6 research outputs found

    Mainan Elektronik Genggam Eido Sebagai Inovasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Mikrokontroler Dan Pemrograman C

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    Terdapat persepsi yang kuat dikalangan mahasiswa bahwa mata kuliah terkait pemrograman perangkat keras dan mikrokontroler merupakan mata kuliah yang sukar dimengerti. Rendahnya motivasi belajar, metode penyampaian kuliah yang tidak merangsang kreativitas, serta ketiadaan perangkat belajar mandiri menjadi penyebab munculnya keadaan tersebut. EIDO adalah perangkat pembelajaran inovatif berbentuk mainan elektronik genggam (handhel electronic game) yang dapat diprogram ulang berbasis bahasa pemrograman C. Eido dibuat dengan mengintegrasikan mikrokontroler AVR dan program C agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penggunanya untuk menciptakan program permainanya sendiri. Tahapan perancangan dalam penelitian mengacu pada tahapan perancangan model pembelajaran Dick and Carey, yaitu analyze-design-develop-implement-evaluate, yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada lingkungan pendidikan formal, khususnya pendidikan tinggi. Implementasi dan evaluasi diperoleh melalui penerapan algoritma dan pembuatan permainan ‘kelabang\u27, yang diadapsi dari permainan ualr klasik 2D pada mainan genggam elektronik

    Fitting Mobile in the IS Curriculum

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    In this research in progress paper we examine how the trends towards an increasingly mobile future might be reflected in the undergraduate IS curriculum, and some of the challenges faced in making such a move. This paper is based on the discussions around redesigning the IS curriculum at UW Oshkosh, which are taking place this spring (2012). As such, this research is in very early stages and we are looking for feedback and insight from the MWAIS community

    Game Development Based Approach for Learning to Program: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Digitalization is advancing rapidly around the globe. Sufficient training in programming, computer science, and IT should be provided to ensure that upcoming generations do not just experience digitalization but rather actively participate in the process. One emergent educational approach aimed to lower educational barriers and increase the engagement of children and teenagers in programming is game development based learning (GDBL). In this study, we conduct a systematic literature review of empirical papers applying GDBL within programming and computer science courses. The attributes and learning outcomes of GDBL courses for various educational settings are reported and discussed. The results suggest that GDBL in computer science and programming education is an effective approach. We conclude with implications for future research and practice

    Can Mobile Game Development Foster Student Interest in Computer Science

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    Abstract—Mobile culture refers to an increasingly important role that mobile communication and mobile media play in our everyday lives. Young people are often viewed as the driving force behind the innovation in mobile technology, since they comprise the majority of early adopters and most avid users of mobile gadgets and applications, especially mobile games. Many contemporary college students grew up surrounded by computer games and electronic gadgets and, therefore, may better relate to mobile technology than to the desktops dominating current academic environment. This paper makes the case for using mobile game development as a motivational tool and a learning context in computing curriculum, which is supported by the results of a large student survey. The paper also presents a case study illustrating how mobile game development can be successfully integrated into a breadth-first introductory Computer Science course. Keywords-mobile games; mobile culture; curriculum; student learning; motivation I

    How women play mobile games: Studying the consumer culture of mobile games among young adult females

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    Female players have interested researchers and industry professionals ever since the video games market started notably growing again after the mid-80s. Numerous studies motivated by the desire to grow the female demographic of games have studied female preferences and obstacles of adoption i.a. Since then, the video games market has developed significantly and continues growing with an increasing speed. A significant part of this growth is due to the advancements in mobile games that have expanded the potential player base of games. Interestingly, the majority of the player base of mobile games is female. Yet, research on gender and video games has more or less stagnated. The study on hand focuses on this major demographic of mobile games and the prevailing consumer culture behind it. Current business oriented academic research on mobile games is still fairly scarce and not much is yet known about the characteristics of mobile game consumers. By introducing the platform of mobile games to the discussion, the study on hand attempts to remove established presumptions of female players and contribute towards moving into more multifaceted research approach. Better understanding the player demographic, which has clearly benefited from the mobile platform, benefits both marketers and industry professionals in developing their actions. The topic is studied through the research question of how do young adult females play mobile games and what factors are linked to the consumption culture. A constructivist approach and interpretivist perspective are taken towards the topic. Narrative data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews and analyzed by utilizing consumer culture theory. The study identifies three significant groups of actions in consumption of mobile games: positive patterns of play, negative patterns of play, and control mechanisms. These thematic groups hold a specific behavior patterns that are used to negotiate mobile games consumption both with oneself and surrounding people. The observed behavior patterns illustrate the statements in previous literature that female players are a diverse consumer group and should not be reviewed with limited and positivist views. The study finds out that mobile games have removed many previous obstacles of female play. However, negative associations of gaming as antisocial and masculine activity still remain in mobile games that affects perceptions and how gaming is negotiated. It is finally proposed that many female players construct a consumption enclave for themselves in order to control the undesired associations from their surroundings. The main contribution of the study is identifying how varied female patters of play are thus underlining the need to abandon narrow conceptions of female players as a homogeneous group. Further diversifying the understanding of video game demographics helps marketers and industry professionals in better addressing market needs and expanding the player base