25 research outputs found

    Fifty Years of ISCA: A data-driven retrospective on key trends

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    Computer Architecture, broadly, involves optimizing hardware and software for current and future processing systems. Although there are several other top venues to publish Computer Architecture research, including ASPLOS, HPCA, and MICRO, ISCA (the International Symposium on Computer Architecture) is one of the oldest, longest running, and most prestigious venues for publishing Computer Architecture research. Since 1973, except for 1975, ISCA has been organized annually. Accordingly, this year will be the 50th year of ISCA. Thus, we set out to analyze the past 50 years of ISCA to understand who and what has been driving and innovating computing systems thus far. Our analysis identifies several interesting trends that reflect how ISCA, and Computer Architecture in general, has grown and evolved in the past 50 years, including minicomputers, general-purpose uniprocessor CPUs, multiprocessor and multi-core CPUs, general-purpose GPUs, and accelerators.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Beyond Dataflow

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    This paper presents some recent advanced dataflow architectures. While the dataflow concept offers the potential of high performance, the performance of an actual dataflow implementation can be restricted by a limited number of functional units, limited memory bandwidth, and the need to associatively match pending operations with available functional units. Since the early 1970s, there have been significant developments in both fundamental research and practical realizations of dataflow models of computation. In particular, there has been active research and development in multithreaded architectures that evolved from the dataflow model. Also some other techniques for combining control-flow and dataflow emerged, such as coarse-grain dataflow, dataflow with complex machine operations, RISC dataflow, and micro dataflow. These developments have also had certain impact on the conception of highperformance superscalar processors in the “post-RISC” era

    ASC: A stream compiler for computing with FPGAs

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    Looking to Parallel Algorithms for ILP and Decentralization

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    We introduce explicit multi-threading (XMT), a decentralized architecture that exploits fine-grained SPMD-style programming; a SPMD program can translate directly to MIPS assembly language using three additional instruction primitives. The motivation for XMT is: (i) to define an inherently decentralizable architecture, taking into account that the performance of future integrated circuits will be dominated by wire costs, (ii) to increase available instruction-level parallelism (ILP) by leveraging expertise in the world of parallel algorithms, and (iii) to reduce hardware complexity by alleviating the need to detect ILP at run-time: if parallel algorithms can give us an overabundance of work to do in the form of thread-level parallelism, one can extract instruction-level parallelism with greatly simplified dependence-checking. We show that implementations of such an architecture tend towards decentralization and that, when global communication is necessary, overall performance is relatively insensitive to large on-chip delays. We compare the performance of the design to more traditional parallel architectures and to a high-performance superscalar implementation, but the intent is merely to illustrate the performance behavior of the organization and to stimulate debate on the viability of introducing SPMD to the single-chip processor domain. We cannot offer at this stage hard comparisons with well-researched models of execution. When programming for the SPMD model, the total number of operations that the processor has to perform is often slightly higher. To counter this, we have observed that the length of the critical path through the dynamic execution graph is smaller than in the serial domain, and the amount of ILP is correspondingly larger. Fine-grained SPMD programming connects with a broad knowledge base in parallel algorithms and scales down to provide good performance relative to high-performance superscalar designs even with small input sizes and small numbers of functional units. Keywords: Fine-grained SPMD, parallel algorithms. spawn-join, prefix-sum, instruction-level parallelism, decentralized architecture. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR- 98-40

    The Dataflow Computational Model And Its Evolution

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    Το υπολογιστικό μοντέλο dataflow είναι ένα εναλλακτικό του von-Neumann. Τα κυριότερα χαρακτηριστικά του είναι ο ασύγχρονος προγραμματισμός εργασιών και το ότι επιτρέπει μαζική παραλληλία. Αυτή η πτυχιακή είναι μία μελέτη αυτού του μοντέλου, καθώς και μερικών υβριδικών μοντέλων, που βρίσκονται ανάμεσα στο αρχικό μοντέλο dataflow και στο von-Neumann. Τέλος, υπάρχουν αναφορές σε μερικές αρχές του dataflow, οι οποίες έχουν υιοθετηθεί σε συμβατικές μηχανές, γλώσσες προγραμματισμού και συστήματα κατανεμημένων υπολογισμών.The dataflow computational model is an alternative to the von-Neumann model. Its most significant aspects are, that it is based on asynchronous instructions scheduling and exposes massive parallelism. This thesis is a review of the dataflow computational model, as well as of some hybrid models, which lie between the pure dataflow and the von Neumann model. Additionally, there are some references to dataflow principles, that are or are being adopted by conventional machines, programming languages and distributed computing systems


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    This dissertation discusses a novel, previously unexplored execution model called Demand-Driven Execution (DDE), which executes programs starting from the outputs of the program, progressing towards the inputs of the program. This approach is significantly different from prior demand-driven reduction machines as it can execute a program written in an imperative language using the demand-driven paradigm while extracting both instruction and data level parallelism. The execution model relies on an executable Single Assignment Form which serves both as the internal representation of the compiler as well as the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of the machine. This work develops the instruction set architecture, the programming language pragmatics, and the microarchitecture for the demand-driven execution paradigm

    Can dataflow subsume von Neumann computing?

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    Context flow architecture

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