5,043 research outputs found

    Camera calibration in sport event scenarios

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    The main goal of this paper is the design of a novel and robust methodology for calibrating cameras from a single image in sport scenarios, such as a soccer field, or a basketball or tennis court. In these sport scenarios, the only references we use to calibrate the camera are the lines and circles delimiting the different regions. The first problem we address is the extraction of image primitives, including the challenging problems of shaded regions and lens distortion. From these primitives, we automatically recognise the location of the sport court in the scene by estimating the homography which matches the actual court with its projection onto the image. This is achieved even when only a few primitives are available. Finally, from this homography, we recover the camera calibration parameters. In particular, we estimate the focal length as well as the position and orientation in the 3D space. We present some experiments on models and real courts which illustrate the accuracy of the proposed methodology

    A framework for event detection in field-sports video broadcasts based on SVM generated audio-visual feature model. Case-study: soccer video

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    In this paper we propose a novel audio-visual feature-based framework, for event detection in field sports broadcast video. The system is evaluated via a case-study involving MPEG encoded soccer video. Specifically, the evidence gathered by various feature detectors is combined by means of a learning algorithm (a support vector machine), which infers the occurrence of an event, based on a model generated during a training phase, utilizing a corpus of 25 hours of content. The system is evaluated using 25 hours of separate test content. Following an evaluation of results obtained, it is shown for this case, that both high precision and recall statistics are achievable

    Keeping your eye on the rail: gaze behaviour of horse riders approaching a jump

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    The gaze behaviour of riders during their approach to a jump was investigated using a mobile eye tracking device (ASL Mobile Eye). The timing, frequency and duration of fixations on the jump and the percentage of time when their point of gaze (POG) was located elsewhere were assessed. Fixations were identified when the POG remained on the jump for 100 ms or longer. The jumping skill of experienced but non-elite riders (n=10) was assessed by means of a questionnaire. Their gaze behaviour was recorded as they completed a course of three identical jumps five times. The speed and timing of the approach was calculated. Gaze behaviour throughout the overall approach and during the last five strides before take-off was assessed following frame-by-frame analyses. Differences in relation to both round and jump number were found. Significantly longer was spent fixated on the jump during round 2, both during the overall approach and during the last five strides (p , 0.05). Jump 1 was fixated on significantly earlier and more frequently than jump 2 or 3 (p , 0.05). Significantly more errors were made with jump 3 than with jump 1 (p=0.01) but there was no difference in errors made between rounds

    Towards Full Automated Drive in Urban Environments: A Demonstration in GoMentum Station, California

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    Each year, millions of motor vehicle traffic accidents all over the world cause a large number of fatalities, injuries and significant material loss. Automated Driving (AD) has potential to drastically reduce such accidents. In this work, we focus on the technical challenges that arise from AD in urban environments. We present the overall architecture of an AD system and describe in detail the perception and planning modules. The AD system, built on a modified Acura RLX, was demonstrated in a course in GoMentum Station in California. We demonstrated autonomous handling of 4 scenarios: traffic lights, cross-traffic at intersections, construction zones and pedestrians. The AD vehicle displayed safe behavior and performed consistently in repeated demonstrations with slight variations in conditions. Overall, we completed 44 runs, encompassing 110km of automated driving with only 3 cases where the driver intervened the control of the vehicle, mostly due to error in GPS positioning. Our demonstration showed that robust and consistent behavior in urban scenarios is possible, yet more investigation is necessary for full scale roll-out on public roads.Comment: Accepted to Intelligent Vehicles Conference (IV 2017

    Analysis of the start to the first hurdle in 110m hurdles at the IAAF World Athletics Championships Beijing 2015

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    The purpose of this study was to use observational analysis to evaluate the relationships between variables measured at the start of the men’s 110 hurdles event and race performance itself. Data were obtained for competitors in 2015 IAAF World Athletics Ch ampionships, in Beijing, China. The athletes’ start was quantified by reaction time and time to the first hurdle; their action over the first hurdle was quantified by the take - off distance (i.e., the distance from the last step to the first hurdle), the la nding distance, and the total distance in the air over the first hurdle. Regression analyses revealed that the combination of one measure of the start (either reaction time or time to the first hurdle) and the measure of propulsion over the first hurdle (d istance in air over the first hurdle) predicted performance (SEE = 0.23 s in the heats, SEE = 0.16 s in the semi - finals, SEE = 0.09 s in the finals). In addition, looking at performances in the finals, where all athletes with available data used a seven - st ep approach to the first hurdle, inclusion of stride length data improved the prediction somewhat (SEE = 0.07 s). The results demonstrate that a combination of a fast start, rapid acceleration, and strong drive over the first hurdle quantifiably explains a nd contributes to performance in the men’s 110 m hurdles at the highest level

    A rhythm-based game for stroke rehabilitation

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    Investigating submerged morphologies by means of the low-budget “GeoDive” method (high resolution for detailed 3D reconstruction and related measurements)

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    Geophysical methods allow to collect geological data on lake and sea bottoms and characterize large areas, even at high depths, but with high costs. Moreover, the most widespread acquisition methods for morpho-bathymetric survey and the related instruments used are almost always ship-, ROV- or AUV-based and consequently they require high budgets. It is known that shallow waters can represent a limit for certain vessels and techniques, preventing the acquisition in the shoreface zone. To overcome the limits, i.e. to survey with high accuracy nearshore shallow waters with a low budget, we tested and tuned the “GeoDive” method that allowed us to survey two test sites, featured by the presence of “block fields” (i.e., accumulations of huge blocks and boulders of gravitational origin) under shallow waters. The “GeoDive” method allowed us to map the submerged morphologies and to acquire high-resolution optical images for further photogrammetric processing. The latter was fundamental to obtain 3D high-resolution models, also with conditions of low visibility. An Action Sport Cam with high definition resolution has been used for video acquisition, in addition to the equipment used during scientific diving. By coupling the processing of underwater-acquired data with the direct surveys performed by underwater SCUBA operators, it was possible to perform some morphological and sedimentological measurements and observations on the experimental targets, with the help of suitable markers

    The Visual Social Distancing Problem

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    One of the main and most effective measures to contain the recent viral outbreak is the maintenance of the so-called Social Distancing (SD). To comply with this constraint, workplaces, public institutions, transports and schools will likely adopt restrictions over the minimum inter-personal distance between people. Given this actual scenario, it is crucial to massively measure the compliance to such physical constraint in our life, in order to figure out the reasons of the possible breaks of such distance limitations, and understand if this implies a possible threat given the scene context. All of this, complying with privacy policies and making the measurement acceptable. To this end, we introduce the Visual Social Distancing (VSD) problem, defined as the automatic estimation of the inter-personal distance from an image, and the characterization of the related people aggregations. VSD is pivotal for a non-invasive analysis to whether people comply with the SD restriction, and to provide statistics about the level of safety of specific areas whenever this constraint is violated. We then discuss how VSD relates with previous literature in Social Signal Processing and indicate which existing Computer Vision methods can be used to manage such problem. We conclude with future challenges related to the effectiveness of VSD systems, ethical implications and future application scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. All the authors equally contributed to this manuscript and they are listed by alphabetical order. Under submissio

    Water depth influences the head depth of competitive racing starts

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    Recent research suggests that swimmers perform deeper starts in deeper water (Blitvich, McElroy, Blanksby, Clothier, & Pearson, 2000; Cornett, White, Wright, Willmott, & Stager, 2011). To provide additional information relevant to the depth adjustments swimmers make as a function of water depth and the validity of values reported in prior literature, 11 collegiate swimmers were asked to execute racing starts in three water depths (1.53 m, 2.14 m, and 3.66 m). One-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the maximum depth of the center of the head was significantly deeper in 3.66 m as compared to the shallower water depths. No differences due to water depth were detected in head speed at maximum head depth or in the distance from the wall at which maximum head depth occurred. We concluded that swimmers can and do make head depth adjustments as a function of water depth. Earlier research performed in deep water may provide overestimates of maximum head depth following the execution of a racing start in water depth typical of competitive venues