31 research outputs found

    Can gamification improve the benefits of student response systems in learning? an experimental study

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    Student response systems (SRSs) are becoming popular among instructors in nearly all levels of learning. The benefits of using SRSs in terms of attendance, attention, participation, or motivation have been shown in many studies. Moreover, several studies demonstrate that the use of some kind of gaming techniques in education are useful to stimulate students to learn in wider, longer, and deeper ways. This paper analyzes whether the integration of both SRSs and gaming techniques leads to better results in motivation, attention, engagement, and learning performance than SRSs alone. For this purpose, a new tool has been developed for conducting an experimental study with students from different subjects and from different academic levels. A randomized post-test-only control group analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of the gamified SRS

    Kahoot! Gamification in an Accounting Class

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    Gamification presents an effective way to teach students in a college classroom as they enjoy the competition. Kahoot offers a fun and engaging environment where students can play a game to learn or review course material that is free for students and faculty. Student can play a Kahoot on a laptop, phone, or tablet. Kahoot offers multiple-choice, true or false, or short answer questions along with a puzzle for students to complete in the classroom. Tips for using Kahoot effectively include keeping it fun, using it to review test or material from the last class meeting, and using the results to find areas where more instruction may be necessary

    Game-Based Learning and Students’ Behavioral Engagement at a Private School in Minahasa Utara

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    This study was to determine the correlation between Game-based learning and Students behavioral engagement. This study used quantitative design method which were descriptive and correlational. The instrument used in this study is questionnaire. The researchers adapted the questionnaire from Kolengen (2012) for Game-based learning and second questionnaire adapted from Setyowati (2021) for Student behavioral engagement. The respondents of this study were 65 students from grades VII C and VII D of SMP Advent Unklab. The result of this study showed that the level of used Game-based learning was 4.00 which is categorized in high level. Secondly, the level of Student behavioral engagement was 3.91 which is high level. The last result showed that there is significant correlation between Game-based learning and Student behavioral engagement

    Knowledge and Use of Active Learning Strategies Among Lecturers at the College of Health Technology Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the knowledge and use of active learning strategies among lecturers at the College of Health Technology, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, two research questions and hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted a survey research design. Census approach was used to select a sample of 109 lecturers at the College of Health Technology Calabar. An instrument titled, “Knowledge and Use of Active Learning Strategies Questionnaire” (KUALSQ) was used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated using Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.80, after a pilot test. Deviation and hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significant using a population t-test and simple linear regression statistics. From the answers to the research questions, the respondents indicated a low level of knowledge and use of active learning strategies on two items and the test of hypotheses revealed that the level of knowledge and use of active learning strategies among lecturers in the College of Health Technology Calabar is not significantly high. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that the school management should conduct seminars for lecturers on active learning strategies that can be used in the classroom, as this would promote students’ interest and participation in the course

    Incorporating Kahoot! in core engineering courses: student engagement and performance

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    Technology-enriched lessons can contribute to improving student engagement and learning in engineering courses. In this study we systematically incorporated Kahoot!, a game-based response system, in two mandatory content-intensive undergraduate engineering courses. In both courses, short quizzes were incorporated regularly at the beginning of the lesson. The questions were mostly about concepts, and students earned bonus points. At the end of the course, the students filled in an anonymous survey regarding their perceptions of the Kahoot! part of the lessons. In addition, the students’ grades in the final test were compared to their gains in the Kahoot! quizzes. We found that student satisfaction with the systematic incorporation of the Kahoot! quizzes was high in both courses. Most students were motivated to review the course content before class and about half were motivated to attend class. Most students perceived Kahoot! quizzes as contributing to their understanding of the course content. We also found a positive association between student success in the quizzes and their performance in the final exam in both courses. The frequent Kahoot! quizzes supplied continuous feedback to the students and lecturers, and the students became more engaged in the course content. Our findings indicate that technologyenriched strategies, specifically gamification techniques, contribute to increased student engagement, motivation, and performance in content-intensive engineering coursesPeer Reviewe

    A Pedagogical Game Design Document (Ped-GDD) to Promote Teachers’ Engagement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    Current research suggests that using gamification in a pedagogical context can provide a positive learning experience to students. Integrating teachers’ pedagogical input into the early stage of game design is an understudied area, and although the teachers’ role is acknowledged, the way of communicating teachers’ input is still undetermined. The current literature suggests the practice of using a Gamification Design Document (GDD) to illustrate a game requirements plan is a useful approach. In this paper, we discuss the development of a Pedagogical Game Design Document (Ped-GDD) using an Agile Holistic Framework to Support Teachers in Pedagogical Gamification Design. The paper also suggests the benefits of extending the research of the Ped-GDD further to be part of an e-Government scheme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to promote resources collaboration amongst teachers in educational software tool developments

    Individualization of teaching in foreign language classes for the development of critical thinking skills

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    Уміння швидко орієнтуватися в інформаційних потоках, приймати виважені та відповідальні рішення, визначати свою позицію на основі морально-етичних установок, орієнтованих на громадянські цінності, сучасний студент може набути через розвиток високого рівня інтелекту, вміння критично мислити, стійкі моральні цінності тощо. Тому в процесі навчання можуть допомогти принципи індивідуалізованого навчання, які посилюють роль кожного учня на уроці, стимулюючи таким чином активізацію навичок критичного мислення.The ability to quickly navigate information flows, make informed and responsible decisions, and determine one's position based on moral and ethical attitudes focused on civic values can be acquired by a modern student through the development of a high level of intelligence, the ability to think critically, stable moral values, etc. Therefore, the principles of individualized learning that strengthen the role of each student in the classroom, thus stimulating the activation of critical thinking skills, may help in the process of education

    Elaboration and validation of the scale to measure the experience on gamification in education (EGAMEDU)

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    Nowadays, we talk about the use of gamification in education, an active methodology that consists of the use of mechanics, design or game structures in class. With this type of methodology, the effort is rewarded, which is treated as a motivating tool in class. There is no valid or well-structured instrument to measure gamification properly in education. This research arises from the need to develop and validate an instrument to measure the experience on gamification in educational contexts (EGAMEDU) as a useful tool of diagnosis so that the teaching staff can guide their teaching practice toward the use of this methodology. The sample used for the validation of the questionnaire is composed of 401 participants related to education and gamified experiences. The results show good validity indexes and a factorial structure according to the one proposed in the theoryPeer Reviewe

    The paradigm shift in medical imaging education and training in Europe

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    The main goal of this literature review is to discuss the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in the field of medical imaging education in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic scenario that forced the remodeling of the teaching and learning process. A bibliographic search was carried out in the main databases and from resources available in scientific and professional associations in Europe. Exclusion criteria included articles without contributions on distance learning or active learning. Education and training in medical imaging field had to readapt and the usual opportunities for medical imaging and radiotherapy (MIR) students to learn in person in the classroom, lab and clinical settings, had to be quickly transformed into distance learning opportunities. Thus, online education became a pedagogical shift from traditional method to the modern approach of teaching and learning from classroom to Zoom, from personal to virtual and from seminars to webinars, leading to the emergence of innovative teaching models. Moreover, student-centered strategies such as flipped classroom and game-based learning have been recently applied in health professions education with positive and very promising results. In conclusion, due to the pandemic crisis, MIR educators and students find themselves in the situation where they felt compelled to embrace the digital academic experience, allowing the progressive innovation of e-learning. In this context, game-based learning appears to be effective for improving knowledge, skills, attitudes and satisfaction and should be considered as a potential systematic tool in the field of medical imaging education. Therefore, preparedness of radiographers depends on the application of effective training and education methodologies that allows excellent clinical performance and maintaining high quality and safety standards, both through undergraduate course and continuous professional development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Paradigm Shift in Medical Imaging Education and Training in Europe

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    The main goal of this literature review is to discuss the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in the field of medical imaging education in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic scenario that forced the remodeling of the teaching and learning process. A bibliographic search was carried out in the main databases and from resources available in scientific and professional associations in Europe. Exclusion criteria included articles without contributions on distance learning or active learning. Education and training in medical imaging field had to readapt and the usual opportunities for medical imaging and radiotherapy (MIR) students to learn in person in the classroom, lab and clinical settings, had to be quickly transformed into distance learning opportunities. Thus, online education became a pedagogical shift from traditional method to the modern approach of teaching and learning from classroom to Zoom, from personal to virtual and from seminars to webinars, leading to the emergence of innovative teaching models. Moreover, student-centered strategies such as flipped classroom and game-based learning have been recently applied in health professions education with positive and very promising results. In conclusion, due to the pandemic crisis, MIR educators and students find themselves in the situation where they felt compelled to embrace the digital academic experience, allowing the progressive innovation of e-learning. In this context, game-based learning appears to be effective for improving knowledge, skills, attitudes and satisfaction and should be considered as a potential systematic tool in the field of medical imaging education. Therefore, preparedness of radiographers depends on the application of effective training and education methodologies that allows excellent clinical performance and maintaining high quality and safety standards, both through undergraduate course and continuous professional development