495 research outputs found

    CTL Model Checking with the Sweep-line State Space Exploration Method

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    Model checking is a powerful approach to verification of distributed systems. The sweep-line method alleviates the inherent state explosion problem in model checking by exploiting progress in the system being verified. Verification with the sweep-line method has until now been restricted to verification of safety and linear-time properties. The contribution of this paper is a new model checking algorithm that enables verification of two common branching time properties. The basic idea is to combine the sweep-line method with on-the-fly computation and inspection of strongly connected components. We experimentally evaluate our algorithm on a communication protocol

    Model Checking with the Sweep-Line Method

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    Explicit-state model checking is a formal software verification technique that differs from peer review and unit testing, in that model checking does an exhaustive state space search. With model checking one takes a system model, traverse all reachable states, and check theses according to formal stated properties over the variables in the model. The properties can be expressed with linear temporal logic or computation tree logic, and can for example be that the value of some variable x should always be positive. When conducting an explicit state space exploration one is guaranteed that the complete state space is checked according to the given property. This is not the case in for instance unit testing, where only fragments of a system are tested. In the case that a property is violated, the model checking algorithm should present an error trace. The error trace represents an execution path of the model, demonstrating why it does not satisfy the property. The main disadvantage of model checking, is that the number of reachable states may grow exponentially in the number of variables. This is known as the state explosion problem. This thesis focuses on explicit-state model checking using the sweep-line method. To combat the state explosion problem, the sweep-line method exploits the notion of progress that a system makes, and is able to delete states from memory on-the-fly during the verification process. The notion of progress is captured by progress measures. Since the standard model checking algorithms rely upon having the whole state space in memory, they are not directly compatible with the sweep-line method. We survey differences of standard model checking algorithms and the sweep-line method, and present previous research on verifying properties and providing error traces with the sweep-line method. The new contributions of this thesis are as follows: (1) We develop a new general technique for providing an error trace for linear temporal logic properties, verified using the sweep-line method; (2) A new algorithm for verifying two key computation tree logic properties, on models limited to monotonic progress measures; (3) A unified library for the sweep-line method is implemented with the algorithms developed in this thesis, and the previous developed algorithms for verifying safety properties and linear temporal logic property checking. All algorithms implemented, are validated by checking properties on a model of a stop-and-wait communication protocol.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF39

    A BSP algorithm for on-the-fly checking CTL* formulas on security protocols

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    International audienceThis paper presents a distributed (Bulk-Synchronous Parallel or bsp) algorithm to compute on-the-fly whether a structured model of a security protocol satisfies a ctl {Mathematical expression} formula. Using the structured nature of the security protocols allows us to design a simple method to distribute the state space under consideration in a need-driven fashion. Based on this distribution of the states, the algorithm for logical checking of a ltl formula can be simplified and optimised allowing, with few tricky modifications, the design of an efficient algorithm for ctl {Mathematical expression} checking. Some prototype implementations have been developed, allowing to run benchmarks to investigate the parallel behaviour of our algorithms

    Presentation of the 9th Edition of the Model Checking Contest.

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    International audience; The Model Checking Contest (MCC) is an annual competition of software tools for model checking. Tools must process an increasing benchmark gathered from the whole community and may participate in various examinations: state space generation, computation of global properties, computation of some upper bounds in the model, evaluation of reachability formulas, evaluation of CTL formulas, and evaluation of LTL formulas.For each examination and each model instance, participating tools are provided with up to 3600 s and 16 gigabyte of memory. Then, tool answers are analyzed and confronted to the results produced by other competing tools to detect diverging answers (which are quite rare at this stage of the competition, and lead to penalties).For each examination, golden, silver, and bronze medals are attributed to the three best tools. CPU usage and memory consumption are reported, which is also valuable information for tool developers

    Sixth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools Aarhus, Denmark, October 24-26, 2005

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 24-26, 2005. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    ASAP: An Extensible Platform for State Space Analysis

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    Abstract. The ASCoVeCo State space Analysis Platform (ASAP) is a tool for performing explicit state space analysis of coloured Petri nets (CPNs) and other formalisms. ASAP supports a wide range of state space reduction techniques and is intended to be easy to extend and to use, making it a suitable tool for students, researchers, and industrial users that would like to analyze protocols and/or experiment with different algorithms. This paper presents ASAP from these two perspectives.

    Improving explicit model checking for Petri nets

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    Model checking is the automated verification that systematically checks if a given behavioral property holds for a given model of a system. We use Petri nets and temporal logic as formalisms to describe a system and its behavior in a mathematically precise and unambiguous manner. The contributions of this thesis are concerned with the improvement of model checking efficiency both in theory and in practice. We present two new reduction techniques and several supplementary strength reduction techniques. The thesis also enhances partial order reduction for certain temporal logic classes