3 research outputs found

    Metrics and Visualizations for Managing Value Creation in Continuous Software Engineering

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    Digitalized society is built on top of software. The supplier of a software system delivers valuable new features to the users of the system in small increments in a continuous manner. To achieve continuous delivery of new features, new versions of software are delivered in rapid cycles. The goal is to get timely feedback from the stakeholders of the system in order to deliver business value.The development team needs timely information of the process to be able to improve it. A demonstrative overview of the process helps to get better understanding about the development process. Moreover, the development team is often willing to get retrospective information of the process in order to improve it and to maintain the 铿俹w of continuous value creation.The team uses various tools in the daily software engineering activities. The tools generate vast amount of data concerning the development process. For instance, issue management and version control systems hold detailed information on the actual development process. Mining software repositories provides a data-driven view to the development process.In this thesis, novel metrics and visualizations were built on top of the data. The developed artifacts help to understand and manage the value creation process. With this novel, demonstrative information, lean continuous improvement of the development process is made possible. With the novel metrics and visualizations, the development organization can get such new information on the process which is not easily available otherwise.The new information the metrics and visualizations provide help to different stakeholders of the project to get insight of the development process. The automatically generated data re铿俥cts the actual events in the development. The novel metrics and visualizations provide a practical tool for management purposes and continuous software process improvement

    Propuesta de elaboraci贸n de indicadores para el Sistema de Informaci贸n Gerencial de Correos de Costa Rica

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    Trabajo Final de Graduaci贸n (Licenciatura en Administraci贸n en Tecnolog铆a de Informaci贸n) Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica, 脕rea Acad茅mica de Administraci贸n de Tecnolog铆as de Informaci贸n, 2015.El presente proyecto pretende entregar a Correos de Costa Rica S.A. una propuesta de indicadores claves de desempe帽o para el sistema de inteligencia de negocios que apoyen la toma de decisiones de gerentes y directores. Dicha organizaci贸n planea la implementaci贸n de un sistema de inteligencia de negocios que facilite la toma de decisiones; sin embargo, se desconocen los indicadores claves de desempe帽o que deben formar parte del sistema. Para resolver esta situaci贸n este proyecto plantea el dise帽o de una ficha de indicadores mediante la cual se elaboren todos los indicadores del sistema. Para la elaboraci贸n de los indicadores se realizan entrevistas con los gerentes y directores de cada una de las gerencias de la empresa, a saber: la Gerencia de Administraci贸n y Finanzas, la Gerencia de Recursos Humanos, la Gerencia de Inform谩tica, la Gerencia de Operaciones y la Gerencia Comercial. Tambi茅n, se revisan documentos generados la Direcci贸n de Planificaci贸n sobre indicadores claves de desempe帽o de la organizaci贸n. Luego de la elaboraci贸n de los indicadores se identifican las fuentes de datos para el c谩lculo de estos mediante el an谩lisis de las fuentes de informaci贸n de la organizaci贸n. Con la finalidad de tener un panorama general sobre la calidad de las fuentes de datos se aplica la t茅cnica de perfilado de dato sobre ellas. Como resultado se obtiene una propuesta de veinte (20) indicadores claves de desempe帽o de tipo financiero, administrativo, log铆stico, comercial, inform谩tico y de recursos humanos para el sistema de inteligencia de negocios de Correos de Costa Rica.This project aims to deliver Correos de Costa Rica S.A. a proposal of key performance indicators for the business intelligence system to support decisionmaking of managers and directors. The organization plans to implement a business intelligence system that facilitates decision-making, however, the key performance indicators that should be part of the system are unknown. To resolve this situation the project proposes to design a indicators index card by which all system indicators are developed. For development of the indicators they are conducted interviews with managers and directors of each of the organization area of the company: Administration and Finance, Human Resource, Information, Operations and Commercial. Documents generated by Planning Direction about key performance indicators of the organization are also reviewed. After the development of indicators data sources for calculating them are identified by analyzing the sources of information of the organization. In order to have an overview of the quality of the data sources profiling technique applies data on them. As a result a proposal of twenty (20) key performance indicators of financial, administrative, logistical, business, IT and human resource are obteined for the Correos de Costa Rica鈥檚 business intelligence system