. Thereby, smart cities, with their associated Information and Communication Technology tools, are offering new possibilities, but, unfortunately, citizens are not fully exploiting the opportunities to empower themselves because, among other reasons, they are not aware of their common spatialities. Currently, we are not able to operationalize the spatial humanurban interactions regarding citizens’ cognitions, feelings and behaviors towards city places (i.e., sense of place) and meaningful geographic human relationships (i.e., social capital). Both concepts are significant as resources for an alternative landscape based on human perception and organization of social interactions fostered through the geographic place(s). In this research, we highlight the need to understand and operationalize social concepts spatial dimension for a better understanding of a smart citizen-centric approach which is mainly dependent on our capability to understand platial urban dynamics. We conceptualized a (spatial) conceptual framework for sense of place and social capital at the individual level to study their spatial relationship in the urban context. We developed a web map-based survey based on the literature to spatialize, characterize and measure sense of place, social capital and civic engagement. Using the spatial data collected, we validated our framework and demonstrated the importance to encompass the spatial dimension of social concepts (i.e., sense of place and social capital) as pivotal aspect (1) to understand the platial urban dynamics; (2) to provide useful social-spatial data to city processes (e.g. civic engagement); and (3) to reveal the potential to include them in social theory and structural equation models. Furthermore, we highlighted the crucial role of Geographic Information Science (GISc) techniques to gather the spatial dimension of those social concepts. Although in this research we focus on the spatial relationship between sense of place and social capital on civic engagement, the possibilities to relate our framework and methodology to other city based-notions can bring to light new platial urban dynamics. This research wants to open up the agenda for further research into exploratory place-based geography studies and, simultaneously, sets up a common social ground to build other socially-oriented conceptualizations or applications on top of it

    Determinants of information and communication technologies for the online citizen participation adoption in urban contexts

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsThe electronic citizen participation (e-participation) is considered a branch of e-government with a focus on citizen involvement in information, consultation, and decision-making processes along with local governments. E-participation is considered an important pillar to support an inclusive and participative democracy. Governments all around the world, mainly local governments, are implementing different e-participation tools, for instance, online participatory budgeting, e-petitions, online incident reporting systems, online forums, etc. The potential benefits for the society of citizens engagement in the use of e-participation is widely agreed in the literature. However, the drivers of the e-participation adoption by the citizens are still on an exploratory stage in existing research. The understanding of the e-participation adoption factors is of a crucial importance for defining governmental strategies that pursue the citizen participatory engagement. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the determinants of e-participation adoption in the urban contexts at individual level. The dissertation first carries out a review of the existing literature following a quantitative approach. Second, we developed three research models grounded in theories as unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), psychological empowerment, social capital, and sense of virtual community. Each model was evaluated in a cross-sectional experiment in two Portuguese cities that have implemented e-participation tools. The analysis of each model and its results are analysed in detail in each of the sections of this dissertation. And finally, we propose two lines for future research, one focused on the citizens satisfaction with e-participation, and the other explores the inclusion of components from social geography. Furthermore, the findings from this dissertation also provide insights for local governments that implement e-participation tools. The literature review of sixty quantitative studies published from the year 2000 to year 2017 revealed that the factors with stronger effect on the intention to use e-participation were the perceived usefulness, attitude, trust, trust in government, effort expectancy, and social influence. However, the most of these studies used a single theory of information systems to investigate e-participation, which may not uncover specific factors of the e-participation phenomenon. Moreover, the success of e-participation tools relies on the continuous usage over time. Understanding solely the drivers of intention to use in the short time does not guarantee the success in the long-term adoption. From the three research models presented in this dissertation, the first model focus on the study of the intention to use, usage, and intention to recommend e-participation. The last two focus on the continued intention to use e-participation. The first study develops a model that integrates the psychological empowerment, as second-order construct, and UTAUT to explain the intention to use and intention to recommend e-participation. We found that performance expectancy and empowerment were the stronger motivators of intention to use, and empowerment was the stronger driver for the citizens recommend the e-participation technologies. The second study evaluates the effect of each of the dimensions of empowerment plus habit on the continued intention to use e-participation. Results show that competence, meaning, and habit have a significant effect on the continuous intention. Multigroup analysis in this study revealed that the use of e-participation has stronger meaning for older participants. The third cross-sectional study integrates the sense of virtual community theory with constructs of UTAUT that have a direct effect on the usage behaviour, namely facilitating conditions and habit. We found that habit is a good predictor of use behaviour and continued intention, nevertheless, sense of virtual community resulted a good predictor of e-participation usage in the short term, but not significant on the continued intention to use over time