338 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationStencil computations are operations on structured grids. They are frequently found in partial differential equation solvers, making their performance critical to a range of scientific applications. On modern architectures where data movement costs dominate computation, optimizing stencil computations is a challenging task. Typically, domain scientists must reduce and orchestrate data movement to tackle the memory bandwidth and latency bottlenecks. Furthermore, optimized code must map efficiently to ever increasing parallelism on a chip. This dissertation studies several stencils with varying arithmetic intensities, thus requiring contrasting optimization strategies. Stencils traditionally have low arithmetic intensity, making their performance limited by memory bandwidth. Contemporary higher-order stencils are designed to require smaller grids, hence less memory, but are bound by increased floating-point operations. This dissertation develops communication-avoiding optimizations to reduce data movement in memory-bound stencils. For higher-order stencils, a novel transformation, partial sums, is designed to reduce the number of floating-point operations and improve register reuse. These optimizations are implemented in a compiler framework, which is further extended to generate parallel code targeting multicores and graphics processor units (GPUs). The augmented compiler framework is then combined with autotuning to productively address stencil optimization challenges. Autotuning explores a search space of possible implementations of a computation to find the optimal code for an execution context. In this dissertation, autotuning is used to compose sequences of optimizations to drive the augmented compiler framework. This compiler-directed autotuning approach is used to optimize stencils in the context of a linear solver, Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG uses sequences of stencil computations, and presents greater optimization challenges than isolated stencils, as interactions between stencils must also be considered. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated by comparing the performance of generated code against manually tuned code, over commercial compiler-generated code, and against analytic performance bounds. Generated code outperforms manually optimized codes on multicores and GPUs. Against Intel's compiler on multicores, generated code achieves up to 4x speedup for stencils, and 3x for the solver. On GPUs, generated code achieves 80% of an analytically computed performance bound

    Performance Analysis of the Multi-pass Transformation for Complex 3D-Stencils on GPUs

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    Artículo presentado al Congreso Español de Informática 2013Performance Analysis of the Multi-pass Transformation for Complex 3D-Stencils on GPU

    Using the High Productivity Language Chapel to Target GPGPU Architectures

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    It has been widely shown that GPGPU architectures offer large performance gains compared to their traditional CPU counterparts for many applications. The downside to these architectures is that the current programming models present numerous challenges to the programmer: lower-level languages, explicit data movement, loss of portability, and challenges in performance optimization. In this paper, we present novel methods and compiler transformations that increase productivity by enabling users to easily program GPGPU architectures using the high productivity programming language Chapel. Rather than resorting to different parallel libraries or annotations for a given parallel platform, we leverage a language that has been designed from first principles to address the challenge of programming for parallelism and locality. This also has the advantage of being portable across distinct classes of parallel architectures, including desktop multicores, distributed memory clusters, large-scale shared memory, and now CPU-GPU hybrids. We present experimental results from the Parboil benchmark suite which demonstrate that codes written in Chapel achieve performance comparable to the original versions implemented in CUDA.NSF CCF 0702260Cray Inc. Cray-SRA-2010-016962010-2011 Nvidia Research Fellowshipunpublishednot peer reviewe

    Persistent Kernels for Iterative Memory-bound GPU Applications

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    Iterative memory-bound solvers commonly occur in HPC codes. Typical GPU implementations have a loop on the host side that invokes the GPU kernel as much as time/algorithm steps there are. The termination of each kernel implicitly acts as the barrier required after advancing the solution every time step. We propose a scheme for running memory-bound iterative GPU kernels: PERsistent KernelS (PERKS). In this scheme the time loop is moved inside a persistent kernel, and device-wide barriers are used for synchronization. We then reduce the traffic to device memory by caching a subset of the output in each time step in registers and shared memory to be used as input for the following time step. PERKS can be generalized to any iterative solver: they are largely independent of the solver's implementation. We explain the design principle of PERKS and demonstrate the effectiveness of PERKS for a wide range of iterative 2D/3D stencil benchmarks (geometric mean speedup of 2.292.29x in small domains and 1.531.53x in large domains), and a Krylov subspace solver (geometric mean speedup of 4.674.67x in smaller SpMV datasets from SuiteSparse and 1.391.39x in larger SpMV datasets, for conjugate gradient)

    Automatic Loop Tuning and Memory Management for Stencil Computations

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    The Texas Instruments C66x Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is an embedded processor technology that is targeted at real time signal processing. It is also developed with a high potential to become the new generation of coprocessor technology for high performance embedded computing. Of particular interest is its performance for stencil computations, such as those found in signal processing and computer vision tasks. A stencil is a loop in which the output value is updated at each position of an array by taking a weighted function of its neighbors. Efficiently mapping stencil-based kernels to the C66x device presents two challenges. The first one is how to efficiently optimize loops in order to facilitate the usage of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions. On this architecture, like most others, SIMD instructions are not directly generated by the compiler. The second problem is how to manage on-chip memory in a way that minimizes off-chip memory access. Although this could theoretically be achieved by using a highly associative cache, the high rate of data reuse in stencil loops causes a high conflict miss rate. One way to solve this problem is to configure the on-chip memory as a program controlled scratchpad. It allows user to buffer a 2D block of data and minimizes the off-chip data access. For this dissertation, we have accomplished two goals: (1) Develop a methodology for optimization of arbitrary 2D stencils that fully utilize SIMD instructions through microachitecture-aware loop unrolling. (2) Deliver an easy-to-use scratchpad buffer management system and use it to improve the memory efficiency for 2D stencils. We show in the results and analysis section that our stencil compiler is able to achieve up to 2x speed up compared with the code generated by the industrial standard compiler developed by Texas Instruments, and our memory management system is able to achieve up to 10x speed up compared with cache

    Automatic Performance Optimization of Stencil Codes

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    A widely used class of codes are stencil codes. Their general structure is very simple: data points in a large grid are repeatedly recomputed from neighboring values. This predefined neighborhood is the so-called stencil. Despite their very simple structure, stencil codes are hard to optimize since only few computations are performed while a comparatively large number of values have to be accessed, i.e., stencil codes usually have a very low computational intensity. Moreover, the set of optimizations and their parameters also depend on the hardware on which the code is executed. To cut a long story short, current production compilers are not able to fully optimize this class of codes and optimizing each application by hand is not practical. As a remedy, we propose a set of optimizations and describe how they can be applied automatically by a code generator for the domain of stencil codes. A combination of a space and time tiling is able to increase the data locality, which significantly reduces the memory-bandwidth requirements: a standard three-dimensional 7-point Jacobi stencil can be accelerated by a factor of 3. This optimization can target basically any stencil code, while others are more specialized. E.g., support for arbitrary linear data layout transformations is especially beneficial for colored kernels, such as a Red-Black Gauss-Seidel smoother. On the one hand, an optimized data layout for such kernels reduces the bandwidth requirements while, on the other hand, it simplifies an explicit vectorization. Other noticeable optimizations described in detail are redundancy elimination techniques to eliminate common subexpressions both in a sequence of statements and across loop boundaries, arithmetic simplifications and normalizations, and the vectorization mentioned previously. In combination, these optimizations are able to increase the performance not only of the model problem given by Poisson’s equation, but also of real-world applications: an optical flow simulation and the simulation of a non-isothermal and non-Newtonian fluid flow
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