732 research outputs found

    1.6 GHz Low-Power Cross-Correlator System Enabling Geostationary Earth Orbit Aperture Synthesis

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    We present a 64-channel cross-correlator system for space-borne synthetic aperture imaging. Two different types of ASICs were developed to fit into this system: An 8-channel comparator ASIC implemented in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process technology performs A/D conversion, while a single 64-channel digital cross-correlator ASIC implemented in a 65 nm CMOS process performs the signal processing. The digital ASIC handles 2016 cross-correlations at up to 3.6 GS/s and has a power dissipation of only 0.13 mW/correlation/GHz at a supply voltage of 1 V. The comparator ASIC can handle sample rates of at least 4.5 GS/s with a power dissipation of 47 mW/channel or 1 GS/s with a power dissipation of 17 mW/channel. The assembled system consists of a single board measuring a mere 136 x 136 mm(2) and weighing only 135 g. The assembled system demonstrates crosstalk of 0.04% between neighboring channels and stability of 800 s. We provide ASIC and system-board measurement results that demonstrate that aperture synthesis can be a viable approach for Earth observation from a geostationary Earth orbit

    Multifrequency Aperture-Synthesizing Microwave Radiometer System (MFASMR). Volume 1

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    Background material and a systems analysis of a multifrequency aperture - synthesizing microwave radiometer system is presented. It was found that the system does not exhibit high performance because much of the available thermal power is not used in the construction of the image and because the image that can be formed has a resolution of only ten lines. An analysis of image reconstruction is given. The system is compared with conventional aperture synthesis systems

    Index to 1984 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 9, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1984 Tech B Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Cross-Correlator Implementations Enabling Aperture Synthesis for Geostationary-Based Remote Sensing

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    An ever-increasing demand for weather prediction and high climate modelling accuracy drives the need for better atmospheric data collection. These demands include better spatial and temporal coverage of mainly humidity and temperature distributions in the atmosphere. A new type of remote sensing satellite technology is emerging, originating in the field of radio astronomy where telescope aperture upscaling could not keep up with the increasing demand for higher resolution. Aperture synthesis imaging takes an array of receivers and emulates apertures extending way beyond what is possible with any single antenna. In the field of Earth remote sensing, the same idea could be used to construct satellites observing in the microwave region at a high resolution with foldable antenna arrays. If placed in a geostationary orbit, these could produce images with high temporal resolution, however, such altitudes make the resolution requirement and, hence, signal processing very demanding. The relentless development in miniaturization of integrated circuits has in recent years made the concept of high resolution aperture synthesis imaging aboard a satellite platform viable.The work presented in this thesis addresses the challenge of performing the vital signal processing required aboard an aperture synthesis imager; namely the cross-correlation. A number of factors make the application challenging; the very restrictive power budgets of satellites, the immense amount of signal processing required for larger arrays, and the environmental aspects of in-space operation. The design, fabrication and evaluation of two cross-correlator application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), one analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ASIC and one complete cross-correlator back-end is presented. Design concepts such as clocking schemes, data routing and reconfigurable accuracy for the cross-correlators and offset compensation and interfacing of the ADCs are explained. The underlying reasons for design choices as well as ASIC design and testing methodologies are described. The ASICs are put into their proper context as part of an interferometer system, and some different cross-correlator back-end architectures are explored.The result from this work is a very power-efficient, high-performance way of constructing cross-correlators which clearly demonstrates the viability of space-borne microwave imaging interferometer back-ends

    Cassini RADAR Sequence Planning and Instrument Performance

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    The Cassini RADAR is a multimode instrument used to map the surface of Titan, the atmosphere of Saturn, the Saturn ring system, and to explore the properties of the icy satellites. Four different active mode bandwidths and a passive radiometer mode provide a wide range of flexibility in taking measurements. The scatterometer mode is used for real aperture imaging of Titan, high-altitude (around 20 000 km) synthetic aperture imaging of Titan and Iapetus, and long range (up to 700 000 km) detection of disk integrated albedos for satellites in the Saturn system. Two SAR modes are used for high- and medium-resolution (300-1000 m) imaging of Titan's surface during close flybys. A high-bandwidth altimeter mode is used for topographic profiling in selected areas with a range resolution of about 35 m. The passive radiometer mode is used to map emission from Titan, from Saturn's atmosphere, from the rings, and from the icy satellites. Repeated scans with differing polarizations using both active and passive data provide data that can usefully constrain models of surface composition and structure. The radar and radiometer receivers show very good stability, and calibration observations have provided an absolute calibration good to about 1.3 dB. Relative uncertainties within a pass and between passes can be even smaller. Data are currently being processed and delivered to the planetary data system at quarterly intervals one year after being acquired

    Millimeter-wave and terahertz imaging techniques

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    This thesis presents the development and assessment of imaging techniques in the millimeterwave (mmW) and terahertz frequency bands. In the first part of the thesis, the development of a 94 GHz passive screener based on a total-power radiometer (TPR) with mechanical beamscanning is presented. Several images have been acquired with the TPR screener demonstrator, either in indoor and outdoor environments, serving as a testbed to acquire the know-how required to perform the research presented in the following parts of the thesis. In the second part of the thesis, a theoretical research on the performance of near-field passive screeners is described. This part stands out the tradeoff between spatial and radiometric resolutions taking into account the image distortion produced by placing the scenario in the near-field range of the radiometer array. In addition, the impact of the decorrelation effect in the image has been also studied simulating the reconstruction technique of a synthetic aperture radiometer. Guidelines to choose the proper radiometer depending on the application, the scenario, the acquisition speed and the tolerated image distortion are given in this part. In the third part of the thesis, the development of a correlation technique with optical processing applicable to millimeter-wave interferometric radiometers is described. The technique is capable of correlating wide-bandwidth signals in the optical domain with no loss of radiometric sensitivity. The theoretical development of the method as well as measurements validating the suitability to correlate radiometric signals are presented in this part. In the final part of the thesis, the frequency band of the imaging problem is increased to frequencies beyond 100 GHz, covering the THz band. In this case the research is centered in tomographic techniques that include spectral information of the samples in the reconstructed images. The tomographic algorithm can provide detection and identification of chemical compounds that present a certain spectral footprint in the THz frequency band.Postprint (published version

    SSTAC/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP). Volume 8: Aerothermodynamics Automation and Robotics (A/R) systems sensors, high-temperature superconductivity

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    Viewgraphs of briefings presented at the SSTAC/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP) on aerothermodynamics, automation and robotics systems, sensors, and high-temperature superconductivity are included. Topics covered include: aerothermodynamics; aerobraking; aeroassist flight experiment; entry technology for probes and penetrators; automation and robotics; artificial intelligence; NASA telerobotics program; planetary rover program; science sensor technology; direct detector; submillimeter sensors; laser sensors; passive microwave sensing; active microwave sensing; sensor electronics; sensor optics; coolers and cryogenics; and high temperature superconductivity

    Laboratory for Atmospheres Instrument Systems Report

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    Studies of the atmospheres of our solar system's planets including our own require a comprehensive set of observations, relying on instruments on spacecraft, aircraft, balloons, and on the surface. These instrument systems perform one or both of the following: 1) provide information leading to a basic understanding of the relationship between atmospheric systems and processes, and 2) serve as calibration references for satellite instrument validation. Laboratory personnel define requirements, conceive concepts, and develop instrument systems for spaceflight missions, and for balloon, aircraft, and ground-based observations. Balloon and airborne platforms facilitate regional measurements of precipitation, cloud systems, and ozone from high-altitude vantage points, but still within the atmosphere. Such platforms serve as stepping-stones in the development of space instruments. Satellites provide nearly global coverage of the Earth with spatial resolutions and repetition rates that vary from system to system. The products of atmospheric remote sensing are invaluable for research associated with water vapor, ozone, trace gases, aerosol particles, clouds, precipitation, and the radiative and dynamic processes that affect the climate of the Earth. These parameters also provide the basic information needed to develop models of global atmospheric processes and weather and climate prediction. Laboratory scientists also participate in the design of data processing algorithms, calibration techniques, and the data processing systems

    Cassini atmospheric chemistry mapper. Volume 1. Investigation and technical plan

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    The Cassini Atmospheric Chemistry Mapper (ACM) enables a broad range of atmospheric science investigations for Saturn and Titan by providing high spectral and spatial resolution mapping and occultation capabilities at 3 and 5 microns. ACM can directly address the major atmospheric science objectives for Saturn and for Titan, as defined by the Announcement of Opportunity, with pivotal diagnostic measurements not accessible to any other proposed Cassini instrument. ACM determines mixing ratios for atmospheric molecules from spectral line profiles for an important and extensive volume of the atmosphere of Saturn (and Jupiter). Spatial and vertical profiles of disequilibrium species abundances define Saturn's deep atmosphere, its chemistry, and its vertical transport phenomena. ACM spectral maps provide a unique means to interpret atmospheric conditions in the deep (approximately 1000 bar) atmosphere of Saturn. Deep chemistry and vertical transport is inferred from the vertical and horizontal distribution of a series of disequilibrium species. Solar occultations provide a method to bridge the altitude range in Saturn's (and Titan's) atmosphere that is not accessible to radio science, thermal infrared, and UV spectroscopy with temperature measurements to plus or minus 2K from the analysis of molecular line ratios and to attain an high sensitivity for low-abundance chemical species in the very large column densities that may be achieved during occultations for Saturn. For Titan, ACM solar occultations yield very well resolved (1/6 scale height) vertical mixing ratios column abundances for atmospheric molecular constituents. Occultations also provide for detecting abundant species very high in the upper atmosphere, while at greater depths, detecting the isotopes of C and O, constraining the production mechanisms, and/or sources for the above species. ACM measures the vertical and horizontal distribution of aerosols via their opacity at 3 microns and, particularly, at 5 microns. ACM recovers spatially-resolved atmospheric temperatures in Titan's troposphere via 3- and 5-microns spectral transitions. Together, the mixing ratio profiles and the aerosol distributions are utilized to investigate the photochemistry of the stratosphere and consequent formation processes for aerosols. Finally, ring opacities, observed during solar occultations and in reflected sunlight, provide a measurement of the particle size and distribution of ring material. ACM will be the first high spectral resolution mapping spectrometer on an outer planet mission for atmospheric studies while retaining a high resolution spatial mapping capability. ACM, thus, opens an entirely new range of orbital scientific studies of the origin, physio-chemical evolution and structure of the Saturn and Titan atmospheres. ACM provides high angular resolution spectral maps, viewing nadir and near-limb thermal radiation and reflected sunlight; sounds planetary limbs, spatially resolving vertical profiles to several atmospheric scale heights; and measures solar occultations, mapping both atmospheres and rings. ACM's high spectral and spatial resolution mapping capability is achieved with a simplified Fourier Transform spectrometer with a no-moving parts, physically compact design. ACM's simplicity guarantees an inherent stability essential for reliable performance throughout the lengthy Cassini Orbiter mission