106 research outputs found

    MODIS Tree Cover Validation for the Circumpolar Taiga-Tundra Transition Zone

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    A validation of the 2005 500m MODIS vegetation continuous fields (VCF) tree cover product in the circumpolar taiga-tundra ecotone was performed using high resolution Quickbird imagery. Assessing the VCF's performance near the northern limits of the boreal forest can help quantify the accuracy of the product within this vegetation transition area. The circumpolar region was divided into longitudinal zones and validation sites were selected in areas of varying tree cover where Quickbird imagery is available in Google Earth. Each site was linked to the corresponding VCF pixel and overlaid with a regular dot grid within the VCF pixel's boundary to estimate percent tree crown cover in the area. Percent tree crown cover was estimated using Quickbird imagery for 396 sites throughout the circumpolar region and related to the VCF's estimates of canopy cover for 2000-2005. Regression results of VCF inter-annual comparisons (2000-2005) and VCF-Quickbird image-interpreted estimates indicate that: (1) Pixel-level, inter-annual comparisons of VCF estimates of percent canopy cover were linearly related (mean R(sup 2) = 0.77) and exhibited an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.1 % and an average root mean square difference (RMSD) of 7.3%. (2) A comparison of image-interpreted percent tree crown cover estimates based on dot counts on Quickbird color images by two different interpreters were more variable (R(sup 2) = 0.73, RMSE = 14.8%, RMSD = 18.7%) than VCF inter-annual comparisons. (3) Across the circumpolar boreal region, 2005 VCF-Quickbird comparisons were linearly related, with an R(sup 2) = 0.57, a RMSE = 13.4% and a RMSD = 21.3%, with a tendency to over-estimate areas of low percent tree cover and anomalous VCF results in Scandinavia. The relationship of the VCF estimates and ground reference indicate to potential users that the VCF's tree cover values for individual pixels, particularly those below 20% tree cover, may not be precise enough to monitor 500m pixel-level tree cover in the taiga-tundra transition zone

    Spaceborne Potential for Examining Taiga-Tundra Ecotone Form and Vulnerability

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    In the taiga-tundra ecotone (TTE), site-dependent forest structure characteristics can influence the subtle and heterogeneous structural changes that occur across the broad circumpolar extent. Such changes may be related to ecotone form, described by the horizontal and vertical patterns of forest structure (e.g., tree cover, density and height) within TTE forest patches, driven by local site conditions, and linked to ecotone dynamics. The unique circumstance of subtle, variable and widespread vegetation change warrants the application of spaceborne data including high-resolution (less than 5m) spaceborne imagery (HRSI) across broad scales for examining TTE form and predicting dynamics. This study analyzes forest structure at the patch-scale in the TTE to provide a means to examine both vertical and horizontal components of ecotone form. We demonstrate the potential of spaceborne data for integrating forest height and density to assess TTE form at the scale of forest patches across the circumpolar biome by (1) mapping forest patches in study sites along the TTE in northern Siberia with a multi-resolution suite of spaceborne data, and (2) examining the uncertainty of forest patch height from this suite of data across sites of primarily diffuse TTE forms. Results demonstrate the opportunities for improving patch-scale spaceborne estimates of forest height, the vertical component of TTE form, with HRSI. The distribution of relative maximum height uncertainty based on prediction intervals is centered at approximately 40%, constraining the use of height for discerning differences in forest patches. We discuss this uncertainty in light of a conceptual model of general ecotone forms, and highlight how the uncertainty of spaceborne estimates of height can contribute to the uncertainty in identifying TTE forms. A focus on reducing the uncertainty of height estimates in forest patches may improve depiction of TTE form, which may help explain variable forest responses in the TTE to climate change and the vulnerability of portions of the TTE to forest structure change. structural changes

    Delineation of the forest-tundra ecotone using texture-based classification of satellite imagery

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    © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The transition zone between the boreal forest and Arctic tundra, the forest-tundra ecotone (FTE), is an area of high ecological and climatological significance. Despite its importance, a globally consistent high spatial resolution mapping is lacking. Accurate mapping of the FTE requires the use of satellite remote sensing data. Here we use the Landsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) product and reference point data to derive the location and characteristics of the FTE. An image texture-based supervised classification scheme is developed based on a study area in Central Eurasia to statistically exploit the spatial patterns of the transition zone. Texture statistics for the VCF image are derived from the grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based on which the study area is classified into forest, tundra, and FTEs. Adaptive parameterization is implemented to achieve optimal classification performance in the study area. This method is further applied to six additional study areas around the circumarctic region to test its adaptability. In all study areas, this method achieves better FTE delineation results than previously reported methods, showing better classification accuracies (average of 0.826) and more realistic and complete representation of the FTE as shown by visual examination. This shows the universal applicability of the method and it is potential to be used to achieve more detailed and accurate circumarctic mapping of the FTE, which could serve as the basis of time series analysis of FTE positions, eventually contributing to a better understanding of the inter-relations between climate change and shifts in sub-arctic vegetation.Grant no. 260400/E10 and 244557/RI, Research Council of Norwa

    Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Forest Dynamics in Central Siberia

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    The forested regions of Siberia, Russia are vast and contain about a quarter of the world's forests that have not experienced harvesting. However, many Siberian forests are facing twin pressures of rapidly changing climate and increasing timber harvest activity. Monitoring the dynamics and mapping the structural parameters of the forest is important for understanding the causes and consequences of changes observed in these areas. Because of the inaccessibility and large extent of this forest, remote sensing data can play an important role for observing forest state and change. In Central Siberia, multi-sensor remote sensing data have been used to monitor forest disturbances and to map above-ground biomass from the Sayan Mountains in the south to the taiga-tundra boundaries in the north. Radar images from the Shuttle Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C)/XSAR mission were used for forest biomass estimation in the Sayan Mountains. Radar images from the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1), European Remote Sensing Satellite-1 (ERS-1) and Canada's RADARSAT-1, and data from ETM+ on-board Landsat-7 were used to characterize forest disturbances from logging, fire, and insect damage in Boguchany and Priangare areas


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    We study changes in the position of the northern forest limit and state of vegetation in the taiga-tundra ecotone through aerial and satellite imagery in the context of climate variability and of the projected advance of forests to the north. Our research of reference sites in Kola Peninsula and in Central Siberia has been part of PPS Arctic project of the International Polar Year. Studying the dynamics of ecotones by remote sensing is difficult due to poor display of ecotone vegetation in satellite images, and this required a range of techniques, regionally adapted and based on remotely sensed data of different spatial resolution. We characterize the newly developed techniques that enabled to identify vegetation change in recent decades: advance of forest up the slopes by 30 m in the Khibiny Mountains; advance of lichen-dwarf shrub tundra into lichen tundra in the north of Kola Peninsula; increasing stand density in sparse larch forests in the Khatanga River basin in the Taimyr Peninsula

    Mapping and monitoring of vegetation using airborne laser scanning

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    In this thesis, the utility of airborne laser scanning (ALS) for monitoring vegetation of relevance for the environmental sector was investigated. The vegetation characteristics studied include measurements of biomass, biomass change and vegetation classification in the forest-tundra ecotone; afforestation of grasslands; and detection of windthrown trees. Prediction of tree biomass for mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) using sparse (1.4 points/m²) and dense (6.1 points/m²) ALS data was compared for a site at the forest-tundra ecotone near Abisko in northern Sweden (Lat. 68° N, Long. 19° E). The predictions using the sparse ALS data provided almost as good results (RMSE 21.2%) as the results from the dense ALS data (18.7%) despite the large difference in point densities. A new algorithm was developed to compensate for uneven distribution of the laser points without decimating the data; use of this algorithm reduced the RMSE for biomass prediction from 19.9% to 18.7% for the dense ALS data. Additional information about vegetation height and density from ALS data improved a satellite data classification of alpine vegetation, in particular for the willow and mountain birch classes. Histogram matching was shown to be effective for relative calibration of metrics from two ALS acquisitions collected over the same area using different scanners and flight parameters. Thus the difference between histogram-matched ALS metrics from different data acquisitions can be used to locate areas with unusual development of the vegetation. The height of small trees (0.3–2.6 m tall) in former pasture land near the Remnings¬torp test site in southern Sweden (Lat. 58° N, Long. 13° E) could be measured with high precision (standard deviation 0.3 m) using high point density ALS data (54 points/m2). When classifying trees taller than 1 m into the two classes of changed and unchanged, the overall classification accuracy was 88%. A new method to automatically detect windthrown trees in forested areas was developed and evaluated at the Remningstorp test site. The overall detection rate was 38% on tree-level, but when aggregating to 40 m square grid cells, at least one windthrown tree was detected in 77% of the cells that according to field data contained windthrown trees. In summary, this thesis has shown the high potential for ALS to be a future tool to map and monitor vegetation for several applications of interest for the environmental sector


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    The ability to characterize vegetation structure in the taiga-tundra ecotone (TTE) at fine spatial scales is critical given its heterogeneity and the central role of its patterns on ecological processes in the high northern latitudes and global change scenarios. This research focuses on quantifying the uncertainty of TTE forest structure observations from remote sensing at fine spatial scales. I first quantify the uncertainty of forest biomass estimates from current airborne and spaceborne active remote sensing systems and a planned spaceborne LiDAR (ICESat-2) across sparse forest gradients. At plot-scales, current spaceborne models of biomass either explain less than a third of model variation or have biomass estimate uncertainties ranging from 50-100%. Simulations of returns from the planned ICESat-2 for a similar gradient show the uncertainty of near-term estimates vary according to the ground length along which returns are collected. The 50m length optimized the resolution of forest structure, for which there is a trade-off between horizontal precision of the measurement and vertical structure detail. At this scale biomass error ranges from 20-50%, which precludes identifying actual differences in aboveground live biomass density at 10 Mg•ha-1 intervals. These broad plot-scale uncertainties in structure from current and planned sensors provided the basis for examining a data integration technique with multiple sensors to measure the structure of sparse TTE forests. Spaceborne estimates of canopy height used complementary surface elevation measurements from passive optical and LiDAR to provide a means for directly measuring TTE forest height from spaceborne sensors. This spaceborne approach to estimating forest height was deployed to assess the spaceborne potential for examining the patterns of TTE forest structure explained with a conceptual biogeographic model linking TTE patterns and its dynamics. A patch-based analysis was used to scale estimates of TTE forest structure from multiple sensors and provided a means to simultaneously examine the horizontal and vertical structure of groups of TTE trees. The uncertainty of forest patch height estimates provides focus for improving spaceborne depictions of TTE structure patterns associated with recent change that may explain the variability of this change and the vulnerability of TTE forest structure

    Remote sensing of boreal land cover : estimation of forest attributes and extent

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    Remote sensing provides methods to infer land cover information over large geographical areas at a variety of spatial and temporal resolutions. Land cover is input data for a range of environmental models and information on land cover dynamics is required for monitoring the implications of global change. Such data are also essential in support of environmental management and policymaking. Boreal forests are a key component of the global climate and a major sink of carbon. The northern latitudes are expected to experience a disproportionate and rapid warming, which can have a major impact on vegetation at forest limits. This thesis examines the use of optical remote sensing for estimating aboveground biomass, leaf area index (LAI), tree cover and tree height in the boreal forests and tundra taiga transition zone in Finland. The continuous fields of forest attributes are required, for example, to improve the mapping of forest extent. The thesis focus on studying the feasibility of satellite data at multiple spatial resolutions, assessing the potential of multispectral, -angular and -temporal information, and provides regional evaluation for global land cover data. Preprocessed ASTER, MISR and MODIS products are the principal satellite data. The reference data consist of field measurements, forest inventory data and fine resolution land cover maps. Fine resolution studies demonstrate how statistical relationships between biomass and satellite data are relatively strong in single species and low biomass mountain birch forests in comparison to higher biomass coniferous stands. The combination of forest stand data and fine resolution ASTER images provides a method for biomass estimation using medium resolution MODIS data. The multiangular data improve the accuracy of land cover mapping in the sparsely forested tundra taiga transition zone, particularly in mires. Similarly, multitemporal data improve the accuracy of coarse resolution tree cover estimates in comparison to single date data. Furthermore, the peak of the growing season is not necessarily the optimal time for land cover mapping in the northern boreal regions. The evaluated coarse resolution land cover data sets have considerable shortcomings in northernmost Finland and should be used with caution in similar regions. The quantitative reference data and upscaling methods for integrating multiresolution data are required for calibration of statistical models and evaluation of land cover data sets. The preprocessed image products have potential for wider use as they can considerably reduce the time and effort used for data processing.Kaukokartoituksella voidaan tuottaa tietoa maanpeitteen ominaisuuksista ja muutoksista laajoilla alueilla. Tietoa maanpeitteestä tarvitaan esimerkiksi ympäristömalleihin, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten seurantaan ja päätöksenteon tueksi. Boreaalisilla metsillä on tärkeä merkitys maapallon ilmastolle ja ne ovat tärkeä hiilinielu. Pohjoisten alueiden ilmaston on ennustettu lämpenevän voimakkaasti ilmastonmuutoksen seurauksena, millä voi olla merkittävä vaikutus metsänrajavyöhykkeen kasvillisuuteen. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan optisen alueen satelliittikaukokartoituksen käyttöä metsän ominaisuuksien, kuten biomassan ja puuston peittävyyden arviointiin ja kartoitukseen. Tutkimusalueet sijaitsevat eteläisessä Suomessa ja Pohjois-Suomen metsänrajavyöhykkeessä. Keskeisimpinä tavoitteina oli tutkia satelliittikuva-aineistojen käyttökelpoisuutta ja monikulmaisen ja -aikaisen informaation mahdollisuuksia sekä arvioida globaalien maanpeitetuotteiden luotettavuutta. Satelliittikuva-aineistona käytettiin ASTER, MISR ja MODIS -kuvatuotteita ja vertailuaineistona maastomittauksia, inventointiaineistoja ja maanpeitekarttoja. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää maanpeitteen kartoituksessa ja muutostulkinnassa boreaalisilla alueilla. Korkearesoluutioiset aineistot havainnollistavat kuinka heijastuksen ja biomassan välinen riippuvuus on voimakkaampi harvapuustoisissa tunturikoivikoissa kuin havupuuvaltaisissa metsissä, joiden biomassa on suurempi. Käyttämällä yhdessä kuvioittaista maastoaineistoa ja eri resoluutioisia satelliittikuvia voidaan tuottaa biomassa-arvioita laajoille alueille. Metsänrajavyöhykkeessä monikulmaiset aineistot parantavat metsämuuttujien arvioita vähentäen yliarviointia ongelmallisilla avosoilla ja pensastoisilla alueilla. Myös moniaikainen aineisto parantaa kartoitustarkkuutta. Keskikesän kuvat eivät ole välttämättä ihanteellisimpia kasvipeitteen tulkintaan. Globaalit maanpeitetuotteet osoittautuivat Ylä-Lapissa puutteellisiksi ja niitä tulee käyttää varauksella vastaavilla alueilla, esimerkiksi arvioitaessa metsän laajuutta. Tutkimuksessa korostuivat myös kvantitatiivisen maastoaineiston merkitys maanpeiteaineistojen arvioinnissa sekä maasto- ja satelliittikuva-aineiston yhdistämiseen liittyvät kysymykset. Työssä käytetyt esikäsitellyt kuva-aineistot voivat jatkossa vähentää merkittävästi kuvankäsittelyyn käytettävää aikaa

    SiDroForest: a comprehensive forest inventory of Siberian boreal forest investigations including drone-based point clouds, individually labeled trees, synthetically generated tree crowns, and Sentinel-2 labeled image patches

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    The SiDroForest (Siberian drone-mapped forest inventory) data collection is an attempt to remedy the scarcity of forest structure data in the circumboreal region by providing adjusted and labeled tree-level and vegetation plot-level data for machine learning and upscaling purposes. We present datasets of vegetation composition and tree and plot level forest structure for two important vegetation transition zones in Siberia, Russia; the summergreen–evergreen transition zone in Central Yakutia and the tundra–taiga transition zone in Chukotka (NE Siberia). The SiDroForest data collection consists of four datasets that contain different complementary data types that together support in-depth analyses from different perspectives of Siberian Forest plot data for multi-purpose applications. i. Dataset 1 provides unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne data products covering the vegetation plots surveyed during fieldwork (Kruse et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933263). The dataset includes structure-from-motion (SfM) point clouds and red–green–blue (RGB) and red–green–near-infrared (RGN) orthomosaics. From the orthomosaics, point-cloud products were created such as the digital elevation model (DEM), canopy height model (CHM), digital surface model (DSM) and the digital terrain model (DTM). The point-cloud products provide information on the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the forest at each plot.ii. Dataset 2 contains spatial data in the form of point and polygon shapefiles of 872 individually labeled trees and shrubs that were recorded during fieldwork at the same vegetation plots (van Geffen et al., 2021c, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.932821). The dataset contains information on tree height, crown diameter, and species type. These tree and shrub individually labeled point and polygon shapefiles were generated on top of the RGB UVA orthoimages. The individual tree information collected during the expedition such as tree height, crown diameter, and vitality are provided in table format. This dataset can be used to link individual information on trees to the location of the specific tree in the SfM point clouds, providing for example, opportunity to validate the extracted tree height from the first dataset. The dataset provides unique insights into the current state of individual trees and shrubs and allows for monitoring the effects of climate change on these individuals in the future.iii. Dataset 3 contains a synthesis of 10 000 generated images and masks that have the tree crowns of two species of larch (Larix gmelinii and Larix cajanderi) automatically extracted from the RGB UAV images in the common objects in context (COCO) format (van Geffen et al., 2021a, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.932795). As machine-learning algorithms need a large dataset to train on, the synthetic dataset was specifically created to be used for machine-learning algorithms to detect Siberian larch species.iv. Dataset 4 contains Sentinel-2 (S-2) Level-2 bottom-of-atmosphere processed labeled image patches with seasonal information and annotated vegetation categories covering the vegetation plots (van Geffen et al., 2021b, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933268). The dataset is created with the aim of providing a small ready-to-use validation and training dataset to be used in various vegetation-related machine-learning tasks. It enhances the data collection as it allows classification of a larger area with the provided vegetation classes. The SiDroForest data collection serves a variety of user communities. The detailed vegetation cover and structure information in the first two datasets are of use for ecological applications, on one hand for summergreen and evergreen needle-leaf forests and also for tundra–taiga ecotones. Datasets 1 and 2 further support the generation and validation of land cover remote-sensing products in radar and optical remote sensing. In addition to providing information on forest structure and vegetation composition of the vegetation plots, the third and fourth datasets are prepared as training and validation data for machine-learning purposes. For example, the synthetic tree-crown dataset is generated from the raw UAV images and optimized to be used in neural networks. Furthermore, the fourth SiDroForest dataset contains S-2 labeled image patches processed to a high standard that provide training data on vegetation class categories for machine-learning classification with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) labels provided. The SiDroForest data collection adds unique insights into remote hard-to-reach circumboreal forest regions.</p

    Vegetation, topography and snow melt at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone in arctic Europe: a study using synthetic aperture radar

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    This research was conducted as part of DART (Dynamic Response of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone to Environmental Change), a four year (1998-2002) European Commission funded international programme of research addressing the potential dynamic response of the (mountain birch) forest-tundra ecotone to environmental change. Satellite remote sensing was used to map landscape scale (lO(^1)-lO(^3) m) patterns of vegetation and spatial dynamics of snow melt at the forest-tundra ecotone at three sites along ca. an 8º latitudinal gradient in the Fermoscandian mountain range. Vegetation at the forest-tundra ecotone was mapped using visible -near infrared (VIR) satellite imagery, with class definition dependent on the timing of the acquisition of imagery (related to highly dynamic vegetation phenology) and spatial variation in the FTE. Multi-temporal spacebome ERS-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) was used for mapping snow melt. Comprehensive field measurements of snow properties and meteorological data combined with a physically based snow backscatter model indicated potential for mapping wet snow cover at each site. Significant temporal backscatter signatures enabled a classification algorithm to be developed to map the pattern of snow melt across the forest- tundra ecotone. However, diurnal and seasonal melt-freeze effects relative to the timing of ERS-2 SAR image acquisition effectively reduce the temporal resolution of data. Further, the study sites with large topographic variation and complex vegetative cover, provided a challenging operating environment and problems were identified with the robustness of classification during the later stages of snow melt because of the effects of vegetation. Significant associations were identified between vegetation, topography, and snow melt despite limitations in the snow mapping