28,087 research outputs found

    Strongly quadrature-dependent noise in superconducting micro-resonators measured at the vacuum-noise limit

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    We measure frequency- and dissipation-quadrature noise in superconducting lithographed microwave resonators with sensitivity near the vacuum noise level using a Josephson parametric amplifier. At an excitation power of 100~nW, these resonators show significant frequency noise caused by two-level systems. No excess dissipation-quadrature noise (above the vacuum noise) is observed to our measurement sensitivity. These measurements demonstrate that the excess dissipation-quadrature noise is negligible compared to vacuum fluctuations, at typical readout powers used in micro-resonator applications. Our results have important implications for resonant readout of various devices such as detectors, qubits and nano-mechanical oscillators.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Wzorzec stratności dielektrycznej przy niskich częstotliwościach

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    Wzorcowanie mierników pojemności elektrycznej C i współczynnika tg delta, stosowanych do pomiarów przenikalności elektrycznej i współczynnika stratności dielektrycznej, jest utrudnione przez brak odpowiednio dokładnych wzorców tg d. Wzorce tg d realizuje się poprzez szeregowe połączenie kondensatora z rezystorem o znanej wartości. Zasadniczą przyczyną niedokładności takiego wzorca są głównie parametry resztkowe rezystora. Opisany w tym artykule wzorzec tgd przy 50 Hz ma zakres pomiarowy (0,1÷10)×10-4 i niepewność wartości 10-5.============.Calibration of electric capacitance C and the tgd factor of meters, used for permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor tgd measurements, is difficult as there is no adequately accurate tgd standards. Dielectric dissipation factor standards are made of series connection of known value capacitor and resistor. Main reason of inaccuracy this type of standard are mainly residual parameters of resistor. The standard tgd described in this paper has at 50 Hz the range (0.1÷10)×10-4 and uncertainty of value 10-5

    Millimetre Wave Power Measurement

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    There is currently no traceable power sensor for millimetre wave frequencies above 110 GHz. This thesis investigates a novel approach to remove this limitation by combining the placement of a uniquely designed microchip directly in waveguide. The design of the chip is novel in that it does not rely on a supporting structure or an external antenna when placed in the waveguide. The performance of the design was primarily analysed by computer simulation and verified with the measurement of a scale model. The results show that it is feasible to measure high frequency power by placing a chip directly in waveguide. It is predicted that the chip is able to absorb approximately 60% of incident power. Any further efficiency would require modification of the chip substrate. However, this proposed design should allow the standards institutes a reference that will enable the calibration of equipment to beyond 110 GHz

    UMTV: a Single Chip TV Receiver for PDAs, PCs and Cell Phones

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    A zero-external-component TV receiver for portable platforms is realized in a mainstream 8GHz-f/sub t/ BiCMOS process. Die size is 5/spl times/5mm/sup 2/ and power dissipation is 50mA at 3V. The receiver includes a single tunable LNA (3mA) with less than 5dB NF from 40 to 900MHz. The programmable IF filters cover all analog and digital standards

    A new method of probing mechanical losses of coatings at cryogenic temperatures

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    A new method of probing mechanical losses and comparing the corresponding deposition processes of metallic and dielectric coatings in 1-100 MHz frequency range and cryogenic temperatures is presented. The method is based on the use of extremely high-quality quartz acoustic cavities whose internal losses are orders of magnitude lower than any available coatings nowadays. The approach is demonstrated for Chromium, Chromium/Gold and a multilayer tantala/silica coatings. The Ta2O5/SiO2{\rm Ta}_2{\rm O}_5/{\rm Si}{\rm O}_2 coating has been found to exhibit a loss angle lower than 1.6×1051.6\times10^{-5} near 30 {\rm MHz} at 4 {\rm K}. The results are compared to the previous measurements

    Development of quality assurance methods for epoxy graphite prepreg

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    Quality assurance methods for graphite epoxy/prepregs were developed. Liquid chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, and gel permeation chromatography were investigated. These methods were applied to a second prepreg system. The resin matrix formulation was correlated with mechanical properties. Dynamic mechanical analysis and fracture toughness methods were investigated. The chromatography and calorimetry techniques were all successfully developed as quality assurance methods for graphite epoxy prepregs. The liquid chromatography method was the most sensitive to changes in resin formulation. The were also successfully applied to the second prepreg system

    Proximity effect on hydrodynamic interaction between a sphere and a plane measured by Force Feedback Microscopy at different frequencies

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    In this article, we measure the viscous damping G,G'', and the associated stiffness G,G', of a liquid flow in sphere-plane geometry in a large frequency range. In this regime, the lubrication approximation is expected to dominate. We first measure the static force applied to the tip. This is made possible thanks to a force feedback method. Adding a sub-nanometer oscillation of the tip, we obtain the dynamic part of the interaction with solely the knowledge of the lever properties in the experimental context using a linear transformation of the amplitude and phase change. Using a Force Feedback Microscope (FFM)we are then able to measure simultaneously the static force, the stiffness and the dissipative part of the interaction in a broad frequency range using a single AFM probe. Similar measurements have been performed by the Surface Force Apparatus with a probe radius hundred times bigger. In this context the FFM can be called nano-SFA

    Nonlinear mechanisms in passive microwave devices

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2010-2011, àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICThe telecommunications industry follows a tendency towards smaller devices, higher power and higher frequency, which imply an increase on the complexity of the electronics involved. Moreover, there is a need for extended capabilities like frequency tunable devices, ultra-low losses or high power handling, which make use of advanced materials for these purposes. In addition, increasingly demanding communication standards and regulations push the limits of the acceptable performance degrading indicators. This is the case of nonlinearities, whose effects, like increased Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), harmonics, or intermodulation distortion among others, are being included in the performance requirements, as maximum tolerable levels. In this context, proper modeling of the devices at the design stage is of crucial importance in predicting not only the device performance but also the global system indicators and to make sure that the requirements are fulfilled. In accordance with that, this work proposes the necessary steps for circuit models implementation of different passive microwave devices, from the linear and nonlinear measurements to the simulations to validate them. Bulk acoustic wave resonators and transmission lines made of high temperature superconductors, ferroelectrics or regular metals and dielectrics are the subject of this work. Both phenomenological and physical approaches are considered and circuit models are proposed and compared with measurements. The nonlinear observables, being harmonics, intermodulation distortion, and saturation or detuning, are properly related to the material properties that originate them. The obtained models can be used in circuit simulators to predict the performance of these microwave devices under complex modulated signals, or even be used to predict their performance when integrated into more complex systems. A key step to achieve this goal is an accurate characterization of materials and devices, which is faced by making use of advanced measurement techniques. Therefore, considerations on special measurement setups are being made along this thesis.Award-winningPostprint (published version